238003 OIi1GINAL TO CITY CLERK • .�"n■ .',[ " CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL N�, ti �,V:jv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLfRK V COUN IL SOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATF _—_ WHEREAS , William McCutcheon, an employee of th� Department of Public Safety, Bure�au of Police, was injured in a third party accident on December 30 � 1966 , whi1.� engaged in the performance of his du�ties for said Bureau; and WHEREAS , the City has incurred mediaal expense in the amount of $15.00 therefor, a�d employee was disabled from work for a period of time, b�ing paid salary in the amount of $].43.76 ; and ' WHEREHS , a compromise settlement ha� b�en n�gotiated between said employee and the other party involved in said accident, out of which the City will rec�ive $100.00 of its subrogation interest by reasor� of injury to its employee ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the prope� City Officers are hereby suthorized . to accept in fu11, final and complete se�tlement of its claim herein the sum of S100.OU and to execut� any neces��ry releases therefor; that of said sum, $90.00 is thereby credited to the Police Salary Fund and $10.00 �to the Workmen's Compensation Fund. .p sst. �orpm'ation Cout�4 COUNCILMEN ��� � �'��� Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� �� ���� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Meredith . In Favor � � .�_�-�--- � ,��q�� Mayor Tedesco A gainst AQr.,�Vice Yr�at j�eters�on�j� �$.���� .�i�°� �,�D � P �22 OuPLICATE TO PRINTER ������.y 4� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ DATE ___ tidHEREAS , t�lilliam McCutcheon, an employee of the Dep��i°�!.� ..� = of Public S��fety , l3ureau oi Police , was injure� in a third party accid��; � , ;�<�- �1�:�.�-, .^,Q , 1�356 , ��ahile engaged in the performanc� of hi��� u;��- _� _ .> > � ��>�:�,eau ;, ar.c1 ��1IiERL;�ti> , tlie City has incurr�d medical expense in the amount of $15 .00 therefo.�, anc� employee was disabled frorn work for a period af tirne , b�:in�; �aid salar_y in the amount of $143.76 ; and ., , �...__ � _ ,�: �,�� � - . �,��� � _. v��_m_ �� � r:-� �<<:.�, �� :��r� r��, � �:1 1 t��i ���tween Sd1C1 ..., �` ii_>��. . �_`1'�� %�1 _ �:�.iGi^ �r�S'i:�l 1�1VOZV�'C. J,T] ;�i.i1C� -iC .�1.1�i'17t � O11� of whic:l; Li-�t� Ci c��. cYi.��l r�cei.ve �1�� .D0 of its subro�;atiQn interest by reason of injury to its employee ; now, tnerefore , be a.t iZE���LVa:;�, tnat the praper City Offic�:rs are hereby authorized to accept in full, final and complete settlement of its claim he-rein 1:he su3n of S10C1 .00 and to execute any necessary releases therefor; th�t af saic3 sum, $90 .00 is thereby credited to the 1'olice Saiary Fun.d and $10 .00 to the IrJorkmen's Compensation Fund. COUNCILbZEN Adopted by the Council \� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor _" + � Mayor Tedesco A gainst �1VIr:`Presid�e��;,'�yrrie „ .�_ . r.'.�_ t . ,_:1: i �k't:ic ;ka:i�+.` �22