238000 f , OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ,t 2�8��pp r � , CITY OF $T. PAUL FIOE NCIL Nd,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE �AT WHEREAS, Senator Walter Mondale has introduced into the United States Senate a Bill, s 3255, and Con.gressmen Donald Fraser and Joseph Karth have introdueed in the House of Representatives HR 16291, relating to stronger neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, said proposed legislation, if enacted, would better enable the local community to improve public facili— ties in a code enforcement n.eighborhood, give the community additional authority to be a more dynamic force in. preventing deterioration within the neighborhood� provide the individual property owner with increased financial assistance to improve his property and ehange the name of the program from "Code Enforcement" to the more positive title of "Stronger Neighborhoods, " Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the City Council of the Gity of Saint Paul approves said proposed legislation, embodied in Senate Bill S 3255 and AR 16291 and urges the enaetment of such legislation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Gity Clerk transmit a copy- of this Resolution to Senator Mondale and Gongressmen Fraser and Karth. FORM OVED AssL Corporation Counsel ppR 4 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� � 19�8 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland � Tn Favor Meredith „=_—= _ 0 ,��tdt�► Mayor A gainat Tedesco �r ��a..��!�;�"•'•:'•� PH'6LIS�-IE�i A��` .E �i 19� ]d1y �,p,x�li,dost (P�Ysreon) �O ODIN LANGEN �09 C�v+r�roN OPr�ce Bu�wu�rs 7rH D�metcr.Mu�weeor� Te�.�oeie;CM�7a.4-9121 Exrv�s�on 2185 COMMITTEEs APPROPRIAT/ONS �o�gre�� of ��je ��iteb �ta�te� HOME:K�eor,MINN. SUBOOMMRTEF$x 6ALE R.MITCHQ.L AGRICULTURE �ou�e of �e�regentatibeg A�MINISTMTIVE ASSI3TANT LEGISLATIVE ���,fn��ri,�.�. 20515 �///J � � fAXM1TTEE5: � + � ! JOHN�ZWACH DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA � SIXTH DISTWCT,MINNESOTA AGRICULTURE IZOB L.ONGWORTX BURDIN6 SIIBCOMMITTEES: ��ttg�Egg of t�je �ttiteb �tate� TELEPNONE:ZOE-2IS-Z�P I�VESTOCK AND FEED GRAINf DAIRY AND POULTRY DISTInCT OFFICE: RURAL DEVELOPMENT �ou�e of �te�re�entatibe� ZI6 FEDEML BUILDIN6 ^ ST.CLOUD,MINNESOU �as'Ijittgton,�.�. 4�515 TELEPXONE:61Z•P5I-PIZO May 2 , 1968 Mr. Harry E. Marshall Office of the City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for calling to my attention your interest in the bills S. 3255 and H.R. 16291, designed to �reate stronc�er neighborhoods. You may be sure that this legislation will receive my careful attention and consideration. Thank you. ��ncerely yours, `, n ��:-��Z1 S1 �� � ' "+�'oi�n . Zwach �Member of Cong�ess ' DONALD M. FRASERy FOREIGNAFFAIRSCOMMITTEE &ifr D�siwcr,M�Nr�sar� SUOf:OMMITTEEB: SO7 HOU36 ORFIG6 BULL,pWG ASIAN AND PACIFIC AFFAIRS YO�L-'LZS�47SB � ��yy P STATE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION ����'� �Co�gre�� ot t�e �citeb �Vi�V� �FOREIGN�PERJ�TION9 202-225-4758 �ou�e of �.te�regentatibt� ���^T,o�o�.,�T,�,s °a�G MacIVER AND MOVEMENTS �ota�N�sTw�rne�as�srurtr ���IY��IY��•�il�� 20515 DIST COMMFTTEE MBIA April 23, 1968 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commi.ssioner of Registration Bureau of Records 386 city x�l St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshal].: Thanks for sending me the resolution adopted by the St. Pau1 City Cou.ncil. I'm pleased to know that the Council supports the Stronger Nei�hborhoods bill. Best wishes. rely, nald M. Fraser �� JOHN SPARKMAfT,ALA.,CHAIRMAN WILLIAM PROXMIRE,WIS. WALLACE F.BEMJEIY.UTAH HARRISON�.WILLIAMS,JR.,N.J. JOHN 6.TOWER�TEX. �F,pMUND S.MUSKIE,MAINE BOURKE B.HICKENLOOPER�IOWA EDWARD V.LONG,MO. EDWARD W.BROOKE.MA88. THOMAS J.MC INTYRE,N.H. CHARLES H.PERCY,,u. ��,��fe� ���� �¢�af e WALT F.MONDALE.MINN. 6ALE�MC GEE.WYO. WILLIAM B.SPONG.JR.�VA. COMMITTEE ON BANKING MID CURRENCY LEW13 6.ODOM,JR..STAFF DIREC7'OR MA7Tt1EW lU1LE,CNIEF COUNSEL WASHINGTON,D.C. 20510 April lg, 1968 Mr. Harry E. N1a.rshall City Clerk Bureau of Rec ords 386 City Ha11 St . Pau 1, Minnes ota 55102 Dear Harry: Thank you so much for passing along a copy of the City Council Resolution endorsing the "Stronger Neighborhoods" bill introduced by Congressman Fraser, Karth, and a�yself. I appreciate your support on this matter and know that we will need it if we are to get action by Congress this year. � I have taken the liberty of placing a copy of your Resolution in the Congressional Record as a sign of the support we have received on his�ill. With warmest personal rega rds . � Sincerely Wa lt F a le 7 r � `� �" �� �� April 4, 1968 �, � ; 4 i1 Hon. Eugene J. McCarthy E� 1 Utsited Btatea 8enator � 8enate Ot�ice Bullding �—�r �� Washington� D. C. `�������.,`�, ��.. `�w, Dear Senator: �,�°�_�� � Enc�osed for your attention is esoiuti�adcypted today by the St. Paul City Council endorsin bi�l re the United States Senate, entitled "Stronger Neigh h '` end known as Bill 5 3255, and a bill in the House of entatives HR 16291 on the s ame sub j ect. ,,-�`'��,,� �` " �very truly yo�urs, ,''✓�^ rj �� � � City Clerk AO�ng �� �--�---.��' �`�`�..__._.-,-�' '�yy "�.._ �, . ' � Also ser�ts to: `i, `� Senator�Tn�alter Mondale �, `,, Repres,�r��ative Joseph E. Karth �., �.,..___.�.-,,�/ Da7ald M. Fraser ..,��_____.�:.�},� John M. Blatnik " Odin �,angen " Ancher Ne1�en " John M. Zwach " Clark MacGregor " A]_bert H. Quie ,����C�l��.�:1 DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�"��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f"E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE2 - DATF W�3ERE�1S, S�nator �i'al ter Mondale has introduced into the United States Senate a Bills S 3255, and Congressmen Donald Fraser and Joseph Karth ki�ve introduced in the �ouse of Representatives I3R i62gi, r�lating to atronger neighborhoods; and WSLREAS, said praposed legislation, if enacted, would better enable the local community to improve public faeili— ties in a coda enforcement neighborhood� give the community additional authority to be a more dynamic force in preventing deterioration within the neighbarhood, provide the individual property owner with increased finaneial assiatance ta improve his property r�nd change the name of the program from "Code En�orcement'� to the more positive title of "Stronger Neighborhoods, " Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th�.t the City Couneil of the City of Saint Paul approves said proposed legislation, embodied in Senate Bill S 3255 a�►d � 16291 and urges the enaetment oP such legislation; and be it FURTIiER RESOLV�D� That tlie City Clerk transmit a eopy of this Resolution to �en�tor Mondale and Congreaaamen Fraser and Karth. a���,�� f �t� p , ,. _,_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish � Approve� 19--- Holland _�n Favor Meredith � Mayor �e�� A gainst Tedesco Mr.;Pr�side��;•Byrne , �,� ._.., -- - � _ .. , �O � Apr�il ��, 1�GS CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—Extensions of Rem�rk,s E �1�s3 � that he inay posslbly be wrong in his np- perience of persons with long experience part of the RECORn of the 90th Congress. proach to life but let me say this. Do not lay in the fleid and would also have those who In reviewing the thousands of 1'25ponses the Ulaine Golely at the door of the bankrupt. are not in bankruptcy administration but I have received from rCS1dC11ts of i;Yie If there is blan�e, it goes much broader are affected by its problems. American Bar �ixth COng1'essiOri&1 DistllCt it ls ap- r;l�an t,hat. Association support oi this bill would be sc;.u�ioxs WILL svor,vE most helpftil. I hope you will consider St for Parent that the dominating message is I do noc see how we can Iook at the action of the Consumer Bankruptcy Com- the widespread lack Of Corifid2nCe and mittee. support in the administration's program ,,,;:icicni 1�i�tiury of tt�e Uuited states in the �yHERF.TO START and performance here at home and in ;a�b�eneraticn or Cwo and cume to�ny other ��ouc!t:;ion regsrding the legal problems of In summary then, I feel that the econ- SOUthC35t A51&. This is C1eaTly Tcfl2Cte3 *he pa>r than that solutions will be found. omy rests upon a credit system which has by the fACt t11at 76 percent i1ldiCatCd 7� the a�ns?nnc� debtor does not kuow how produced a high standird. of goods and they wCrC not 1'eCeiving sUfficlP.nt infor- [� manage :�nd gets into trouble, some solu- services. The best interests of consumer and lriatlOn fPOri1 t}18 GovBY'nII1en1; 011 t�it11 tio�is to c'.ie Pa����ible will be ai;tempted. If creditor lnterests require its conUnuance. 155u0S: 72 pCrcent did Itot aT�pro'�e 1.!?e ;i�e u,inkrupt iu,es Uhe benefite of his dis- Many people do not have the education to preSldCrit'S CoridUCt Of tlle ��dl' ill Viet,- c;i�u•ge bc.crn5c �,.he s5•stem keeps him from fuuction well in the economy. Grammar n2,Tri; 69 pel'CBrit OppOSed t,h@ PI'eS1dEf1t,'S . clefendin� t ag:�inst aitacks, some remedy school would be the place to start. To the 1'2qUCSt f01' & 10-pei'Cetlt, tflh SuPChai,e: will be evoiced. extent th:�t is not avail,�ble, I would create I liave seen sume pruposeci solutions due niachinery in the baukrtiptcy court to help 65 percent sald F2det'fll dOTriestiC S(�end- to some consultatioxi work I have dune. debtors which 1n turii �vould help creditors. ing should l)e rCduCed; Of SlX adIIlinlStY'[.- Creditors would not like them. They were I would also give the b:tnkruptcy court the tion requests for inereased funds, � nl&- prepared withoui creditor participation in Wie power to deterinixie problems rel�tlug to dis- jOTlty-69 �TCent--�p1�1'oVed onl,y o1?e process. Those who counsel the �wor are chlrge. These seem rational answers to me. a,nd thRt W&S for aid to local law CTl- thinking of the very sharpest kind of a coun- I feel certain that solutions will be found � forcement. tersttack. Banl:ruptcy administration w�ill tliese problems.The question which we must I also feel it is particularly SiglliilCat�L inevitabiy be involved. I think it distinctly flsk ourselves is whose solution they will be� th8t 76 pePCCI1C faVOP liillil,fitions On thP, possible that cery serious suggestions will be _ :�uvaiicecl beio�e iuiig utld tliat colisuiner � �- -- tCPIriS 4f �L'PTe1riQ C011IY, JLtS1;�C?S. SO[?'iv t�ankru�tcies wiii be t�xen out or tne court time ago I introduced legislation to I�ro- ana�incea tnt�tt�e nflnas of an aaministra- Questionnaire Reflects Lack of Confidence vide for 12-year teims ior the .7ustices tive agency. In iuy opiniou, such agencies and this question wa.5 included t4 nieas- are usually creatied to ctirry out some �wlic.y. and $upport in the Administration ure rea.ction to such a propos.�l.Frankly, The coltrts on tl�e contrary�re set up to lind I WELS Su1pYiSCd t0 f1Ild the ConCePL had ;°St'�e be`"e�n°°1'fli°t.'"g°'e"'s�5''est t''e'' HON. CHARLES E. CHAMBERLAIN such broad a,cceptance. can. I wonder if the policy behlnd the crea- t.1on of au administrative �gency to handle os nsiciiicnx Although intervening eVents s1nCe thC consumer dc?btors wuuld be coiucident witli IN'I'HE E30USE Or'REPRESEN'I'ATIVES 9U2St10ririf1iPe Wa5 Cil'Ctllated—t.118 SpaTk your own views. of hope for iiegotiations on Vietnam, tl�e There is an opportunity to find a solution Tuesday, April 23, 1968 President's announcement that he w�ould in a relative.y atspassion�te and ou�ectice Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Spe:�ker, not be a candidate for reelection, and manner. Sen<<tor Bttrdick ot North nakotu during the Easter recess the eomputer- the trautnatic re�etioii to the Kiiig as- nas iutroaucea n bi�l S. J. Ites. 100 to cre2te tabula,ted results oP my 1968 c�uestion- sassina�tion—may kiave somewhat altered a commission to atudy t,he entlre bank- rt�ptcy fleia. rt ;s a rare chance to supporc naire project were received and I am the meaniiig of the iriformation, tlie re- tlie kind of scuay tn ctepth wnich tnis rieid Ple.ased to make tliis information avail- sults nonetheless rei�ect tlie great uiirest si� badly nr.eds. FIe wuutd araw on the ex- able to my colleagues a�nd a permanei�t in our country toda.y: CONGRI�.SSMAN CHAM6FRLA1^J'S 1968 QUESTIONfdA1RC -.__ ..._ ----��-- -----------.. — .__. ..____ ..._ _.__.__ .. Yes No No ra I Yes No No re- . sponse sponse .. _ .. __._. .__ _._ . .____ _- ---._._._ _ i .._._ __ .._. .... ___._ ...___- -------- .____-- .____�___ - . ---. .-- ----�� _ .... � Do you- � ! Do you-� . 1.SupV�<<ihe Prasident'i requesl for: 7. Agree tl,at we should mount massive new Federal housmg, A tax increase(10-percent surchaige) -._. __ . 26 69 5 � education,znd job proqrSms tn improve ghetto conAitions A tax en U.S.travel overseas_._-.- 48 46 6 as ihe PresidenYs Riot Commiss�on rucommends? ._. .... 38 C��5 G 2. Be�leve that Fe�+eral spending on dmnestic programs°.hculd ' 8. Favor legislation to permit farmers lo bargain collectively on ereducad? ._ . .. .__ . .. . 65 29 6 I� Dncesi _. ..---- ..__. . __.__. _ .. S7 33 10 ._ .__ ._. ._. 3.Support increased fwids for. , 9. Believe lhe Constitulion should be amended to limil the Model citics program_:.._ ._. . . -- 23 51 ]0 '� lerm;of Justices of the Supreme Court to 17 Years,rather RentsupPlements__. �- -_. . . . . ._ 15 �4 I1 I ihan tor u;P, with no prohibi[ion on reaPPoinlment and Teacher Cor,v.. .... _ _ . 4p M19 11 recon(irmation?--.-_. _...-._ 76 15 9 . .___. .._.. . ._._. _. � �- � 37 55 S 10. Approve of the Presidrnt's conduct ut the Vietnam war?___.._ 20 72 8 � ) g5 g � ]1. 6elieve the best solution wouid he: 1fi qp t overty p�o�iam _r � Stup the bombing unemiditionaliv_ . . "' fnrei u aid 69 23 R � - /`.N to local law entoitement .__ .. . 4. Faunr+ax cr��f�s to hel,financa the cust o�reduci �r :i���f A coalition Fovernment with Comnwnists .._ .- 18 36 44 � 7r (7 G � Wi,Sdraw eur lorces c�mpletely-.__- - . .. 22 ?1 . 37 watei {o!luti,n --- . �_ .. S -0b 4/ , 5. Belie�. tl+e!e should be a guaranteed minimum � �n.a•. � f.on!inuepresentpalicy__. . -� . ir�ur�e? ._._-_ .. 22 73 5 I Pursue with sufficie.nt vigor to win . _.. - � .d 23 `4 �" -- 6. Bei f ve housing d�scrimimtion is a problem for the FeJerai 1?. Believe the P.merican people are recerving suffirient informa �18 7G fi G,v..r�,imeut� _ .. . .._._ _ . .. 25 72 .3 t�� tion from Ihe Goven�ment on vital issues7 . -.- - ------ —___� _ .. _____..--------._..__—. --�----.._.. ._. .--_._. . Stronger Neighborhoods 'Tk�e need for this legislation was dem- tion wa$ ordered to Le F�rinGed in the onstrated in the operation of the code RECOian, as follows: HON. WALTER F. A+IONDALE ''11forcement pro�rain in the Twin Cities ciTY oF�sT.YAZrr.c<>UVC�L rESOLLT��„�. <�rea and the pi•obleins of the present rro.23s000 ot NiirrriESOZn rCgul&ti1o21S 1'OgtLi't�lrig Its lri1p181rierita- Whereas, 8en:�tor W�.lter 1lTOndale hns i.n- I� THE SENA'1'E. OF THE UNI'I'ED STATL� t1011. The blll ls OfieY'8d SS �L Sta,ltltlg troduced int;o the Uuited States Senate a �.)Olx1t 111 d1SCUSS10t1� RbOUt thC p10�daT11 �111, S. 3255, .�nd Congressmen Donald Frascr Tite'Sdtt�. A�)l'il 23, 1968 an " t5�eph Kartli h�ive iiitrodticed in the w ith the hope that modifications �i'e t�`; �� Mr.MONDALE. Mi•:President,3 weeks plade to�ive the community moie, �a- H �of Representatives H.r;� 162�1. rel��ti��g �ti�o I in't.i oduced legis:ation to tnodify t?�e t�..s.tronger neigl�borhoods; nna ti6'e 371 d�Sl�;lllrig p2'Ogl'&1215 fOT' t ��.�t- whereas, sa.id proFrosecl legislatioii, if en- cade enforcei�lent pi•o�ram to plaee more tei•ment of neig,�l�borl�ioods whieh 'be- �ctea, wouia uetter en2bie ta,a iocai com��-� �� emphasis oii i•evitalization of neighboi�- �iii�iiiig to decline. � nity co improve pubiic factt�iies in a.�oae hoods tind Ies, on the use of the refiula- Mr. President, the city of St.,�'aul has entorcement neighborhooc�, giv� ti;e commt;- toiy �>ouE-i of �, coininunity. TYiis bill, �;;;�ot•sed this l�gisla.tion and tii� � mltYzd nity actaitionat .�utaority to bc a more a�-- sY•PO11g�1 lleighkwl'h0(}ds, Was 1ri�tPOdUCEd �y �ppy pf the c.ity cou11c11 1'e�� �tlOri t0 nacntc force in preventing detc•rioratiou . in the 1Ioizse of Representtitives bv t�cu ii�c. I ask wi:�nimous consent�that this within thE nes�liborn�oocl, proviae r,t�e inai- of my culleague;fcoizi Nlinnesota,Repie- i•esolution bc placed in the R.FCOxn ati this viaual property owner �with increasca fi��a��- � sentai;i��e DeNnLD I�rr�srx and Representa_ �>oii:t. ci:�i ns,ist�nce to tmprovc nis proi�ert�- ana tive Josr:YZi Fiar:�rx. There being no objection, thc resola�- ct�ange the name of the prograin from "c:«ie