237999 ORIGINAL TO�'Y GLBRK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENGL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �0�����ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson pA� April 8, 1968 __ COMMISSIONER ' (!nmm_ nf p�rhl i r LTnrlrc WHEREAS, The following BITUMI1�i0US CONTRAGROR having met all of the provisions of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul and having made the proper application for a BITUMINOUS C01�1TRACTOR'S LICENSE, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the said BITUMINOUS CONTRACTOR upon providing a bond aad th ayment of the Sixty Dollars ($60.00) license fee, is hereby granted a licns authorizing him to engage in tha business of BITUMINOU5 CONTRACTOR in the City of St. Paul for the year 1968. Pennig Construction Co. �� � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays ;;;�`�,^ -> ��s� Carlson `�' � Dalglish / Approved 19— Holland 6 in Favor � �� � Meredith __ _ I �e�e�s�r-- u ���[� Mayor Tedesco ���t :���._�,� � � pd��,�Eg a�� �� �s� l�i�r Vice Pree�dont �etarsd$�� �22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSDONER Robert F• p@teI00l1 DATE Apsil 8• Zg�!$ ___ P.n�►_ nf 'Q++t�l�n Linrlra W��A�S� The follawin$ BITt�MIt1�tUS (�011?RACTOB having �t all of the provisions of Chapter 220 of the 1.egislative Code mE the City of St. Pau1 acad having �de the pro�er spplication for a HI?[�IlpU3 COII'tRACTOx'S LICE�I3E, it i: her�by �tESOLVED, lhat the •sid �ITtAdIt10D3 CO�IT�ACTOR ul►on lrovidin� a b�nd and thepaymec�t of the Sixty Dollars (�60.00) licease fee, is h�reby grant�d a licnse autharizin$ him to enga�e in tliit businesa of BI?�tT1�Ot�8 GOlIT6tACTOR in the C3try of St. Fsul for tha yeax 1968. Pennig Coastructioa Co. , _ �:��; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19._ Holland In Favor Meredith x —�t�rsa�r�, V Mayor Tedesco A gainst .,,,..... ;;YVir President, Byrne ,��� �/n,:a n .�...r_ ,,�'., �.__. . 22