237997 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ��/�V'✓� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F• P�'fi@1"SOII COMMISSIONER DATE _—_ Lc�t 1 8� S � of Lot 2, Blk. 3, Raixwie� Add. $171.11 i�t 1� & s 13 �t. of Lot 13, B]1s. 3, Fairvie� A�dd. 138.�7 Lot 7 8s ex. S 20 �t.; Lc�t 6, Blk. 6, Fairvie�► �dd. 171.11 Lot 8, Blk. 6, Fair�riew Add. 151.34 ti�REA3, The tot.�l a�ount of assessable e0sts the City may pay is $2,555•523 noK therePore be it! ' RESOI,vED� Th�t th� Co�missioner oY Public ilorks be and he is hereby authorized to pay fram the Permanent Inprov�me�t �evolting Fund� Code 6000, the aaouat o� $ 2,555•52, a portion of the ass�ssable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1966 3idewalk Coatract 66-M-368, I�vy I�o. 2� District No. 3�L-6837, in the a�aount of $2,555•52, sa3.d Permanent Improvement Revolving Ftiznd to be reimbursed froaa the City's Share of Loeal Improvement Aid �artd� 0920-701. (1968) r � � �y�� � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ^ �;.�'! '� �g�� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Meredith � In Favor , O L-_,.� � ���,,! Msy°r Tedesco Against :e'aSe��,t�:w.,�>,'�.'I.�'�`q�i���� M�. Vfce Pree�iclent (��t�rsoni P�}BUSHEB APR �3 � �z2 ,..�, , ' 23`799'� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTI�� RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F• PE!'fiCl'S'UII COMMISSIONE TF ___ �t�AS� By authority of the Ia�rs of Minneeata Por the year 1959, Chapter 300 H.F. 217 and rstifie�d by C.F. No. �92216, approv�sd May 2, 1959, the City of Saint P+e►ul, may psy a portion of the assessable costs oY Side�ralk Construction �rht� such eosts exceed the benefi�s to the property anmer, �1�EiEAS� It has beeruldetermined that the f'ol].cr�ring de�crib�d parcels of property be relieved oY th� follawiag amount. Description Amouat Lot 1, Blk. 9, Bsaupre 8a Kelly's A$d. $181.26 Lot 2, Blk. 9, Beaupre 8s Kelly's Adrl. 181.26 w �+0 �t. of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Blk. lo, Beaupre & Kelly'a Add. 181.15 Lots 3 8a k, Snith 8s Taylor's Sub. oP Lots 3 & � Blk. 15, Beaupre 8a Kelly's 1�cld. 169.�+9 Lots 5 �0 6, 3aitb 8� T�ylor's Sub. oP Lots 3 8. 1+, Blk• ��r_.Bestt�pre�--& Kell3r''s Add. - -- 169.�0 _ � W � e= I�eit 11 & al]. of Lot 12, Blk. 2 Lore$a Pk. 176.76 Lot 13, Blk. 2, I,crena Pax�k 170.�+U Lot 12, Blk. 5, Loreaa Parg �° � 182.00 f Lot 13, B]k. 5, I�oresa Park ' 182.00 _ w Lot 17, Blk. 8, Aurora Add. .,- 82.96 � � oY N � of Lots 1 & 2, Robert L. Ware'a � Eastern Heights 111.65 /�,-',() �, Lot 15, Blk. 2, Robert L. �iare's Eastern H�ights 135•� }( j� 1` COUNCILMEN Adopte� by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �za ������ DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �'�� �� �t�Z•�,�j COMMISSIONER — DATF --- W�AS, By authority aC thm Isws of Mlnn,�sots tor the yee�r 1959, ��P�r 300 H.F. 217 and s'attitied by C.P`. igo. 19�a sB� �0.Y �s 1959s th�� City o�' Ssint �1, �,Y P�3� s por�iom► of tht e�o�e$sable aoate o!' 33d�vsl.k Cva$trta�tion wht�n sucb cost� e�cc+�ed the be�+��'i.te to the imol�►=''�Y �rs Kf1�A8,, it haa beena;�et�.ermi.ned tha� the fc�llc�ing deffiarib�d p�rc�,l.� ot P='oPel"'CY b� relieved of' t.kie t'�al],v�ti.rag �m�awat• Description �'� Iat 1* Blk, �� Beaugare & �Celty'� Add. $181.26 iot 2, Blk. 9, Heaaup�re dr �+�1J.y's A�l.d. 181.�6 W 40 �'t. of Lvt 2 aud a.1�. ��' �►t 3: Blk. 10, He�auprs 8� �ally's A�dd. 181.15 Lotg 3 8� �+, Sml.th i �sylor's Sub. og Lats 3 5 �+ glk� l�s Besupr� 8o Ke12y'8 At918. �9•�'g Lats 5 8o b, Sa�ith 8e T�,yaor'� Sub. o�` Lat� 3 � �, Blk. 1S, �aupre & �lly's 1�1. 16g.�Q W � at I�ot 11 ds �.11 o�' Lot 1�, Bt�. � Lorenra Pk. i76.76 I�c►t 13, Blk. �, Lorena Pa�1� 174.�+0 Lo� 12, B1k. 5, Lor�r�a► Pie►rk 182.vn Lot 13, ALk. �s Loremme► �'ari� 182.�t3 Lot 17, H�k. 8, Atu'ou'e ,A$d. �•� N � of 1� � of Lote 1 8a 2„ Rt�b4�'t L. Ware's I�stern Height$ lli.6� Ipt 15, B7 k. 2,, Robert L. �ie�e'� F�tera 8�ights 135.20 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 2a �����J}� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �O�M�+ F. P�terson COMMISSIONER - DATF _-_ 7aot 1 d� S � c�F Lot 2, Slk. 3� �t�i.rvi�r Add. �171.Y1 Lot 1� 8s s 13 f't. or Lot 13s H1k. 3, Fairvie�r A$d. 1�8.k7 I,ot 7 8. ex. S 2o ft.; Lca� 6, IlUc. 6, �'�irvier Md. 1'�,.11. Lot 8, �c. c, Fatz�riev Ad�t. 15Z.3o W�AS, Tiie totsl a�ouat ot �s�asebi� �ta hho City may pay i� $�,555•5� naw thex�rf'ore b� it,� R890�.�, �ha�t tbue Cc�s�iru►+�r eirP Pub13a Norks b� a� h� is herweby e�uthc+ri�ed to pe�y f'rom the Perman�►t l�pro�a�t R�v+ol�f.r� Fund, Code 6000, the am4unt of � 2s 5y�.52, a partion t�P th� saeeseable� coat,� of Side�].k Conetructic�a under the 1966 Si$enre].k C�tract b6-M 36$, �SVy �o. �, Dimtrict Nn• 3 �-�37, in the �mount c�P $2,,555•5�s �d P+ermaneat I�pro�m�nt ii�lv�.ng Ftznd to be reimb�r,x�! traa� �hm Otty's Share o! Ivcaa. Im�pr�►ve�a�at A�d Fund, 0920-701. c1968) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council , 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor �"eL�eu--, �j Mayor Tedesco " Against Mr. President; "$"yrne r�� ,__: �_ -- .•�; aa