237994 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 23'799�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTIO —GE FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE A �IEttFAS, Ey suthori�q of the Laws of Minnescta for thn year 1959, Chapter 3A�, H.F. 217 aad ratified by C.l. 1t0. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a �ortioa of the asseasable costs of Sid�alk Construction when such cos�s exca�d the benefita t0 the proper�y owaer, WHELtBAS, I� has been determined that tke follv�iag described parcels of property be relieved of the followiag amonnt: De�cription �mount �I 1/2 of Lot 14 � all of Lot 15, Blk. 5, Arlingtoa sills Add. $ 173.35 Lot 16, Blk. 5, Arlingtoa Hills Add. 173.34 t�i 62.5 ft. of Lots 12 � 13, Elk. 3, Phalea Heig�ts Yark 1�2.61 Lot 1, B11�. 1�, �akville Park 170.56 Lot 18, Blk. 10, Oakville Yark 17�.56 Lmt lA, Blk. 11, Oakville Parl� 170.56 Lot 16, Elk. 2, Clarke � Wilgua Add 26.78 �s. N 33 ft. ; Lut 27 '� all of Lot 29, Blk. 2, Clarke � Wil�u� Add. 28.48 Part of Lot 31 � part: of N 33 ft. of Lct 27 � S of a line run from a poiat oa B/L cf aad�21 ft. S from most Hly cor. of sai�l Lot 27 to a _.poiat oa W/L of aad 2.4 ft. N frvm most Sly coraer �f said Lot 31 aad all �£ Lot 3A, Blk. 2, Clarke and Wilgus Add. 8.55 Lot 29, Blk. 8, 2hal�n Heigtits Park 83.51 ` Lot 15, Blk. 6, 8as�ville Iieights 174.52 S 48 ft. ; Lot 1�, B1k. 6, Eastnille $eights 67.98 Lot 30, �1k. 4, Lmckwood's Add. 163.15 Lot 15, Blk. 2, For�stdal� Add. 16f.07 Lot 16, Elk. 2, Forestdale A�d. 166.07 W��RBAS, Tt��•:t0tal amunt of assessable coats the City may pay i� $1,846.09, no��arsfore be ity BBSOL�iBD, That the Co�isaioa�r of Public Works be and he is laereby a�thvrized to pay fr0� the Per�aanent Improve�ent Rewalwing Fua�, code 6000, th� aaouat of �1,846.09, a portion of the assessabl� costa of Siiawalk Co�struc�ion usaler t�e 1966 Sid�walk Coatract 66 1i-368, Levy �fo. 5, District No. 3, L-6837, ig the amouat of $1,846.09, aaid Pazma�sa� I��rov�m�at Ravolviag l�nd to be reiaLursed froa� the City': Share of Local I�prov�ment Aid Ptind, 0920-7�1. (2968) ,/�;. APR � 19i$ �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ,��� � ��&� Dalglish Approved 19— Holla.nd � Tn Favor � Meredith j) �Ct/q� Mayor Tedesco A gainst �i������:e��a�oi�s P�B Mr. Vice Presid�nt (Y�wx'r� LISJiE� ��� � '� �,96� - �O DUPLICATE TO PRINTfiR ����-" `� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �obert �'. P�ter�on COMMISSIONER DATF WS�R8A5, 8y anthori�y of ebe Law� of Minnre�ota for th�e y�ear 1959, Cbapter 300, H.P. 217 ++�tsad ratffied bq C.F. No. 192�16, approvtd May �, 1958, thm City cf Saint Paul, may p�y a portion of the asse�gable costs og Sida�valk Conatruction whea such costs �ccs�d �hs betnefits to Lhe prop.rty owner, W�EA3, It haa bean datermiaed t,.�a� �h� follaving dascrib�d parcels of propezty 'be ralie�v�cl of the foilowing amount: l�acription Amount W 1/2 af�`�La�4� all of Lot Z5, BIk. 5, Arliu�ton Sills Add. $ 173.35 ?.ot 16, B1k. 5, Arlingtcn Hi.11s Add. 173.34 �t 62.5 �t. of Lots 12 8� 13, Blk. 3, �alen Heights lark 102.61 Lot 1, Blk, 1Q, t)akville Park ].70.56 Lot 18, Blk. 10, Oaka111e Parlc 170.56 I.ot 10, Blk. 11, Oakviil�a Park 170.56 Lot 16, Bik. 2, �larke & Wiigus Add 26.78 8x. N 33 ft.; Ltit Z� & a12 of LoC 29, Blk. 2, Cl�rka 6� Wilgc�s Add. 28.48 Part af Lot 31 b part af I� 33 ft. af Lo� 27 & S of a iiat s�un from a point on S/L og aad 21 ft. S from �s�►a�C 1�1y cor. of �sid Lot 27 to a point on ti/L of and 2.G� ft. � f'rom most Slq cornex of aaid Lot 31 ��d all of Lox 30, Blk. 2, Clarke and �Tilgus Add. 8.55 Lot 39, Blk. 8, Phalea �ieights Park 83.51 Lot 15, Blk. 6, East�~J.11� Ii�3.ghte 174.52 S 48 ft. j Lot 16, Blk. b, :�as�ril]:e Heigt►ta 67.98 Lot 30� $lk. 4' LoClcwtyUd'B Add. I63.15 Lot I5, B11c. 2. Fo�rastdale Add. 166.Q7 Lot 16, Slk. 2, Forestdale Add. 166.Q7 W�El�B, 'Ttae total aaauat of asaessable co�ts the City may pay is $1,846.09, mow�e�refnr�e he it� RSSOLYED, Tb.at tlie Cc�iseianer of Petblic Warks be� and he ie her�by authorisa�d to pay �xam tbe Yo�cman�mt Improveaent �.�alving Fuud, s�de 6�00,: �h� amaunt of $i,846.09, s poreion of the aesees�tbl+� ca�te of Sid�nralk Construc�ioa undt�r th�s 19b6 Sid�walk Contract 66-K»36$, Lavy �io. S, District �o. 3, L-6837, ia� the umaunt aE $1,84b.09, eaid �esm�aaent Impxov�mene Revolving Fund to be reim'�ur��rd frrnm the City'a Sita�ra of La►cal Impravaa�nt Aid Fund, Q9Z0�701. (1968) �,�k $,�y.� .. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ,,,� Carlson Dalglish ApprovecL 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith , „_��_ � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr" �P���'ii�ent;�B�'rne ��o���� � _�� �.,.�����, , �.z�,��,� �O