237983 . � � 23'�983 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI S LUTION ERAL fORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Fetersoa COMMIS5IONER ATE - _� W1�REAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 19221.6, approv�cd May 2, 1.959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion oP the assessable costs of Side�alk Conat�etion when such eosts eaceed the benefits to the property cniner, WE�R�AS, It ha►s 'been determined that the Yollawing �escribed psrcels oP property be relieved oY the following amoUnt: Description Amount Lot 6, Blk. 2, Drake's Second Add. $118.28 _ , �a WIDffi.'RE�S, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $118.28; naw therefore be it' RE80LVED, That the Commissioner of Public �Torks be and. he is hereby authorized to pay Prom the Fermanent Improvement Revolving �.nd, Code 6000, the amount of $118.28, a portion of the assessal�l,e costs of Sidewalk Consts-�atttion under the 1966 Side�r�lk Contract 66-M-366, Levy No. 10, M atrict No. l, �-6835 in the amount of $118.28, said Permanent Improvetent Revolving I�usd to be rei�bursed Pran the City's Share of I,ocal S�pro�ement Aid F�and, ()920-701 (1968) �� r `� COUNCILMEN �� � ���'� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ;„>';,:� � �r��� � Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Meredith In Favor ,�� �,t3�� Mayor Tedesco � Q gainst ������`•:,�'�: PdBLISHE� APR 13 1968 I1dr. Vice Presi3e:it (Yetcrson) �22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 23'���3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCiL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RObB1'"�r F• P�!'C�TBQ]1 COMMISSIONER DATE ___ WB�ti�Afi, By authority oP th� Le� c►f �1.naeeota fo�r the y�ear ].959s ChagGer 30�, $.F. 217 and ratiiti.�d by C.F. l�o. 19�22,6, aPp�O've� P�sy" �, �959: th� City of Ssint Pauli msyr pay a port3,ca a� tha asseasable coets vf Sid�►alk Con�t�aa,ction �hen such costs eaceed �he besnetit�e to the px�c�pmr�y a�raer, �AS, It has be�� $etet�#,aed th�tt the lollo�.ng i��cr3bed pa.rcele of P�I�rty ba relieved of' the folla�wirag +�cac�unt: Des�ription Amount r�ot 6, �71c. 2, Dralte�s se�cona Ada. $u.8.28 �B, The total amouat of asseee�able co�ts the City may pe�y ia $118..28, activ there�Qr� be it,,� �OS�V�A, That the Ca�miesionar of Public �'ork� be +s�d he ie hesreby suthori�ed to pt�y Px�c�t the Pe�manent *mprov�emeat Revolving l�un�d, Gode (t�0� the ampunt o! �11$.28� � por'tion t�" the s�aeess�tble coste aP Sid�a.lk Con�truction urLder tbe 1966 Sid�valk Contract 66-�f-366, Levy lra. 10, Distri�t lto. 1, L-6835 in the amount v� $L18.�8,� �atd P+�rmancnt Improvr�e�at Revc►lvix�g 1�`und tt� be raimbursed Pram the� City's Sheure tr�' �a1. Im,psov�ent Aid Fund� 0920•7�X (l�) COUNCILMFN �'� ``` � � � � � ,s ,�. Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor --�e�3en�_ �r Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. Presid�n't;"Byrne .•� T „ - .san) �22