237978 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23`79'78 � , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATE ___ WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has aatered into a professio�aal servicea contract dated Febrt�ary 16, 1968, with the K. M. Clark Engineering Cdnpar�y, for the desig� a�d ca�struction �anage�e�t of certain s�wer proJects, ir�clnding the Trowtbrc�ok Sewer (Case Ave. Vicinity), �roJect No. S-127�+A, and WHEREAS, Said contract �eq�ires that said K. M. Clark Engineering Y , Compar�y shal l sub�it -a prel i�ie�ary report withiq 45 calendar days . foll�ing authorizatior� to proceed and � . WMEREAS, The Ctty and the company hav� mutusily dete rnii�ed thmt �, additior�al time will be req�ired for a f�il and co�plete preliminary ' ' • stady. ' NE�i, TMEREFORE, BE IT RES�IYE�, Tha# the C�issior�er of Public � Works is hereby authorized to exteAd the ti�e requtred far sa�id prelimiASry engi�eering report to 75 days following suthorization to proceed. , F��M PPP,�VED . orporatio� set , A�R g ��. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,��� � ���$ Dalglish � Approved 19_ Holland Meredith In Favor �J' Mayor Tedesco � Against ����� ��vl���e��n�e�gon� PHBLIS�-IE� AP R 13 19�� 22 DUPLIGATE TO PRINTER ��� �����/\ CITY OF ST. PAU� FILENCIL N� _� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _-_ NHEREAS. The City oi` Satnt P�ul has ant�red tnto � prafs��tonal ��rvic�s contra�ct dated i�ehru�ry 16, 1�68, wi�h th�e K. M. Glark Engin�ering Camp�ny, �or khe design �nd constractioa mariageme�t of certsln sewer pro,�+�cts. In�la�ding the Troutbrook 5e�wer (C�+�e A+r�. Vtci�i�y), Pro,jett No. S-I274A, and 1JH�REA5, Said contract r�quires that satd K. M. Clark �nytneerir�g Company shatT subroit a preli�ninary report within �5 :.�3��dar dsys f�otlo�ving �uthoriz�tP�an to proceed �nd WN�Rfi.AS, Th� Gity �nd the comp�ny have mutu,eily determined that addi tion�3 �ime wi 1 i be resquir�d for a fu11 snd co�►,piet+� �+r�l i�ninary study. INOW. TN�R�,Ft�R�, �3E I7 R�50LV&D, That the Camrr+is�tor��:r c�f t'ubl it Works is hereby authorized �o ext�nd th� time requfred for said pre� imin�ry� ert�tneering raport te� T5 d�ys �a3iawing �utihorizatlon to proceed. � �:,, � COUNCILMEN Adopted }iy the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland Meredith � In Favor ���"' c, Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Fresident,:'�`yrne; z � 1��_ . , . . _ �.���:�, a ,�,�;�as? �za