237977 /
' � 23�9►7►7
Resolution Appmoving Assessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and exp�e�ses for eonstrnction or
restoration of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contraet 66-M-368, Levy
No. 10, District No. 3,
��� ,�A _
4�V,,s" rF,B� '''S� 1,., j . . . . . , .. , � .�#r ..
� _. • � .. ,. �. .. ., . . .'� . .
�� ^�° �;'2.-;c. .. ..� �.
�'�, 74Sb - H�boldt Ave. , ,west side fros B.lisabeth 8t. to saksr �St.
T.�h� r7520 - W King St. , both sides fra� Eellerws St. to Eidwell St. ' ,�°?,
'4. �f. : . T84 - �Tin�low Ave. , both aides froo� Betvidere St. to Winona St. '�
k�,� • � 292E�4 - Maraaret St. , both sides from puluth St. to Atlantic St. �-_ �y'
��29222 - Margar�t St. , aowth side frem Hancock St. to d4ttsi�i� St. and �n the no�t�1 '� ��;�
��,��; side of Nargaret St. fran l�raak St. ts Dulath 8t. , n�,
+F�' '" #228972 - E�lvidere St. , north aide fro� S. Bobert St. to Oakdale Ave. �' ��
F.O. �2 2 8 7 5 9 = W. De 2os S t. , nort h a i de froed Be llowa SC.,��o �id�lj� ��. : ��,
�:� �' : __
F.O. #2291�5 - Winchell St. , east side fro� E. �oy.t Aye._to E. Nevada BYe.
F.O. #�29326 =� 'l�airy�anit Ave. , both sides fran White Bear Ave. Co Van Dqke St.
F.O. �22813Q - Wiachell St. , east side frs� E. Arl�.ag,ton_Ave. to the south 115 ft. abutting 1450
. ,�;` E:� 1lrlington Ave. _ __
F.0. ,�228629. - Eelvidere St. , both sides fraa Wat.e.rloo St. to Stickney S�.
. �� . . _ .
F.O. #�27Cc9"t� = �, �alt�r St. , both sidea from Harvarc� St. �o Woodbury St.
F.O. #22�970 - La Crosse Ave. , bpth „sides from Wh�te.,$���.A,ve. to Van,.D��ke, St, ,
F.O. #224810 �-�`lresc'ot`t St. , both sic�es from I�tarvarc'1 �t. txtended to the t�/L of Woodbury Ave.
..exte.�ded. _ , �zl, � . , .,;
F.O. #22`$'�82 =�5mi`th �Ave. , botti��sides from W. Page St, to W. Sidney St.
NON-ASSES5�i8L�: , . ,, . ;: ;, ,. ., . � .
.. ., .
F•0. �`228784 - Wins�,Qw Ave. , both sides from Be�videre S�,.� to ,Wi�Qna St.
F.O. #228972 = Belvide'te �t: , norCh �ide �froni S. Hobert �t. to Oakdale Ave.
F.0. �228759 = W�.rDel s ,�te. , both sides from,White Bear��►ve., to: Van I2yke S,t,. ; „ ,
. ' Y
, t�orth side fram Bellows St. to Bidwell St.
F.O. �224810 - Prescott. S,t. ,�,hoth.rides ,frqq �arvard •�tr•;�xt�ndfd to the W/L; o€ WodBbxr� Ave.
extended. . _. . _.
F.O. #228782 - S�i�th Ave,,r bOt,l� rB�des.-fr;am �i.. :Fsa�e .St.:, �Q;;�i� .Sidney St. ,
hearing, the`na,tur�vr�rro unyro-o�.:,�,:, ----=- '--�-� --=-=='.�-:-o ,;: , _
owner to wham the notice is directed.
Yeas Naya Adopted by the C�ouncil—�'P� � ��
i-���;�,;:�� �R 9 196�
Merecf;�h ��pprovec�
t�°:°��� .�
Tedesco � _ r _
���� _..,;�,, aw 2e� \�
��.:. �.b:��.�.���:._....s�.. ..... In Favor
�.+Vice Preaidont (Pal�rreon) ;��` Mayor
C� `~`'__
� Aga�n�t P��us�t�e APR 13 19G��
Form R-2 2M 10-68 S