237953 .
; . 23'7�53
File No. 17262
In the Matter of constrncting a pnblic sewer in ii�STMIIiSTER STIt�ET from Maryland
Avenue to Hyacinth Street, also in WBSTMINSTER STR1�T fro� Rose Street to Maryland
Avenue, slso in MARYLAND AVENIIE from Westminster St�eet to Burr Street, slso in
BRAINERD AVENtTE fz� �rkwright Street to Jessie St�eet, also ia CIARK STREET from
Jessamine Avenue to Ptarpland Avenue, also in GE&11�I�i STREBT frt� �Soto Street
to Glark Street, also in JESSAMINS AVSNOE from DeSdto Street to ArkWright Street,
also in ROSB A�ENU& from Bradley Street to DeSoto �treet, also in DESOTO STREET
from 8ose Avenue to Maryland Avenue, also in ARKWRI�T STREET fron Brainerd Avenue
to l�iaryland Avenue, all to be known as the MARYIAPD-llRAII�RD RELTEF SYSTEM
under Preliminary Order 237753 approve� . March 26, 1968
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the �+eport of the Commissioner of Finance
upon the above improvement, and having considered said repart, hereby resolves:
1. That the sa,id report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Counci� recommends is
to construct a public sewer in WESTIiINSTSB STRB�T f#�m Maryl�nd Avenue to flyaciath
Street, also in �IESTliINSTEfl STREBT frvm Rose Street.�to Maryland Avenue, also in
MARYI.AI�D AVSHEJE fro�n Westffiinster Street to Bnrr Street, also in BRAINBRD `AVSI�UB
from Arkwright Street to Jessie Street, also in CLAU STRBET fram Jessamiae Avenue
to Maryland Avenue, alsq in GERAI�UI� AVE1�tJE from De�eto Stireet to Clark Strset,
also in JESSAl+IINS AVENUE from DeSoto Street to Ark��;ght,Street, alao in R�SE
A9EI18E froe� Bradley Street to DeSoto Street, alsa i�xD�S0T0 STREET from Bose Av�- ,
nue to MarylandAvenue, also in ARKWRIGHT STREBT fro�► Erainerd Aveane to Marqland
Avenne, all to be known as the IiARYLAND-BRAINERD RBZ,'�BF SYSTP:M
� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ _�,017.07
Resolved Further,.That a public hearing be had on said-imp�ovement on the Ltlt� day of
u����b� , , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in;the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of ``
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total oost thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Councii
Yeas Car�� Nays
Dalg : Approveci. ���' � 1968
Mered i� r��
f2ete�se�--. �n Favor �7
Tedesco ' i���A� Mayor
::.t�ae:�:i��k�'�" ;k`'�,.,d.o.�6 `�
x� �.���t cP�BOn, Ag���st : P��I.�s�►ES APR 13 l��
6-68.2M �� R.1