237952 , . ,�wr .i , �3��e�� . � w (�OLTNCIL FILE N0. INTERMEDIARY ORDER . _ _ �y , File No. 17261 In the Matt�r of eonstructing a public aewer ia St!'l��T AVSNQE frcym Aldin� Street � to Snelling Avenue, slso ALDINS STxBET frvm Portland l�!�enue to Sue�mit Aveaue, aYl to be known as the PIERCE-PORTLAI�D-StTI�iIT R1�LIRF SYST�I; also ccnstruct a pablic sewer ia SAIBLLIIYG AVENETE from Lincoln Avenue to Goodx�,ch Avenue � ., � under Preliminary Order ` 237754 approve� : March 26. 1968 �_ The Council af the City of St. Paul having received the report vf the Commissioner of F�nance upon the above improvennent, and having considered said repo�, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved alid adopted, and the said improvement : is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is to coaatr�ct a public sewer in SUIrIl�fLT AVEHtTS from Al�!dine Street to Snelling Avenue, also ALDINS STREBT fro� Portland An�tt�.e to �it Avenue, all tn'sbe knovn as th� PIEBCB-POBTIAr1D-3�T REI�IEF SYSTE�I; alaa cN�str�ct a public sewer ia SNSLLING AVENIT$ frau Lincola Avenue to Goodrich Avesne with no alternatives, and that the estimated caat thereof is $ �� �n�'�s,_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said impi�ovement on the 9th d�y of l�ta� 1968 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That':the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by th��Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cast theieof as eatimated. : ��'� � 196$ COUNCILMEN • Ada�ted by the Council Yeas Carison Naya ,.p.»., . ..,� �algl;sh , Ap�rov� ,,�it�#�R'9 "�$ . Ho,land Mered th o- , �G�-n n. Favor Tedesco t�Si Mayor 1� _. y � ..�.�`�,"����':°' , �r.Vice Preeideat jPeterson) . A,grAlIISt .P(')'���$�EB !II"R 1 � �JVq 6-68.2M �� 8.1 ": _. �._..,— _,. _. �k"