237947 OdYinal to Cfty Cler& � ORDINANCE 2`���`� � �i�� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO ���?? AN ORD�NANCE SETTLING TFIE CLAIM QF LXI�IDQN IIdSURANCE COMPANY ON BEHALF OF TTS INSURED, JERRY D. BRf)WN A.GAIN5T THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL . TEIE COUNCIL OF TEiE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDYTN: 5ection 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay aut of the Tort Liability Fund U035-421, to Lyndon Insurance Ca�apany on behalf of its insured, Jerry D. Brown, the sum of $164.04, i.n full �ettlaaent of its claim for damages and inj�ries sustained on or about Saptember 28, 1967, as a result of an accident involving a City vehicle driven by Robert M. Madigan, at or near the iateraection of Kellogg Boulevard and Minnesota Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant, Lyndon Insurance C�►pany upon its execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the sanner aforesaid. Sactian 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force th3rty days after its pass�g�oval and publication. APR � � ��s� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carlsoh Dalglish � In Favor Holland Meredith � ��_Against Peterson , Tedesco AP� � ��'e �.9�� Mr. President (Byrne) Appr d• _ A st: � � � C' y Cler , Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By '� /4�1� ���r;%=L����� Pd�us�rE� APR 2 '7 1968 Duplicate to Printer ... O 1� ]� I N A N C E ��°'����'�=� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. f� � AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAI��1 0F LYNDON IAiSUR�AtCE COA4PANX ON BEIiALF 0�' �TS I�JSURED, JERRY D. BRO�'�t� AGAIN�T 'TkIF CITY +QF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITX OF SAINT �AUL DOE5 ORD/1IN: Section 1. Tha�. the gxa�ex� City officers �e hereby �.utharf.zed to pay aut of th� Toxt Lia.b3lity Fund 0035-421, to Lyndon Insurance Company on behalf o£ its insured, Jexry U. Brown, the sum of: �164.04, in full settlen��nt of i�s cl�.in �or d�na�es and injuries sustained an or about September Z�, i�87, as a resul� af. an �ccident inv�lvin� a �ity v�hicls driven �y �to�ext M. t�fadiga.n, at or nea� the intersection of Kellogg Boulevard a.nd Mir�nssota 5txeet, Saint Paul, i�inn�sata. Section 2. That said surn shall be �aid tc� the said claimant Lyndon Insurance Compan}� upon its execution and delivexy of a release in full to the City, in a form to be a�}�roved by the Gorporation Cc�unsel, for all damaaes �ir�d injuries sustain�d iy� the manner afaxesai.d. Sectian 3. That this ordinance shall take ef£ect and be in force thirty days a��er its passage, a��roval a.nd publicatiar�. ;�,,k��t ? ��;�,� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � In Favor Holland Meredith �' Against Peterson Tedesco r;, �"�q"°� ._ . oy',��'`" ,', ... ��, � . � Ist � ' 2nd �� Laid over to 3rd and app. —Adopted ��� , Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �Carlson '\Carlson �alglish . Ualglish 2� � �rC.+ �; .. � olland ' olland �Meredith �eredith , � � , �Re#enorr eterson �edesco edesco _,°`��: - . �r. President B rne ����.�3�3,�e�j' 0 Y