237929 � � � ORIOINALTO COUNC�L NO• ������ � c�Tr���nK CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL FILE � APPROPRIATION TRAPISFERS-RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY G COMMISSIONE DATF April �L 19 VH R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE GOMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 950-90�J Workman's Com�.-Restricted Use 10,000.00 0959-10 Legal ��ssistance - Misdemeanants 10,000.00 FOR APF';�Q'v'�D G'-�� �'/G Y�y,,�� Asst. CorN�ration Couns�l YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS ���///��` � ��r �=:� 1968 ��� f/� A^ ADOPTED BY TNE COUNCI�" a _19 • � 't�,c�'?-, ���� APPROVED 79 IN FAVOR //�/� � l n V AYOR `� °°� - OGAINST - �� . . ,. .. _ ..._.. COUNTERSIGN�D BY J�J � cirv o .. MR. PRESIDENT � /���V �- � sao Q � / l ��QLISHED APR b 196� c� ��r' �� ,��,� OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 109 CITY HALL JOSEPH J. MITCMELL JOSEPH P. LA NASA CITY COMPTROLLER DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER MarGh 21i 1968 U Lauis Ervin, Director n D�partment of Human Rights �� City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Transfer Resolution Dear Mr. Ervin: The atteched transfer resolution is in accordance with our recent conversations and will accomplish the £o1lQwing objectives: � I. Transfer $3,185.0(7 from the Restricted Use Account (1967 � Carryover) ta the Personal Services Account to fully finance your off�ce salaries st the n.ew level. 2. Transfer $1,5�U.0� fram the Tteetricted tTse Account (1967 Carryover) to the Contractual Services account to finance the police liason officer in the Selby-Dale Area. 3. 7Cransfer $2,050.�10 fzom the Restricted Use Account (1967 Carryover) to the Other Cha�gea Aceount to allow payn�ent to the Summer Youth Program - Planning. 4. Transfer $4,400.0� from the Personsl Servicea Account to the Other Char�;es Account to allow payment to the Summer Youth Progrram. This transfer resolution has been countersigned by Mr. i�itchell; it should now be presented to Mayar Byrne for his approval, and far him to present to the Council for action. Very truly yours, �, � �f,-- ,'�_,,, �'z � �.,-_ Robert A. Horris�rger �%' Aacou�tant III cc-Mayor ��rne�� � R. W. Trudeau,(Civil Service Reg�. O � , _ � � 2�'���;� Notice CITY OF ST. PAUL Council File No. to MINlv'ESOTA Printer CouNCZL RESOLUrION 19._ RESOLUED, that the transfers ?a�ithin funds of the various City Departments heretofore approved by the City Ccanptroller, as such transfers of funds as of .���are indicated in documents attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, as fully as if the same were set forth ful],y and completely herein, are hereby approved, copies of the aforementioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk and in the office of the City Comptroller. �;��� �: �9�� Adopted by the Council 19� ��.`.,, � ���� City �anptroller Approved �19� By � PkF@US�HE, APR E� ����