237878 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Q CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCI� NO• �7 LIC�_�ZSE CCt�2�1'T�E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL R ION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� ��� � COMMISSIONE DATF �r�l 2i �-��8 WHERF,�►S: Avis Rent-A-Car-System, Inc. has marle Apnlication K-�.69 for li censes to operate four (l�) motor vehicles as P+Iotor Vehicle Rentals upon the streets of tkie �ity of Saint Paul� described as follows: Motor Vehicle Rental P2ake Serial Insurance 20lt Ford 8p56�o53�2 Liberty I�utual Insurance Co. ' Policy No. Z,C1�712-001�61�9-158, 205 Ford 8�6F1049� �iring 12:(71 �.M. ST ' Jarnzar� l, 1969 206 Wiievrolet I6�7$J121�858 N M Ei t� . 207 Chevrolet 16l�li.78J12l�9?3 �� �� tr ,� u WHLR.r:kS, Said ap,�licant has _filed. a co�y of .the inst�rance policy i��ith the City of Saint Paul, and said "polic�r has been a,�proved as to form and executi��n by tY� Cosp�;ratior Counsel; therefore, be it FrSQLV.�U; That licenses to opera.te said autor:lobiles as r.otor Vehicle Rentals upon the streets of t he �it;; of Sa.int Pa�il, be and the same are 17ereb�r graz ted to Avis-Rent A-Car-S�stem, Inc. RE��E'wTAL Mail Address; 77 E. 9th St. - ��� 2 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19__ Yeas Nays Carlson s�„ ; t���,a� �i,� � � Dalglish Approved 19— Holland ��n Favor Meredith � ' Peterson Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne Pt��LIS�HE➢ /�FR 6 1968 O