237873 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK (1��A1�.1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N�,.N v a � { OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK C RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT� \ RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul concurs with the recommendation of the Welfare Budget Advigory Committee, and approves the trangfer o€ certain funds within the Saint Paul Ramsey County Mental Health Center Budget so as to permit the employment of an Oecupational Therapi�t and a Recreational Therapist rather than a Psychologist. Y FORM APPROVrD Asst. Corporation Counsel �P� � 1'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays ,� � �� =����5 � ,.�'� Carleon Dalglish Approved 19___ Holland � Tn Favor Meredith J Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PEI�LES�l�EB APR � i� �O . �� � �ou�� ��.�i���r'� ���i�c � co����� a�� _ p ��� . st. Pa,�i, n���., �„ : ��s� �o. �.s�Q , ,,;���� Resolufion 9-�140 , ;,��� �;�" ;� iVo. �� ' March 26 19 68 The attention of Count� Auditor, Atten��!on Mr. Paters; Councfl, 90 the Ci�y Cle•rP:; County �ti7elfaxe Department; James Da1;Zish,Chair�:aa E•7elf�re Bud�et Advisory Comm. �' " is respectfully called to the following Resolution of ihe $oard of County Commissionera of Ramsey ' , County, IVfinneaota, adopted at the meeting held on N,arch 25, 1968 By Commisaioner Salverda C�'�'7�-�(� :2�SOLVED il;at. t�e���f -�ar.rs� ^ , concurs witY: the recomunendation of the �v'el�ar� �ud�;c� ���vi�ory Committee, and approvea t�,c: transf�r of certain fund� wi�i-�i�z tc�e ��. 1'uul Ramsey County Menfial He�?th Center Bud;et so as to F�rcnit t�,e e�;:t��o}nient of an Occupational , T�:c�apiat and a Recreatiar=a1 �"r:::�:�pisc. rw�a�� than a Psychologist. - � R�c�, , �oRp ,�qR F j` , �Rq,.,�8�96 FO N ,8, Cp��sF`, THOMAS �f. KF�Y.1�.��'. Count� Auditor ' gy 1�eputy. Form Aud.200 2-M 12-68 �Q , _ _ _ _ e�*t or Y ���t�= ,�a� •,` 6ERALD A.AIFlrEBY � ;..�N ,� //1UL J.KELLY ° ' ' LHOMAS J.STEARNS ` �"�� ' JON R. OUCKSTAD � +� �� � /1RiHUR M.NEISON ��� JEROME J.SEGAL ROtERT E.O'CONNELL THOMHS M.MOONEY Fir:t Ascist�at CITY OF S.AINT PAUL K�'N H�J. IT1 ATRICK DANIEL A.KlAS 6ERALD H.SWANSON SpscialAsatstant LEGAt D'EPARTMENT . �16 City Hcll, St. Parl. Miaa�sota 5b10t . .IOSSPH P. SUMMERS Cor�oration Counsel � T0: City Clerk � DATE: March 26, 1968 Your letter of March 20� �1968 �---=--et>23Ceriling -approval af�transfer of funds within the St. Paul-Ramsey County Afental Health Center budget, ��as been received. Mr. Da�iel A. Kias of this office has been assigned .to the ma.tte"r, _and you may direct future inquiries concerning the same diree�ly' to him. � JOSEPH P. SUMMERS ' Corporation Counsel - L I r�� �b REO:paw 3 � aarry E. Marshall �,YY en Albert B. Olaon !• City Clerk and ��`'�; Council Recorder Commisaioner of Registration a x o , � ,` _�.. ,a �9p M1O jt.}� . .<A'�, ��.. OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK �� �` CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS �88 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 March 20, 1968 Mr. Joseph P. Summers, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of a letter of the Welfare Budget Advisory Committee and related letters recommendin� approval of the transfer of funds within the St. Paul-Ramsey County Mental Health Center budget. The City Council today, by motion, approved these transfers. If necessary, would you please prepare a reso- lution concuxring in this action? Very �ru1y yours, i , 5�,��1 C' Clerk ! AO�hp � � �� �v �� R MQ�� p 1968 ,����,ZION '���N��1: C�'� � �- � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MtNNE50TA I13 Court House,55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner . LOUIS H.McKENNA, Depufy Commissioner Phona:223-4G46 • March 18, 1968 The Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council and ' Members of the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners i i Gentlemen: , � The Welfare Budget Advisory Committee, at its meeting on � March 14, 1968, approved a motion that it recommend to the ' City Council and the County Board that certain funds within � the St. Paul-Ramsey County Mental Health Center budget be transferred as per the attachPd request from Miss Ruth Bowman. It should be noted that this is not a request for additional . funds, but a request for transfer of existing funds. Sincerely yours, ., - , ; ;, , ' ��--yiZ'l��s-i. /!(:�:� •-yY') i �,�. ; ; ;�'"ames J.,.Dalglish,_,.. ;� Chairmari � ' Welfare Budget Advisory Committee 1 �f � i l I � � - .�w ,� , r"-- � � V // �Y . v � � U j . ! �O . - 1�,c.+� CZt/�".t�J?��L'� 1✓ �� � • � ��°'�'" "- "� ������ �����������, BOARD DIREGTOftS � DIVISION OP � COUNTY WELFARE f30ARD 476 SAINT P�''I'ER STItEE1' . � SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 . SAM$. GRAI�,CHI��RMI�N C�TY OF SAINT PAUL RU'I'H L. ISOWi�SAN� E.YCCItt1VC DI1'CCtOT BVRON Q. COCHFiANE, M.O., `��CE CHAIRb:nN AND � FRANK J.N/IDEFiSY.I COUNTY OF RAMSEY HARnY J. nnOE3ERG . MRS.JOSEPH KALISCH � J�inuary 2�1, 1�G8 The Honorab].e James J. D�l.glish • Chairman, L�?el_fare Budget Advisory Committee 113 Court �Iouse St. Pau] , rlinnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Dalg]_ish: The Ramsey County Welfare Board, at its meeting on January 23, 1968, approved the transfer of certain funds within the Saint Paul-Ramsey County Mental Health Center budget, suhject to approval by the Ment�l Health Board and the State Department of Public Welfare. There will be no change in the appropriation, but rather a txensfer of funds budgeted for an Occupational Therapist and Recreational Therapist. Please note this is only a request for transfer of existing ` funds, not a request for additional funds. A copy of Dr. Jon Weinbergis request is attached. This is submitted for your information. . � Yo s very truly, . /ti'- � -'��... iss) Ruth L. Bowman xecutiveDirector RLB/aj Enc. AG[NCY FAEMDER OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC SJELFARE A6SOCIATION ' ' r:'r:�r, .} ,..�� .�`�� q e: •y .'�. -,:-, • . -. -- ~ �. � . . . . .. .. . ... .. . t., . . .... . ..�.... ..'� �„ `'.... . . .. �r..:. J i:.;� ' . _ ,. . . . _ .. . , �1 ., , f ..t ii . � ^� . i.� il� , ` . � .�:liii� �t:li-�.��:ii'I:�� �"tG,��:. � � i• . •.i� • . Sui11'i E�::II�� i..�`�.�J':6�i�-i DJiVI � - � �.. °�'� _ ' . '.l1:� ;'.10�.-:'.t..!.,., : i:�!�::�'� RIC!Ii1F,f� k. Ti.Fic.7„ ;.5.:�. . Proryr�n Uircc;�r l.i;.�il.L .�i:._ir. L�.._. :� . JO`; 7..\YEiN6c7G, P��.U. �nv;�:i ti.� W. :ill:Gi; � As:oci�:tc Pro:�rt:,� G:rcc:or Chn;�.�.�. �Yii I!?.�.! :�. \:'A.l AC:: � � � . Y�ic Ct�^'nn.i.� 5�.�� ;. �.��i; . J�111U�.ry 12, 1968 irto:un:r . . \Vn:ii: �. G,1�.U\tR, 1!.D. � ' 11'.'N. P.FCIi{i. l.. <•C;�_•U:D ' • NYl.1/�ti S. lt:i:�.qPl. �d.0. ldF.`., FIIZ�i:c7tl Pi.�ISH ��.���.�� f. 5r�1�i���I:::L Tlt'. S1r� Cr.�is, Cli1ir:nan F.;irusi.y Couilty 1�'c�]]:a�� I;�ard • . 155?_ lde,t: L�rpenti.ter • St, P_�,�i� �i;,l,,,_s�r:a SSli.3 Dcar. Mz. C:r1is: Thiti i.s tc� reque:;t aPpr.oval of a trans€er of funds within the COC�IIllll[ll.t�% r�uitn]. Flcalth Cent-er budget. In order. to support sta£f� for our net:� D:iy Tr.catm�>.nt Center, we have elected to refrain from filling a psych,�lo�;i.st position (adu].t) budgeted at $13,000 in 1968. This , money wi.l.l. be. ni:.re useful this ycar as salary for an Occupational Therapi.st 1T1C1 Rccreational Therapist. The O,T, will. be on a 50% time ' basi� zt a salary oi $309.50 per monrh (100% salary= $61�/r.ionth) . tne . ' other 50% rime she will contint:e to work or. the Psychiatry Service (throu�h the Rehahilitation i�fedicine bud�c:t) as she is currently doin� 100% time. Assumi_ng a FebruUry 1 changeover, the 11 montY:s of her . salary �vil.l t-otal $3�+04.50 to be takcn £rom the $13,000 item. The � recreaL-ional tt►crapist will. not be nired until later in the year and hi.s salary in 1J68 will be msch more than amply covered by the balance. , Thc O.T. wliose posi.ti.on is invol.ved is Mr.s. I:athy Whitcomb, who, in sunuunr.y, �•f{ l l be p:iict SO% from C.i�[.lt.C. funds and SO% from Rehabili- tat ion �S��cl i ci�ic funds after F eUru<lry ]., if approved. Please note rtiat j thi.s is o�ily a r.equest for transfer of existi.n� funds, not a requ�st for ; additi.o_izl £unds. ide have concurrently requested State approval for the i chan�:e. ; Wc woulcl a��preciate hearinb from the Board prior to February 1 so ; thc ciz:;ni;c cr�n neco;r:e ef�e.c�ive tt�ien. :'.� also hopa the transfei is j a�;�r.ovc.�t for bot.li O.T. a�d R.T. positions now, even thougYi Lhe R'.T. � will not bc hi.r�-d in:liectiately. Thank you very much. . I � Cor3ially, ; ; Jon �deinberg, Pn.D. � Pro�r�m Director C .C. : I�UCtil �04:i1:1i1� F;-��.TR1'L� SCZDliSCi'tCc1� + I�aurence Bin�er, �Iic;�ae� Kosi�k, :1.D. ; �1.C}1�2TCi TE:<?i:c^.r� it.P. � liiii 'fi2iE:t �'iTOi.i`1't'iT. � Jf�'/bV