04-555�/a�/�� RESOLIITION RATIFYING ASSESSMBNT File No. SEE Assessment No. SEE BELOW Vo[ing Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 3q J0309A2 (9994) Summary abatement (property clean-up) during the month of December 2003 for the property at 1819 Sheridan Ave. LAID OVSR BY COUNCIL ON 3-24-04 to 5-26-04 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RBSOLVTD, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ,-�r; F; �,�, �eJ�i'Ge�. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays � Benanav ✓ Montgomery �/ Bostrom ✓ Thune ✓ Harris ,i Lantry ✓ Helgen �In Favor , �Against Adopted by the Council: Date �� �%D� Certified Passes by Council Secretary 'u.hliC �-j- ��Ri�C�' - 5-�lo-D� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet C : �,a��� ���� p�f — Public works Cornact Person & Bruce Engelbrekt 266-8854 ,��R-� I Green Sheet NO: 3015098 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) wcuon rteques[ea: This item was laid over by Council on 3-24-04 to 5-26-04, Sununary abatement (property clean-up) during the month of December 2003 for property at 1819 Sheridan Ave. File #J0309A2 Rewmmendations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee _ _ _ Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet OBD2rtmeOt sent �o rerson 0 biic Wor Bruce En 1 rek[ 1 ouncil Marv Erickson Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazazd at various times tluoughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. The City is required by City code to clean up the property and chazge the property owner for the cost of the clean up. AdvantaqeslfApproved: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for summary abatements, grass cutting, towing of abandoned vehicles, demolitions, gazbage hauling and boardings-up. Disadvanfapes If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Tf Council does not approve these chazges, general fund would be required to pay the assessment. �iow� v.mounc ot 295 Trensaction: Fun�np Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. �. ,.�.,+,�.^5.;?.`,:��'�f',37 � =Pt�rc, Financiat 4nformaHon: a?� � � � j„;� (Explain) 1 property owner will be norified of the public hearing and charges. City of St. Paul ��! � � �!� �C0.1��V1 � - r � Dept. of Technology & Management Serv RBPORT OF COMPL&TION OF ASS$SSMBNT Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW J0309A2 (9994) Summary abatement month of December Sheridan Ave. cost and expenses for (property clean-up) during the 2603 for the property at 1819 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 3-24-04 to 5-26-04 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total costs Summary Abatement Charge-Code Enforcement Real Estate ServiCe Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $225.00 $ $ 50.00 $ 20.00 $295.00 $295.00 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $295.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefitted by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action th eon as may be considered proper. � Dated_ �_� � Va ua 'on and Assessment Engineer t��-�'S5 r Y ?� n [d r � n X n 3 ro H Y � n m r � ron H.3y ,'nn000 � ii �Y�y nii rrr y n m .b m n [9 [a C yn vt]3 O n C x 3 H n t+ [7 b Y n nt];v rumxK �� n�nv n m o m ii m 3 y n [n �] n [�] • 11 .Z] +n n vr N II +/+�R N lD II N Vl N N II O O UI n • 0 0 0 0 0 o n o 0 0 x x� [n �+ v� i O � �O�Hm ( � E �o�b�o�� �H Cm i 2fn CS y i p i L][xrJ3AE � A i ?�.'uZ�-a?� i H 1(n N t7 C� X C7 �n b N � ObtnZ �'O ��z�r ;K i o <n�im i � �rm� w O Y N i I 0 A � � �E myx� �� � * � . �x*x ��o � dnn�ro � oro �a� � m ��rryo�a� � C�=]�� i K 1 ,ro v� O ` � [_] r �, i C7 � � w d7 � wOroH� i �] i wyC• T� � � ���x o�� � io•• rot7 � ro N�/H i ti' [ 1-] 1 H [ � H � O O i 'z � z� � yi � O� i m ?1 U] i 7] � [�l [�l C � � � t t T � O n n � � � �xk� z mom��s m37� � m H tn P] i P7 • i p1 i � i i �i i � i C z I 1 H N tn i H oori� 0 0 o i y 000iy i o0o i R7 i i h] �y �n H NiO i n� i 9] N N � � 000i z O O O I H I 000 t F] 000rm i i n R1 � n � q ii � C1 i II � H i II i p II � � i �� i � � II � � � i N II LT i/t N � ��O II N ln N i� � lI� II O O Ut � II• I O II O O O I 1-] I O II O O O I(n i N i F� � 1 N � �tl � i '�1 � i0 ti � ro w i �1 1+ i y t� � K i i i I O � H O I d � i � w� w m � 0 N 0 m b � � 3 H � � � a 3 � � '� t" C Y L] [a r REPORT OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING, MAY 11, 2004 Page 2 911 Wilson Avenue (70401� I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing and the May 26 City Council Meeting. � 1819 Sheridan Avenue (J0401A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deieting the assessment 949 Sherburne Avenue (J0401A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing and the May 26 Ciry Council Meefing. 932 Iroquois Avenue (J0401A) I,ea slarive Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing and the May 26 City Council Meeting. Sl3 York Avenue (J04fli� Legisiative Hearing Of#�icer recommends iaying over to the May 25 i,egislative Hearing and the May 26 City Council Mee#ing. 1591 Ta�or Avenue (J0401A) Legislative Heazing Officer recommends laying over to the May 25 Legisiative Hearing and the May 26 City Council Meeting. 1054 Arkwright Street (30401A) I,egislative Heazing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 971 Aurora Avenue (J�401A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the total assessment from$323 to $153 plus the $70 service fees for a total assessment of $223. 2fi� Baker Street East (Jq401 V) Legisiative Hearing Officer recommsnds approval of #he assessment. 1695 Burns Avenue (Jfl401A} i,egislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 2134 Bush Avenue (30401A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment 733 Case Avenue (Jfl401i� I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the totai assessment from $615 to $135 plus the $7a service fees for a total assessneirt of $203. 745 Case Avenue (J0401 V) I,egislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. �-�P� �`�1 �� 5 �� MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING ORDERS TO REMOVE/REPAIIt, CONDEMNATIONS, AND ABATEMENT ASSESSMENTS Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Room 330 City Hall, 15 Keliogg Boulevard West Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer The hearing was called to order at 10:02 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Steve Ma�er, Nei�borhood Housing and Property Improvement (NHP�; Steve Rice, Planning and Economic Development; Harold Robinson, NHPI Note: All of the properties today will be before the City Council for raUfication on May 26. The following addresses were laid over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing because files were not available for these properties or the owners requested a layover: 1063 Dale Street North 949 Sherburne Avenue (70401A), 932 Iroquois Avenue (70401A), 515 York Avenue (J0401�, 1591 Tavlor Avenue (J0401 A), 1120 Pa�ne Avenue (J0401�, 911 Wilson Avenue (J0401 V), 233 Sherburne Avenue (J0401V) Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 271 Maria Avenue. If the owner fails to cornply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building(s). (Laid over from 4-27-04) Raymond Hessler appeared and stated the HPC (HisYoric Preservation Commission) just got back to him on Friday. At the previous legislative hearing, Ms. Moermond wanted Mr. Hessler to pay the property tases, pay the performance bond, and provide a financial plan. Mr. Hessler has paid the tases, posted the bond, and will be banla�olling the project himself with backup money from East Bank. As for Yhe concrete plan Ms. Moermond asked for, he had to fmd out the HPC's guidelines first. He plans to start on the roof and soffits. He has companies ready to start on the plumbing and hearing. He has his own crew that will do a lot of the cosmetics. Ms. Moermond stated she will be looking for a time line for addressing each item on the Code Compliance Inspection List. Her recommendation will be 180 days to complete the rehabiliYation plan. She will get copies of his information. She would like the paperwork prior to the City Council meeting on May 26. Mr. Hessler asked does he need to be there on May 26. Ms. Moermond responded he does not have to be there if he has everything in. FIis councilmember is Kathy Lantry. Her concern is that this be undertaken and completed as quickly as possible, and it sounds like Mr. Hessler is planning to do that. Ms. Magner recommends 180 days to compiete the rehabilitation of the properiy on condition that a time line and a rehabilitation plan is provided to her by noon of May 26, 2004. (Mr. Hessler left paperwork with Ms. Moermond.) . MINLTTES OF TAE LEGISLATNE HEARING OR MAY 11, 2004 Page 2 Resolution ardering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 7$5 Butternut Avenue. If the o�vner fails to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Properi}� Improvement is ordered to remove the building(s). (L,aid over from 4-27-04) Marcia Moermond stated that Councilmember Thune heard from the dish council and they wanted a layover longer than what was discussed at the last legislarive hearing. Matt Kustritz, Sa0 Grand Hill, appeazed and stated he has a rehabilitation plan and photographs. (He explained his documents to Ms. Moermond.) Ms. Moermond stated she will provide the district council a copy of the rehabilitation pian. Looking at it quickiy, it is exactly what the City needs. Mr. Magner added that he has a copy of the plan. Ms. Moermond recommends granting 180 days to complete the rehabilitation on the properry. (Mr. Kustritz submitted the photographs.) Appeal of Summary Abatement Order at 1854 Benson Avenue; o�vner: Janet M. Pelzel. (Laid over from 4-27-04) Janet Pelzel, owner, appeazed. Since the last legislative hearing, reported Steve Magner, he looked at the site and the garage is a dilapidated structure and in peril of collapse. He agrees with the inspector that they need an abatement order to remove it. Mr. Magner sent bids to the purchasing deparhnent. He is srill waiting for bids to remove the garage and associated lean-to. Marcia Moermond asked has the owner looked into additional information for costs. Ms. Pelzel responded a 40 yard dumpster would be around $600. She does not know if they come bigger. Mr. Magner responded 40 is the largest they generaliy come. Ms. Moermond stated this is the owner's judgement cail about how she wants to proceed. The structure is unstable. To knock it down, the owner would hopefixlly get safety training and equipment. The City doing it wouid cost a maYimum of $3,000. Ms. Peizei stated she went to get the permit and was told that she does not need safety training, but wouid need a pernut. Ms. Moermond stated she will give two weeks far the owner to remove the garage or the City wiil take it down. If the City does it, it will become a bill first, Ms. Pelzel can choose to appeal the assessment, and Ms. Moermond can spread the payment over five yeazs. Ms. Moermond called Ms. PelzePs insurance company and talked with the insurance agent, and there are no problems as long as Ms. Pelzei is dealing with the situation that has arisen with the structure. Ms. Pelzei stated she would like to make the decision now to let the City do it. MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 \� ge 3� In that case, Ms. Moermond recommends denying the appeal and making the effective date today (May 11) so that the paperwork can be processed to get the garage lrnocked down. � J0309A2 Property cleanap at 1819 Sheridan Avenue. (City Council referred back to the Legislative Hearing Officer) Jacob Beilinsky, 1813 Sheridan Avenne, appeazed Harold Robinson reported that there are two abatement assessments for public sidewalks, ice, and snow. One was February 1, 2004, and the other was December 24, 2003. He has videotapes of both of them. Mr. Magner responded this was a dwelling the City abated for a substantial abatement process. The ownership is still listed as Scott A. Walz. The ajacent property owner 7acob Bellinsky has now purchased the property and he never received notice on the summary abatemenY because iY was already mailed to Mr. Walz, who is missing. Ms. Moermond asked when the abatement occurred. Mr. Beliinsky responded the quick-claim and warranty deeds were filled out on February 18 and filed on Mazch 24. He shoveled the walk hunself during the year. One fime he shoveled it, it snowed again, and a neighbor complained on it. He spent $13,000 for the back taxes and $8,500 for the demolition of the house. He has no more money to put into this property. He wanted to see if there was any way to delete or negotiate the last two assessments. He is mowing the lawn, hauling away garbage, trimming trees, and starting to make it look nice for the community. Mr. Robinson reported one order was sent out January 28, 2004, by the Citizen Service Office. The inspector went there on January 30, went back on Febniuy 5, and then sent The work order. The other assessment was done on December 24, 2003, the letter went out on December 18, and the inspector went out on December 22. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting both assessments. When the deed search was done, these assessments did not show up as pending, and Mr. Bellinsky did not receive proper notification of the second assessment because the property was not changed into his name. (The other assessment that was deleted is under the next item.) Summary Abatements: J0401A Property cleanup during January and February 2004; J0401 V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during August through November 2003; J0401B Boarding-up of vacant buildings during January and February 2004. 411 Wilson Avenue (30401� Per the owner's request prior to the meeting, Marcia Moermond recommends laying over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing. MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATNE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 4 1120 Payne Avenue (J0401� Per the owner's request prior to the meeting, Mazcia Moermond recommends laying over to the May 25 I,egislative Hearing. � 1819 Sheridan Avenue (70401A) (See laid over assessment for the same address on the previous page.) Marcia Moermond recommends deleting the assessment. 1063 Dale Street North (30401A) San T. Vo, owner, appeared. Mazcia Moermond recommends laying over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing as the file was not available for this address. 949 Sherburne Avenue (J0401A) Steve Rice provided English-Spanish interpretation for this property. Jaime Garcia, owner, appeared. Ms. Moermond recommends iaying over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing as the file was not available on this properry. 932 Iroquois Avenue (J0401A) Duane Renville, owner, appeared. Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the May 25 L,egislaUve Hearing as the file was not availabie on this pxoperty. 515 York Avenue (70401V) Cherf Pao Thao, owner, appeared. Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the May 25 Legislative Hearing as the file was not available on this property. 1591 TaXor Avneue (J0401A) George Oxford, owner, appeared. >� MIlVIJTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 5 Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the May 25 I,egislative Hearing as the file was not available on this properiy. 1054 Arkwri�ht Street (30401A) Nancy, owner's daughter, appeared and stated the family did not own the property until Febmary 5, which was the day of the closing. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment as the presenT owner did not receive proper notice. This is a snow and ice situation. Orders were mailed on February 5, and Yhe work was done February 14. 971 Aurora Avenue {70401A) Marcia Moermond explained that Uus is discazded fumiture on the properly. Lewis Berry, owner, appeared and responded it was not on the property; it was in the alleyway beside the garage. The police called it in. This furnihue was dumped. (A videotape was shown.) When it is close to the garage, asked Ms. Moermond, is it considered the public right-of-way or private property. Steve Magner responded it is not a clear definition, but his office handles it as follows: if the item is in the physical right-of-way of the alley, center ar edge of the blacktop that has been oiled or paved by the city, then it is the responsibility of the City to remove the item. if the item is abutting the surface, such as up against the gazage, or the nonoiled ar paved area between a structure and the paved or oiled right-of-way itself, then it is the responsibility of the adjacent properiy owner. If it is a nonpaved or non oiled alley, then it becomes the mid line of the alley right-of-way, and the adjacent properiy owner's responsibility. Ms. Moermond asked was is it a gravel or paved alley. Mr. Berry responded it is paved. Mr. Magner explained that the inspector received a complaint and went there. The items were against the garage, and is the adjacent property owner's responsibility to remove it. Ms. Moermond asked were there phone calls, according to the files. Mr. Robinson responded no. Ms. Moermond stated she is looking at orders that the City mailed him to remove the furniture on December 15 and again the end of December. The work crew did the work at the end of January. She is suspicious now that he says it is the pubic right-of-way when he has been receiving orders in the mail to take care of this. She also sees there is a history of refuse violations at the properry. This means the City has mailed orders in the past, and the owner has received them. MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 6 Mr. Berry stated he does not remember receiving any norice to that. Being in the back of his property, he did not think it was his responsibility to remove it because it was in fhe alley. He has garbage service. Ms. Moermond responded that the property technically extends to the middle of the aliey and the City will maintain the right-of-way. Mr. Robinson responded that is correct. The inspector did not think it was impeding traffic. Otherwise, Public Works will pick it up. Ms. Moermond asked how many refuse violations in the past two years. Mr. Robinson responded a summary abatement order was issued on February 27, 2003, and a work order was sent on ivlarch 11. Another order was issued on October 24, 2001. There were five trips out there from September 27 to October 27, 2000 for refuse. Ms. Moermond stated notices were sent out twice. She wili knock $100 off. Ifhe ever gets another notice and there are questions, he should call it in. If she sees it in here again, she will assume he knew and chose not to act responsibly. Mr. Berry responded he is legally blind. He had someone read paperwork for him. Mr. Moermond stated he should call in the future. There aze a lot of people that come in to legislative hearings who are disabled, English is a second language, etc., and they aze taking care of their yard and being held to community standards. The City would like to help him get the notices read. Ms. Moermond asked could there be a note in the file to make a phone ca1L Mr. Robinson responded that some inspectors call when they send a work order. This time of yeaz, inspectors can get busy, but Mr. Robinson will make a note of it. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $323 to $153 plus the $70 service fees for a total assessment of $223. 260 Baker Street East (J0401� (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends approvai of the assessment. 1695 Burns Avenue (70401A) (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. 2134 Bush Avenue (J0401A) Marcia Moermond stated these are two separate assessments that are together for cleanups that were done on December 20, 2003 and February 6, 2004. MINLJTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 7 Eugene R. Smith, owner, appeazed and stated he got back home the end of April from down south. He got the notice in the mail about this hearing and was toid it was for snow and ice removal. He has had someone take care of that for seven years, and Mr. Smith thought it was taken care of. The City sent him a notice on the second one. It was addressed as Occupant and the post office marked it undeliverable and sent it back. So, Mr. Smith never got a notice. It is his responsibility to take care of it, but the City is supposed to wam him ahead of time. Mr. Smith has documents to prove he was down south Mr. Smith has documents from Xcel Energy that he is a seasonai customer. Hazold Robinson reported a letter was returned on February 25 as not deliverable as addressed to Occupant. The Citizen Service Office also would have sent a letter out to Mr. Smith because he is listed in AMANDA (computer system). The occupancy letter came back as undeliverable; the post office obviousiy had forwarding for the other letters. It was mailed to Mr. Smith and to Occupant. Ms. Moermond stated staff is saying two notices were sent out on both occasions. One notice went in Mr. Smith's name at 2134 Bush, and the other went to "OccupanY' at 2134 Bush. The Occupant letter came back to the City, and the other did not come back. It looks like Mr. Smith received proper notice. Whether or not he is staying in his house, he is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk and mowing the lawn. Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment ciring the foilowing: the owner is responsible for maintaining his property in a code compiiance manner, notices were properly sent to the owner and he did not get them tYarough no fault of the City. She asked would the owner like to pay the assessment over time. Mr. Smith responded he would pay it. Mr. Magner added that the oumer could get a copy of the notice from the Citizen Service Office, as these aze computer generated letters. 733 Case Avenue (J0401� The following appeared: Chao Lee, owner, 13055 Riverdale Drive, Coon Rapids; Belinda Hogan, tenant. Mr. L.ee said the vehicle belongs to his tenant. Back in September 2003, he and his wife spoke to Ms. Hogan about the vehicle. She explained that she was in the process of saving money to repair the vehicle. They talked about deducting $50 to $75 off her rent every month to get the vehicle running again. He did not want her to park it on the street, which is why it was in the back of the property, which he thought would prevent the vehicle from getting towed. The vehicle was on rocks in the back of the yazd. He is not sure when the vehicle was towed, but sometime last year when he was collecting rent, she asked had he towed the vehicle. He said no and to call the police. He referred her to call the police to report it stolen. One day he came to pick up rent, she gaue him a letter about this hearing. On September 26, 2003, reported Mr. Robinson, there was a vehicle on the property with expired tabs that appeazed inoperable or undriveabie or missing parts. Aiso, the City issued a summary abatement for refuse and debris in the yazd on the same day. The inspector went back for a MINLITES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 8 reinspection on October 3, 2003 and everything was the same. A work order was sent to Pazks and to the police depaztment. The police towed the vehicle to the Impound Lot for expired tabs and for appearing inoperable. Mail was sent to China Lee and Chao C. I.ee at 733 Case Avenue. Mr. I,ee responded that is not his address. He asked where he can go to get his address changed. Mr. Robinson responded he needs to go to Ramsey County Taacarion to get that changed. Mr. Lee stated he was having a problem with taaces and the tenants were not giving him nofice. He was at Ramsey County about two months ago going over taaces with them and changing the address. Tn auswer to questions, Mr. Lee responded tivs is a duplex on a corner lot located on a busy street. He goes there about once or twice a month. He does not have a property manager. The previous year he had a downstairs tenant who took care of ihe lawn, etc. Ms. Hogan suffers from MS and forgets things. There are times when she has given him money way over or way under what the rent is. He does not understand why Code Enforcement (NHPn would not knock on the door, get ahold of him some other way, or give it to the tenant. Ms. Moermond asked is this property registered under the Rental Registration Program. Mr. Lee responded yes. Mr. Magner stated the inspector may have picked up information from the ownership posting at the front door per the ordinance. Ms. Moermond will like confirmation that this property is in the Rental Registra6on Progratn. (While Mr. Magner checked to see if this property was registered, Ms. Moermond heard other appeals. Then, she came back to this address.) Ms. Moermond asked when he identified he had a problem with the reai estate taxes going to the wrong address. Mr. Lee responded he took a day off work to deal with it. He has owned this properiy for about three years. For the first yeaz, taxes were taken out of the mortgage so he didn't see them. In 2003 was when he got billed; it may have even been December 2003. Ms. Moermond stated the rental registrafion was in order. She is fiustrated because it was his responsibility to tell the tas people where to find ium. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $615 to $135 plus the $70 service fees for a total assessment of $205. 745 Case Avenue (70401V) (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. MINLTTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 9 1170 Conwav Street (70401� (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. 1459 Danforth Street (J0403� Kenneth Johnson, 6980 27�' Sh North, Oakdale, owner, appeazed and stated his adult children live at the property. He had a tenant—not one of his children—who abandoned a vehicle for about three months. He calied the Ciry of Saint Paul. He was toid that if he cails the police depariment and reports it abandoned, then he would not be responsible for it. Both cars were ticketed for abandonment and expired tabs. Before a person can argue their case before a traffic officer, it _ can take ien days. In the meantime, both vehicles got towed. He went down the next day to the Impound I.ot and was told he could junk it to the City. As for the other vehicle, he was told he could not do anything about it because it is not his car. He was told that as long as its junked to the City, he is okay. He went to the hearing officer who threw out the abandonment. He paid the tickets for expired tabs. Ms. Moermond stated they are looking at the towing and storage costs for $782.90. The City has to hoid a vehicle for two weeks before they are auctioned or junked. Ms. Moermond would like to get paperwork from the Impound I,ot to find out what is going on here. He can cali any private company to do the towing after he gets a managers tow to have it removed. Mr. Magner added that he needs to call the police department to have a police officer meet him at the site to tag the vehicle as a managers tow. If the police had a work order, then it can be towed, and the City would pay the contractar the towing. It sounds like the work order went out there before it got to that point. Mr. Johnson asked could Ms. Moermond take into considerarion that he initiated this by caliing. Ms. Moermond responded yes. (Ms. Moermond's recommendation is forthcoming.) 515 Desno�r Avenue (J0401A) The following appeazed: Arnold Olson, 3109 Stinson Boulevard NE, St. Anthony; and Shiriey, his wife. Mr. Oison stated he has a problem with a tenant. She doesn't pay rent or she pays 1/10 of it. The Olsons have cleaned the area a few times. They talked to Andy Dawkins (NfIPn who said that the City will be over to ciean it up. Mr. Olson went over there the day before, and someone was working on it. There wasn't that much there. The Olsons probably don't do what they should, but they feel sorry for the tenants because a lot of them have financial problems, which is the Olsons problem, too. They pay $54,000 in tases. They were over there to clean it up and a couple of days later, he was in the hospital with a pacemaker. The woman living there said that they could not ask them to leave, but the inspector said that Mr. Olson can. NIIlVLTTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 11 858 7essamine Avenue East (J0401� Cher Vue, owner, appeared and stated he has a large family and has a hard time putting food on the table. He requested that the assessment be reduced or he can make payments over the next hvo or three years. Tlvs vehicle belonged to his son. After the son purchased the vehicle, he found out his drivers license was not good anymore. That is why he did not register the car. It has been there for about a year. Mr. Vue asked what kind of car it was. Mr. Robinson responded a silver Mazda. Marcia Moermond recommends spreading the assessment over a five-year period due to financial hardship. Mr. Vue asked could more money be lrnocked off. Ms. Moermond responded that he will have to go to the City Council on May 26. 2171 Knapp Street (J0401A) Neil Dieterich, owner, appeared and stated he always removes his ice and snow. Then, the city comes by and plows Como Avenue. The snow plow throws the snow off of Como Avenue onto his sidewalk. It freezes and he works on it some more. He has a long sidewalk, and it is busy. This is why he has had so many complaints over the year. He puts down salt and sand, and he cannot totaily remove it. There was a big snowfall in the first of February, and there was little snow beriveen then and when this property was inspected. He removed the snow on February 2 or 3, and it froze when the City plowed it. He goes through and removes everything he can remove, then he chops the ice, and gets it down to the sidewalk. He had removed everything on top. He has complained to Public Works. He was told it took 1%z hours to do so, but Mr. Dieterich was there and it did not take more than'h hour. At $150 an hour, l.5 hours is $225 and not $295. Mr. Robinson reported that one hour is $225. Ms. Moermond added that there is the $70 service fees for a total of $295. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Moermond asked did he call the City to say he was working on it. Mr. Dieterich responded the City has toid him in the past that he is legally obligated to remove as much as he can and put down salt and sand. He gets notices all the time because of this problem. He does not want people to have a problem, and fall down. He works at it very hard. With the City continuing to plow snow onto his sidewalk, there are limits to what he can do. He owns the front part and all the way up to as far as he can see. Ms. Moermond stated he was working on snow removal on February 2 or 3, orders were mailed on February 1 l, and the cleanup was on February 21. That is almost three weeks between the initial snow event and when the wark crew came in. Mr. Dieterich responded he removed the snow fairly soon after it snowed. After that, the City plows the street and fills up the sidewalk entirely. He removed all the snow he can remove and then puts down salt and sand. That was MINLJTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 12 his obligafion. Then, he goes back and chops to get down to the pauement. He worked on that every night. If he gets down to the actual pavement, then it is easier to get that snow off when the City plows Como Avenue onto his sidewalk. There is no sun there, so it lasts until March or April. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $295 to $130 plus the $70 service fees for a total assessment of $200. 811 Lafond Avenue (J0401� (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. 1171 Lawson Avenue East (J0401� (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. 988 Marshall Avenue (J0401A) (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. 1627 Mazshail Avenue (J0401 V) Philip Vazchenko, owner, appeared and stated this is about a caz towed on December 4, 2003. The work order says it was a white car, but the car towed was a black Volvo. It did not have plasric on the taillight nor a hunlc lock. He has several vehicles, and received several correcfion notices. It eventually got towed. By the time the police showed up, it was towed for expired tabs, but that was not an issue in the correction order. Harold Robinson reported the original order issued was for two vehicles: a black unknown, FPZ 796, and a white car, OSSPI'V. An impound order was issued for the unlrnown car, white, FPZ 796. The police towed that vehicle, but it was cleariy brown. The police officer agreed with the inspector that it was inoperable and missing vital components. The oniy thing in question was the color of the car, which was snow covered. Ms. Moermond stated she will get the police report on this. It is the City's practice to give proper notice. Mr. Varchenko responded that he does admit he got the notices and he was correcting them as he could. He assumed that everything was in order. When he got a copy of the work order, he found it was actualiy one month between the fime the work order was issued and the caz was towed. MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 13 (Ms. Moermond's recommendation is forthcoming.) 1120 McLean Avenue (70401� The following appeared: Terin and Deanna Meyers, owners. Mr. Myers stated he had a company van in his driveway. The company was being sold, and there was a court battle. For months, he did not know whose tnxck it was. He paid to get the fuel filter changed, but he could never get it running over 30 miles per hour. Mrs. Meyers added that there was a restraining order issued to the ex-boss to stay away from the company and ali employees, but Mr. Meyers was trying to get him to take the truck. Mr. Meyers stated he was laid off and did not have the money to get it towed. Mrs. Meyers added that a palice officer told them that if there is an abandoned vehicle in the driveway that they do not own, they should call the police and that ii never comes back to them. It wili fall on the owner ofthe vehicle. Ms. Moermond asked if there is information about the police officer. Hazold Robinson responded the case number is 03-257-671. The officer gave incorrect information. Ms. Moermond stated she will look into this further. It appears the officer gave the wrong information; however, the officer is a representative of the City of Saint Paui and the City would have io accept the mistake. She will check with the police department and make sure the police officer has the conect information to provide other citiZens. (Ms. Moermond recommendation is forthcoming.) 994 Reaney Avenue (J0401A) Ying Yang, owner, appeazed and stated he received the letter in the mail and would like to know what was taken out. Mazcia Moerxnond responded it looks like the City shoveled the sidewalk. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Moermond recommended approval of the assessment. 876 Rice Street (J0401A) Pavel Zakharov, 1691 Seventh Street East, owner, appeared and stated this is a rental. He would like to see the videotape. `i'he tenants said they took caze of it. (A videotape was shown.) After looking at the videotape, NIr. Zakharov said "Alright." Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. _ �_ MINiJTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 14 1261 Seventh Street East (70401� The landlord appeared and stated he was in the process of evicting the tenant. If it didn't have expired tabs, he was told he couldn't tow it. Because of the eviction proceedings, he was careful of what he did at the property. Hazold Robinson reported that on September 16, 2003, the summary abatement was issued: Lacks current license tabs, appears undriveable or inoperable, a biack Chevrolet and a red Ford. One car was towed by the police department on September 30, 2003. The landlord said he called the police department to find out what he shouid do. Tabs were not expued on the red car. Mr. Robinson responded in the �rmative. Ms. Moermond added that it was expired for more than three months at that point. Ms. Moermond recommends approval. She is not hearing anything that says she needs to decrease the assessment. 674 Fuller Avenue (70401A, 70401B) The foliowing appeared: Mercedes Henderson, owner, and Delores. Steve Magner reported this is a registered vacant building. That summary abatement was mailed to Mercedes J. Henderson at 1095 Overlook Road, West Saint Paul. It was also sent to 674 Fuller Avenue. The inspection occurred on December 30 with the order mailed on December 31 with a compliance date of January 6, 2004. The inspector went out to the property on January 6. The house was secure and the garage was stili open. A boarding order was issued to the contractor. The contractor went out on January 8 and secured the garage. As for the sidewalk, a summary abatement was issued, it was mailed on December 31 with a compliance date of January 6. It was still icy when the inspector went back. Parks went out on January 7. Ms. Henderson said Delores is at school, and Ms. Henderson takes care of Yhe properry. There was no boarding by the gazage. They were renovating it and it is not finished. The house is being sold. A new guage door was put there. They got a bill for $83.50. Ms. Moermond stated the door on the west side of the gazage was open to entry and needed to be secure. It was for $13.50 plus the service fees. It was minor. Ms. Henderson stated she is not always in that property. She works in Saint Paul, but lives in MendoYa Heights. Delores said that she received notice at her address in Atlanta, Georgia. In answer to a question, Mr. Magner responded there was a vacant building registration from Delores as the address of contact. His office added an Atlanta, Georgia address as of a couple MINLJTES OF THE LEGISLATNE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 15 days ago. Delores responded it should have been prior to May because she received something in April. Ms. Henderson said Delores just came home this week. They don't know how the City got that address. Ms. Henderson does not need to look at Yhe videotape, but she is bothered by the gazage. It is not an alley. Ms. Moermond recommends the foliowing: J0401B - approving the assessment J0401A - reducing the total assessment from $83.50 to $1 plus the $70 service fees for a total assessment of $71. Hauing a building unsecured is a public nuisance, as people can get in there. When there is an open door, the City does send out a work crew. 808 Selbv Avenue (30401A) Scott Bixby, 3030 Carey Heights Drive, Mapiewood, appeared and stated he brought the property on foreciosure on December 12, 2003. There is a six month redemption period, which ends on June 12: Legally, he cannot do mnch but maintain it and secure it until then. He just mowed the lawn yesterday. He cleaned up whenever he went over there. He checked the mail at the property. He paid the property taaces. He would have taken care of it if he had received notice. It is a registered vacant building. New locks were put on the back and front doors. It has not been broken into since. The former owner committed suicide, and there are a lot of personal goods still in the property. (Mr. Bixby showed Ms. Moermond documents.) Mr. Bixby asked about the prior assessment. Ms. Moermond responded she only has one in front of her. Mr. Magner added that was sent to the previous owner. The new owner will have to inherit that one. Marcia Moermond recommends deleting this assessment as the owner did not receive proper norice of the violation. 1237 Jackson Street (J0401A) (No one appeazed.) Mazcia Moermond recommends approvat of the assessment. 1972 Nokomis Avenue (J0401A) (No one appeared.) Marcia Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. MINUTES OF THE LEGTSLATIVE HEARING OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 16 740 Strvker Avenue (J0401A) (No one appeazed.) Mazcia Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. J0304V1 Towing of an abandoned vehicle aY 518 Ohio Street. (No one appeazed.) Mazcia Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. 30307BA Boarding up of a vacant bnilding during December 2003 for 1114 Seventh Street East (No one appeazed.) Marcia Moermond recommends approvai of the assessment Appeal of Summary Abatement Order at 1138 Thomas Avenue. (No one appeared.) Ms. Moermond recommends denying the appeal because the property is in compliance. The hearing was adjourned at 12:40 p.m. � 671 Western Daniel Carlson appeared. His appeal was inadvertently put on the 1:30 p.m. agenda. His appeal will now be heard on the May 25 Legislative Hearing at 130 p.m.