237848 ORIGINAL TO'CITY CLHRK ' ���\/� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM YRESENTED BY W11.1,1 dAf E. C82'IS t� :' COMMISSIONE � ATE WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Sai.nt Paul is igfor�ed bq the Co�issioner cf Publis Safety that a nuisance exists o� the prc>pes�ty loaated at 790 Capitol Heights in the City of Saint Paul (for which the a+ner is Equity Capitol eomQany, q�30 ]st Avenue North, Minneapo3.is), Whi�h nuisaace coustitutes a hazard to the public health, welfar�e a�d safetq; aud iiHEREAS, Sueh auisance more particularly cc�sists of an acc�lation of old clothiag, food a�d ref�e from the interior of the house and juo�k a�d garbage oai the exterior premises, which harbors rodeats, vermin, a�d ather noxio� animals and thiags; a�d WHEREAS, P�rsu�nt to Sectioa 37� of the Charter of the Citp of Saint Paul, and Sectio� 265.52 of the Sai.nt Paul Legislativ�e Code 2� hours' notice has been given to the eyrrae�, occupant, or ageat cf such praperty ��aaading tha� s�d4 auisa�oe bs removed; now, thez�efore, be it RES�LVED, That upo� the recoma�ndati� of the Co�amissioner of Public Sa.fi,t�;;,�s Com�.ssio�er of Public Works is hereby di.rected to sum�arily az�d fort�iwith re��-the said a�i.sance, the ca�t �f such re�vval to b• . ' aharg�d agai�st F�d I�a. 0979; and be it FU�R �ESOLVED, That the Commissioaer of P�blic Safety is directed to ascertain the co�t of such removal and to for�ard the same to the County Auditor ai or before Oct�er 1 of the year in which ascertained, for collection in the sam� manaer as tasces against said property. FC��r��1 .;� P . �0 •�0 , � q�� 2 196� COUNCILMEN ���'"� ��'c;�nse� Adopted by the Council 19— Y Yeas Na s ��� � ���� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19— Holland Meredith � Favor Peterson r Mayor Tedesco A8'��at Mr. President, Byrne pk�BLlSkt.ED APR 6 196� . �� -