237811 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ����� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N� ��. I�C��SE CCtfI"i�iITTEh OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �gY'Ch `Z� 1968 COMMISSIONE DATE � RF�C�,VID; That application for kestsurant� Un and Off 5ale Malt �everage� Tavern� Dance Hall and Cigarette licenses� applied for by sam J. DeVito at 1175 West Seventh �treet, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within _r��..._. da�rs of this date sai.d Sam J. DeVito shall coraply with all re�uirements of the Burea�zs of F"ire, Health� and Police and the ?,icense Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Leo slative �od.e and a11 other applicable ordinances and laws. 0 � � 2 � 19G8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19___.. Yeas Nays Carlson �� � 19�R' Dalglish Approvec� 19—_ Holland _In Favor Meredith pptprQ� � .:;��#!1� Mayor Tedesco A gainst i ;�,�wx:�� PNBLISNED MAR 3 0 1��� �dx�� Pco Preeidont (Feterson) • O �, � .. ti � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Capital oY Minnesota �e a�ti�e�t o a�lic �a e�����-� p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HBALTH FI$E PROTEC7"ION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Depnty CommLsioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Insyeetor � March 28, 1968 Honorable Mayor andCity �ouncil Saint paul, riinnesota Gentl�men: 5am J. DeVito makes applicatian for Restaurant� On arri. Off Sale Malt �everage, Tavern} Dance Hall and Cigarette licenses at 1175 ��est Seventh �treet. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1933, �d as a tavern and dance hall since 1963, which is issued With the restrictions "No music be perr�i.tted on Sundays." The current licensee� Michae7. Nash� has held the licenses since March 31, 1967. There are no oth.er 3.2 places within two biocks. �he closest On 5ale Liquor place is in the same block. '�he closest Off �ale Liquor place is about four blocks. The nearest church is across the street and the nearest school is about two blocks. 2�r. veVito is a plu�ber by trade having worke.d for five years for Avoles �lur.ibing Co., a year for Gruidem Plumb�- Co.� and since February 7.966 as a foreman for United Sprinkler �o. �ery truly yours� � P �� � � + . �,icen5e Inspector - �. ' ... . � . I . � . - ' . . � � r . . . 1 C TTY OF SA]NT PAU�. � • DEPART9�NT OF POBLIC SAFSTY � LICENSE DIVISIC�1` nate �— �� Zs� 1,� �pplicatiari For��/� /If//�/,/jJ �f�N ��� �✓.�r.��� Liaenee 2. Name of applicant_���T !J'- 1..L��._,�./d- - - - - - - ---- ' 3. Business addrase �/ � ,,� � 4 ,/�6P � . „? " � �� Re sidenoe��:_._._.__�..�.���Gl--- � 4, Trade naa�� i� anY ��j�,S' ���� ...._4. /�� 5. Retail Beer Federal Tag Stamp etail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be uaed. 6. On �rhat flocr loaated � N�ber of roarns uaed � 7. Betw�een �r2�t aroae stres�s �/P_��� yf/,¢ T.Sp,� Which side of street �,.�5� � 8. Are premisea n�r ocoupied � �t busines��l/('/pj// Hou� lang /�- 9, Are pre�niees na9v unoccupied�Hoo� lang vacant Previous use �U, Are yota a new c�mer 1 � Have you been in a similar buaineas before �/�,,,� � �� �rz� � .�� .sT x�an �-� - 6 7- ��T� - p��s��.r 11. Are you going to operate this buainesa personally l�P� r____,� _7..r If not� who �ri.11 operate it 12, Are a�u ia an other buaines� at the reaent time j,�i -, l� U t' y � p _ ...�..�y d�.,; hx�-_,...,.--�--� � 1�. Be►vs there been any co�m.plaint$ �against your operation of thia type of plaos� �� Rhen Oihere • 14. He►ve qou ever had any lioenee revokgd �Tf lrhat reason and date � . ,��. 15o wre you a oitisen of tY� United Statea � Native� Naturalized. - ` , 16. �re �+rere you b orn Date of birth � ��''��'� __ - 17. T am me►rried,� Bdy (�vi.fe•s) (husband*�) nam� and addresa is�����-�.-�-r�=.- �— ,-- , . Q� � � ' l/� . 18, {IP marr�Ied fem�ale) my maiden name is . 19. Hoo► lomg laave you lived in St� Paul__�P�1�/.�... -- 20. H�ve you ever been arre sted7�Violation of �rhat ariminal Za�r or ordinance • D�'ct- 6.�,�s - d.�cc �1��;�1� '� ___.. � d 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Pau1�C�;.,�,Yea l�o� (�ia�rer Pu1l�and aompletely* These a licationa are thorou Iil. cshao�d and any Palai�ioation xill be cause for denial. J � 22. Ntanber of 3.2 places xithin t�vo blovks � � . 23. Closeat int�iosting liquor place. On Sale�Pr/'OS.�,- ��� Sale ' Qc°%1! 2a4. Nearest Church��OS S- ��f�ttJ"� Nearest Sahoal ' '������, �/�i�I�'� 25. Ntunber of booths��Tablea ��Chairs_^�rS�oola �4► 26• ilfhat oc3oup�tion. have you fallc�red for the past five years. (Give na�s of employers and dates so employed.j `ZI . P � O � — .� — � � - U / '�ps�� e ' � ' ''' -�� "LG � /> �� l> ,,S= - D l � _ . . . 27. Give n�mse an.d addre�ses �f t�vo per�ons, resident$, oP St. Paul, Minn., �ho aan give ix�£ormat�.ou o once rning you. PTame � ����(��� Addresa�z ��J�i��D,�/�.s�' ��,,�d�,/- G'P�/�/pP��i' Addr ss �� — (/ ' � ` . � Signature .�pp].icsnt State oP �inne s ota�: sa C oun�y of Ra,m ae y ) - _ • Y ' be3:ng f3.rst dulq �rorn, depoeea and saye upoa aath t t he has read �he foregoing �tatement bearing Ius aignatur� and 1�aRs the contan�e thereoP, and that �Ize sas� is true of hia own l�o�ledge eaQept as �o thoae �attere therein atated upon information snd belief an as thoee ttera h�s believes them to be true. � _ . ^ _ . i ture o A ioant Su�saribed and sarorn to before � .this aay of 1� � , _ ry Pub la.e, ae�r C ountp �irine s ota E�IIMETT JEWELL', �ty Caanmaisa�.tm expires f.otary Public, R�msey County, �u"`�1 ,,v ommissio .. t972 . _. ,_ (Not�i Theae s�atement Parma are iri dupliciate. Both�copiea muet ba fully filled ant, notarized, and returned to the License Divisi�on.) AFFIDAV.IT B7G �,PPLICANT • FOR RETAIL BEFR OR LIQIIflR LICEN3E Res o�SQZe ��-�/� Line�e Name of applicant Q���j_ (�: ���1 � Buainesa addre$s � ,y - Z� • bre you the so3.e oavn.er of this buainess4��� . If not, ia it a par�tnership? j----� 0 orporat ion.? , nther� Others interested in busineas, include those by loan of money, property or other�iaes Name �6t,�f�_ Add re a e H vrv If a corporation, give its name Are you interested in any �ay in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainess? �B As sole own.er? Partner? Stocicl�older4 Otherw�iae3 (Through l�n of monsy, etQ. E�plain.� Addreas of auch business and nature of interest in sa� Signa ure o pplioa State of �dinneaota) �sa Cotmty of Ra�meey , �j��- (� ,�� � � being Pxrat �duly eworn, deposes and saye upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bear�n.g his signature and kn.o�e the contenta thereof; that the sams ia trua of his o�a l�.owledge, eaoept ae to those mstters therein stated�upon inform�tion and belie� and as t those mattera he be- lieves them to be true. w • Signature oP pplicant S�zbsaribe��d �rorn efore m� �th• Q-vG�day of_������ 19� s� ' To ry Publ c, ey Coun y, Minneaota ...•ERAMETTi 9EWELL', � C O�IIt1S 8 2.b�'.1 @S131I'A8 P�hiic_ Rnm_r� � Cnuntv, Mir,n. �Yly Commission fxpires Aug. 3, 19?2 4 � � ♦ � STATE OF �dINIdESOTA ) ) ss CpUNTY QF RAMSTY ) _ ��� G/ ' L/P� � being firat duly sworn, doth depose and say th,at he makea this affidavit in. conneation with applioatian for _ . " Sale" liquor lieense ("�Sale" malt beverage lioense) in '�he Git�r of . 8�&t8 �Y IrI�i11@SOta 3aint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the and has resided therein for �1 S�ara, mon�ha, and ie _ : _ State no�r and ha a been for the time ab ave menti cmed a b ona f ide re side n� uf �a id � , and that he now reaides at N0. �G �4��j' ��� ��� �(� �inne s ota. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi � ay aP�, /t _19 � � ,, � _ otary Pu�lic, ey Co�.ty, innesota I�y commissiog expirsa �MEfTi 9EWEL� u ic, amsey ou�i y, ANinR: , �I�r Commission Expires Augt. 3, �97�