237722 OrtQinal to City Clerk ~ +ORDINANCE 23'7'�22 � � � COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.����,7� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF TERRENCE A. SHUSTER AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'fNE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City afficers aare hereby authorized to pay aut of the Tart Liability Fund 0035-421, to Terrence A. Shuster, the sum of $131.40, in full settlenent of his claim for damages and injuries sustained on or abaut Dec�ber 26, 1967, as more partieularly set out in a co�naunication to the City Council an January 16, 1968. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said clai.mant upon his execution and delivery af a release in full to the Ciy, in a form to be appraved by the Corporation Caunsel, for all damages and injuries sustained. in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. __ _ . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �p� � t�- 1968 Carlson � � Dalglish � Holland In Favor Meredith �' �� G Against Tedesco ���{ � ��� 196$ �`�°` '��� � APPr ..... .. t:�.:, ._,z.. _ test• Vice Pr `�t C' y Clerk t�•.�. Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ���� -�� 1�t��isHE� APR 13 196� Dap�[ash ta Prtntee , � ' � .. �� . ... `� r� �� ��� � � � ������-���� .. . . . � COUNCiI FtLE N0 -- �J � 7� P�SENTED BY ORDTNANCE N4 --, !Ui t3�tDINA1rC8 SE'!"!'LIN� 'l�fl4 CLJIIld �P ?SRA�NCE' A. �E�7'ER aA�GA2?!8'T '!'�8 CITY OF SA�!? PAt1L __ 'TN! l�iCIG OP 'tHl� Ci'tY OP �IIII�iTT PA�I. DOB$ 4R�1121fit . 3�at3os 1. T'h�t thir paropenc City oFiiaears ar� 1�tihr a��hozi��d - to InY �t �` tbe Tozt �iabflit�r Fand 0038-4�1,, !o Taarr�� ,A� �ataz, �h� � aE �I3l.�t�, fn fuil s�ttire�t �f l�is elaia f�rr d�ss a�d, i��r3�s sostalm�d aa �r about Deae��►ar Z6, 19t�7', ss �r� p�i�lar3�► s�rt a�t:�+► a ca�wrnAiastio�a� to t� Ci�y Coancil em Ja�wt�r i�is 396�, Sa�iat� �. 'lhat said smr :hall bo pt►id to`th� �s3�d +ala#a�t _ apon :his eoc+p�tios a�d d�lirerr�► o� a r�lra:e in tali to �h� C�►, f�t s : , f� ta►-bs appr+our�d br th�t Carpertatiba Ga�ns��, for all �gfa � l�t�trti�s ustai�d i,a � �amt�ar sf+aar�ui�. . �e�ion�3. T�t this a��di�an�c� s�all tslce rrfi��at +u� bo i� � for�a� *h#xt�r ds�►� aft�irs its pasu��, ap�arovai strd p�blic�tie�. � APR 101968� Yeas Council�nen ; Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson _ Dalglish �'avor Holland Meredith d ��-- A��t T�� APR i 01968 �a�.'��..'"..�., x==" �:..�: Approved: �,�t, Mr. Vice Presideat (1'eterson) City Clerk : Mayor �� Form apparoved Corporation Counael By Ist �3 . � ' 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. —a �Adopted ��� � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays (�ei� �Carlson Dalglish 23�� �Qalglish J ��.k�allend olland Meredith C� 6 �eredith � Peterso"� �`�tecsca�— � Tedesco �edesco ....� ...,---._ ....,... Ee:�w..��.�:.. � "��:"�sidtn# Byt�?e 1Vir. Vica Pre�id�nt (P�herson) � �7,,,Q '1 ��.!� Y 'r,.:..n:rin4 l���p.