D001288CIT`Y OF SAINT PATJI. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIINISTRATIVE OIZDER \J ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER, NO: V� Yc( U� DATE: –�-'---1—�+— Whereas, the City of Saint Paul and the Department of Public Works aze proud of its employees, facilities and services and wish to invite the public to an open house on Wednesday, September 17, 1997 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, and; Whereas, the Department wIll distribute maps and informauonal materiais, provide a food concession, offer entertainment, and award door prizes to our guests, and; Whereas, the Deparnnent will provide snacks and shirts with the City logo for employees who have volunteered to participate in the open house, and; Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized to pay expenses incurred to host this event. Cost not to exceed $15,000.00. Funding codes: • 225-42370-0299 225-42330-0389 232-32401-0299 232-32401-0389 240-12005-0299 240-12006-0299 240-12007-0299 250-12202-0299 250-12202-0389 260-22201-0299 260-22201-0389 APPRO S TO FORM / Assist iry A rney , �eLG 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -Yl/!EU �22�ji,w✓ DepaRment Head �'�����i�� Administrative Assistant to Mayor Public Works �, (`��� � - � �. ANTACT PERS�N 8 PIiONE Dick Rupert 266-6058 # OF StCaNATURE PAGES )ATE INITIATED c�c� 6�z3�s� GREEN SHEET 4a `�i�t' o.34532 MI71ALlDATE INI'1 DEPARTMFMDIRECTOR � CRYCOUNCIL � ❑q CI7YATTORNEY O CfiYC1FHK ROVfiNG � BU�GEf DIRECTOR � FlN & MGT. $EAVICES DIR. ��� nMAYOR(ORASSISTAM) r7j TamiHalversa�-PW � (CIJP ALL lOCA7/ONS FOR SI6NA7UR� ❑2 �SOCIATE � ❑j Authorization to host a Public Works Open House on Septemher 17, 1947. FiECQMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNINGCAMMISSION CIVII; CB COMM7TTEE STAFF _ DI5IAICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CAMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE5110N5: 7. HasihispersoMfirtneverworketluntlera�coMrectforthistleparlmeM? YES NO 2. Has this persanMttn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does mis persoNfirm possess a sidil not normaliy possessed by arry curterR ciry employee? YES NO Euplein a11 yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHI�: Request authorizaflon to host a Public Works Open House and pay subsequent expenses. ������� I:. •� k ADVANTAGES IF APPFiOVED: Deparunent of Public Works will host an open house. event. NSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Jone. RECEIVED JUL 31 i9�7 CITY CLERK ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEA: ; Deparhnent of Public Works will not be hosung an open house. �� , AMOUNi OF TRANSACfiON $ CO5T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) yE5 No NG SOURCE Gats ehared h�r 5 A.blic Wnrkc n�rratinz fii� �tc A�VITY NUMBER Vaiious (See Admin OCdei for Split) IAL INFORMATION: (IXPLAIf� Repair &. Cleaning Administrauon ($3000.00), Recycling ($3000.00), Sewer Repairs ($3000.00), Traffic Mtce Pcojects ($1000.00), Signal Pcojects ($1000.00), Lighting Mtce Projects $1000.00), Eguipment Services ($3000.00)