04-545Council File # �� �IJ
Green Sheet # 11 ��l O
Presented By
Referred To
_ _,
`� /t
2 WHEREAS, 7ohn Titfle, in Zoning File No. 04-019-969, made appiication for a Special
3 Condition Use Pernut for the purpose of constructing a six-unit "cluster" development, as
4 provided under Leg. Code § 60.413(13), for property commonly known as 1070 Burgess Street
5 and legally described as Kaiman's Division No. 3 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 7,
6 8, 9, 22, 23, N'/z of Vac St Adj and Lot 24; and
WHEREAS, on February 5, 2004, the Planning Commission's Zoning Committee,
havir,g provided notice to all interested parties, duly conducted a public hearing at which ali
persons present were given an opportunity to be heard on the said application and, at the ciose of
the public hearing, the said CommitCee recommended approval of the said permit application and
forwarded the recommendation to the Planning Commission for consideration; and
WHEREAS, on February 27, 2004, the Planning Commission considered the
recommendation and, in ats Resolution No. 04-13, dated February 27, 2004, approved the said
permit application based upon those findings and subject to those certain conditions as set for[h
in Planning Commission Resolution No. 04-13, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein
by reference as Attachment No.l; and
WHEREAS, on or about March 18, 2004 and pursuant to the provisions of Leg. Code §
64.206, the District 6 Planning Council duly filed an appeal from the Planning Commission's
decision to approve the said conditional use pernut application and requested a hearing before the
City Council for the puipose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and
WHEREAS, on Aprii 28, 2004, and acting pursuant to I.egislative Code § 64.206 -
64.208 and with notice to ihe affected parties, the City Council conducted a public hearing where
ali interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and
WHEREAS, at the close of the hearing, and having heard the statements made and
having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the
Zoning Committee and the full Planning Commission, the City Council; does hereby
RESOLVE, that Planning Commission committed error in its facts, findings or
procedures in approving the said conditional use permit for the following reasons:
l. The scale of the buildings proposed for this cluster development are not in scale with
the buildings in the immediate neighborhood. This is a neighborhood of single family
dwelling structures on individual lots. The height and mass of the proposed twin homes
aze neither in keeping with nor compatible to the existing homes in the immediate
U � iS�e�(
0�1 'S�15
surrounding neighborhood. The proposed development fails to meet the condition under
I.eg. Code § 60.413(fl.
2. The density of structures resulting from a cluster development is not in keeping with
the scale of density of existing stroctures on adjacent lots. The configuration of this
ciuster development would be detrimental to the existing character of the surrounding
neighborhood. The proposed development fails to meet the condition under Leg. Code §
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of District 6 Planning Council is hereby
ganted; and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall maii a copy of this resolution to the
District 6 Planning Council, 7ohn Tittle, the Zoning Administrator, and the Planning
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �i��G%o�,�d� g
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY: % 'G.�J% g}•:
Approved by Mayor: � e � ^ � ^� �
By: J �
6N �o-�- Z�-
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Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
os�rar�wor���w,�ac u■te xdn�nea:
co � �,Y.� Green Sheet NO: 3017078
co�ma r.BO� m wwne: � oeoenm�! senc To Pe�on Wt1aUDate
Counplrt�ember Mo�rtgome�y 0
266�8610 p�� 1 r
Must Be m Caeidl Ag�da bY (Date1: N�enber Z C9erk
� 3
p� 4
Tofallt of Signature Pagss _(Clip AII Locatlw�s for Sigrnture)
ACtlon Requested:
Memorializing City Council action taken Apri128, 2004, granting the appeal of the District 6 Planning Coimcil to a decision of the
Planning Commission approving a Conditional Use Permit for a six-unit (3 twin homes) cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street
Recomrt�erdetio�: Apqove (A) w RejeQ (R): PaBOnal SerWes CoMrads Must Answer the Followinp Questlo�:
Planning Canmiasion 1. Hffi this PersoNfirm ever waked urber a contraG for this department?
CIB CanmiCce Yea No
Civil Service Commission 2 fi� tftis pecspMfirte ever heen a dly empbyee?
Yea No
3. Dces this pe�soNfifm possess a s1u71 not normalh Posaeased bY e�Y
curreM city empbyce?
Yes No
Explaln all yes a�wers on se{wrete sheet a�W altach to green sheet
InWatlng Prablem, �ues, OppoKunih (YVhe, WhaR When. VMhere, Why):
AdvaMages HApproved:
DlsadvarKages Hppprovad:
DlsadvaMages M No! Approved:
Total Amowk of �eve�ue Budgeted:
Funding Souree: AetlWry Number;
Fina�wtal 1�'ormaflOn:
Rarzdy C. Ke[ly, Mayor
June 3, 2004
Council President Bostrom
and Saint Paul City Councilmembers
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd
Saint Paul, MN 55102
390 Ciry Hatl Telephone: 651-2bb-8510
ISWestKetloggBoulevard Facsimile:6S1-266-8513
Saint Paut, MN 55102
u.�'c.t�ar�l:;==.^�:^-�,�. ,
e��� � c� ��Q�t
Dear Council President Bostrom and Councilmembers:
Pursuant to Secfions 6.07, b.08 and 6.09 of the City Charter, I am vetoing Council File No. 04-
545 for the reasons explained below.
The proposal to build a six-unit residential development at 1070 Burgess Street has been met
with considerable scrutiny and controversy. The Planning Commission reviewed the developer's
permit application and approved iY subject to conditions including a condition that the units are
sold as "owner occupied" units. The District 6 Planning Council appealed the Planning
Commission's decision to the City Council. The City Councii, finding that the scale and density
of these residential buildings are out of scale with the other residential buildings in the immediate
neighborhood, granted District 6's appeal on Apri128, 2004.
Notwithstanding the controversy this development has prompted in the surrounding
neighborhood and the City Council's finding of error in the Plavniug Commission's decision to
approve tk�e development, I am compelied, upon the advice of the City Attorney, to veto the
resolution in Council File No. 04-545 memorializing the City Council's decision to grant the
appeal by the District 6 Planning.
As Mayor, I am constrained to follow the law. In making this veto, I am not commenting upon
the proposed development, the decision of the Planning Commission or the decision of the City
Council. The City Attorney has advised that the acrion taken by the City Council in Council File
No. 04-545 to grant the District 6 Planning Council appeal is without legal force because the City
Council's decision was made after the expiration of the time period dictated by state law witlun
which a fmal decision on zoning applications must be rendered.
This rule of law was only recently announced in the case of Moreno v. City of Minneapolis on
March 9, 2004. The holding in that case has prompted the City to examine steps to insure that
the important and valuable citizen participation process which has been a hallmark of success in
the City's plam�ing process will continue to have a special place in the City's future planning
processes. Finding the proper balance in light of this Court ruling may well be difficult. I
recognize that the City Council understands the burdens that this recent case has placed on the
City's current zoning practices. I also hope that the City Council recognizes that the City must
conduct its zoning practices in accordance with the law. For that reason, I am reriirning this veto
of Council File Na. Q4-545 to you.
y� �.
Randy C. elly
city of saint pau!
planning commission reso{ution � t� - 5� 5
file number 04-13
date February 27. 2004
WNEREAS, John Tittle, File # 04-019-969, has applied for a Condifional Use Permit for six-unit (3
twinhomes) cluster development under the provisions of §60.413('13) of the Saint Paui Legislative Code,
on property located at 1070 Burgess St., Parcei fdenfification Number (PIN) 26-29-23-32-0�39, fegaily
described as Ka(man's Division No. 3 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, N'/2 of
Vac St Ad� and Lot 24; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Gommission, on February 5, 2004, held a public
hearing at which afl persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication
in accordance with tfie requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the pub(ic hearing as subsfantiaily reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of
1. The property consists of 6 existing lots and part of a vacated street. Because the back three lats
have no street access, the propefij is being developed as one parcei with access from Burgess.
2. §60.413(13) permits cluster development, subject to the foffowing conditions:
a. There sha/l be a minimum of two (2) units. This condition is met. The applicant is proposing six
b. The units shali be attached, common wali, single-famiJy, with no unit intruding on the vertical
airspace of any other unit. This condifion is met. The appiicant wilt construct three 2-unit side-
by-side attached structures. Each unit is a separate single famify residence.
c. The parcel sha!! meef the lot area required per unif in the zoning disfrict. This condition is met.
The iot area required in the R-4 district far 6 units is 30,000 sq. ft. The parcel is over 32,000 sq.
ft. in size.
d. The parce! shall have a minimum frontage of eighfy (80) feet on an imp�oved street. This
condition is met. The parcel has 120 feet of frontage on Surgess St.
e. The structure sha!l conform to the schedule af regulations for heighf, lot coverage, setbacks and
parking. This condition wilt be met. The structures meet the code requirements for height, 1ot
coverage, and parking. The applicant has agreed to revise his pians so that the development
meets the front yard setback requirement.
f. The design shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. This condition is met. The
surrounding area is low density residential development with one and two-story structures. This
development will be iwo stories on Burgess with walk-out basements.
g. Individuai lots, buiidings, street and pa�king areas shaii be designed and situated to minimize
moved by Fieid
seconded by
in favor Unanimous
city of saint pau(
planning commission resolution
file number 04-13
date February 27. 2004
° .r r � x,
-� `;• ,�
WHEREAS, John Tittle, File # 04-019-969, has appfied for a Condifiona{ Use Permit tor six-unit (3
twinhomes) c{uster development under the provisions of §60.413(13) of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code,
on property located at 1070 Burgess St., Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 26-29-23-32-0139, fegafly
described as Kalman's Division No. 3 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, N%z of
Vac Sf Adj and Lot 2�; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on February 5, 2004, hetd a public
hearing at which ali persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication
in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to +ts Zoning
Committee at the public hearing as substa�tiafly reflected in the minutes, made the foflowing findings of
1. The property consists of 6 existing lots and part of a vacated street. Because fhe back fhree lots
have no street access, the property is being deve4oped as one parcei with access from Burgess.
2. §60.413(13) permits cluster development, subject to the following conditions:
a. There sha// be a minimum of fwo (2) units. This condition is met. 7he applicant is proposing six
b. The unRs sha// be atfached, common wall, single-family, with no unit intruding on the vertical
airspace of any other uniL This condition is met. 7he applicant wilt construcf three 2-unit side-
by-side atiached structures. Each unit is a separate single family residence.
c. The parcel sha/! meet fhe /of area required per unit in the zoning district. This condition is met.
The lot area required in the R-4 district for 6 units is 30,000 sq. ft. The parcel is over 32,000 sq.
ft. in size.
d. The parcel shall have a minimum frontage of eighty (80) feet on an improved street. This
condition is met. The parcel has 120 feet of frontage on Burgess St.
e. The structure shall conform fo the schedule of regu(afions for height, lot coverage, setbacks and
parking. This condition will be met. The structures meet the code requirements for height, lot
coverage, and parking. The appiicant has agreed to revise his pians so that the development
meefs the front yard setback requirement.
f. The design shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. This condition is met. The
surrounding area is low density residential developmenf with one and twastory structures. This
developmenf will be iwo stories on Burgess with wa4k-out basements.
g. lndividuaJ iots, buiidings, street and parking areas shall be designed and situated to minimize
moved by Field
seconded by
itl favot" Unanimous
against _ _
Zoning �ite 04-019-969
February 2i, 2004, Pianning Commission Resolution o�b —��. �
Page 2
alteration of the natura! features and topography. This co�dition is met. The'steep siope on the
properFy wi!! be used irt developing the walk-out basements for the units. Because of the clustering of
the houses, mature trees at the rear of #he sife wilt be presetved, and a stormwater pond located there.
h. Applications for cluster development sha!! include site plans, rncluding landscaping and
elevations and other information fhe planning commission may request. This condition is met.
The applicant has submitted plans.
3. §64.400(d) lists five standards that att condifional uses musf safisfy:
(1) The e�ctent, locafion and intensity of the use wi11 be in substanSal complrance wifh the Saint Pau!
Comprehensive PJan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the cify council.
This condition is met. The use will retain the density of the R-4 district where it is located and
will provide addifional housing opportunities as recommended in the Housing Policy Plan 5.4,
which states: "...encourage a diversity of building and unit types to meet the diversity of the
(2) The use wil! provide adequafe ingress and egress to minimize traffrc congestiort in the publrc
streets. This condition is met. The site will be served by a one-way drive thaf wifl provide
access to the garages in the back while providing adequate access and avoiding traffic
(3) The use will not be detrimental to ti�e existing characfer of the development in the immediate
neighborhood or endanger the public health, safefy and general welfare. This condition is met.
The use will be consisteni with the exisfing development irt the area and wilt be constructed
according to building codes that ensure the public heaith, safety, and general weffare.
(4) The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the
surrounding property for uses permitted in the drstrict. This condition is mef. The use will
provide new investrnent in this neighborhood and will not have a negative impact on
improvements to surrounding properties.
(5) The use shall, rn all oUier respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it
is located. This condition is met. The project has gone through sife plan review and will meet ali
applicable city codes.
NOW, THEREFdRE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of
the City's Legislative Code, that the application of John Tittle for a Conditional Use Permit for a six-unit
{3 twinhomes) cluster development at 1070 Burgess St. is hereby approved subject to the foltowing
1. In accordance with §64.300(e), which authorizes the planning commission to attach reasonabie
conditions and limitations in granting an approvat, the intent of tfie R-4 zoning district to provide for
an environment of predominantly tow-density, one-family detached dweilings, and the applicanYs
stated inten6on to sell the units as owner-occupied buildings, each of the six units shall 6e sold to
owner-occupants and not rented.
2. The applicant comply with ali site plan review requirements.
Manha G. Futler, Director
�^� � �;-�.�
Randy C. Kelly, Mayor
March 26, 2004
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
lSWu[FourthStreei Te(epfione:651-266-67Q0
SainiPauI,MN55102 Facsimile:651-218-3220
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28,
2004, for the following zoning case.
Zoning File Number:
Previous Action:
District 6 Ptanning Gouncif
1070 Burgess St., between Lexington & Oxford
Appeal of Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit for a
six-unit, (3 hvinhome) cluster development
Zoning Committee Recommendation: approve with conditions, 6- 0, February 19, 2004
Planning Commission Recommendation: approve with conditions, unanimous, February27, 2004
I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this pubiic
hearing request will appear on the agenda for the April 21, 2004, City Council meeting and that you will
publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal tedger. Please ca{I me at 651-266-6639 if you have
any questions.
Sinc rely, _
�� aorx;EOr Pae�iC �
�f _The sazr;c wiu c�r.
City Planner
cc: File #: 04-019-969
Applicant: District 6 Planning Council
John Tittle
Paul Dubruiel
Wendy Lane
Carol Martineau
Allan Torstenson
al 5:30 p.m, in.
�eAo� Ba�vlevard, B�t
to wusider tT� apyeslof
� Cmm� W a de�d-
"v� Commiaxiw+ aqprw
UaeP�nat 6os a�c vse�
etusteF develvpment� ak
reet (betwe� L�tm�
0.� ;. .�iJ �
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L:Wmanda�ZOmna\CCdocs\04-061-OlOccrn.wpd AA-ADA-EEOEmployer
Randy C. Kelly, Mayor
?� *
April 19, 2004
Ms. Mary Erickson
Martha G. Fu11er, Dirutor
25 Wuc Founh Street T'elephone: 65I-266-6700
SaintPauI,MIV55702 F¢csimile:651-228-3120
City Council Research Office -
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Zoning File #: 04-061-010
Applicant: District 6 Planning Council
Address: 1070 Burgess St., beriveen Lexington & Oxford.
Purpose: Appeal of Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit for a six-unit, (3
twinhome) cluster development.
City Council Hearing: April 28, 2004, 530 p.m., City Council Chambers
Staff Rebommendation: Approve with conditions
District Council: Deny
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve with condifions, February 19, 2004, vote: 6- 0
Support: 0
Opposition: 8 people spoke, 401etters in opposition
Planning Commission Decision: Approve with conditions, Febmary 27, 2004, vote: unanimovs
StaffAssigned: Patricia 7ames, 651-266-6639 „�
Attachments: Appeal application and attachments
Planning Commission pemut and resolution
Planning Commission minutes, February 27, 2004
Zoning Committee minutes, February 5 and 19, 2004
Staff Report packet
cc: Applicant: District 6 Planning Council
John Tittle
City Council Members
District Council: 6
Wendy Lane
Larry Soderholm
Allan Torstenson
Peter Warner
L:\Amanda�Zoe'mg\CCdas\04-061-0SOxpY28-OCCCCLwpd AA-ADA-EEOEmployer
Depastment of Planning and Economic Development
Zoning Section
I400 GYty Hall Annex
25 K'est Fourth Street
Saint Pau1, MN SSIO2-Z634
i651) 266-6589
_ _ ' �
t .:_ :
Feet -�'
PROPERTY ZoningFileName_ �plws� '('=-1--W-I.p. �f7tf—I'Z
Address/Location 1Q�b �a,ra�5s �t' Z�
TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for a�eal to the:
� Board of 2oning Appeafs City Council
Under the provisio� of Chapter 64, Section 2Gb Paragraph�of the Zoning Code, to appeai a
decision made by the
(date of
� �
20�. FileNumber:_ !3�— Qi�- Q��
Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision
or refusat made by an administrative otficial, or an er�or in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of 2oning Appeais or the Planning Commission.
�h. �J�.I� l�' 0-4� - �`►e a+� r�"�e1e.+� w� ecm�, fi� �
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additionalsheetifnecessary) ��.�� �� ��r�_� P „��
Applicant's Si nature l�. � 3� ( ���L�
g /_ , _ _� ��� Z�� Date � °- (c�- � y City Agent�_
City �i- �.� (, St. �Zip .�-� 11'7 Daytime Phone� - � �-''�
� ' �r �
1) continued_ It is our understanding that cluster development as used in the legislative
code was to be used to save wet lands and to mu�imize green spaces and other
• amenities. This site consists of "buildable lots" * that if properly used would not
have a negative impact on the neighborhood. *Nfr. Tittie's testimony at the November
25, 2003 meeting ofLITTF.
2) continued. Each of these units is a duplex, not any different than other similar
structures that the city requires a lot that is at least 50 feet wide. There is no
justification for creating 20 foot lots.
3) continued. Neighboring homes aze one story. Although these may not be a technical
violation of the height requirement when measured from the highest elevation at the
front of each unit, we do not believe that is what the code provides. When measured
from the side or back, these buildings cieariy exceed the aliowabie height.
4) The requirement that site plans include landscaping has not been met. As proposed
the site wiil have 5 foot side yard set backs 20 feet of driveway and 90 feet of
huilding structure. This appeazs to be more like an apartment building than singte
family dwellings.
5) One of the requirements of 64.400 (d) is "adequate ingress and egress". In his
explanation of the condition of the driveways Mr. Tittle states that there wiil be a rise
of 7.5 feet per 50 feet of driveway. The survey of the property indicates a steeper
grade. Even if fill is used to obtain the 7.5 to 50 ratio that will increase the grade
where the garages are to be built. How much fiil is going to be used and how will
that affect the trees that Mr. Tittle has promised not to cut down?
� Even at a 7.5 to 50 ratio the driveways are sufficiently steep to create problems when
snow and ice are present. Wili the cars be parked on the street?
There are no walkways to the back of the property. The site plan does not appear to
address the code requirement that "...driveways and parking areas will encourage
pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety".
6) Mr. Tittle's stated intention to sell the uzuts as owner occupied single family
dwellings does not appe.ar to be legally binding. Even if such a conuact can be
legally constructed for the original purchasers how would such an agreement apply to
subsequent purchases?
In accordance with Sec. 64.20b the District 6 Planning Council appeals to the city council
to deny the Conditional Use Pemut for 3 twin homes at 1070 Burgess St.
7ohn Thoemke
John Tittle
o�— �lt 1 3
Conditional Use Permif for six-unit (3 twinhomes) cluster development
1070 Burgess St.
OF S7. PAUL, MINN. LOTS 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, N 1/2 OF VAC ST ADJ AND LOT 24
Approval with conditions
Approval with conditions
1. In accordance with §64.300(e), which authorizes the planning commission fo attach reasonable conditions
and limitations in granting an approvai, the intent of the R-4 zoning district to provide for an environment of
predominantly low-density, one-family detached dweilings, and the applicanYs stated intention to seil the
units as owner-occupied buiidings, each of the six units shail be sold to owner-occupants and not rented.
2. The appficani comply with ail site plan review requirements.
Gladys Morton, Commission Chairperson
I, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Mi�nesota, do hereby
certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my o�ce; and find the same to be a true and correct
� y of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paul Planning Commission meeting heid on
ruary 27, 2004 , and on record in the Saint Paul Planning Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
This permit will expire one year from the date of approval if the use herein permitted is not established,
7he decision to grant this permit by the Ptanning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council.
Anyone affected by fhis action may appeai this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at the Zoniag Office, 1400
City Hall Annex, 25 Wesf Fourth Street. My such appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days of the mailing date noted
Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revocation.
Caro� �v��.X�(�
i eau
Secretary to the Saint Pauf
Zoning Committee
Copies to:
Fiie No.
Zoning Administrator
License inspector
District Council
John Tittle
Wendy Lane
Christine Rozek
Mailed: March 5, 2004
city of saint paul
� planning commission resolution
file number 04-13
date February 27. 2004
0� - ��-5
W HEREAS, John Ti�tle, File # 04019-969, has applied for a Conditional Use Perrnit for six-unit (3
twinhomes) cluster devetopment under the provisions of §60.413(13) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code,
on property located at 1070 Burgess St., Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 26-29-23-32-0939, legaily
described as Kaiman's Division No. 3 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, N'/s of
Vac St Adj and Lot 24; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on February 5, 2004, heid a public
hearing at which aii persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application
in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Comsnittee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings oF
1. The property consists of 6 existing lots and part of a vacated street. Because the back three lots
have no street access, the property is being developed as one parcel with access from Burgess,
2. §60.413(13) permits cluster development, subject to the following conditions:
a. There sha!l be a minimum of two (2) units. This condition is met_ The applicant is proposing six
b. The units shall be attacired, common wall, single-family, with no unit int�uding on the verfical
airspace of any other unit. This condition is met. The applicant wili construct three 2-unit side-
by-side attached structures. Each unit is a separate single family residence.
c. The parcel shalf ineet fhe lat area required per unit in the zoning district. This condition is met.
The fot area required in the R-4 district for 6 units is 30,000 sq. ft. The parcei is over 32,000 sq.
ft. in size.
d. The parcel shall have a minimum irontage of eighty (80) feet on an improved street. This
condition is met. The parcel has 120 4eet of frontage on Surgess St.
e. The strucfure sha(1 conform to the schedule of regulations for height, lot coverage, sefbacks and
parking. This condition will be met. The structures meet the code requirements for height, lot
coverage, and parking. The applicant has agreed fo revise his plans so that the development
meets the front yard setback requirement.
f. The design shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, This condition is met. The
surrounding area is low density residential development with one and two-story structures. This
development will be two stories on Burgess with walk-out basements.
g. Individua! lots, bui�dings, streef and parking a�eas shall be designed and situated to minimize
moved by Fiefd
seconded by
Itl faVOf Unanimous
Zoning Fife 04-019-969
February 27, 2004, Planning Commission Resolution
Page 2 p- �� � � � �
alteration of the natural features and fopography. This condition is met. The steep slope on the
property will be used in developing the walk-out basements for the units. Because of the ciustering of
the houses, mature trees at the rear of the site will be preserved, and a stormwater pond located there.
h. Applications for cluster development s/�af/ include site plans, including landscaping and
elevations and other information the planning commission may request. This condition is met.
The applicant has suhmitted plans.
3. §64.400(d} (ists five standards fhat a(I conditional uses must safisfy:
(1) The extent, location and intensity of the use wil! be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul
Comprehensive Plan and any applicable su6area plans which were approved by the cify council.
This condition is met. The use wili retain the density of the R-4 district wfiere it is tocafed and
will provide additional housing opportunities as recommended in the Housing Policy P�an 5.4,
which states: "...encourage a diversity of building and unit types to meet the diversity of fhe
(2) The use will provide adeguate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public
streets. This condition is met. The site will be served by a one-way drive that wiil provide
access to the garages in the back while providing adequate access and avoiding traffic
(3) The use will not be detrimental to fhe existing character of the development in the immediate
neigh6orhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. This condition is met.
The use wiil be consistent with the existing development in the area and wiil be constructed
according to buitding codes that ensure the pubiic health, safety, and generat wetfare. �
(4) The use will nof impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the
surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. The use will
provide new investment in this neighborhood and will not have a rtegative impact ort
improvements to surrounding properties.
(5) The use shall, in all other respects, conform to fhe applicable regufations of the disfrict in which it
is Iocated. 7his condition is met. The project has gone through site plan review and will meet all
applicable city codes.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of
the City's legislafive Code, that the applicatio� of John Tittle for a Conditional Use Permit for a six-unit
(3 twinhomes) cluster development at 1070 Burgess St. is hereby approved subject to the following
9. !n accordance with §64.300(e), which authorizes the planning commission to attach reasonable
conditions and limitations in granting an approval, the intent of the R-4 zoning disfict to provide for
an environment of predominantly 1ow-density, one-family detached dwellings, and the appiiqnt's
stated intention to sell the units as owner-occupied buildings, each of the six units shall be sold to
owner-occupants and not rented.
2. The appiicant comply with ati site plan review requirements.
� Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 KeIIogg Boulevard West
!ltinutes of February 27, 2004
a �� - � �
��. v �
� �i
A meeting of the Planning Commission of fhe City of Saint Paul was held Friday, February 27, 2004,
at 8:3Q a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hati.
Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, McCall, Morton, Shortridge, and Trevino;
Present: and Messrs. Ale�nder, A1ton, Aafang, Coletta, Field, Fotsch, Johnson, Kramer,
Me}ia, and Scott.
Commissioners Mmes. �Zimmer Lonetti; and Messrs. *Dandrea, *Gordon, Kong, and *Mardell.
Absent: .
f ?
Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Patricia James, and Mary Bruton,
Department of Pianning and Economic Development staff, and Tom Beach, L.I.E.P.
I. Approval of minutes of February 13, 2004
MOTION: Commissioner Fotsch moved approval of the minutes of February 13, 2004.
Commissionerponnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion c¢mied unanimously
nn a voice vote.
Chair's Announcements
Chair Johnson reported that the Steering Committee met this morning and discussed guest
speakers for ffie coming year and stated that it is the intention of the Planning Commission
to reach out to the community and make contacts with as many stakeholders and groups as
possible to try to understand the needs of the citizens of the ciry better so that the
commission can be effective in developing and implementing planning policies.
Plannina Administrator's Announcements
Ciry Council business on 2/25/04:
- Rezoning at Marshall and Westem for multi-famiiy hovsing was given final approvaI.
- Rezonings on Wells Street and for Habitat for Humanity neaz the Ravoux high-rise aze
moving ahead.
- The Univeisity/L,��ngton & Snelling TOD Plan and the Universiry/Dale TOD Plan
were given final approval_
- There was a pubIic heazing on the rezonings azound UniversitylDale and they were
recommended for approvai on March 3x
�` - � : �
Council agenda for 3/3/04: �
- Accept grants for the refurbishing of Wilkins Auditorium and the Trillium Site. Grant
applications for trails on Fumess Pkwy, and at Mary Puk, and for six soccer fields
to be buiIt at the Sandy Lake site in Maplewood.
• The Aovsing Action Ptan for 2004 is up for fmal adoption.
First reading of the Stormwater Management Ordinance.
Mr. SoderhoJm stated that the Ciry now has a$icyc2e/Pedestrian Coordinator, Eric
Thompson, and he is setting up a Walkable Cit�es Workshop that witl take place on Friday,
April 23`�. They will be focusing on the Da1e/Como/Front iniersection.
Mr. Soderholm menuoned PIanning professor Bazbara Lukerman, Univecsiry o£
Minnesota, recentIy received the National Award for Distinguished Leadership by a
Professional Ptanner from tfie American Planning Association. She was selected from 190
nominees. She has been a great influence on pIanning in Minnesota and has been a mentor
to some of PED's p]anners. One of them is Donna Drummond, who this week was elected
Chair of the Richfield Planning Commission.
IV. Zoning Committee
Commissioner Fie13 gave t�e Zoning Cor�i�tee report.
#04019-969 John Tittie - Conditioaal Use Permif for six-unit (3 twin fiomes) cIuster �
development. 1070 Burgess St., between Le�tiaa on & Oxford. (PatriciaTcnnes,
Commissioner Field stated District 6 recommends denial. No one spoke in support. Eight
parEies spoke ia ogpo;ition; and 40 Ietters were received in opposition. The public hearing
was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0.
MOTION: Commissioner Field moved the modifred Zoning Commillee's
recommendation to approve the condrtionad use permit The yrwtion carried rmanimously
oa a voice vote.
03-383-303 Vetmeir Companies for CVS Pharmacv - Site plan review for a new CVS
Pharmacy. The pIan calls for a 13,000 sq. foot, one-story retail building on the comer of
University aud Sneiling with a pazking lot a[ong Sfierburne to the north of the building.
1581 University Ave., NW coraer at SnelIing. (Tom Beach, 65I/�66-9086)
Commissioner Field stated the District Councils requested a public heariug. Two parties
spoke in support. Twenty-three parties spoke in opposition. The public hearing was cIosed.
The Zoning Commiftee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 3-2 (Faricy,
� �.
New susiness
Meeting adjourned at 9:38 a.m.
Recorded and prepaz�d by
Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary
Pianning and Economic Deveiopment Departmeni,
Ciry of Saint Paul
Respectfully submitted,
L ����� y�
... �. ��
•.. ,• �.,. � .. .
PED1BruWn�Miautes�February 27,.2004
_ -;�
e �( j� c.�-
e cCali
Secretary of the Planning Commission
Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 3:3U p.m. '"
City Gouncii Chambers, 3rd Floor � �� -�=' .�
• City Hai1 and CourE Houss
15 West Keflogg Boulevard
PRcSENT: Alfon, Anfang, Faricy, Kramer, Morton, and Mejia
ABSENT: Fieid and Gordon
STAFF: Patricia James, Carol Marfineau, Allan Torstenson, and Peter Warner
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer.
John TitEle- 04-019-969 - CondiYiona! Use Permit far six-unif (3 twinhomes) cfuster development. 1070
Burgess SY., between Lexington 8� Oxford.
Patricia James presenfed the staff reporf with a recommendation of approvai with conditions for the
Conditional Use Permif. She also stated District 6 recommended denial and 39 letters of opposition were
John Tittie, the applicant, described the six-unit cluster development and stated they woufd selt as singie-
family homes. He also stated the trees would be left fo act as a buffer to the railroad tracks.
Craig Holmlund, 1059 Burgess St., stafed it difficult fos the {and at the rear of the site to be developed because
of the low elevation. With fhe garages across the back Yhere would be no room for snow removal. During
avy snowfalis peopie would be forced to park on the streets because of the problems with snow removal.
railroad tracks wouid present a safety issue for families with chiidren. He also went on to explain fhat the
eighborhood does not obJect to devefopment of the property as long as the buildings work with the esthetics
of the property. Single family homes would work with access to the street so garbage cans cou4d be easity
moved to the street for pick-up and ailow back yards thaf chiidren could play in.
Heather Cronin Ott, 992 Burgess St., exptained that the neighborhaod has concerns that a development of this
Eype wilf not attract people wifh a vested interest and longevity to the neighborhood and wiif become rental
Connie Dearborn, represenfing Viva Thomas, 1078 Surgess St., presented pictures depicting the esthetics of
fhe neighborhood and stafed the majority of houses are one-story walk-outs and the proposed buildings are
two stories with fuil waik-ouis, which makes the proposed buiidings too large for the neighborhood. She also
explained if the mature trees stay there wi{I be no open space and the stafif report stated fhere would be open
Robert A. Schfosmarker, 997 Stinson St., stated there wiii be a probiem with snow removal. There is a
concern about the future property being turned into rental property.
Malick Hoff, District 6 Planning Council, stated fhey received numerous phone caiis in opposition and that at
the January 28, 2004, meeting there was strong opposition to the project. He also handed out a document
listing alf the findings of opposition,
Jim Seeman, 1075 Burgess St., reiterated the lot is too smail for the buildings and with the heighf of fhe
dings, it wouid not fit with the character of the neighborhood.
Seigel Weimy, 865 N. Oxford St., voiced concerns with the runoff causing probiems in the neighborhood and
with the esthetics of the property. He also sfated that wiid life should be taken into consideration.
Zoning File 04-019-969
February 5, 2004, Zoning Committee Minutes
� ,
Page 2 � .. . �_ . - -_
� ��
Karla Holmlund, 1059 Surgess St., sfated there were tra�c safefy concerns because of the traffic coming o�
Lexingfon onto Burgess Sf. She a(so reiterated the water run off concerns, snow remova(, and the design of
the property which she sTated "eacn unit looks like four mobi{e homes stacked one on top of the other."
At the question of Commissioner Morton, Ms. Hoimlund, stated three single-family homes would be preferable.
John Tittle, The applicanT, sfated he has beerz a contractor since 1972 and there has never been an officia(
compiaint filed on anything that has been built by him. He went on to explain thaf the properfy does nof allow
for a wider building. He also stated he was not infortned of the January meeting at District 6. He also
expfained that the snow removal issue has been dea(t with and one of the garages has been deleted so a piow
can access the open area in the back of the garages. He aiso s?ated that there ca,^, bs open space w th trees.
Six singfe-family homes are not a good use for the property. The building proposed is in tune with the rest of
the buildings in the area.
At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Mr. l"ittfe stated he purchased fhe properry from Ms. Thomas. Ne
aiso explained the buiidings were designed so as not to disturb Ms. Viva Thomas' easement. He also stated
there woutd be a home owners association.
The public hearing was closed.
Ms. James clarified that there are six lots involved with this property but thtee singie family homes could not be
buiit on the rearlofs unless an access was provided.
At the question of Commissioner Anfang, Ms. James stated the project would be changed if a road had to �
constructed to accommodate the back lots.
Ailan Torsfenson explained that the code in relaTionshiQ to this property and stated six single-family houses
would not be feasible on this property.
After further discussion conceming the sife p(an Commissioner Faricy moved to lay over until February 19,
2004, to work on the design of the project. Commissioner Anfang seconded the motion.
The motion passed by a vote of 6-0.
Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0
Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by:
\_���� .lA��_�11, /A� `, �
Carol Martineau Patricia James Richard Kramer
Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair
Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 3:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor
• Gity Hali and Caurt Hause
15 West Keitogg Boulevard
Aiton, Anfang, Field Faricy, Kramer, and Morton
Gordon and Mejia
Patricia James, Carol Martineau, and Peter Wamer
@` +" G � �
`m� '- J
The meefing was chaired by Commissioner Fieid.
John Tittfe - 04-019-969 - Canditionai Use Permit fior six-unif (3 twinhomes) ciuster development. 9070
Burgess St., between Lexington & Oxford.
Patricia James presented the revised site plans with a recommendation of approval with conditions for the
Conditionai Use Permit.
At the question of Commissioner Field, Tom Beach expla+ned that the upstairs door would have a barrier
across so it cannot be inadvertently opened.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Kramer requested that the creation of a homeowners association be made a condition of the
Commissioner 4Cramer moved approval with conditions of the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Faricy
seconded the motion.
The motion passed by a vote of 6-0.
Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0
Drafted by: Submitted b: Approved by:
�-�- � n����lti� ` 1
Carol Martineau Patricia James Litton Field
Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair
Disaict 6 Planning Co�neit �`�� -� 4 �
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2i3 Front Avenue
St Paul, MN 55117
Phone 651 488-4485
Fax fi51 488-0343
Date: February 17, 2004
�o: Board of Zoning Appeals [IIEPj
304 Lowry Professionai Suilding
Room 300
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: 04-019-969 — John Tittle (1070 Burgess) Addendum
Dear Board of Zoning Appeals, Zoning Committee, Councilmembers Lee Helgen, and
Counciimember Debbie Mantgomery:
� On January 28 2004, fhe District 6 Planning Council Land Use Taskforce met and
came to unanimous vote to oppose the 1070 Burgess Condifional use permit for
consfruction of 6 single family townhouse clusters development, citing strong
neighborhood opposition and project characteristics inconsistent with the character of
fhe neighborhood. District 6 Planning Councii's Land Use Taskforce sent a letter of
opposition with nine of our January 28, 2004 meeting findings in it. After a discussion
with the District 6 Planning Council Land Use Taskfiorce Chair, we wouid also like to
enter these Saint Paui zoning cade findings as an addendum to our last ietter of
1) Sec. 60.413 °Principal uses permitted subject to speciaf conditions": ltem #13:
"Ciuster development, subject to the foilowing conditions: Letter F: "The
design shalf be compstibls with the surrounding neighborhood". Letter.G:
"Individual lots, buildings, streef, and parking areas shall be designed and
situated to minimize aftera#ion of the natural features and topography".
District 6 Land Use —1 D70 Burgess addendum — page 2 .
2) Sea 64.300 °Planning Commission and planning or zoning administrator
approval": Letter C.: `Review procedures; hearing and notices required. The
planning commission, or the planning or zoning administrator where
delegated, sha(t investigate fhe circumstances of each such case. When the
a�fhority has not been deiegated fo the planning or zoning administrator, the
ptanning commission shall make no decision until after a pubfic hearing has
been conducted by the pianning commission or the zoning committee of fhe
planning commission. The pianning commission or zoning commitEee shall
send notice of the fime artd piace of any hearing to all parties who may, in ifs
apinion, be affected by its decision, which shall in alt cases include a!1 owners
of record of property within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the premises in
question. Such notices shall be delivered personaily or by mail addressed to
the respective owners af tF�e address given in the most curcent Ramsey
C�unty property taxafion records. Letter D: "Conditionat use permit; gene�al
standards. Before the p)anning commission may grant approval of a principal
use subject to the speciai conditions, the commission shal( find that: 1) the
extent, location, and intensity of fhe use will be in substantial compliance with
the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any appiicabte subarea p(ans which
were approved by the city council. 2) the use wi�l provide adequate ingress
and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. 3) the use wi)i
not be detrimental fo the existing character of the developmenf in the .
immediate neighborhaod or endanger the public heafth, safety, and general
welfare. 4j The use wiil not impede the normal and orderly developmenf and
improvement of Yhe surrounding property for uses permitted in the distr'rcf. 5)
the use shall, in ail other respects, conform to the appliqble regulations of
the disfricts in which it is Iocated.
r �
Q ,�t. _ r {, �
District 6 Land Use —1070 Burgess — page 3
• The District 6 Pianning Council's Land Use Taskfotce would fike to adci a chronofogicai
order of events on the 1 d70 Burgess matter:
• Mr. John Titfle —1070 Burgess- came inEo our November 25, 2Q03 meeting for
information only purposes
• November 25, 2�03 Land Use Task Force voted to take no action on anything sn
regards to Mr. John Tittie's 1070 Burgess projecf, because the presentation was
for information-only, and the community had nof been notifed.
• December 31, 2003 Conditionai Use Permit application states: "Appiicant met
with District 6 Pianning Councif on November 25, 2003. The District 6 Planning
Council has no objections to this proposed cluster developmenf." Again, the
107Q Burgess applicant did not ask for a vofe on this project. Thus it was
incorrectly stated that the District 6 Land Use Taskforce had no opposition on the
above project.
• On January 28, 2004, the Oistricf 6 Land Use Taskforce meets and votes to
oppose the 1070 Burgess due to severaf findings and sfrong neighborhood
• Malik Holt, District 6, Program Coordinator & Community Organizer, and several
1070 Burgess area neighborhood residents attend the Zoning Committee
meeting on February 5, 2004 to state strong opposition to the above project
;. If there are any further questions or concems from any of the parties involved, D'sstrict 6
Planning Coun �I ca be reached at 651-488�485. Thank you.
(`�-9� � G . s .
Malik Hoft on behalt of the Disfricf 8 Land Use Taskforce
. Community Organizer/Program Coordinator .
Disirict 6 Planning Council
Cced Counciimember Lee Helgen
Counciimember Debbie Montgomery
Patricia James. PED
John Hardwick, L(EP
Dear Plannin° Commiccion Member:
We are writing as representatives for our communiry block club tfie Como Addition O� neighborhood
consists of over 100 residences. We are writing on behatf of everyone who lives on Burgess, Tapping,
Stinson, and From between Lexington and Chatswortli streets. John Tiffie, a landlord who owns several
renral units in our neighborhood (but does not live here himsel� has recendy applied for a Conditional
Use permit in order to build a cluster development at 1070 Bnrgess. We wish to voice our conoems and
ask that the permit not be recommended at this time.
• The zoning code states that use will not be detrimental to the immediate chazacter of the
neighborhood. We feel that the current design plan does not fit with tfie existing neighborhood
azchitectiue. We are a community ofpredominantty single family homes. We would like to see
these types of residences be btult in our area.
•'i'he code also states that the plans will provide adequate ingress and egress to m;,,;r�,;�e traffic
congestion in pubIic sueets. We feel certain tt�at the proposed development will eventually
become rental properry. In our experience rentai properties seem to facilitate much more slreet
parking and � iaflux of tzaffc m the azea_
• The zoning code also states that the proposed deve2opment wiZt not impede uormat and orderty
development and improvement of the surrounding properties. We have been casually informed
that the landiord who is scekiag this permit has just made an offer to buy the properry nezct to
1070 Burgess. We fear that this will propagate more housing developments which aze not
conducive to the future vision of tbis neighborfiood.
• We are a blossoming commimity. Many yowng families haue moved to these three streeu witi�
fiopes of raising families here. Several of these new neigt�bozs have indicazed that they may
choose to leave tbis aze� if this kind of development is allowed to be built
• The Zoning Committee's request thst Mr. Titt1e establish a homeowners' association does not
reassnre us, and it won't ensure tbat acd�al homeowners will live at Yhe address.
. We understaud that Mayor Kelly is encoucaging more housing for St Paul. Please do not mbber
stamp tltis permit to m�t St Paul's housiag needs. We feel tfiat Iarger neigttbarhoods coutd
better support this b�sden.
As a wmmunity, we aze trying to encoiaage atl the people living in this neighborhood to become
pioactive in city govanment. We want the people who live here to have a ve�ed irnerest in current
and fudae issues conceming o� azea As mnch as we respect our neighborhood renters, they cleazly
do not exhibit �e actions that woutd reflect a tong temx commitment to our cooperative ca¢ses. We
are pleased to ttave new housing buitt here. We would welcome any new housing that is desgaed to
blend m with the cmrent struct�ses on ouc streets. We feel stronglY t� SinP,le f�ilY, o��upant
owned hames would better represem the syttergy we seek
Thank you for yota time aud effort concerning this matter.
S' y,
Heather Cronin Ott
Como Addition Block Club Represenhative
651 224-9197
cc: Lanri LaFavor, Como Addition Presideat
FEB 2 5 2004 •
� ::�, .� ; �;. �
Di�trict 6 Planning Council
= -- - - .,.. .
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.._ .. _ ., ,. _... .., _�_ � : ,., .. �. _ .. _ . �.. .... .. .�.. .
213 Front Avenue
St. Paui, MN 55117
Phone 651 488-4485
Fax 651 488-0343
Date: February 4, 2004
To: Zoning Committee
Saint Paul Commission
City Council Chambers
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
Re: 04-019-969 — John Tittle (1070 Burgess)
Dear Zoning Committee:
� On January28 2004, the District 6 Planning Council Land Use Taskforce met and
came to unanimous vote to oppose the 1070 Burgess Conditional use permit for
construction of 6 singie fam+ly townhouse clusters deve4opment, citing strong
neighborhood opposition and project characteristics inconsistent with the character of
the neighborhood in addition to the following:
• Construction will eliminate 6 buildable 40' lots and turn them into to 6 20' lots
(city ordinance requires 40 x 120 fieet}
• 6 20' foot highly condensed lots going against the character of the neighborhood
• Traffic and parking issues were raised by the residents for the Burgess area
• Housing density is out of piace with the immediate surroundings
• District 6 Planning received over 15 calis against this construction project
• Severai neighbors stated that their property values would go down and several
stated they wouVd move out of the area
• Neighbors and the Land Use board raised concerns about errors in the p(ans
with the elevation, in addition to concems with spring water runoff into other
surrounding properties
• Strong neighborhood attendance and opposition at the January 28 2004
District 6 Land Use Taskforce meeting
• 6 20' lots adds another possible non-owner occupied apartment buifding to the
area not in character with the neighborhood
,/ �, -ry, �, � District 6 Land Use —1070 Burgess — page 2 �
� �� �'
The District 6, Planning Council's Land Use Taskforce aiso found that in the 1070
8urgess 12/31I2Q03 Conditiortal Use Permit Application, Mr. Tittle misrepresented fhe
decision for his presentation at our November 25, 2003 meeting. Mr. Tittle came before
the November 2003 Land Use Taskforce Board to provide information only on the 1070
Burgess projeet. Because there was no neighborhood representation for the 1070
Burgess area, the Districf 6 Land Use Taskforce did not make any motions and took no
action. In Mr. Tittle's 12l31/2003 Conditional Use Permit Application, he
misrepresented the November 2003 Land Use Taskforce's action to fhe preparer or
assistant preparer of the application that: "Applicant met with District 6 Planning Council
on November 25, 2003. The District 6 Planning Council has no objecfions fo this
proposed cluster development."
District 6 Land Use Taskforce expressed a major concem with this misrepresentation.
If there will be any future meetings about this matter, then District 6 Planning Council
and its Land Use Taskforce is committed to making sure a representative wili be at any
and ali meetings to continue our opposition to this project as it is stated. If there are any
further questions or concems from any of the parties involved, District 6 Planning
Councii can be reached at 651-488-4485. Thank you.
Malik Hoit vn behalf of the Disfrict 6 Land Use Taskforce
Community Qrganizer/Program Coordinator
District 6 Planning Council
Cced Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Debbie Montgomery
Patricia James, PED
r 1
i 1 s�' ��
�, ,
, - �;
Tiiere will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the CounciI.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are aua.ilable from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 aY
the Depaztment of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars wkere there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire biock is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would he totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apariment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
properiy designed to be re�ed out, not at all reflective of the curxxent neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Const�ucting six fiousing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided da not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the froirt and back, not reflected in the buiiding plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle preseated it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed clnster development.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathp Myers 651488 2750. Piace comments oa reverse side.
" I am ��tQ o os �� at 1070 Burgess"
�J'�! ' O V V
signed� `�ri, 7e!��o date 3 J �"� � o y
address �0,; g�3vr �s s ��, phone 6 s S+St 7- /G S 3
z mf �3
, -. � ;� r= �s
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cazmot_ attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tiitle's �5roposal are available from Patricia 3ames (651 266 6'700 at
the Department of Pl annin� � Economic Developmeirt )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for b families with garage space for 12 cars whare there is
now one fiome at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
T'hese ta�I twin homes would be totally out of place.
Tlris is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the Iaad use meeting it was said that it would Iook lke you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactty ]ike im�estmern
property designed to be reated out, not at all reflective of the cmreat neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 Iots face Burgess, 12d feet. In fitting �
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Consri�ucting six housing umts gives each one oaly 20 fezt.
The plans provided do not accauaYety refle.ct the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the fro� and back, not reflected in the buiiding ptans.
This ptan was denied sppruval from District 6 Planaing Conncit, but Mr.
Tittie presented it "that thep had no objection to his plan". They had many
objedions and so do we the aeighbors to Yhis pmposed daster developmeaL
If you eanuot attend on Feb 5 please sign Uiis note and give it M Ksrta Holmlund
651487 2653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed date y
/ / i
address /O�z �Z-�sr ���' phone G�/� 73° ��
�5� �
3 � f' � �
There will be a publie meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City HalI
Please a#end.
7f you canaot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 3ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Developmeat )
The plan. is for 3 twin homes for 6 favilies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The ne:ct house at 1078 is a s,ngle-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
Tiris is a iamily neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
aparhnern, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of umt looks eYactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. dfficially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s'vr housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The pians provided do not accurately reIIect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans,
This glan was denie� approval from Distrct 5 Pla��ing �ounc�, but Pvir.
Tittte presented it "that they had no objection to his pian". They had manp
objections and so do we the neigLbors to this pmQosed claster devetopment
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla $oimlund
6514871653 or Kathy M�ers 651 A88 2'750, Place comments on reverse side.
. ii i� � r�• � �'i � � �� � •� �• i� u• i 1 1� -
, . .
� . � .� .. .����I_ i . , �� �f . ' / ,
r . ' .� � ' .
, Y �Y . • _ J � sf.f . I��L �1� 1 1 I ' � "' �,, / �
1 V ` f y /
. • N �
Y ��' �3
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attead.
ffyou caouot attend please sign our petition or send your own Ietter to the Counc�.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Depariment of Planning & Economic Development )
Phe plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for T2 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the chazacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-faznily homes on large lots. Tfie n�,xt house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes wouid be totally out of place.
Tliis is a family aeighboihood. One loag stretch of �2 garage stalts, says
apartmem, not family. At the land" use meeting it was said that it would look liice you
parked b mobite homes lengthwise. This type of umt looks exactly tike invesiment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officially oniy 3'lou face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of �he homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing scr housing umts gives each one only 20 feet.
The pL�ns pzovided do not aecurately refle�t the site. There is at Ieast a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected ia the building plans.
T?ais Dlan was alenied aaproval froffi District 5 Planning C�uncil, bu: 1�Ir.
Tittle presented i# "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
otijections and so tlo we the neighbors to this proQosed duster developmenY.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 Qle�se sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
5514871653 or�thy IVlpers 651488 2750. Plaee comments on reverse side.
" I aa� opp �ed ta the.pro�►osed developmeat at 1070 Burgess"
S�� - . aa� 1 ' `�` — ° �(
r �
address l �3 °l � r o �-�- �� � phone G 5 / - � �-`� - � � Sa •
s mf ��
� �IG��3R5 �F PROP�SED �EVE�fl�'l�l� AT 14'7� �IJi�G�,S
T'here wiIi be a public meeti�g Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.,
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal are avaiIable from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Depamnent of Plannin� � Bconomic i�evelogmem )
The glan is for 3 tu�in homes for 5 fanulies with sarage space for 12 cars wnere �nere is
now one home at 1070 Burgess. V .
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes woutd be totally out of piace.
This is a fawily neighborhood. One long stretch of I2 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 rnobile homes lengthwise. Tlus type of unit looks �actly like investment
praperty desi�ed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
� � There are density issues. O�cially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feat. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 housas in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at leasz a seven-foot
drop between the front and bac1S not reflected in the building plans.
T�is pian �vas deaie�i an�sr�val fro�a �istriei �5 P�ammin� �'a�nc:3, �a�i ?�,.
Tittie gresented it "that they had no objec#ion to his Qlan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed ciuster devedo}sment
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it Yo Y�arla Hoimlund
551487 1653 or 3�a#hy iVIyers 551 483 2750. i'lace cammeu�ts on rev�rse side.
" I am npposed ia the praposerl deve�opment at 10�0 �urgess"
si�e�i �- �a�e � - � �
• ad���s �0 �Ll/1� p��ne ��?. j�,Z3v
� �� 3�
iV�IG��RS t)F PRfl�OSEI) �3�VELflPMEI�t'i' AT i070 BURGE�S �
'There will be a pubiic me�ting T'hursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City �all
Please attend.
If you caffiot attend glease si� our petition or send your own Ietter to the CounciL_
Copies of Mr. Tohn 'Tittle's proposat are available from Patricia 7ames (652 25fi 670Q at
the Depamnent of Planning & Economic Development )
The plaa is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage sgace for :2 cars where tbere is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large fots. The next house at 1�J'78 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tall twin fiomes wouid be totaity out of place.
Ttus is a family neigfiborhooci. One long stretch of 12 garage s�talls, says
apartmeat, not family. At the land use meetmg it was said that it would lool� like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. TYris type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at a11 re4ective of #he ciurem aeigtiborhood. .
There are density issues. Officiatly only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet_ In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the hlock there should be no more than 2 fiousas in that
space Constructing six housi¢g u�ts gives eaeh one oniy 20 feet
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the bulding plans.
This plan was denfle� aupr�val iz�� �istrict �5 3'lanmin� �'u�nc:l, �ut �>.
Tittte gresented it "that they Lad no objection to his plan". _They had many
objections and so. do we the neighbors to this propased clnster develonffieat
If you canaot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it #o Kar3a Holmimad
G51 4871b53 or Ka#hy 1Vlyers b51 48S 2'75fl. P3ace cammeuts oa reverse sade. .
" I am opposed �o th pmposed development at 1070 �urgess"
s��neri da#� � _ y _ Q �
�dd��ss Ja�7 L.(`JJ�90 ��G�' p�aaa.e S/ �4 0 �� ��•
�,, J S� / 0 3
7 b�' 33
0 �- 545
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Fiall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposai are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cazs where there is
now one home at 1070 Bwgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. Oae long stretch of 12 garage stails, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rerned out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Qfficiatly only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not refleeted in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Pl�nning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they h�d no objection to his pian". Thep had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed ciuster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign t6is note and give it to Karla Holminnd
6514871653 or Kathy Myeis 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed deveiopment at 1070 Burgess"
sign���,..,.� �� date ' . G�
address ���0 ��l�p � �Z.,L phone� .-�5�1
$ °'� 3 �
0�� �4�
There will be a pnbiic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's pmposal are auailable from Pat►icia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Plazming & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 10�0 Burgess.
The gtan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The eatire biock is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tatl twin homes would be totally out of ptace.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. Ai the land use meeting it was said that it wovld look like you
parked' 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�actly like iavestmem
property designed to be reented out, not at ati reflecrive of tfie cutre�t neigt�borhood.
There aze density issues. Officially onty 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the bIock there shou[d be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constcucting six housing units gives each one only 20 fest.
The plans provided do not accurately re4lect the site. There is at Ieast a seven-foot
drop between the from and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Connc�7, but Mr.
TitHe pmsented it "thxt they had no objection to his plaw". Thep liad manp
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed clnster developmenf.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this nMe and give it to Karla Holminnd
652 4871653 or Kathy 1Vlyers 65! 488 2750. P)ace commeats on reverse side.
" I am op,posed to the proposed development at 1070 Bnrgess"
I ����
address��� �C� d�� �� phone���'��g" a�?�
�-r �`�-'� 1��, �;s"lo3
9 m� 3�
� }
� ^ "° a r;
.,a,; -... : r �
-. e
C �
There will be a public meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Councit.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposat aze availabie from Patcicia lames (651 265 6700 at
the Depaz'tment of Planning & Economic Development }
- The ptan is for 3 iwin homes for 6 families with garage spaca for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 $urgess.
The plan does not fit the chazacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tail iwin homes would be totally out of piace.
This is a family neighborhood. One long sixetch of 12 garage stalls, says
apar�ent, not family. At the land use meeting it was said thai it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. Tlais type of unit looks exactly like investment
properry designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officiatly only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Consriucting s'vs housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The pians provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the &ont aad back, not reflected in the bi:ilding plans.
This plan was s�enied aQproval #'rom.Distr9e# 5 Planna�na �ouncil, buY Mr.
Tittle presented it "that -Yhey had no objection to his ptan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors ta this proposed claster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Kar3a Hoimlund
551487-1653 or Kathy Myers 65i 488 2750. P�ac� comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the pmposed development at 1070 Burgess"
.,., � ' � /��,
- /` 4 . •
v /``'
� f f ' r �I � /�'-/ / � I I �f .� ' '� � � j
1v df' 33
����, ���
There will be a pnblic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our peticion or send your own letter to the Council_
Copies af Mr. 7otm Tittte's proposal are availabte from Patricia 5ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planniag & Bconomic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with aarage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
T'he pian does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The neart house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These ta[I tvvin homes woutd be totally out of place. '
This is a family neighborfiood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not fami2y. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobite komes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exact[y I�7ce investment
properiy. desigaed to be rerned out, not az aIl reflective of the current neighboihood.
There aze density issues. Offcially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet_ _ In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block th�e should be no more r.�an 2 houses zn that
space Constnicting six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected ia the building plans. �
Tf�is plan was denied approval �rom Disir_ct fi Piaanizng Cflaac�i, bat Mr,
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his platt". They had many
objections and so do we the neightiors to this proposed c[uster development,
If yon canaot attend on Feb -5 please sign f6is note aad give iY #o Karla $olmtuad
6514871653 or Kathy Myeis b51 488 295D. Place eommeats�ou reverse side.
" I am opposed to proposed development at i070 Burgess"
sigaed � - � date s���
address �]�J 11� f�X��c� S'{'- �phone(c�/ y�- 7� f
!1 af' ��
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your owa letter to the Counc'sl.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposat are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 67QQ at
the Departmeat of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with guage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborfiood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neigfiborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
aparmient, not family. At the land use meeting it was said thax it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like inveslmern
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cazrrem neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there shoutd be no more than 2 houses in that
space Consttucting six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District fi Planning Council, but Mr.
Tidie presented it "that thep had ao objection to his p4an". They had many
objections and so do we t6e neighbors to this proposed claster development
If you canaot attend on Feb 5 please sign tleis note and give it Co Karla Holmlund
651.4871653 or Kathy Myeis 651488 2'I50. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am oppased to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed � date 2 G �
address / o� i-.� 5� phone �S'< ��? `����
l2 oz° 33
_ ,_
There will be a public meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Couneil.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
ifie Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The pian. is for 3 twm homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cats where there is
now one home at 10�0 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singte-family homes on large Iots. The next house at 1078 is a sing[e-family Iow raacfi.
These tall tvvin fiomes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
agartment, noY family. At the land use meeting it was said t.hat it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This, type of umt looks exactly like �ern
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the ciurern neighborhood.
There are density issues. O&cially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the bicek there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The pians provided do not accurately reflect tfie site. Tfiere is ax least a seve�foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the baitding plaus.
This plaa was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, bnt Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objeetions and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster devetopment
If pon caanot attend on Feb S please sign this note and give it to Karla Hoimtand
6514871653 or Katby Myers 651488 275Q. Ptace comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed_ 1 �`-� � � date �`. � -
address � � �2 � � �� ���5 phone 6 �' �� ��Z� �
o�- �L �
8 � 5 � ��
There will be a pnblic mcetnig Thursday Feb 5 at 3:3(i pm City Hali
Ptease attend.
♦� �:IIILf .1� :;f�� � :r � UI i 1 � �� A { t � ' 1.� ' { 1 / � t " t u � • 1 " ! IFN
Copies of Mr. Joha T'rttie's propasat are available frtsm Pauicia lames (651 266 6700 at
tI� Dep�t of Pl�ng &�conomic Development )
The ptan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families wii& garage space for 12 cars where t�ere is
now one home at 1070 Burg�ess.
The plan doe.s not fit the charactes of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singte-family homes on large Iots. The n� house at 1078 is a�ngie-fmmiiy tow razictz
These tall twirt homes would be totally out of plaae.
This is a fann7y neighborhood. One iong stretcti of 12 gazage stalls, sa.ys
apaztment, not famiiy. At the land use meeting it was said ihat it w�l Iook tike you
parked 6 mobile homes leugthwise. Tfris type of unit looks exactly �ike inve�t
property clesigned to be rented out, not at all reflective of the carrent r�ghborhood.
There are density issues. Ufficialty only 3 lots face Burge.ss, 120 feet. In fitting
with ihe re§t of the homes on the block there shoutd be no more thau 2 houses in that
space Construc6ng six housiag timits gives each one oniy 2{? feet.
The plans provided do not acauately reflect the site. Tha'e is at least a sevea-foot
drop between the fro� and back, not refl� i� ihe bu7ding plans.
This plaa. was denied � aPprova! from DisErict 6 pianning Coancil, bnt Mr.
Tiriie presented it `�that they had eo objection to Lis pian". They had many
objeetions and so do we the aeighbors to tLis psoposed cinster devetopment
7f yon cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
65I 487 1653 nr Kathy Myers 651488 2756. Phce comcnneafs on reverae side
" T am opposed to the proposed development st 107U Burgess"
siga �,G' date � 3 � - t
aildress f b � �o �(� �� _ � phone _�� ��� �p
CY �� ��
0�- �45
There witl be a pnblic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5. at 3:30 pm City Hall
Piease attead.
ff you cazmot attend please sign ont petiteoa or send your owa Ietter to the _Councit.
Copies of ll+�r. John Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (65I 26fi 6700 at
the Departmem of Planning & Economic I3evetopmern )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garyge space. for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess. -
The plan does not fit the character of our neighbarhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on targe 2ots. The next house at I078 is a singie-famity low rancki
Tfiese taIl twin homes woutd be totalty out of place.
This is . a famiiy neigbborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartmem, not family. P,t tlie land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of umt looks exactty like investment
groperty designed to be rented out, not at aIl re#lective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues_ Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 fcet. Iu fitting
with the rest of the homes oa the block there should be ao more 8�an 2 houses in that
space Coaslructing six housing uaits gives each oue only 20 feet.
The piaas provided do not accuratety reflect the site. Tfiere is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not refiected in the bu�ding plans. ".
This g�lan was denied appraval -fro� Distr+.e# 6 Plannin� �oanc�7, but 11d�. --
Tittle presented it "that they had ao objection to Lis pian". They had manp
objections and so do we the neighbors Yo Yhis proposed clester develogmeat
If qoa cannot attend on Feb 5 please siga this note and give it to Karla Hotminnd
6514571653 or Kathp Mpeas 651488 2750. Plac� comments on reverse side. .,
" I am opposed to the proposed developmeat at 1070 Bnrgess"
signed�.tia y��ati, 4' �� �.('(/ date -�3,L�,a �
address 1 a o� � phone
1� mf' 2
_. ��d,� ���
Please attend.
Ttiere witl be a pnblic meeling Tharsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
If you cannot a#end please sign our petition or send yo�r own letter to the Counc�.
Copies of IVtr, 7ohn Tittie's proposai ue available from Patricia 7ames {651 266 6700 at
fhe Departumern of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin hoines for 6 families with garaae space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1U70 Burgess. -
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes dn large lots. The ne�rt house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These taIl twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stails, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobite homes lengthwise: This tyge of unit looks �actiy like investment
properiy designed to be rented out, not at all reflecdve of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Qfficiaily only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 kouses in that
space Const�ucting si� housing units gives each one only ZO feet. �
The plans provided da not accurately reflect.the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front aad back, not reflected in the building pIans. _.
This �piau was denied approval frn�ss Dis#ric� 5 Planning �aunc�l, bea# ?l�,r.
TitHe presented it "that they had no objeciion to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed c(nster development _
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and � ve it to Karla Hoimlund
65l 487 1653 or Kathy Myers b51 488 2750. Place commieats on revErse side.
" I am opposed ta the praposed devei6pment at 1070 Burgess"
�� �� t1 c:�.�___�� � � , r
• address l C? � O � �� ti r�e, phone (Q S►- �( $-� .�U3 � �
�.. �
l6 m�' 33
""" ���
�.,� �_ � �
� 9
T'here will be a public meetiag Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City HaIl
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign oar petition or send your own Ietter to, the Councit.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposat are ava7able £rom Pah James (651 266 6700 at
the Department of P �anninu & Ecoaoriuc Development )
The plan is for 3. twin_hoiues for 6.families v,nth gazaDe space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singte-famity homes on Iarge lots. The neat house at I078 is a single-family Iow ranch.
These tat( twin homes wouid be totally out of place. .
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of I2 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. " At the land use meeting it was- said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobite homes lengtkwise. This type of unit looks exactly tike investme�
property designed to be rented out, not at all re$ective of the ciurem neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3_ lots face Burgess, 120, feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on tfie biock there sfiould be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s� ho units gives each one oaly 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accittately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the fro� and bac� not re$ected in the bu�lding pians.
This plan was denied agproval from �is#rict 5 PLmm�ing Couas�l, �ai l�-:
Ti#!e presented it "that they had no objectioa to his plan". They had many
ob}ections and so do we the neighbors to this propoaed cluster development
If yon cannot attend on Feb 5 ptease sign this note aud give it Yo Karla Holminnd
6514871653 or Kattry lLlpers 651488 2750. Placa comments on reverse side.
" I a� osed to the proposed development af'lU'70 Burgess"
si�► J �,�a : ��� date � % g
address �7G� phone � � 3 �� 1
� a a /
t> ��° �3
,�, .
.� - �
There will be a public meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
Ifyon cannot attend please siga our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 3ohn Titt1e's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Departmeat of Planning & Economic Devetopment )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for I2 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan dces not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singl�family homes on large lots. The neat house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totalty out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch o£ I2 garage stalis, says
apartmem, nat family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look ]ike you
parkad 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of umt looks ea�actiy like im�estmern
property designed to be rerned out, not at all reflective of the curreat neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, I20 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes oa the block there shonld be no more than 2 houses in that
space Construcpng suc housing units gives each one onIy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle Qresented it "ithat they had no objection ta his pian". They had many
abjections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If yon canaot attend on Feb 5 ptease sign this note and give it to Karia Holmlund
65I 4871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to
development at 1070 Burgess"
date e� ? J ';
phon - L D� '����
1� mf� 3� �
� �;
There �iIl be a public meeting 3'hursalny Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
s w,rui • .�f �:) •� Y; y J� f ��:�1 � t t � �::):� s� �• f �� � s t' s n«
Copies of Mr. Iohn T'rtxie's proposat are available from Patcicia 7ames (651 26fi 6700 at
the Departmerrt of Planning & Eeonomic Devetopment )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 fam�ies with garage space for I2 cars where there is
�w one fiome at 1070 Burgess.
The p}an dces �t fit the cbaracter of our naghborhood. The �t'sre block is
singte-fannly homes oa large lots. The next hoi�se at 10?8 is a singte-�y Iaw ranch
These tall twin homes wotild be totally ovt ofplace.
This is a fann'ty �borhood Oae long stretch af 12 garage st�s, says
apardnem, �t fa�n�ly. At tP� tamd u� a�iog it was said that it wwfid Iook I�e yott
parked 6. mob7e homes I�thvvise. This type of umt looks esadty fike investmem
P�P�3' de�g�d to be rented out, not at all rdiec4ive of tl� caurent �ghborhood.
Theae are clet�sity issues. Officaatly anly 31ots face Burgess, 124 fee#. In fitting
with ttie rest of the �me.s on ttte biock there should be � more than 2� in that
space Construtxiog �x housng units give.s each a� oaly 2Q fe�.
The plans provided do aot �y reHect the �te. Th�e is at teast a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, nat reHected in the bu�ding ptans.
This p�r was deeieti:approvat Crom D�t 6�laeuiag Counc�7, brat Di�:
T'�tie presented it �iLaf t1�ey I�ad ao objedioa to Lis P�"• T�9 � m�Y
objeetiens and so do we the aeighbora to ttw proposed duster devdapment
7f poe caanot attend on Feb 5 pleaae s�e this aots and give it te Kur�a H�Lolend
65t 487 2653 or Kai�p Myers 6514� 2750 Place co�m�ts aa �+eve�se side.
� I am ogpesed to tke g o� a�op� at �.mo s���
signed ` �' o'i ' date �- 3-o
, �.
addfess �0 3 t `fin� � N� 5 f- gLone 1� S( `I 8?� t q ba
1 q .mf �3 �
There w�t be a pnblic meeting Tharsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hait
Please attead.
� ✓.�II} 1 .11 :?� ! I J `• '!1 { f � :•� ( 1 t � .�i1.1 � I ♦ � 1 J( :1 4 . I ♦ f1
Copies of Mr. John Titt1e's groposat are avaiIable from Patricaa James (651 266 6700 at
the I}eparEsne.at ofPlaumn� & P.cx�namic Develapment )
The plan is for 3 twin homes fot 6 fams�ies with garage space for 12 c�s where there is
now one home at 1d70 Burgess.
The ptan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The etrtire block is
singlo-family homes an large lots. Tire mext house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
Tfiese tatl i►uin homes wottld be totalty out of place.
Tbis is a family neighborhood. One long stcetch of 12 garage stalls, says
�t, not fami'ly. At tt� land use meeting it was said that h wovtd look tike you
parkecl 6 mobile hame.s leagthwise. This type of unit looks exactty like investment
property designeQ m be rerned wrt, not at all reflective af the cain'mt neigbborhood.
There are density issues. Officisily ouly 3 lots face But�ess, 120 feet. In �
with the rest of the homes on the block there shouid be no more than 2 houses ia that
sPace Constructiag s� housing uaits gives each one onty 20 fe�.
Tlie plans provided do not acauatedy reflect the sits. There is at least a seven foot
drop between the fro� and badc, not reflected in the bu�t� pIsos-
This plan vras tle�ied.appxnva[ from Dist+rict 6 Planning Connc�, bnt Mr.
Tiqie prwwented it `khat they had no objection Yo his plap". They �ad many
objectioas aad so do we the neig6bors to t6is propoaed cla4tcr devdopmen�
7f you c$anot a#end on Feb 5 ptease sign this note aad give it to Kuia HoLmlund
5514871653 ar Kathy Mpers 651488 2750. Place commaeuts on r�.werse side.
K I am opposed to i�e
at 147fl Bnrgess" ,
�K �v �r� �. �� � �.
rhone ���-� � �`� � �t�' �
��-��� �.a m� ��
There wiIl be a pnblic meeting Tliursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot_ attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr_ 7ohn Titt1e's proposal are availabte from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Departm�t of Plaaning & Economic Developmern )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cazs where there is
now one home at I070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our netghborhood. The entire block is
singie-famly homes on Iarge tots. The next house at IO'18 is a singia-family iow ranch.
These tati twin homes wouid be totalty out of pIace.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage seatis, says
apartmeat, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parke� 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exackiy like iavestment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cutre� neighborhood.
There are density issues. Qfficially onty 3 lots face Burgess, I20 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in ttsat
space Constructing s� housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven foot
drop between the froirt and back, not re$ected in the building plans_
This plan was denied-approval from District 6 Plaoning Counc�7, bnt Mr.
Tittie presented it "that they had na objectioa to his plau". They lead many
objecEions and so do we tLe neighbors to this proposed daster developmen�
If pon cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign th�s note and give it to Karla Holmlund
652 4871653 or Kathy Myers 65148& 2750. Place commeats on reverse side.
" I am o ed to the r os
sigIICa v
address �i�� �l )�
�"� I�l�/,
�l �
at 1070 Bnrgess"
date / �� U¢'
phone J � �- ra /- /U /.�
� 7
2 .i � � � 3 �
0'�� ��+�
There w�l be a pablic meeting T3�nrsday Feb 5 at 3:3iD p� City Hal!
�,�-. _ '-�' '-
� s w.lu� .raL� �:i�� Yw ♦ i'rt�t �._'�� •s i�� ��r� I I" ♦ n�!
Copies of Mr. John T'rtxte's proposai are availaBle from PatEicia James (651 266 6'700 at
the Depaztment of Planning & Bconomic DevdoFme�t )
The gian is for 3 twin ho�s for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home aY 1Q70 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the chazacter of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-family Homes on large fots. The ne�rt house at 1078 is a singie-familq low ranch.
These tail twin homes wovtd be wtally out of piace.
This is a faa�y n�gbborhood. Os� long stretch of I2 gaFage stalls, says
apartmern, nat fam�y. At the laad use meeting it was said that it would iook h'tce you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of umt looks exackiy like inveslment
Pr�P�Y designed to be rerned out, not at att reBective of the aur�t neighborhood
There are density issues. O�caally oniy 3 Yots face Burgess, 220 feet. In fitting
� witv the rsst of the Isomes on the block ti�re should be no more than 2 flousts in ttsat
space Constructmg s� housing units g�ves each one oniy 20 feet.
The p}ans provided do nat accuraiely reflect the site. There is at teast a seven-foot
drop between the frrnrt and back, not reflected in the buildiag glans.
This plan was denied.approral from Disirict 6 Piaaning Conncit, bat Mr.
T'�ttte presented it "that tleep had no objectiou to �is plan". They �ad many
objectioas and so do we the ne�ghbors to this proposed cMster devdopment.
If yoa canaot attend on Reb 5 piease sign this note nnd giva it to Karla Ho�6o�lund
65I 4871653 or Kathy Mpers 651488 Y150. Place comments oa reverse side.
K I am opposed to �e gro� development at itt7Q Bqrgess"
�►ea �.(�—G� ..� ,�R,t.:�-,.��, a$r� l- 3/- o Y
address � S�'r�'%., phoae �,� � - 9 S' �- �
� � � � � � �� mf .��
There wiIl be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you caanot attend please sign our petifson or send your own Ietter to the CounciI.
Copies o€ Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Pairicia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Departmern of Pla„rt'ng & Economic Developmeat )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 faznilies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home ax 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not frt the character of our neighborhoad. The eatire block is
single-famly homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a singie-Pamily low rancfi.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
Ttus is a family neighborhood_ Oae long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmeut, not family. At the ]aud � meexiAg it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobite homes lengthwise. 3'�is � af � looks exact(y like investment
pmperty designed to be �€tated ou� n�,�jl zeflectiv� of� cumnt neighborhood.
There aze density iss�s: Offi�ontp 31ots face �ta�ess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the blodc �' shouid be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s� housing tmits g�tes �h one z�ly ZO �t.
The plans provided do not accurately ne�ect �e site_ There is �t I�st � seven-foot
drop between the from and back, not reflected. in the building plans. "
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Pf�nning Cuieaca7, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "Wat thep had no objection to his p�n". T7�ey had many
objectioas and sq do we the neighbors to tLis proposed clnster development
Ii' yoa cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmtund
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Ptace comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed deveIopment at 1070 Burgess"
signed date ! � / O
address �� �G'�� �.s'.� ,��_ phone �'S/ � 3/a�
23 mF �3�
Y � f.
t� - - � ..� `, �
There w�l be a pnblic meeting Tharsday Feb 5 at 3:3U pm City Hatl
Please attend
t W. IB • .Il �( � � Y: . n yl � . �.PIII � I • ��l � � 1 � • 1 ' � " \ f � 1
Copies of Mr. Iohn Tittte's proposal are available &om Patricia 7ames (b51 266 6700 at
the DeQartmevt ofPlam�ing & Economic DeveIopment )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 fann'lies with garage space for 22 cazs whete there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The .plan dces not fit the character of our neighborhood, The emire block is
singie-family homes on targe lots. The aext house at i078 is a singte-family low ranch.
These taU t�vin homes would be totally out of ptace.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalts, says
apartmeat, not fann7y. At the Tand use m�ting it was said tbat it v�rouid loak like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactty like iuvestment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cuir�►t neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially oaty 3 lots face Burgess, 120 fcet. in fittiag
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more thaa 2 fiouses ia that
space Consh�ud'mg six hon�ag vnits gives each one onty 20 fcet.
The plans provided da not accurately retlect the site. There is at least a sevein-foot
dtop between the from and bact� not re8ected in the huilding p}ans,
This ptan was denied.approva! from District 6 Plannirtg Conaei[, but Mr.
Tittte presented it ``that they had no objectioa to his plan". They had maay
objections and so do we the neighbors to tleis proposed cluster deveiopmeat
If yott canaot attend on Feb 5 please sigu this aote and give it to Karla ffolmlued
6514871653 or IZathy Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reve�se sidc.
� I am opposed� t�e���� deveiopmeat at 1070 Burgess"
� �v
signed...�����-a-�� date / 3/ 6
addre4s /03/ ST phone `s_=��
.� •uy� ���
�J -
2 � ° f �3 �
There w�l be a public mceting Thurs@ay Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Halt
� >: � � �
If you r.anaot attexid pte�e sign our p�tion or s�t ycxu own t� to t� Caunc�.
Copies of Mr. 3olm T'�ttte's proposat arc avat7able from Patricia 7aa�s (651 266 67W at
the Departm�t ofFlaaaiug & EconomicDeve�opme�t )
The p3an is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for i2 cars whae the�'e is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan do�s not fit the c�racter of our ne�rhood. The eatire block is
singie-fam�y ho�s an large Iots. The ne�si house at 1078 is a smgle-fam�y low ranch.
These ta11 twinhomes wouldbe totai[y out of place.
Tbis is a fam�ly �ighborbood. One long stretch o£ 12 garage stxlls, says
apattme,nt, not fann7y. At tt� la� use me�mg it was said t�t it wc�uid look I�ce yar�.
Parked -6 mob�e homes leugthvvise. T49s tppe of utnt Iooks exacxly like inve�nieat
P�P�Y ��� to be rearted out, not at a1l re�e�ive of the caurent neaghborhood.
T�re are a�it.y iss�. offi«alty ontty 31ots sce seugess, lzo fee¢. In fitting
with tt�e rest of the homes � the black there shouid be no m�e t}�a 2� in that
space Co�uciing six housa� �ts gives ea� �e ouly 20 feex.
The glans pravided do aat soauately reflect the ste. Thede is at teast a s�ve�foot
drop between the firont and back, �t reflecked in dee tx�divg plans.
T6ia �an vra4 denied-aPPrurat fi�um Distarict 6 Plsnaimg Conne�, bat Mr.
T'rtth presented it "tthat thry Lad ao o6jation to � P4n' = T�eY Lad manY
objections aad ao do we the naghbors to this pru� da�tv devdopmcn�
If �on cannot attmd on Reb 5 pkase sign this note and give rt to Karla Holmland
6514871653 or Kathy Myas 651488 2758. Place co�tenis on revase side.
" I a� opposed to �e proposed clevetopmeant at 207(1 Burgess"
�� :.-,-=---�.� L`�-, ���_�o aa� � i � y
address ,�� � c{ t�r, � S S �' �- phone �/? /. `� � ` I- 6 S� .�,
�S m2q ��
_� ,
- - v'
There will be a pubfic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Ple�se attend.
If you cannot attznd please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These ta11 twin homes wouid be totaliy out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meering it was said that it would look Sike you
pazked 6 mobIle homes lengthwise. Tlris type of unit looks exactly like investmern
properiy designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
� There aze density issues. Qfficially only 3 lots face Burgess, 12Q feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space ConsUUCting six housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This pIan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Counc�, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2'750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed �a� � a� � l./� date �� / — � pOy
address /'/> � p� p.aO .� phone � �S"/ - ���- / �/1(�
• �
0�- �45
�.� ;;��' 33
There will be a gublic meetmg Thwsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Piease attend.
• w.l�l�• .1 ' f� 1 1 y ql \ IP� 1�! � 't� • 1 f' 1 "� �1 � 111' f i1M
Cogies of Mr_ 7o3m Tittle's proposai are avaz'lable from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Departmeat ofPlanning & Economic DeveIopmeAt }
The plan is far 3 twin homes for 6 fam�7ieg with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now o� Itome at 1070 Burgess.
r' a. � �t� �s i u' Ir. • •. � tr b� �s ���+ f' auu' >♦
Y t:a' Y.NI! t i l! C. ! I :1 ! t 0. t" ! a1 f 1 ;t � t!i 'f " Y.eif ♦'• :@ i
���- :I � u �,����. � s, � r. �r.l �� t � � :
uw r.�n� � � •n.� a� � a ��� i � - • � • �a - .� � •r.i : �r.
.ur.� eu -rn � • r: a� ru u�w u ��ui • i . � ur.� � �� • � s � , i . • �
♦, al • n ra �� u.:: :�t v 1• Itr �' � nt ��.w : w �, rt ..�n� vn
� ♦ > � � .�v, 9� i� ♦ �' �fl i�� • i 1 • . �� ' 1 GM� � \ t � M 1 Nfl f P 'll 1�♦ f � f �
�_ .� -�.:;� � i it v. 1 •� � r..r �• 1 � nu w
b �- �v � �� t� u o-. • i 1 r � r �� - . �� � i' i� u. � �, u � s u �: e
��,: r • �� � «n� •�n i� yi��� us w u � a i- � � ! --
�' � .n. � • .:.. .♦ i�r «�: ui�.. �' ' i� ,i v.� �� •�
� 1� �� r�311 1�" 1 1 �i .1L� t: V. 1�1 :r/ i �< ❑ 11 ��! 1 111 I:Un
T6is p�n was den�d�aPProvni fram Di�triet 6 Planniag Coane�, bat Mr.
T'mh pres�ted it "that t�ey i,ad no abjeefioa to hi4 pl�uu". T6ey had many
objections asd so do we the ueighbors to fi�ia propa�ed � devdopm��
ff yoa cannet attend on Feb 5 please sign tLi4 nott and �ive rt to Ksda Holmlund
6514871b53 or Kathy Mqers b514S8 2750. Place �mments on reverse side.
" I am npposed to the pro� developm�t �t 1Q7Q Bnrge,ss"
signed v �� date r. � r(1
addtsess � � � � ��� ghone ��� � � �
�? `�- �' �
27 mf' ��
��-�- � `��
Tdiere w�l be a public mee�ng Thmsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City HaIl
Please a�ud.
.. .��,�.. . . :� . . � - �� . t � �, . . , . - �,� < < � . • � � � . � . � «
Copies of 113F. 3ohn T'rttte's proposai are ava�abie &om Pairicia bames (651 266 6700 at
the Depaztment of Planom$ & E�onomic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes fox 6 families witk garage space for 12 cxrs where tl�e is
now one home at I070 Burgess. �
The plan does not fit the charaaer of our neighborhood. The emire biock is
single-faariiy homes on large lots. The next house at ID78 is a single-f�y low ranch.
Ttiese tall twin homes would betotat[y out of place.
This is a family �ghborhood. One Iong stretch of 22 garage staUs, says
aPartmeet, not family. At the land use meetiag it was said that it woutd toak idce you
parked 6 mobite homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactiy tike investment
P�PertY designed to be rented out, not at ail reflective of the cmrern neighborhood.
There are density issues. OffciaIIy only 3 lots face Bw�gess, 220 feet. In ftring
with the resf of the homes oa the block there shoetid be no more ti�an 2 hovses in t6et
spece Constructing sflc housing uQits gves esch one only 20 feet.
The pl�s provided do not accurately reflect the site. `Thete is at least a seveirfoot
drop betweea the frrnrt aud back, not reflected in the bu�ding plans.
T6is pl�en was denied.approvai from District 6�anaing Conneil, but Mr.
Tittie pnsented it �t6st theg hsd no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and sa do we t6e neigLbors to tLis proposed dust� devdopment
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sigu this note and giee it to Karia Holmlund
651487 i653 or Kathy Myers 651 b88 2750. P1ace commeuis on reverse side.
" I am op , osed to the p' posed developm� at 2070 B ess"
signed � ' `� �' ��1'����� °'�i� � date��f ��
,� ;
address ' ��� � ���'�7 phone �" � �" `7 � �
��3C� ��
z�a m� 33
��� =���
There witl be a public meeting Thnrsdap Feb 5 a# 3:30 pm City Hali
Please attead
Ff you cannot, attend please sign our petition or send your own lelter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal are a�ailable from Patricia 7ames (65 i 266 6700 at
the D�putmem of Planning & Economic Developmern )
The plaa is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage spac� for I2 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Bvrgess.
The plan does aot ft the charact�er of our neightrorhood. The entire block is
sing�e-family hoines on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a sing�e-family fow ranch.
These tatl twin homes would be totally out of place.
Tfris is a family neighborbood One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmem, not family. At the land vse mceting it was said that it woutd look like you
parked S mob�e homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactiy l�lce im�estment
property designed to be ranted out, not at all reflective of the cu�rem neighborhood.
There are density issues_ Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet_ In fitting
with the rest of ttze homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one onty 20 feet.
T'he ptams pravid� clo aot accuratety re$ect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
dropbetween the feont aa� �k, not reBected in the baild'mg plaas.
This `plan was degied approvat from District 6 Planning Council, bnt Mr.
T�ttle pre�nted it "t�at they had no objection to Itis plan". They had many
objectiQns and so do we the neighbors to this praposed duster devdopment
If qoa caanot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holminnd
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
`� I am ogpifsed to e propused elopment at 2Q70 Burgess"
signed date � � "'�t� ��/
address /da � �� Qe,s phone � /- 4�89-8�1'��
� `f @�' ���
� �, -
There w�l ire a gubiic meding Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Ball
Piease atfend.
• • Y.�IIf • .f P{ ! � :� `" Y !!1 � 1 / �lll � � • �I.i • �' 1 i � f - � G1 1 11 � li
Copies of Mr. 7ohn T'mte's proposal are avaiiable from Patricia James (65i Zfi6 6700 at
the Depaztmeai ofPlanning & Economic Daveiopment )
The plan is for 3 lwin ho� for 5 famities with garage space for 12 cars where there is
aow one home at 1070 Burgess.
The piaa does not fit the chazacter of our �ighborhood. The entire block is
suxgle-fam�y homes on Iarge lots. The next house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
Tfttese #all twia homes wouid be totally out ofpIace.
This is a fam�y neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garege stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use me�ing it was said that it would look Iike you
parked b mob�e homes leagthwise. This type of umt 3aoks eacactly like investment
grop�ty designed to be r� oirt, not at ali reflective of the current n�ghborhood.
The,re ate den.tit}r issues. QfficialFy only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. 7n fittiag
vaith t{�e rest of the homes oa the block there shouW be nc� more t6au 2 house,s in that
space Constructiag snt housing u�ts gives eacl� one only 20 feet.
The pians provided do not acatratety re�ect tt� site. These is at least a seven-foot
drop between the fiom and back, aot reflected in the bu�78ing pIans.
This plas was denied.approval from Disd�ict 6 Planniag Councit, bat Mr.
Tittle preseated it Kthat they 6ad uo objectioa to hi.s.l�"- T��9 � m�Y
objections and ao do we the n�h6ors to t6is proposed daster devdopmea�
If yoa caanot attend on �eb 5 please aiga this note and give it to Karla Holmluad
6514871653 or Kathy MyeYS b51 d88 2750. Place commeets on rev�se side.
" I am ogposed tm the proposed developm�t at iQ70 Burgess"
sigaed Pl�� �� � date 7 �_ D'�
address fD�l ��u..A� �I�o.� phone /e-� -u�'7- 3ufl•
r 4 �! � w � �
� l �� °
There w�l be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm Ciiy Hall
Please attend.
ff you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to tha Council_
Copies of Mr. 7olm Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James {651 266 6700 aY
the Departmeat of Planning & Economic Developmern }.
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The ernire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-fam�y low ranch
These tail twin homes wouid be totally oue af ptace.
This is a family neighborhood One long sEretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmern, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. Tfris type of unit looks exactly -]ike investmern
properiy designed to be rented out, not at att reflective of the eucre� neighborhood.
There are deasity issues. Officially only 31ots face Burgess, 120 feet In fitting
with the rest of the homes on �e block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing suc housmg wuts gives each oae oniy 20 fcet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven foot
drop between the frorn and baek, not reflected in the building glans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planaing Counc7, bnt Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had nu objectioa to his p�n". They had maay
objections and so do we the neighbors to this propased ctuster deve[opmenG
If yon cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Kada Holmtnnd
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place commentc on reverse side.
" I am opposed.to ihe proposed
at 1070 Burgess"
aa�e �� z/
� �S S phone f,L$'l �
�� 33
� ����.�
There wiIl be a gublic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 3ames (651 266 b700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin hames for 6 families with gazage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plau does not fit the chatacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-family homes on large lots. The next house at I078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would he totally out of place,
This is a family neighborbood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. Tbis type of umt looks eatactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cunent neighborhood.
• There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block tkere should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing un'tts gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drog betareen the from and back, not reIIected in the huilding plans.
This ptan was denied approval from District 6 Pianning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they trad ao objection to his plau". They had many
objections and so do we the neigLbors to this proposed clnster developmen�
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871b53 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opp �ed to the proposed devetopment at 1070 Burgess"
signed � � date �� �l— � �
• address �� �� f����, �5 �' � phone /a �"� � �� �
3z a� ��
, , ��
, _ ..� -� ,
T7iere wili be a public meeting Thursday Feb S at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If yov cannot attend please sign our petitian or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. Joha Tittie's proposat are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 famiIies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
Tkte plan does not fit the chazacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-famity low ranch
T'fiese tall twin fiames wouid be totally out of place_
This is a fam�y neighborhood One long stretch of 12. garage stalls, says
apartmem, not family. At the land use meeting it was said thax it wouid look ]ike you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ra.cdg like investmeat
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the currern neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet_ Tn fitting
witi� the rest of the homes an the black there shouid be uo mare thaII 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 fcet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflecY the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, ttot reflected in the buitding p2azvs.
This ptart was denied approval from District 6 Plauaing Caancil, but IYIr.
Tittle presented it "that theq had no objection to his pfan". Thep had maay
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed clester developmen�
If yon canttot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
65Z 4871653 or Kathp Mpers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the
address /f),S� �,
devetopment at 107Q Bwgess"
���� 3 � °�
phone �` 7
� � o� � J
There wiII be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attead.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn T'rttle's proposai are a�ailable from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development }
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 famifies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of aur neighborhood. The entire block is
singlo-fam7y homes on large lots. 'I'4ie next house at 1078 is a singl�family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a famiYy neighborhood. One long stretck of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmeat, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 5 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of utrit looks exactly like investmern
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cutrent neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Off cially only 3 lots face Burgess, 12Q feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s� housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately zeflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the buitding plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
TYttle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighlrors to this proposed claster developmen�
If you cannot attend oa Feb 5 piease sign this note and give it to Karla Holminnd
65i 4871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" i am opposed to the proposed development at 10'70 Burgess"
, �
signed _.�Jil/�.r.,�.� t L/l� r/°l�n � date ��3/�y
address _1�`�� ����j ,� phone C�� �I�-�
_.. .�� ��
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Piease attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petiiion or sead your own Tetter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittie's proposat are avaifable from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Depa.rlment of Planning & Economic Development )
The pian is for 3 twin fiomes for 6 fa.milies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess_
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood The e�xtire biock is
single-family homes on Iazga Iots. The ne�rt house at IQ78 is a single-family Iow ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood One loag stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. AY the land use meeting it was said that it wouid look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly 1�7ce investment
property designed to be rented out, not at a31 reflective of the cune� neighborhood
There are density issues. Officiatly only 31ots face Burgess, 120 feet. 3n fitting •
with the rest of the homes an the block there should be no more than 2 houses in #hat
space Construcring suc housing units gives each one only 20 feet
The plaas provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop beiween the frotxt aud back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approvsl from District 6 Planning Couacil, bnt Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had ao objection to his plan". They had many
objectioas and so do we the neighbors to this proposed ciaster deve2opment
If yon cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karia Holmland
6514871653 or Kathq Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am vgpo ed to the propos d development at 1070 Bargess"
signe �� 1 date 2• 3 0
address ! o $1 S � „rs�,.r 5-� phone �r-5�B � �-� � �
S •�tr!- ��03 •
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please siga our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal are auailable from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Depardment of Planning & Economic Development )
'The plan is for 3 rivin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the chazacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not faznily. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like invesiment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
� There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the biock there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Conncil, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to lus plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to tlus proposed cluster development.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla HoLmlund
6514871653 or Kathy 1'vlyers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am o t osed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed oI • %f� date a s°�
address a a a. B,��.�� S S S�Ez--c..c -� phone ( bs t) 2a 4- a 117
There witl be a public meeting Thursday �eb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If yon canuot attend please si�e ovr getition or send your own letter to the CounciF._
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Departmern of P lannina & Economic Development )
The �lan is for 3 twin homes for S fanulies with ?arage space for :2 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block �s
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tatt twin homes would be tataity out of piace.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalis, says
apartment, not 'fim�7y. At the Iand use meeting it was said tha� it would l001� like you
pazked 6 nobile homes lengthwise. This type of umt looks exactly like im�estmeat
property designed to be reated out, not at all re�ective of the ciurern neighborhood. �
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet_ In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more thaa 2 kouses in that
space Coastructing s� housing units gives ea.ch oae onIy 20 feet_
The pians provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and bacI� not reflected in the buiidin� plans.
'I'his plan was desd�3 angroval frca€si 3�istsic# fi Pla�mimms ��nnc:�, 3�a�i ?a�.
Tittie gresented it "that th� had no objecfion to his plan"..They had many
objections and so: do we the neighbors to this propose3 clnster developmen�
If yau cannot attead on Feb 5 piease sign this note aad give it to �ar3a Holminn3
551487 i653 or Kathy NIyers b�1488 2750. Piacx cammeuts an revPrse side.
" I am �pposed #o #h p se�l eve�opment at 1074 Bu bess"
sag�er�_� da#e 6Z a�{/p�'
add��s� � b�� ��h.� �"� pho�ae
� �
� NEIG�B�ItS �F PRflP�SED llE;dEi,flPME�'� AT 3070 BITRG��S
There will be a pnblic mceting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm Ciiy Hall
Please attend.
If yau cannot attend glease sign our petitioa or send your own Ietter to the Council._
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available firom Patricia Jaznes (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Pl annin� � Economic DeveIopment ) �
The glan is for 3 twin homes for 5 families with garage space for 22 cars wheze ther� is
now one homeat 1070 Burgess.
The piaa does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-famiIy homes on large lots. The neYt house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes wouid be totally out of place.
This is a famity neighborhood. One Iong stretch of i2 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like yoa
pazked 6�obile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks �actly like investment
� property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cuRent neighborhood.
There are density issues. O�aaIly only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houszs in that
space Construcring siY housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The pians provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop bei.ween the from and back, not reflected in the building plans.
Z'�is nlan �s3s den:ss3 annr�val frvsn �is#sict �i P�anming ��urc3, 3�z�t '�r.
Tittle gresenYed it "that ths� had no objection to his pian". They had many
objections and so: do we the neighbors to this proQosed cinster develon�en�
If yon cannot atteud on Feb 5 piease siga this note and give it to �a Holmlund
551 481 1 b53 or Xathy lYIyers 551483 2750. �3ace cammemts au reverse sfide.
" I a�a � o d#o t pose�l deve�og ent at 1070 BurgQSS"
r �
�a�ei� - 1 i�$e� � ��
• - 3(a�t�3'2�5 �15 � �il �vn �� ' �f��di8 b S / — l � � "� C� ` �%
7 $
��� �"r.l
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm Ciiy Hall
Piease atteud.
3f you cannoE attend please sign aur petirion or send your own leitar to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittte's proposai aze avaiIabte from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Depariment of Pl annittg & Economic Developmem )
The plan is £or 3 twin homes for 6 famiIies with garage space for 12 cars where tfiere is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The neat house at 1078 is a siugte-family tow raack.
These tall twin homes would be totaliy out of piace.
This is a family neighborhood: One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apariment, not family. At tke faud iase meeting it was said that it woutd look tike you
parked 6 mobite hoates lengthwise. Tfris type of unit looks exactly Iike investment
property desigaeci to . �anted out, not at all reflective of the currern neighborhood.
T'kere are de � ssues. Officially only 31ots face Bargess, 120 feet. �Fn fitiing
wifh the rest of the homes on the biock there shouid be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constcucting six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven foot
drop between the frorrt and back, not reflected in the building glans.
This glan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Councit, bnt Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". 1'hey had many
objections and so do we the neighbors Ya this proposed clnster developmea�
If you eannot attend on Feb 5 please siga this note and give it to Kar)a Holminnd
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place rnmments on reverse side.
" I am oppo:
signed �
the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
date �" �/'(�
phoue S�' ' �-��
� - 1 `; i
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Councit.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Titt1e's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
• This is a family neighborhood One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At fhe land use meeting it was said thaf it wouId look like you
pazked 5 mobile hoines lengthwise. This type of unit Iooks exactly like investment
property designed to be re�sted out, not at all re4ective of the curreut neighborhoad
There are density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
� with the rest of the homes on the block there skould be no more than 2 kouses in tkat
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the siYe. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the builcling plans.
TLis plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle preseated it "that they Lad no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If yon cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note aad give it to Karta Holmlund
6Si 4871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 10'70 Burgess"
r D �
signed �����Y`� ���L�i{ date � •�-
address �(J��, ���/1S'C��}� phone L�S `��—��`%�'�
• FILE # 04-019-969
1. APPLICANT: John Tittle HEARING DATE: Febrvary 5, 2004
2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Conditional Use Permit
3. LOCATION: 1070 Burgess St., befiveen Lexington & Oxford
4. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 26-29-23-32-�139, Kalman's Division {Vo. 3 Addition to the City of
St. Paul, Minn. Lots 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, N'/2 of Vac St Adj and Lot 24
6. ZONtNG CODE RE�ERENCE: §60.413(�3); §64,300(d)
7. STAFF REPORT DATE: February 5, 2004
8. DATE RECEIVED: December 31, 2003
BY: Patricia James
DEADLINE FOR ACTION: February 29, 2004
A. PUftPOSE: Conditional Use Permit for six-unit (3 twinhomes) cluster development
B. PARCEL SIZE: irregular parcei, 120 ft. (Burgess) x 241 it. (west) and 298 ft. (east) = 32,067 sq.
C. EXISTING LAND USE: single family home and vacant lots (R-4)
IVorth: singie famify residential (R-4)
Easf: single family residentiai (R-4
South: raiiroad tracks (R-4)
West: single family residential (R-4)
E. ZONING CODE CITATiON: §60.413(13) permits cluster development subject to conditions;
F64.300(d) lists generai conditions that must be met by ail conditional uses.
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: None received at the time the staff report was
1. The propefij consists of 6 existing lots and part of a vacated street. Because the back three
lots have no street access, the properiy is being developed as one parcei with access from
2. §60.413(13) permits cluster development, subject to the foliowing cflnditions:
a. There shalJ be a minimum of two (2) units. This condition is met. The appiicant is
proposing six units.
b. The units sha!l be attached, common wa!l, single-family, wifh no unif intruding on the
vertical airspace of any ofher unit. This condition is met. The applicant witf construct three
2-unit side-by-side attached structures. Each unit is a separate single family residence.
c. The parcel shall meet the !ot a�ea required per unit in the zoning district. This condition is
mef. The lot area required in fhe R-4 district for 6 units is 30,000 sq. ft. The parcel is over
32,000 sq. ft. in size.
d, The parcel shall have a minimum frontage of eighty (80) feet on an improved street. This
condition is met. The parcel has 120 feet of fronfage on Burgess St.
Zoning File # Q4-Q19-9&9
Zoning Committee Staff Report _ � � ��
Pa9e 2 ° - `° `"
e. The structure shall conform to the schedule of regufations for heighf, lof coverage,
setbacks and parking. This condition wiil be met. The structures meet the code
requirements for height, loY coverage, and parking. The applicant has agreed to revise his
plans so that the development meets the front yard setback requirement.
f. The design shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. 7his condition is met.
The surrounding area is low density residenfia! development with one and two-story
structures. This development wili be two stories on Burgess with walk-out basements.
g. Individual lofs, bui�dings, streef and parking areas sha/i be designed and situafed to
minimize alterafion of the natural features and topography. This condition is met. The
steep slope on the property wi!! be used in developing the walk-out basements for the
units. Because of the dusterirtg of the houses, mature trees at the rear of the site will be
preserved, and a stormwater pond located there.
h. Applicafions for cluster deve%pment shall include site plans, inGuding landscaping and
elevations and other information the planning commission may request. This condition is
met. The appiicant has submitted plans.
3. §64.400(d) lists five sfandards that ali conditional uses must satisfy:
The extent, location and intensrty of fhe use will be in substan6a! compfiance with the Sainf
Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved 6y the
city council. This condition is met. The use will retain the density of the R-4 district where
it is located and will. provide additional hous+ng opportunifies as recommended in the
Housing Policy Plan 5.4, which states: "...encourage a diversity of building and urtit types
to meet the diversity of the market " �
The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in fhe
public streets. This cortdition is met. The site will be served by a one-way drive that will
provide access to fhe garages in the back whife providing adequate access and avoiding
fraffic congestion.
(3) The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the
immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and genera! welfare. This
condition is mef. The use wiil be consistent with the e�dsting development in fhe area and
will be construeted according to building codes that ensure the public heaith, safety, and
general welfare.
(4) The use wi!! not impede the norma! and orderiy development and improvement of the
surrounding property for uses permifted in tf�e districf. This condition is met. The use wif(
provide new investment in this neighborhood and will not have a negative impact on
improvements to surrounding properties.
(5) The use shall, in aif ofher respects, conform fo the applicabfe regulations of the district in
which it is located. This condifion is met. The project has gone through site plan review
and wiil meet all applicable cify codes.
STAFF RECOMMENDATtON: Based on the above findings, staff recommends of the Conditional
Use Pertnit for six-unit (3 twinhomes) Guster devetopment subject to the condition that the
applicant comply with atl site plan review requirements.
Department ofPlanning and Economic De�elopment
Zoning Secfion
I400 City HaUAnnex
25 West Founh Sved
�`� SaintPau{ MN55102-1634
(65I) 266-6589
��� �
Appiication is hereby made for a Conditional Use Permit under provisions of
Chapter 4a � . Section , Y! 3. Paragraph�� of the Zoning Code.
SUPPORTING INFORMATION: Explain how the use wiil meet ail of the applicable standards and conditions.
If you are requesEing modifcation of any speciai conditions or standards for a conditional use, expla+n why
the modi£catian is needed and how it meets the requirements for modification of speciat conditio�s in
Section 64.300(� of the Zoning Code. Attach addit+onaf sheets if necessary.
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Zoning Fiie # 04-019-969
Zoning File # 04-019-969
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Zoning File # 04-019-969
Zoning File # 04019-969
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Vacant lots at 1070 Burgess
Zoning File # 04-019-969
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Zoning File # 04019-969
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Mathew Mega, Barbcma Lukermarm und Robet Sykes
What Is Cluster Development?
Cluster development is the grouping of a parficular development's residential structures on a
portion of the available land, reserving a significant amount of the site as protected open space.
Many communities in Minnesota and across the United States are updating their comprehensive
land use plans and establishing specific ordinances to guide the development and construction of
residenfial clusters. New ordinances require design standazds and identify mirrimum open space
and density standards. These key changes have prompted some communities to opt for more
descrigtive temrinology, incIuding open space development or conservation subdivision design,
for the more traditional cluster development. Wkrile the different terminology has created some
confusion, each term stitl adheres to the three basic goals of cluster develop�nent: preserving
open space, protecting critical ecological habitat and preserving agricultural land.
The usable open space created by a cluster development can meet a number of community
goals. These goals sometimes conflict with one another. For example, the protection of wildli€e
habitat may be incompatible with the preservaUon of agricultural land. However, tho key benefit
is the availability of open space, space that has been preserved by clustering units on smaller
lots.'The landowner and the community make the ultimate decision on how the open space is
used. __ _ ___
Options for Use of Open Space
The open space created by cluster developments can be used in three ways:
••• Fxcdusive use by residents (e.g., private trails, passive recreationad areas)
• •Preserva8on of agricultural Zand
• � •Protection of wildlife habitcrt
While open space has uaditionally been used exclusively by r�sidents, a local government can
encourage the other two options through its comprehensive land use plan and subdivision
ordinances. Initially, the municipality needs to identify the azeas that are important to the
community and develop goals for these areas. These goals can then be realized by establishing
physical design standards and density requirements, and by using transfer-of-development rights
or other incentive programs.
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LIST PRICE: $179,900
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Room Dimens�ons:
Living Room Main
I 13 X 12
Kitchen Main
18 X 12
Bedroom 1 Upper
13 X 11
Bedroom 2 Upper
12 X 10
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Range, Microwave, Refigeretor, Washer, �
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� �< y;�; Taxes:
� Tax AmouM: $796 For the Tax Year 2004
? School Districf:
; K School District 625 - St. Paul School District
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Bernard Tutu
O�ce: (952) 888-7552
Cell: (612}$04-85T9
Fax: (952) 888-7592
� , .
We, the neighbors who live in the vicinity of 1070 Burgess Street, St. Paul, also l�own as
the Como Park Addition, ask you, the Members of Ciry Council, to vote against Planning
Commission Resolution file number 04-13.
We ask you to hear this appeal based on six potenrial violations of St. Paul Building Code
# 64.300.
I. The removal of trees: City Code 60.413 (13g).
• Approximately half of the uees will be cut down.
II. Cluster development: Also City Code 60.413 (13g).
• About two thirds of the property will be developed leaving an insignificant
amount of open space for passive recreational purposes and destroying
wildlife habitat.
III. Compatibility with the ea�isting character of the neighborhood: City Codes
64.4009 (d3) and 6400 (d3).
• The neighborhood does not think this is compatible.
• Neither do reaitors.
• Neither does District 6 Neighborhood Planning
• The design of these structures ignores the design features of the homes
nea�t door.
• The neighbors would have to lose their own greenspace when power lines
are moved. They have carefixlly preserved theirs.
• All of this lost greenspace will increase noise from the raikoad tracks.
IV. Tr�c: City Code 64.400 (d2).
• The slope of the driveways is too steep to provide adequate ingress/egress
in the winter.
• This is also a noise problem with this.
V. Height: City Codes 60.413 (e), 61A1, 60.202 (b), and 60.413 (13g).
• These buildings are too tall. The average height is about 32 feet.
• The back yard is filled in, raising the garages about three feet above
VI. Development: City Code 64.400 (d4).
• The neighborhood fears that these will become rentals, lower their real
estate values, and contribute a process of buy, bulldoze and build.
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;YED: Oc#ober, 2003 "� DRAFTEIi: flctober 22, 2003
3 in the Couniy af Ramsey, State of Minnnesota, and legally described as foIIows:
$, 9, 22, 23, Nozth 1/2 ofvacated Street adjacen# to said Lo# 24 arid Lot 24, Kaiman`s
n No. 3 Addition to City of �t Paul, accoiding #o the certified plat #liereof on file and of
�vith the Raznsey Couniy Recorder.
Abandoning existing sewar services or making �sTU+c
ensctions to G5ty sewer must be done to City RES70ENCE
!s by a Lzcenced Sewet Drain Contractor under �
from Public Woiks Sewer Section
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� install new water service out to
�, property line according to Saini
scoPE o� woxx: �
I. Showing the iength and direction oEboundary fines of the sbove Iegal description. The scope ofour services does not iriclude
determining what you own, w}uch is a legai matter. Please check the legaldescriprion with your records or consult with competent
legaI counsel, if necessary, to-make sure Yhat it is cozrect, and Yhat any maifers of record, such as easements, that you wish shown
on the svrsrey, liave beecc shown. '
2. Showing the Iucation of existing improvements we deemed importan� .
3. Setting new monuments or verifying flld monuments to mazk the comers of the properiy.
4. Contovzs digitize� from f� sent by Dept. of Public Works of City of St. Paul and exisiing u�lities from as builYplaz�s faaced
from S#. Paul Water and Sewer Depts, �
5. Preparing this prelimmazy plat for yaur;eyiew and for tbe review of govemmental agencies. � �
"�" Denotes 112° ID pipe with ptastic plug bearing State Licease 2dtimber 9235, set, unless othecwise noted
Proposed elevations are shown with a box around them, wbile existing elevations are sbown witbout a bo�c
Asows indicate the pro�aased IIow of storm water on the site. �
I hereby ceriify fhat this plan, specificaiion, report or survey was prepared by me or under my direef supervision and tbat I
am a licensed P�fess�ai Bngineer and Professional5urveyoz under the laws of the State of Minnesota.
am s H. Pazk�r F.E. & P.S. No. 9235 � � /
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POWER NOTE: Upon completion af stozm sewer
POLE ���llation, stonn sewer inlets shall be
protected &om sediment by silt fence, 6ay bales
NOTE: Adjacent streets and alleys
must be swept to keep #hem &ee of
sedimettt Cotttractormustmonitos
�. T3vry. No: 101 "IvlinueYorika; M2+7 55345 Phone (952) "474-7964 'Fax (952) 474=8267 ""�"v j`�"� �� y � 1 1Z�::G 1 �l V' Y V ly :i 11.:11V1:� iJ �'
EY FOR ����' IN 11171V.NESO�"A 1. 5howing the length and direction ofboundary lines of the above legal description. The scope of ovr services does not iriclude
- determining what you own, which is a legal maiter. Please check #he legal,desc�iprion wilh your necords or consalt with competent
3YEI9; October; 2003 �=� v� 1} � DRAFTED: October 22, 2003 legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that i# is correct, and that any matters of recorcl, su�h as easements, fhat you wish shown
on #hs survey, have bee�z showa
� DESCIZIPTTpN: 2. 3howing #he location of e�usting migrovements we deemed impartant .
3 in #he County of Ramsey, State of I�nnnesota, and legally,descn'bed as foIIows: 3. Setting new monuments or veri#'ying old monuments to mark the comers of the property.
�• 4. Contours digitized from fau sent by Dept. of Public Works of City of St. Paul and e�sting utilities from as built plans faxed
8, 9, 22, 23, Noith i12 of vacated �treet adjacent fo said Lot 24 and Lot 24, Kalman's from St Paul Water and Sewes Depts. :
n No. 3 Addition to City of St Paul, according to the certified piat #hereof on file and of . S. Preparing this preliminary piat for your �yiew and for the review oFgovernmenial agencies. �
�vith fhe Ramsey County Recorder. S'i'AN1)ARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: .
Aban@oning eatisting sewcr services or tnaldng "�" Deudtes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State Liceasa Number 9235, set, unless othenvise noted
snecpons ta City sewer must be done to City e°�°��� Proposed elevations are showa with a box around #hem, while existing elevations are shown without a boac.
[s by a Licenced Sswer IJrain Contrac#or under �� Anows indicate the proposed flow of storm water on the site.
: firom Public Woiks Sewer Seclion {� ° I hereby cexiify that this glan, specification, report or survey wa prepared by me or under my direct supervision and #hat I
��� � � C` � �� ���i am a licensed P�fess�al Engineer and Professional Surv� nder the laws of the State of Ivfinnesota.
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Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plamiing committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
312a l�
aDD1�ss !bl� �
CITY �� P Al.t I_._ ZIP S� �3
_ , -" f_'_ "'
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for othars as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before constnxction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME /Jf / � / l' /�°E ��� DATF �' I ! -�
ADDRESS �� � �<
CITY ��`��-�
ZIP �����
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before conshuction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standazds of quality to all
residenrial areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you far keeping our city a nice place to live.
�� ( � J
N_AME �l�W � � � 1 C � �f�F220 � (�( DATE � `� � �6 �
CITY J ( ��j, (� [� ZIP ��I� �
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Pau1. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
I �
NAMEC � G' C �t U
���ss `'1 `� , ! 6 ,n o' j ✓�
DATE �=x�� U �
S ,�-
CITY J l� �`� '"�t �� ZIP 12�2�2�
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount o£ green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one hal£ storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plamiing committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residenrial areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you far keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �)g9 lt � S�_ .=J� i� SS DATE 3" oZ �- �
CTTY � T �Cd ( 4 � ZIP .�'� � ��
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Pau1. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values far others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of qualiTy to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
/� � TA�v
N� f 1,�-� DaTE �la; loy
aDD�ss C l� � t�`P�'r�I � ��:
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ciTY ST �t1(Il� iM N zzr S5 r v>
Dear Members of City Councii:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain appzoval befare constzuction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �� � '�1�11�, �� DATE ���'� — �
���� � _
Ul �
CITY� � � V�—
ZIP � �S � � �
��- =��5
Dear Members of City Council:
We perition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Sueet in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas ofthis city.
We appreciate pow support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �-Q�bt GIGG �1(Ad,�AV1,t✓ DATE ,� I �^ (J �
aDD�ss ►33Z ,��ar5t�,�lt �/.c w �`�
c1� S� �� w \ N1� z� � 5 1 D''�
�a '� G ' -�
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to trigher crime rates.
We believe that any and ali developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas ofthis city.
We appreciate your support and thauk you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME � (i� i''L'.vJ '� DATE� " �j'� l•
aDD�ss t t Z
czTY �� , '�
z� �5��`�
�' ��'
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
� F � NAME �.+ t �` � �'y � �'�"t".rr' DATE � �
CITY �,A s �U� �C�LA � ZIP��� ��4
�:; - - -,
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and ail developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
} 3
NAME �-�'o �x„ ,, d � � cz °�r:. ?'f`� DATB � s � �` :; ?R :_,#
€��i'3T�� � �--
{ � � ¢
�" \ ,`'�'9;Y_£.r+-.� ^*/�''.e'�r'n.>' r . , ee
CITY �t ` .i ZIP � .s= ' `> � '�
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crnne rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice piace to live.
ADDRESS � �� ° S t�`,. G. `�` ��".��._ �.� c �� .
�- �
5 `. ' :��
CITY � '" ��. �_� ZIP � �%
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is Iarger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this sueet and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy properry values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crnne rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before constnxction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME�_�{�Ld dr'( � Q DATE � t D ��{
CITY � �� � � f � ZIl' �� ����
Dear Memhers of City Councii:
We perition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy properry values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
ZIP �� -�
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster de*aelopment at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that thera should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
ADDRESS / 7� / Lv C�eui..-e-�' < � �J
..� - �-�y
CITY ,cg�e�t�LC4 ZIl' �-S /�.�
. �%
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain singJe family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amoun2 of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high densiry such as this will
destroy property values far others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and ail developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construcfion and demolition of property.
Furkhermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
F' :i� ; �> _
NAME >� � �'^,; Ce� � ., t �, , �-- DATE ` �- 3 ; �
� �
ADDRESS J � ; �� � �� i'�
CITY J�`, � L,,,..`� �� l l�.s; Z �, � S l� 3
:�� ��
; !;
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paui. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should rema3n single fanuly homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of a een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values far others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime xates.
RTe believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of propezty.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
1�TAME t0�..� �, �'��'� DATE ��2 Z f�!
. < <� _ �
� �
CITY C-> �%'Y '.!� ZIP � ��G �
:�� _�<
Deaz Members of City Council:
W'e petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that nei�borhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriafe axnount of b een space surroundin� each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as tYus will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to hi�er crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval hefore construction and demolition of property.
Furthermare we hope that you apply these same good standazds of quality to ali
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
i'1 j ; � �
i � `f. �' � r � 'n .� n p--t � i '; f `�- -- � 7� � ✓ �
NAME ,./t= � � _. � e. i � ;,�Ir! � o DATE „ --,
� .
l ' ` i1 � �- ' `` � —f ( �, , r {
E�D�.S'.S I � L- 1.,. 4`�wi �..-��14; F � ,?�S .
E � i ,�� � , J '?
CITY _�"�, t� i�s.:r ZIP t J
:�� :��
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition �ou to reject cluster development at 107Q Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of �een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should vaoxk closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to ail
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �� ��,���� DATE c� /� 0
ADARESS `Z�/ l�,�Q'�/� S
CITY ����µEZ,� ZIP ���4 3
�::z `
"_ _ �
_ .� �^ i
Deaz Members of City Council: ' J
We petifion you to reject cluster deveIopment at 107Q Bur�ess Street in St PauI. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surroundin� each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes alon� this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you appiy these same good standards of quality to a11
residential areas of this ciry.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
N �,(s� DATE �"�r�
CITY S} � ��, �'i/Gtd ZIP ,��`� j •
;;� ;� °
ly "r ` � -r ,�
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain sin�le fanui,v homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of �een space surzounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibiy also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residential ueas of this city.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME ��'� �������DATE � ��` ��
aDp�ss 1� �c,..c..� �-;;,.�`�
czT�``�,-��-c-_ . �\ , ��1 zrn ��Sl1 �
�� _3}
Q�� ��5
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain sinale family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of �een space surroundina each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is Iarger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly aiso lead to higher crixne rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construcfion and demolition of property.
Purthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to ail
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME� �` �� DATE ��� �� 0 ��
13�Z ���ti� �;� � Z lo
�' U (A,ux � �'') ��� � ZIP v " � C �
�� =� .
c= �
_ _ .. Y .., . ^
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crune rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
xesidential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAMB � i C. ��Al.(� f7 ��.C� DATE f�' �Y) ��I� n�-
a�� � M t �v�1� tfN N�l l�c��r
CITY �` �,� � � ZIP SS
:�� -a•
Deaz Members of Ciry Council:
We pefition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Bur�ess Sireet in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain singie family homes on standard
city lots and tha# there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half starey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy properry values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plannittg committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
I�AME ��.�',.��nxw � DATE �
ADDRESS ���D��ti 4�v�-
CITY �u `- �w°r� f��'t�
2zP J f � �
� ��
Dear ivlembers of City Council:
We pefition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single famiiy homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of �een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this wi11
destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
�' ✓
NANLE ��' ����✓' l AATE � � � Z - � `�
ADDRESS �` U ��I � �'v� T �d>
CITY S; .� G. �� ZIP SSfr��
� :�
Dear Members of Ciry Council:
W'e petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St PauI. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate asnount of �een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new arciutecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along tlus street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as we11 as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly aiso lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residentiai azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �P s� � v n J� n��.�1 � )� c�_DATE M t� r�_ � 1� �
ADDRESS � D I� � 2 v NT /} d E
CITY S T: P/} U�— (V! il/ ZIP S�S` ! 0
:�� �
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St PauI. We
believe that nei�hborhoods such as this should remain sinJe family homes on standard
city lots and that there should he the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one haif storey
homes along tlus street and we believe that housing of high densiry such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could posaibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval befare construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residenfial areas of this city.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you for keeping our city a nice placa to Iive.
NAME GJ/ �� � �'�I-� DATE .� � o
CITY �� � v� ZIP S�� f d-�
� ��
Dear Members of Ciry Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
helieve that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for e�
NAME� �i� � ��
�D�SS /C� � �' ����
our city a nice place to live.
� -f �'-�
� �a ��
z�.�.�� ��.�
� =�
Dear Membets of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain sin�e family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of a een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property vaiues for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crune rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of properiy.
Furthermore we hope thaC you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and ihank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �� L� ��� I��-� iB �� DATE � �� U
CITY _ ��F � � � � ZIP � � i.�S� � �
�� ��
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to re}ect cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Pav1. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain sin�e family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amoun# of b een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one haif storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy pzoperty values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crune xates.
We believe thai any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before conshvction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreeiate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
AADRESS l4/j ,�,L� o��y�
CTTY . . r•t� ZIP ��o�
:� �
Dear Members of City Council:
We pefition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surroundin� each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this wi11
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibiy also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approvaJ before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of qual3ty to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
�� =�
CITY _� � �y7�i / '� �1f,� ZIP �� G� ;�
� �� �
!rr� .�°
� L_ C /
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition �ou to reject cluster development at 2070 Bur�ess Street in St Pau1. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remam sia�le family homes on standard
city lats and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this wili
destroy properry values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plauuiug comznittees and obtain approval before conshuction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that yon apply these same good standaxds of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live,
_ � �.�
� 7 �r-� �
CITY � � . �G�fr�.e.K.�� �fl''L�2 ZIP � � d �
�� �..
- � .>
There will be a pnblic ffieeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:3Q pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the CounciT,
Cnpies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal aze available from Patricia 7ames (551 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The glaa is for 3 twin homes for fi faznilies with garage space for 12 cars where there as
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-fanvly homes on large 1ots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a fauvly neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6�obile homes lengthwise. Tlus type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neigJ�borhood.
There aze density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Bargess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing siY housing units �ives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately refleci the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building pians.
?'�is plas� Dv�s de�ie�l apqsr�val frt��aa �3istriet b P4annfiaag ���.nc:3, �ut "�-.
Tittie gresented it "that they had no oi�jectian to his plan". �hey had many
obyections and so do we Yhe neighbors to ihis proposed cluster development
If pnu cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign ihis note and giee it to Karia Halm�uaa�
S51 487 3653 or Kathy 1;3yers S51 4�8 2750. Place cammemts ou rev�rse side.
"� aa�a �p se to t3�e pr pose�l r�eve�opment at 1470 �urgQSS"
���� � ��a� !O 6
at$c�� �06`� �fo r� AvP:� c�— P�tt��e ��6 —� `f `f
� ��' 33
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Deparknent of Planning & Economic Developmem )
The plan is for 3 rivin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the chazacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-family homes on lazge lots. The next hvuse at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartmem, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look ]ike you
parked 6 mobfle homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly ]ike investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting,
wiih the rest of �he homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constsucring six housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The plans pcovided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the frorn and back, not reflected in the buiiding plans.
This plan was denied ag�roval from District 5 P9anning 'T'auncil, bur ?`id�,
Tittle presented it "t6at thep had no objection to his pl�n". Thep had many
objections and so do we the neighbocs to this proQosed cluster de�elopment.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign this note and give it to Karia Hoimlund
551487 1653 or i�thy i�Iyers 651488 275Q. P1ace comments on reverse side.
" I am opp�sed to the proposed dewelopment at 1070 Burgess"
31�IICS������ �� t���0 �� � ' U ��
address l 0 3`l � r o.-.-} �� � p�hone � 5 I- LI `6 �i -�/ S�
S �f �3
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday �`eb 5 at 3:30 pm City HaIl
P3ease aitend.
Ifyou cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council._
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittie's proposal are available from Patricia 3ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with narage space for i2 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. 1'he entire block is
single-fa�ily homes on large lots. The nea�t house at 10'78 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6�obile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflecrive of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. , In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan n�a� denisd apq�roval fr�€n I3Sstrict � P7anning Cts�a�cil, b�1 t°���.
Tittle presented it "that thep had no ob,jection to his plan". 'I'hey had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster develogmenL
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign this note and give it to Kar1a Holmlund
b�i 487 1653 or �a#i�y lYlyers 651 488 2750. �lace camments an reverse side.
" I am opposed #o the propose�3 development at 1070 BurgQSS"
sab .et� f�- �N#� .� ' �7 - D 7
adc3��ss �� �(/� p�aane ��'7—�,Z3v
3 nf � �
There wiIl be a pnblie meetiuig Tharsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend piease sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of ll4r. John �ttle's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Depattment of Planning & Economic Development }
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plau does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The neact house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tail twin homes would be totally out of place,
TSris is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmem, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing siac housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided da not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This �lan was denied agprova} from DistricY 5�lanning �ounci8, but lY€:.
Tittle presented it "that they 6ad no objection to his ptan". Thep had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed claster development
If you canuot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla $olmtnnd
651 4871653 or Kathy M3�e7s b51 488 2750. P1acP comments on reverse side.
u I 8IIl
development at 1070 Burgess"
�3ate '' ��
— , � ��
� . <
� i i_,
. � r � i11t _� r�i��r � , � • %]�►►��:i�/�i�
1'3�IG�t➢IdS fl�+ �'R���S�D ��VV���Pl��� A'�" 1Q'70 B��E�S
There will be a public mestia�g Thursday �'eb 5 at 3:30 pm City �3all
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please si� our petition or send your own letter to the Council..
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6704 at
the Department of Planning & Ecanomic Development )
The plaa is for 3 ttivin homes for fi families with �ara�e space fer :2 cars :�hzre �here is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighbarhood. The entire biock is
single-faznily homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family�low ranch.
These tall twin homes wouid be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of IZ gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 aobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
properiy designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current nei�hborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on tfie block there should be no more than 2 housas in that
space Constzucting six housing units �ves each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the buiIding plans.
'T�is plaen x�s �le�n�QS� asagsraval fr�s�n �isSr�et � �'Aarmzss� �a�:�;s:�, ��� �r-
Tittle gresented it "that they had ao oujeciion to �is plan". Theq ha� many
objec#ions and so do ave the ne6ghbors #o this pro�osed cfast�r �3evelapmen#.
�' you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note anc� gflv� 9t to �£a*la �o1mHu;ad
651 4871653 or �a#4�y 1�'dyee-s 531 4�$ 215J. P4ac; camunes�Es un �ev�s-se side.
" I a� npposed �o t� � serl �eve�s�g��ne�a# at 1€�74 �aarg�s"
�, ���� �2 ��$ j ��
���e� � ` ��a� �_ /
�d����� � � �� �����.` 1! �"� �ahs���
DearMembersofCityCouncil: _�.;,_�y�� �=-tit_; ,��f,`Z
i" % Li
We petition you to reject cluster developmesYt at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy properry values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construcfion and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
' • � ->,
�� ?4 i t�.lii JV
�� ZIP_ '� f j/�`,J
cITY �i"; �„l�q c�
, „ _ -�, ♦, J � �
,� �� ' �• ���-�.
� _�
Dear Members of City Council:
0�- �4�
We perition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Bur�ess Street in St Paul. We
believe tbat neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that tiiere should be the appropriate amount of a een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy properry values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you far k ng our city a nice place to live.
�-j� w tw
t ) , � /
N �G!� �. DA��22��h /d��J�
ADDRESS ��l=� F'��-T � %/�a� �t,�
��� �-� P��/` Z�P ���.�
t� ��
�Lr� ���
W �
Dear iVlembers of City Council:
We petition you to rejecf cluster development at 1070 Bur�ess Street in St Paul. We
beIieve that neighborhoods such as this should reuiain sinJe family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of �een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture �vhich is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before conshucfion and demolition of property.
Furthermare we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residential areas oftl�is city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME � /� � DATE � f �' ! � �f
ADDRESS �� � � C�'CZ� �.,� � � �I �
CITY � � �� c� � ZIP ��l � �
:;� _�
�. � �
_. _ - y
Dear Members of City Council:
V�e petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single famil,v homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of �een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly aiso lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighbarhood
planning comscuttees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residenfial azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME ��"` � �"�{�� DATE f� J z/
CITY � � ` �.�= � ZIP �C � �
;� :�
� , � �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you ta reject cluster development at 1070 Bursess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of a een space surroundin� each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is Iarger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this wiIl
destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you fox keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME `-" S� ��'�1 DATE � I�'u�T
aDD�ss 1003 �'rp�,.-� {�%�,
CITY � I�A�� ZIP � � V�
a� =��
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition �ou to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of b een space surroundin� each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture wluch is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this wi11
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our ciry a nice place to live.
NAME � Le-v tL(1 � ce_ r#� V'l7 DATE �C ���'�
ADDRESS /D � g �j-a i� t r� IT �
CITY S'� �C�ca � � �I'� � ZIP �`� � � � �
:� :�
� �_ _;
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 But�ess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain sinale family homes on standazd
cify lots and that there shouid be the appropriate amount of a een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this sireet and we believe that housing of hi� density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crune rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning coxnznittees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate yaur support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME `� f�Sca-v�.. � c^.�y � c� � DATE J� � I CS -��
ADDRESS 1 O 1� ��d � /� v-2
CITY `�fi �czuQ1 ZTP �`�J ( d �J
�� . �,
+ f <
Deaz Members of City Councii:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Bur�ess Street in St Pau1. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain sinale family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crnne rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residenfial areas of this ciiy.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME C%s�' �-��� �=i d UbS�(�Z� DATE �—�� CJ �.
CITI' � ��� � `�� ZIP ��l � �
� �
Deaz Members of Ciry Council:
We pefition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy properry values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plannuig committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
CITY �, { . �� � ZIP ��
� � .
aDD�ss l p l� ° 3 1 �1�t1�tt.9t,�e.>
o�.- ��-�
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our peririon or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 3ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (b51 266 6700 at
the Depz.rtment of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twiu homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singte-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like inveshnent
property designed to be rented out, not at ail reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of ttie homes on the block tY�re should be no more than 2 kouses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Conncil, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they Lad no objection to his pian". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster developmen�
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed de elopment at 1070 Burgess"
signed date `F� �' , Ll r �� �
address 1�t� Fi°�/'���-r�� phone ��c�'��I�l�
�o a�° 33 -
--- ' . � °+ � �a �
� �
' �
'There will be a pnblic mceting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Aall
Please attend.
Ifyou cannot attend please sign our petition_or send your owa letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Titt1e's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 fanvlies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire biock is
singie-family homes on lazge lots. The ne�rt house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apaztment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly ike investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the currem neighborhood.
There are density issu�s. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Consuucting siY housing umts gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
Tbis plan svas denied approval from Distr�ct fi Plannma�g C'�vnc:i, bu2 Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we t5e neighbors to this proposed ciuster development
If pon cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karia Holmlund
651 4871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750, Ptace comments on reve�se side.
" I am opposed to h proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
//, �- ,,Q
signed'/� ��^ date = , c7
address �] �] IV{ �X-FeC� S"�- p�one L�� y�"i -"7::� �
9 m� 3�
S' s �. . �l
There will be a public meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend. �
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Ivdr. Iohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
r.he Depattmem of Planuing & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes For 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does noi fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-faauly homes on large lots. The ne�rt house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meering.it was said that it wouid look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. Tlris type of unit looks e�ictly like inve5tment ,
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
Thi,re are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting,
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructiiag six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accwately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the bi:ilding plans.
This plan was denied a�O�roval from D9str9ct 5 Plannena Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plau". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors ta this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
551 4871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed f�,rtr�%t�-�'� �%� ���/ rlate
address i �'7�ryz�- G�' '�;��'=�° �� p�one ,� o
7 mt' 3 3
� r� �
_. -- - �. �
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:34 pm City Hall
Plesse attend.
If you cannot attead piease sign our pefition or send yow own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Titt1e's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department ofPlannuig & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The neat house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmeirt, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like inveshnent
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the currem neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Consuvcting su� housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Titde presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sigu this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathy Myeis 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
K I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signet! , p�: 1�� date ' � G�
address �Q�� 1� � �"� phone�b -,5��-k
S ° �' 3 �
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send yow own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 2b6 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singl�family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 5 mobile homes lengthwise. T'his type of unit looks c�actly like investment
properky designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhoad.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Bwgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six hausing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster developmen�
ff you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651 487 1653 or Kathy Myers b51 d88 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
�� I am o osed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed � ��'��'`�'� ���'�t� L��er+��date � ` � j ' �
address ��� nl� �}�� �; phone �� I��� c t �il� 7�
�' � ��� �2i � .� l 0 3
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as tlus will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certaiu degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before conshuction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAM$ 1.��Zr�s �i �;,� niSo �- DATE 3/G G
ADDRESS _ _ � �� 'I � �' = � ie_ � .� �" Nc.
CITY .S �' ��� �/ � fy,� ZIP SS/� 3
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Piease attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's propasal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 26fi 6700 at
the Department of Planning � Economic Development )
The glan is for 3 twin homes for 5 families with garage space for ? 2 cars whare there is
now one home-at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our
single-family homes on large Iots. The next house
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a faznily neiahborhood. One long
neighborhood. The entire block is
at 1J78 is a single-family�low ranch.
stretch of 22 garage stalls, says
apartznern, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 rnobile homes lengthwise. Tlus type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 12Q feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the biock there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Canstrucdng six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the fronT and back, not reflected in the building plans.
'i'his plan ava� deniea3 a�mr�val ires�a �asts�c# b�4annnng ���n�i3, bz�t '�-.
Tittle gresented it "that they had no objec#ioa to his ptan". �hey had many
objections and so do we tbe neighbors to this progosed cluster development.
If you caunot attend on Feb 5 pHease sign this note and giv� it to I£ar9a Holmlund
551 �871653 or Ka#hy �Iyers b51 488 2750. P9ac� camments an rev�rse side.
' , G�
ta the �roposed development at 1070 Burg�ss"
�3a� l� , ,
: E'F" � �� :F'�f E.t.... �� .
There will he a pnblic ffieeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Ha31
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send yow own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (b51 26b 6700 at
the Departmern of Planning � Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 tw�n homes for 5 families with garage space for :2 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family�low ranch.
These tall twin homes wouid be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stails, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked b rnobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houszs in that
space Construcring six housing units g'ives each one only 20 feet.
The pians provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
'd'his plan �r3s de�niee� a�apr�val frn�e ;isir'sci b �'ga�:ffieaeg �'¢�nc;3, ��8 �r-
Tittle gresented it "that Yhep had no objection to �is plan". They had many
objec#ions and so do we the neigLbors to this proposed cluster development
If you camnot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it Yo Y�ar9a Holmda�n�i
651 487 1553 or Ka#�y �Iyers S51 4gS 2754. Ptac� comme�ts an rev2rse sede.
" 3 am apposed #o a entfdt 1070 BurgQSS"
��g�er� �"° � da#� _� � e�
�c��� �� � �f�'� � f '�° p�one �% 7��fG
� �, �- =7 �r. °ti
Dear Members of City Council:
We pefition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in 5t Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half starey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plaxuiing committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate youz support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
%`r`_-� „��_ t, j'�- _
ADDRESS � � �"
: ? -,
� n
CITY �"� ��`�"�
( .�2- Z�i}/
�i':�v .
� — ; � -. �
� —
� _5"S fG ;
, �-
w� _ �� ° - �
a.� �� �o �u r� �ss ��-,
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of a een space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as weli as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighbarhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NaME ��rr;U ���I_ � DATE ' .� L' lI �
ADDRESS /� � iS� � /�.�J� i�� v� .S �
CITY –:-�9���i�� `��.,��/� ' ZIP /,'S` / lJ `�i—
z m �' � 3
Tt►ere will be a gublic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you catmot attend please sign ow petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 3ohn Titile's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Degartment of P iannin° & Economic Developmern )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the chaxacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-fatnily homes on large lots. The ne�rt house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meering it was said that it wouid look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. Tkris type of unit looks exactly like investment
properiy designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approvat from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had matry
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster developmen�
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Plate comments on reveise side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed ' i date o �'
address �l�.�z ��ss .���_ phone ��� 73o,//Uq
� �� � �j
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal aze available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 5 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The emire block is
single-fam'sly homes on lazge lots. The ne� house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long suetch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the currem neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there shoutd be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objectiou to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to t6is proposed cluster development.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651 4871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am Q g�o ed to��he�'o� os de � lopment at 1070 Burgess"
l�+� —'� k�^s�^�
signed �, `��: 7 u�. date 3 l �"Q_ �, � Y
address /C�.S� � T3�.- �s s ��, phone 6 s yS 7- /L- S�
3 � �-�' 3 3
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Piease attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department ofPlanning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 tvrin homes for 6 fanulies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The neart house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmem, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exacdy like investmem
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cwrent neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially onty 3 lots face Burgess, 12Q feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing sui housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the huilding plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651 4871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed �%'/I_//h,r,�i < ��.��� date �/3/��l
address � `7� ,� phone ��� ��-���
3z a� ��
O�` �4�
Tiiere will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Bevelapment }
The pian is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The ne�ct house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a fanvly neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly Sike investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reAective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. O�cially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s'vc housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Councii, bnt Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no ob,jection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neigfibors to this proposed cluster development.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmiund
651487 1653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at iQ70 Burgess"
signed� / �� date Gr.�l ,� � a�
address jG',$�� /�LL�'C�'�S � phone lP "`�� % 7
3l �f 33
r�T. �,�
�;. �_. ` .,,� �
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 faznilies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The ne�ct house at 1078 is a single-£amily low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was deuied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holminnd
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opp ed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed_ � � � � // date l � �l — C� �
address �� 5 5 ����, �S� � Y phone l� 5� — 7 �J �
3� �°� 3 �
- : ,..
_ -♦ lk
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send yow own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Butgess.
'The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The neact house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
Tlus is a family neighborhood. One long skretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes iengthwise. Ttris type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the eunent neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on �e block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing siY housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plaa". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development.
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please siga this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651487 1653 ar Kathy Myers 651488 275Q. Place comments on reverse side.
�� I am opposed to the proposed develo�nent at 10'10 Burgess"
date /� 3L� - � L f
C, �S �' phone /�'�>- y �`�-��o l
z � o� ���
_ �
There will be a pnbfic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Plesse attend,
If you r,annot attend please sign our p�ition or send your own letter to the Co►mc�.
Copies of Ms. JoS�a T'rttie's proposat are avaitabie from Patricia. 7ames (651 266 67d0 at
the Department of Planning & Economic I�velopmeat )
Tt►e plan is for 3 twia homes for G families with garage space for 12 cars where tkere is
aow one home at 2070 Burgess.
The glaa does not fit ffie character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
siagie-fami(q homes on large lots. The ne� house at 1078 is a singie-f�nrily low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmc�rt, not farnily. At the iand use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobHe homes 2engthwise. Tiris type of wnt looks exactly like invesUnent
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cwre�nt neighborhood.
There ace density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 fc�eY. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Consuucting six housin� units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accivateIy reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the from and back, not reflected in the buiiding plans.
This plan was denied.approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "t6at they had ao objection to his. pian". T6ey hxd many
objectious and so do we the neig6bors to t6is pmpased daster devdopment
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 pleaae sign this note and give it to Karla Hof�nlund
6514871553 or Kathy Myers 65i 488 2750. Place cos�ments on reverse side.
" I am oppased to d►e proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
g,�ea ��D� a�� � / - d�
address �G y� iSr 7,�� � 1,P� l phone /�� _ �rk7- � U�'
z� �f` 33
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:3Q pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send yow own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (65l 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The ne� house at 1078 is a single-faznily low ranch.
These ta71 twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctiy like investmem
properiy designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s"uc housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between ihe from and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approv$t from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittte presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Hoimlund
651487 1b53 or Kathy Myers 651488 2'750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to e proposed elopment at 1070 Burgess"
signed � date�'a
address /�� � 1���`0,�� s phone (Q� /- �8'� 8�1".��
27 m� �'�
There will be a pnblic meeting Thuisday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
ff you caunot attend please sign our petition or send your own lettea to tfie Couac►�.
Capies of Mr. John T'rttle's propasal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Develapmern )
The ptan is for 3 twin homes for 6 fam7ies with garage space for 12 cxrs where there is
now one home at 10�0 Burg�,ss.
The plan does not fit the ct�aracter of our tteighborhood. The entire block is
single-famity homes on large lots. The nart house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes woutd be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
aparunent, not family. At the land use nneeting it was said that it wouid look tike you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. T}ris type of unit looks exactly like investment
propeaty designed to be rented out, not �t all reflecrive of the euneat neighborhood.
There sre density issu�. Qfficially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fittin$
with the rest of the homes on the biock there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six honsing writs gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the from and back, not reflected in the building plans.
1'his plan was denied.approval from Tlistnict 6 Planning Coune7, but Mr.
Tittie presented it "t6at theq had no objection to his plan". They had manp
objeMioas and so do we the neighbors to this prnposed duster development
N you canaot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note aad give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 275t1. Place comments on reveiae aidw
K I am op ed to the p�oposed devetopment at 1070 Snrgess"
� ''f' i��� �'`��� iM d�te��/ ��
signed f; �:'; � � ��
l /,,)/� c
address l �� � � �� � 2� phone vC � 1 " `7 � �
���� � I
�.� m � �
�- �
�`'� `���
There wiIl be a pnblic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5$t 3:30 pm City HaIl
Piease attend
If you cannot att�d plase sign our pe�irion or send your owa letter to the Couac�.
Copies of Mr. lohn T'rttle's pmposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
t6e Departmeat of Planning & Economic Dc.welopmeat )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for b famt'lies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The pian does not frt the character of our neighborhood. The emire block is
singte-family homes an large lots. The next house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tall Ywin homes woutd be tatally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmem, not fanvly. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look l�ce you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. Ttiis type of unit looks exactly like imreshnent
property designed to be rerned out, not at all resective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more thaa 2 houses in that
space Consuudittg sQC hou�ng umts gives �ch one only 20 fcet.
The pIans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at teast a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in ffie building plans.
T6is plan was denied.approval from District 6 Planning Coancil, but Mr.
Tittle pre.senteci it "that they had no objecYion to Lis plan". They had many
ob,{eetions and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster developmen�
If yon eanaot attend on Feb 5 pkase sign thie note and give it to Kada Hotminnd
b:514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 275t1. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am oppos � t�e pr�a��� development at 1U10 Bnrgess"
� �v
signed� �-,-�v date � .3/ 6�/
addr�ss /03l ,.�� sT phone ����
2 Y o �' �� �
� ;—, .;�
There will be s pnblic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot atte-nd plesse sign our petition or s� your own letter #o the Counc�.
Copie.s of Mr. Jolm Tittie's proposal are avaiiable from Patricia laa�s (651 266 6700 at
the Departmem of Planning & Econonric Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 8 farnilies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plaa does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The ernire biock is
singi�famiiy homes on 3arge lots. The ne�rt house at 1078 is a�ngte-family low ranch
These tall twin hoa�es would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. O� long streteh of 12 �arage stalls, says
apartmem, not famiIy. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes 3engthwise. This type o£ unit looks �xactly Sike investment
propaty designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the currem neaghborhood.
There are density issues. Offiraally only 31ots face Burgess, 124 feet. In fitting'
with the rest of the homes on the block thete should be no more tban 2 houses im tUat
space Conspucting six housing units gives each one only 20 fecx. �
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at teast a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not re8ecxed in the building plans.
This ptan was denied.approva! frnm District 6 Plann�g Conneil, bnt Mr.
Tittle presented it "that t6ey hnd no objection to h� pjan". They had maffy
ob,iections and so do we the neighburs to thi� proposed ctuster d�etopment,
ff you canuot attend on Feb 3 pleare sign this note aad give it to Karla Hatmlund
651 4891653 or Xathy Myers 651488 275H. Place comments on reverae side.
K I am opposed to ffie proposed deveIopment at 1470 Burgess"
signed '�w� L �� ��t.� �� d$te �� /� > L% 1
J �--�--- �--;=—
,� �� �
address � � � . � �i ��c � �, Phone `� S/. ,� l- � S�
�z m� 33
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please �ttend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send yow own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Titt1e's proposal aze available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Depamnent of Planning & Economic Development )
The pian is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with gazage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Bwgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The ne�t house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
Tiris is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the ]and use meetiRg it was said that it would look like you
parked b mobile homes lengthwise. �his ty�ie af unit looks exactly like investment
properiy designed to be i#nted out, noi�t-all reflective af 3he cmrent neighborhood.
There are density issugs. Officiat�,only 3 lots face Bur�ess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the re�t of the homes on the block �re should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units g�ues �h one valy 20 �'�t.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect Ehe site. There is at least .a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the bnilding plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his pl�n". Thep had many
objections and sa do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend oa Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Bargess"
signed , E���� date ! .3 � o
address �� ��''��i ��� �� phone �-�����'
There will be a pnhlic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm Cify Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our perition or send your own letter to the Council._
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal aze available from Patricia 7ames (651 265 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic DevelopmenY )
The plan is for 3 iwin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home. at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1�J78 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes wonld be totally out of place.
This is a family neighhorhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. Tlus type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
properiy designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the curtent neighhorhood.
There are density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes an the block there should be no more than 2 housas in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The pians provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
'd'6is plase �vas denf�� a�a�raval fr�rsa �i�tr',cz ��4anneaeg �'e�JSat33, but '�-.
Tittie gresented it "that they had no objection to �is plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposecl cluster developmenL
�f you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Kar3a Holmlunrl
551 48� 1b53 or Ka#�y iVIyeas S51 4�S 2750. �tac� camments an rev�rse sfide.
" I a� opposed �a #h �r poses� �levelopment at 1Q70 BurgQSS"
���es� �a�° � �7
�dd��ss � �.J � � .Dr:'l5Z ; p�n��a� —���
Q�-� �45
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petitioa or send your own letter to the CounciI.,
Copies of Mr. 7ohn TittIe's proposal aze available from Patricia James (651 2b6 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The glan is for 3 twin homes for 6 famiiies with garage space for :2 cars where there is
now one homa at 1070 Burgess.
The glan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-fasnily homes on large lots. The ne�rt house at 1J78 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 5 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
properiy desi�ed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cutrent neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Offcially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s� housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
'�'his pias� �as �leni��3 a�nraval fra� 33dstsict � P]as��ing +C��sc9�, ��� ir�~-
TSttle gresented it "that they had no oi�jeciion to �is plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighboas to this proposed clnster deuelapment
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 g�iease sign this note and give it to Karla Hoimla�nd
5�1 487 1b53 or �athy Myers 553 188 2750. P9ace cammemts an rev�rse s�de.
" i am �ppos;�� to the proposed
/ C
t at 1070 l3urg�ss"
���� _��� �,
p�o�e �� —Q��`�'--
�a'_ -�,�.�
There wiIl be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council,
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 26b 6700 at
the Depattrnent of Planning & Economic Development )
The glan is for 3 twin homes for 6 famiiies with �arage space for 12 cazs where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-faanily homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a singie-family�low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalis, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 rnobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There aze density issues. Officiaily only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the hlock there shouid be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing siY housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the buiiding plans.
T3sis pian �va� tlen:es3 a��sr�val ?'ra€�s �istr9c� � �4as�mdaea �a�ssc3i, �z�� `"�?-
Tittle gresented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objecfions and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster develo�Oment
If you cannot attend on Feb � piease sign this note and give it to Karla Holmla�na3
551 487 1653 or Ka#hy i�Iyers 551 4$3 2750. �'3ace cammemfs an rev�rse szde.
" I am opposed �o t� raposed development at 1070 �urgQSS"
s�g�e� * ►"�"�"-'� �at� ) 0 � � `�
�d�� �( ��—�� � ��' phan� � '�1 ��
� _ - � �7
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one half starey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of shess to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plauning committees and obtain approval before conshuction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �,.��,,�, ���_AATE � /` � � v `�
� �
CITY��Gr� � �-��e,�-,1 ZIP�� 5 / C� �
_ -; ',
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our peUtion or send your own letter to the Council._
Copies of l�r. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Depariment of Planning & Economic Development )
The pian is for 3 twin homes for 5 families with ?arage space for :2 cars whare there is
now one home-at 1074 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The ne� house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes wouid be totaily out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of IZ garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6 rnobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officiaily only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houszs in that
space Constructing siz housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The pians provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
�'his plan zvas deniesl a�a�sr�val fro€s� �3isiri�ct ��4anmen� ���rc33, ba�� ?rl-.
Tittle gresented it "that they had no objection to Lis plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development.
If ynu cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign ihis note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514�7 1553 or Kathy 1Vlyers b5i 4�3 2750. P9�ce camments an rev�rse sfide.
"� am opposes� �a #�e proposerl deve�opment at 1010 �3urgess"
��g�e�����9,.,.._ ��i� oa- �m -o �i
�c����ss n >q�� „ ��n�aie 956-v9o-38? I
There wsll be a pnblic ffieating Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attead.
ff you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own let#er to the Councit.
Copies of Nfi. John Tittie's proposai are available from Patricia 7ames (651 2b6 6700 at
the Depattment of Planning & Economic Development )
The glan is for 3 twin homes for 6 fazr,iiies with garage space for :2 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it wouid look like you
parked 6 rnobile homes lengthwise. Tius type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Offciaily only 3 lots face Bnrgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 hauszs in that
space Constructing s'vz housing umts gves each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building pians.
�3is plan w�s a3enie� a�aqsroval fra�a l3is#ric# � P!annflmm� �t��nc:l, ��� °ri�.
Tittle gresented it "that thsy had no objection to his plan". They had many
objec#ions and so do we the nesghbors to this proposed cluster develonment
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 Qiease sign this note and give it to Karla Holmleanrl
651 487 1553 or Kat�y iVIyers 551 4�3 2750. �4ac� camments an reverse snde.
"� am opposed #o �he proposed deve�opment at 107{� �iurgess"
5��4ESa -------� L���� c�a_ lo_ o�/
�t��� l03 �`� �� e,.. , pincraae 65i-��3s- �o� �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of properry.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards o£ quality to all
residential areas of this ciry.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �Q�J2_. G��,�o�'��� DATE � �1—��
crTY ��� �j/ zrn 5 5 I�f �
t7 �� �����
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign ow petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal aze available from Patricia 3ames (651 26b 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Developmeni )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it woutd look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Bwgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accwately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Pianning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
ff you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
65148� 1653 or Kathy Myers b51488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
�� I am opposed to
development at 1070 Burgess"
' + F
!�� � ��,�J date e� � ��,
� �L � � ��1 � � � phon � - L b 1 "-���
��d ��.� -
There will be a pnblic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Nir. 7obn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 3ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes dn large lots. The next house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
Tlris is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflecrive of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should lie no more than 2 houses in that
space Consuucting siY housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. Ttiere is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This Qlan was denied a�proval fro�n Dis#rict S Planning �Cau:�cil, aut ?�Ir.
Tittte presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development _
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651 487 1653 or Kathy Myers b51 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed ta the praposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed�T �� o� �,LQ Q.c = c�ate ;,� - ( -O
address l D?� O o� �� � r,c, phoBe (p �j- i( $"�j -03 ��
: .
� �-- � � . �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there shouid be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one hal£ starey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy praperty values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plam�ing committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of properiy.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standazds of quality to a11
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
� i �
NAME ✓� �„� ,� ,� � �'�' DATE o _
/ rn
CITY �- �(� /� � 7 2'�l . ZIP �-�I a 3
lY ��' ��
� ~�`:�
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sgn our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of l�r. 7ohn Titt1e's proposa! are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Depattment of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the chazacter of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmern, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment .
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cutrent neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting�
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing siaz housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in th� building plans.
This plan was denied approval from Distr'+c4 6 Plasenin� �'ouncil, but 1VIr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objecYion to his plan". They had many
objecrions and so do we the neighbors to t6is proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651 487 1653 or Kathy Myers b51 488 2750. Place camments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
�"� r -2
sigue� �'1'{✓�0, �%ylr�t,�, 9 _� � �ate _��n
address 1 � D � � phone
3 6� ��u
_ . ��
There will be a pnblic m�ting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
1'lease attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Cou�1.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn T'rtt(e's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Departmem of Plamm�g & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cais where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The emire block is
singie-family homes on large lots. The neacx house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
T`hese tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmern, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that h woiild I�k like you
parked 6 mobile homes leagthwise. This type of unit looks esactly like investmem
property designed to be rented out, not at all re8ective of the curreut neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there shouid be no more than 2 house.c in that
space ConstYUCting si�� housing units gives each one only 2(} feet.
The plans provided do not accauately reflect the site. 1'here is at least a seven-foot
drop between the from and back, not reflected in the bw'lding plans.
T6is plae was denied.approval from District b Plsnning Conneii, but Mr.
Tittie presented it `°th$t theq had ao objectios to his pian". They hAd manq
objections sud ao do we the neighbors to this pmposed duster development
If yoa cannot attcnd oa Feb S please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Pl�ce comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
sign ���12.I��i1L��� date � � � �
address � b} �o �1��(�('��� phone � ( — �� ���� �
� z �z� 33
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City IIall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign ow petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Tittle's proposal aze available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Departmern of Planning & Economic Development )
The plan. is for 3 twin homes for 6 fanulies with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Bwgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The ne�rt house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These ta11 twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes tengthwise. Tlris _ type of unit looks c�actly like im�estmern
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cun'ern neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Bwgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
T6is plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster developmenL
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651487 1653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2'I50. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed V `�-`�"`� � �� date � — � _
address � � �2- � � �� i`N � phone �y �' y�7 `(� � �
� C�
l� �� .�� �./
There will be a pnbfic meetiag Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hali
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please siga our petition or send your own letter w the Counc�7•
Copies of Mr. Jolm Tittle's proposat are available from Patricia 7ames (651 26fi 6700 aY
the Departmern of Planning & Economic DeveIopment )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where �ere is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes an large lots. The neact house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a famity neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmern, not faznily. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exackly like imestment
prop�ty designed to be rented out, not at alt reflective of the curreat neighborhood,
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 fect. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the bloek there shouid be no more than 2 house.s in that
space Conswcting siz housing units grve.s each o� only 20 f�t.
The ptans grovided do not accauate�y reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop be�ween the from and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plaa was denied.approvai from District 6 Planning Coanc�, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objection to 6is pisn". T6ey 6ad many
objections and ao do we the neighbors to this proposed ciuster development
ff you csnnot attend on Feb 5 please aign this note and give ft to Karla Holmtund
651487 1553 or Kathy Myers 651488 2750. Place eomments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the prg,posed development at 1070 Burgess"
S �� j��� ` ;�--�' date �- 3- o
addt'ess �)�� `f"orr �� 5 5� phone 4� S f `f S 2� ����
1� b� J >
� � s � � �
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send yow own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tiitle's proposal aze available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development }
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of piace.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the currem neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing siY housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that tdey had no objection to his plan". They had many
objectiops and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign t6is note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651.4871653 or Kat6y Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed 1/�� date � L �`
a`ddress t o� �-,, 5� phone �S'( ��7'��1�
n�F- �}�F�
�I��a12S t)F PI��3P�S�D �E��,fl�'l�E�� AT 107fl BIJ��E�S
There will be a pnblic �►eeiing Thuasday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm �ity Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Councii.
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tirtle's proposal aze availabie from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Flamvng & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 famiiies wit� �ara�e space for :2 cars wfiere tnere ;s
now one homeat 1Q70 Bur�ess.
The plan does not fit the charaetar of ow neighborhood. The entire biock is
single-family homes on large lots. The next house at 1078 is a sin�le-fanuly'low ranch.
These tail twin homes would be totally out of piace.
TYris is a family neighborhood. One lon� stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
pazked 6�obile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
properry designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. O�cially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing s� housing units gves each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
'�'flz9s wlaa a�as ���n�s� a��r�val fr��a �as8�et ����s��a�n i'��:s�:l, ba�a ?�r.
Tittie gresented it "that ttaey had no md�,�ection to his plan". �hey had man;�
objee#ions and so do we tine neighbors to this g�mposed clust�r �evelaomen#.
�3' you cannot attend on Feb 5 nlease sig� this note and aive it to �ar?a Ho1�3errid
551 487 1�53 or �a#hy l�yers 5j1 �8� 2754. �'9ace sauam�uts a�n rev�ssa sfide.
" I a� �a a d �a t �o�ose� deve�ap ent at 1070 �aa���ss"
�i et� ' �✓�Q - , % ��,�. , . � � ; 9
� � __--��� d�a�� -�- C���
� �
�d��-��� f �� �' %�-°c�r �� � p�a�ae 6 S /� �� T ° � � ��
�q � �� u�
��� ���
There w�71 be a pnbiic mceting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Plesse attend.
If you c�nnot attend please sign our pe,tition or send your owa letter to the Cotmcxl.
Copies of Mr. Jo}m Tit#le's proposat are available from Patricc�aa 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Pianning & Economic Developme�t )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan dces not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire biock is
sing►e-famiiy homes on large lots. The next house at 1098 is a single-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a facnily neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmern, not family. At tt►e land use mceting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactty like investment
property designed. to be rented out, not at all re8ective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially oniy 3 lots face Burgess, 120 f�t. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Consuucting six hwsing units gives each one onSy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the froirt and back, not reflexted in the building plans.
This plan was denied . approval from District 6 Planniag Conncil, but Mr.
TtitHe presented it "that t6ey had no objection to his plan". T6ey 6ad many
objectioas and so do we the neig66ors to t6is proposed dnster developmen�
Tf you cannot attend oe Feb 5 pleaac sign this note and give it to Karla Holminnd
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 651488 2�50. Place rnmments on reverse side.
" I am opposed to the �roposed elopment at 1470 Bnrgess"
siQned � ,� , �i�-�-��-- date �- � � � � �
, ` Q
address � C� �� < �� l�ll��� (/� ��phOne �o�� � � c�`' � �� `�
2a m� �'�j
��`=- ���
There will be a public meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council.
Copies of Mr. John Titt1e's proposal aze available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Developmem )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families with gazage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on lazge lots. The next house at 1078 is a singte-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
Tlus is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhooc�.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Bwgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing siY housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied approval from District 6 Planning Council, but Mr.
Tittle presented it "that they h�d no objection to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to Karla Holmlund
651487 1653 or Kathy Myers 651 488 2750. Place comments on reverse side.
at 1070 Burgess"
date % �3i v �
address ���
� � �s�� �
�4�� s �"1 ��
phone �S � - r � / - �U / �
� i a�` 33 u
'` r
. �
.� _ �'^, �-
There will be a pnbfic meeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send yrnu own Ietter to the Couma�.
Copies of Mr. 7otm Tittle's proposal are ava�able from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Dc,wdopmeat )
The plan is for 3 twin homes for 6 families wiW garage space for 12 cars where there is
now one home st 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit ffie character of ow neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-family homes on large lots. The next house at 10�8 is a single-famiSy low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totalty out of place.
This is a fam�y neighborhood. One long strztch of 12 garage sta3ls, says
apartmem, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks eaiactly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reftective of the currern neighhorhood.
There are density issues. Offtcially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 fcet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there shoWd be no more than Z houses in that
space Constructing s'vc housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the frorn and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan was denied . approval from District 6 Planning Conncil, bat Mr.
Tittlt presented it "thAt they had ao objection ta his plsn". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to t6is proposed duster developmen�
If yon c:nnot attend on Feb 5 please sign t6is note snd give it to Karls Holminad
6514871653 or Kathy Myers 65I d88 2750. Piace comments on reve�ae side.
" I am opposed to the proposed development at 1070 Burgess"
signed �C�-f",-<,�� � . � ��,� �.�-�-.,.�,�,L, date 1- 3/- � `/
address � � � �-� � o S h,� ghone �,� � - �I �/ �- (
= f /
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
'� destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
\� which could possibly also lead to highex crime xates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should wark closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before conshuction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you far keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME�``S �zv� r� C�'� r ' F -�, � DATE �J I �a �t
ADDxESS 1 U � "I �-1 ` ,ti "� �,ni � `� �C' Q.
CITY �-� � 2 J � ZIP � S I �_�
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall �
Please attend.
If you caunot atteud please siga our petition or send your own tetter to the Councit._
Copies of Mr. John Tiitle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 255 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The pla�Z is for 3 twin homes for b families with �ara�e spaca £er :2 cars whare there is
now oae home. at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The neat house at 1078 is a singie-family low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 gazage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would look like you
parked 6 rnobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks exactiy like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of ihe homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constmcting siY housing units gives each one oniy 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop beriveen the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
asis plan wa� �e�nie�d a�a�sr�sal frzsrn �isir'sc* � Planneae� �e�ance3, �a�t P�a--
Tittle gresented it "that thep had no objection to �►is pian". They had many
objeciions and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster developmen�
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and g9ve it to Karla Holmlund
551 487 i653 or Ka#hy 1Vlyers fi5i 483 2750. �4ac� samme�#s an rev�rse snde.
" I a� opposed #o the proposed rievelapment at i070 �urg�sa"
�ig��t���G'� ���'d�/� �a�� ��
����-�� g�'s �5���,� . � ����� �.���� ���s
There will be a public ffieeting Thnrsday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you canno# attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council._
Copies of Mr. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia 7ames (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Planning & Economic Development )
The glan is for 3 twin homes for 6 famiiies with �arage spaca for 12 cars where there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The plan does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
singie-family homes on lazge lots. The ne� house at 1�J78 is a single-Pamily low ranch.
These tall twin homes woutd be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartmern, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it wouid look like you
parked 6�obile homes lengthwise. Tlus type of unit looks exactly like investment
properry designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the cuirent neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitting
with the rest of the homes on the block there shouid be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only ZO feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
'd'H�is plan �vas de�ied a�agsraval fr�s�ie �ists�ici fi �]ann�aeg <C��rcSl, ��t '�Ir.
Tittle presented it "that they had no objec#ion to his plan". They had many
objections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster developmenL
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 piease sign this note and give it to �arla Holmdund
551 4871653 or Ka#hy 1VIyers 55� 4�S 2750. Place camme�ts an rev�rse side.
" I am oppose�3 #a #he �ra oser� development at �070 Burg�ss"
Sig3iei� � ✓l�fi`� ����� i��i� 6�'lU � �l
������� ll��S S�r�sa� S� SSto3 �,�Q��6S/-yfl7-lsyy
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is lazger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval befare construction and demolition of property.
Furthermare we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you far keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �/!�/fS ����� DATE ..3' �7°'d�
ADDRESS �.5� � � � 7�� 5 7.
CITY �� `��1/ ZIP ,f�Oc.0 g
�� :�_
��� �� �
Deaz Members of City Council:
We pefition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
plamliiig committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermare we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
[� :/\� I�1
DATE `�� � '°�� �'
JI /"w�, ZIP .�'°�'�� �'
.4;� ,�
��� �4�
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighbarhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values far others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolifion of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �i Y�'� .Jo ���! DATE 3 I�
ADDRESS ��c, �� i�n; � u vvi V�V
CITY � �-�� v l ZIP 5�
�� 7�,
� mi� �7'
%' �
� `==° 'i ^' �,
There will be a pnblic meeting Thursday Feb 5 at 3:30 pm City Hall
Please attend.
If you cannot attend please sign our petition or send your own letter to the Council._
Copies of Iv�r. 7ohn Tittle's proposal are available from Patricia James (651 266 6700 at
the Department of Plamming & Economic Development )
The plan is for 3 trvin homes for 6 families with �ua�e space for 12 cars whare there is
now one home at 1070 Burgess.
The pian does not fit the character of our neighborhood. The entire block is
single-family homes on large lots. The ne�ct house at 1078 is a singie-family�low ranch.
These tall twin homes would be totally out of place.
This is a family neighborhood. One long stretch of 12 garage stalls, says
apartment, not family. At the land use meeting it was said that it would looi� like you
parked 6 mobile homes lengthwise. This type of unit looks e�ctly like investment
property designed to be rented out, not at all reflective of the current neighborhood.
There are density issues. Officially only 3 lots face Burgess, 120 feet. In fitfing,
with the rest of the homes on the block there should be no more than 2 houses in that
space Constructing six housing units gives each one only 20 feet.
The plans provided do not accurately reflect the site. 'There is at least a seven-foot
drop between the front and back, not reflected in the building plans.
This plan �vas denied apgroval fr�an T;is#r3ct � P�anniaeg �a�nc:l, ba�t '��.
Tittle gresented it "that they had no objecYion to �is plan". They had many
ob,jections and so do we the neighbors to this proposed cluster development
If you cannot attend on Feb 5 please sign this note and give it to �arla Holmiund
S51 487 1653 or Kat�y R3yers 5�1 4g3 2750, Place comments an revarse side.
" I am opposed io
proposerl development at 1070 Burgess"
lD l � (�� Y
�aa�-��� ��
Sr �r�
daa� � ' �/ � 7
p�one � 5/ �D 0 OG � �
� -- -- =� ` _
„ y
� �o�a �u,� ��
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this shouid remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our ciTy a nice piace to live.
NAME C�iU�f/k,y, �(�h�� DATE � �lv'o�l�C�
CITY �- j�� � ZIP r S�� 7
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which couid possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before consmzction and demolition of property.
Furthermore wa hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We a�preciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME ¢�'�i''t C.� �`R� DATE ��)� � 7
CITY �' �� / �� � ZIl' �Q
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
�� ��, �ci�e.�� DA� 3 ����o�f
aDnxESS Z�S (l.)eS-F�, }I�- /�� �'{6�
CITY �1-, } p� ZIP �5 /0 �
0�- �45
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME �(!�(/�, �. I �t XIQ,��('] DATE J� �� ZG��I
crTY����,� ,t , � z� �5 � �
� �� �" .� �'i' �
� _
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster developmeirt at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas ofthis city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME ��� i L /1 �VYJ�� DATE � 6 b�
ADDRESS � ��C� �✓LC6�Yl i c� !7 (!Cr .
CITY � '� • �G-i� � ZIP � � 6 � `T
.� _ `_ �` � �.f
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Sueet in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this sueet and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our ciry a nice place to live.
DA� �b 6�
CITY � � V � ZIP �� � �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amoum of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME t t�S�2.� DATE�Q�
f -
CITX� 1 WJLQ-�D �1S ZIl' ���� �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Sueet in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construcrion and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
DATE �/ ' � � ?�
S � �
���. r
_ ,
CITY !9 l � � ZIP � �/
'�� S �,
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential azeas ofthis city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
CITY ZTP 5 �� � �
. �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to a11
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate yow support and thank you for keeping our ciry a nice place to live.
NAME '`% vx.� �Ra��'/' DATE 3- I D- �'�
ADDRESS / 7 � / G �J �. 'Z� �3
CITY �vs��Z.�ts /la/'✓ ZJp r'S�I3
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Sueet in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
evzryone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME__� DATE � � �
ATII�RFCC f 7�P ! / ��� / )
CTTY ��`� � r�. I� ��. ZIP S S�� �
��" ��+�
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we belieee that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of propetty.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and t ou fo keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAS�f� DATE �� � l' /
/ 1
ADDRESS �JC .---� � � �
CITY a ZIP ��� < C
� d �
� �
' � � .3
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is lazger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construcrion and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our ciry a nice place to live.
NAME � c/� � ra+ �.` �; v y.� DATE 7/II - a t f
ADDRESS l ��J ) �(J V1
(�r v-2�
CTTY (�Q � ti� � i'vi �/ ZIP ..S'�/ /
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of suess to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
support and tty�nk you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
DATE � �d b
CITY �Y���J ! 1 / G� ZIP �.�� � �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster developmern at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furtliermore we hope that you apply these same good standazds of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NaME 4�,.��� a��� �a� 3 l� � 1 0�
ADDRESS 1� �\ 4� C�� '�?c 5 `�
CITY `��:RV�\\-z M�� Z� �\�
Deax Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Sueet in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress ta
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping ow city a nice place to live.
1 �-�
NAME --��> `c � !� yL c� ,� DATE 3 - / cJ � �
ADDRESS � � / ,� �✓,S �� s S �"' _
CITY Gc�;,�c�-c�. �� �I ,/l/ ZIP S � � �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Sueet in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standazd
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is lazger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residemial areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
Nt1ME_ 1��^-- DATE � `�� � "'�
ADDRESS ���j� �
CrrY \Y�p�PC�;G lUV�J Zrn SSIl�+-,
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new azchitecture which is lazger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and a11 developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standazds of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate�our support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
CITY /�1 ZIP S �2 C,e
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
ho�es along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME � ��U DATE `� — I S�Q y
� 7S /( � �,,,, ti��� � r� �rZ �
czT��� � �v�( N z� SS��y
, �
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and thax there should be the appropriate amount of green space sunounding each
and every hame.
We oppose any sort of new architecture wluch is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy property values for others as well as add a certain degree of suess to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before construction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas ofthis city.
We appreciate your support and thauk you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME� �� 1 1 I�v�E'-�St9'h DATE-�� ` �QF `y
�D�ss 1��� Ma�l��ll t��-e ��
�iTY S� ��u �, M N Z� 55 i��
Deaz Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this shouid remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of green space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one half storey
homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this will
destroy property values for others as weil as add a certain degree of stress to everyone
which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before conshuction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
NAME � 12� G�!'.� S"7 °1—lJf. �t�� DATE �—�- I— O�
Q, � t�o�' .
CITY � T � � �� `
ZIP S � � b �
��m �45
Dear Members of City Council:
We petition you to reject cluster development at 1070 Burgess Street in St Paul. We
believe that neighborhoods such as this should remain single family homes on standard
city lots and that there should be the appropriate amount of geen space surrounding each
and every home.
We oppose any sort of new architecture which is larger than the one and one and one half
storey homes along this street and we believe that housing of high density such as this
will destroy properiy values for others as well as add a certain degree of stress to
everyone which could possibly also lead to higher crime rates.
We believe that any and all developers should work closely with the neighborhood
planning committees and obtain approval before consiruction and demolition of property.
Furthermore we hope that you apply these same good standards of quality to all
residential areas of this city.
We appreciate your support and thank you for keeping our city a nice place to live.
rraa��,�i��-�i�� c�G!'` DATE � � 'O�
.��. .
CITY /! t� �Cl�i �� /� ZIP ���� �