237757 23'7'��'7 co��Fue xo............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ancl PRELIMII�TARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement by the City of Ssint Psul,v�s.: � Conderan and take a 3� foot wide pera�anent sewer easea�ent, •n, under, acr�ss and i: through Plaalen Park, the center line af which is described es follows: ���� Beginning at the intersection of the center line of For�st Street anal the center ,-.. line of Sherwoad Avenue in the City of St. �aul , Ramsey County, Minnesota, thence f deflecting northeast 66o UO' from th� centerline of Forest Street a distance of "" � ' � 20� feet �aore mr less to the Westerly line of the existi�g 60 fmat server easemeat run�ing Southeasterly thrmWgh Phai�n Park and there termi�ating. �� 1�sLed t�te...............»......asy oi........................................»..... ... ..., - i •-••---...... ....--•-•--....._��. ..».._ .............. i Counoila4an. i � PRELIMINAR.Y OItDEIt. � WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, via.: � Condea�n and take a 30 fc�t wlde pern�andnt sewer ease�ent, on, un�ler, across and _ i ' through Phalen Park, the centerline af which is described �s follows: ' Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Forest Street and tMe cer�ter � line ef Sher��d Avenue in the City of St. Paul , Ra�sey County, Minnesota, thence ~ deflecting northe�st 66° 00' fror� the centerline of Forest Street a distance of " 200 feet aare or less to the Westerly line of the existing 60 foot sewer ease��nt ru�ni�g SoutMeasterly throagh Phalen Park and there tersainatir�g. � , 6sving been preeentea to tne �:ouncu or Lne v,�y �� uaua� raui.......----°-----------------°-----^-.................--------..................... therefore, be it ftESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publia Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigste the necesaity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. � ; 2. To inveatigate the nsture� extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. • 4. To etste whether or no�eaid improvement ie asked for on�,he petition of three ar more owner�. b. To report upon e11 of 4,he foregoing matters to the �mmiesioner of l�nanoe. Adopted by the CounciL......................................_.nIIAR 2 � 1968 ...................._.. Yses Counc i lman ^-•-�i3vn- �i'`'�� � `�' �96� Da1 g 1 ish APPrnvec9.................».....�..............._....�...........-----•--- H�lland M�redith P_�-� - Tedesco ........: .».»... . ............�.... _. Mr• `�,�e�rt�r. g�..e .�r�?��� Mayor. �. �000 7-bf ' S 1P:f:tsx+9c;::i �i�'e;wreOII)• � �.� ' ������sF��� �AR � ±� 19��: