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Theundereignedhereby pmpoeeethemal�ingof thefolYowingpubliaimprnvemeat by the Citq of 8aint Psul�vis.:
, Canstruct Public SeNer in FOREST STREET fro� Sherwood Avenue to Hyacinth Avenue,
in ItfY AVEWUE fro� Arcade St�eet to Forest Street, in MENDOTA STREET from Clear
Avenue to liry Aven�e, in MENDOTA STREET frc� Cottage Avenue to Sherr+ood Avenue,
in SHERW00� AVENUE fro�a Mend�ta Street to Forest Street, and in an EASEMENT
(to be obtained) throwgh Phalen Park said easeaaent being described as follo�rs:
f/f� �; A per�aanent easement 30.00 feet in width the center line of which is d�scribed
//f as follows : Begi�ning at the intersection of the ce�terline of Forest Street and
v�r the center line of Sherwood Avenue in the City of St. Paul , Ramsey County,
Min�es0ta, thence deflecting northeast 66° 00' fro�a the center line of Forest
Street a distance of 200 feet r�ore or less to the Westerly li►�e of the �xisting 60
j foot sewer easement running Southeasterly through Phale� Park and there terminating,
also a Sanitary Sewer replacing the existing sewer in FOREST STREET fro� Sherwood
Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, alt to be known as the FOREST-tYY RELIEF SYSTEM.
WHER.EAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� via.:
Construct Public Sewer in FOREST STREET from Sherwc�od Avenue to Hyacinth Avenue,
in IVY AVENUE froaa Arcade Street to Forest Str�et, in MEMDOTA STREET from Clear
Avenue to lvy Avenue, in NEN�OT�► STR�ET from Cottage Avec�ue to Sherwood Avenae,
i� SMERW�OD AVENUE froai Mendota Straet to Forest Street, and in an EASEMENT
(to be obtained) through Phalen Pa�k Said ease�ent being described as fallows:
A pers�ar�ent ease�ent 30.00 feet in width the centerli�a of which is described
as folloNS: Beginnir�g at the intersection of the centerlin� of Forest Street and
th� cenfier line of Sherwood Avenue in the City of St. Paul , Ramsey County,
Minnesota, thence deflecting northe�st 66° 00' fr� the center line of Forest
Street a distance of 20� feet aac�re or less to the Westerly line of the sxisting 60
foot sewer �ase�aent �unning Southeasterly through Phalen Park and there ter�inating,
also a Sanitary Sewer replacing the existing sewer in FOREST STREET fro�a Sherwood
Avenue ta Wheelock Parkway, all to be known as the FOREST-tVY RELIEF SYSTEM.
3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvement. -
4. To stete whether or ao�eaid improvement ie aeked for oa 4,he petitio�of three or more ownere.
. fi. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the oner of�nanoe.
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Adopted by the e:ounail...�..-•---•--------..._..................................................
Counc i lman G�ar�so� � � � �t�sg
Da 1 g 1 i s h APPtoved.._......_.... ......._......................................
. � D��e..��� , .�.
Tedesco ..»..---.. ..... . . .. ..... ........_..
Mr.`���'�En�� Bp��== :����� Mayor.
�OOU 7-64 ✓i��: Yse:,�u ,s�; (Yu�i:t�ou;� ,
�'_ � �iAR 3 Q 19F�