237753 23'7`��5�3 c��� xo............. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Thennderei�aedhsreb�►propaeethemalatn�oitl�efollowln�publioimprovement by the City oi 8�int Piwl,�is.: ; --Cons t rnct pub 1 i c server i n WESTN I NSTER STREET f r�m Ma ry i and Avenue to Wyac i nth ... � Street, also in MESTMINSTER STREET from Rose Street to Naryland Avenue� also in "' MARYLAN� AVEMUE froeo West�inster Street to Barr Stre�t, also in BRAINERD AVENUE •° � from Arkwright Street to Jessie Street, also in CLARK STREET from Jessamine � \ � Avenue ta Maryl�nd Avenue, also in GERANIUM STREET fros� Desoto Street to Clark �� �.,c•1 -- Street, a 1 so i n JESSAMI NE AVEMUE f rc�m Desoto Street to Arkwr i ght Street, a 1 so ... ��" in R�SE AVEWUE from Bradley Street to Des�to Street, also in DESOTO STREET from Rose Street to Marylaqd Avenne also in ARKWRIGHT STREEf from Brainerd Avenue to Maryland Avenue, all to be known �s the MARYLAND-�RAINERD RELIEF SYSTEM. Counoilman. � PRELIMINARY O1tDEIt. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following imprnvement, via.: Construct public sewer in WESTMINSTER STREET from Maryland Avenue to Hyacinth ___ Street, also i�+ WESTMIMSTER STREET from Rose Street to Maryland Avenue, also in MARYLAND AVENliE fro� West�inster Street to Burr Street, aiso in BRAINERD AVENEIE -..� fc� Arkwright Street to Jessie Street, alsu in CLARK STREET from Jessamine Avenue to Maryland Avenue, also in GERANIUM STREET from Defioto Street to Ciark ""�' Street, also in JESSAMINE AVENUE from De�oto Street to Arkwright Street, also, ,_... in ROSE AVENUE from Bradley Street to De�otu Str��t, also in DESOTO STREET from Rose Street to Marylar�d Avenue� also in ARKWRIGNT STREET froan Brainerd Avenue to ----- Maryland Avenue, all to be known as the MARYLAN�-BRAINERD RELIEF SYSTEN. RE80LVED, That the Commiseioner of Public VVorke be and ie hereby ordered and direeted: � 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of�,the making of eaid improvemeat. . � 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total oost thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. • 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for on p,he petition of tbree�r more ownere. b. To report upon all of 4,he foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the Q:ouneil..._......................»..........�R.�_6,19��....... Y�►e Counc i lman 6�tnr � � �j ���� Da1 g 1 ish �PPro�►ed................................................................... Holland Meredith � � .......... .._. _.._. ..�...�� ...... Tedesco �3�E�.$�e�`dt�°,,-��e` � ,;��GF}r Mayor. �000 7-64 • t!ice i':��:...:.-z �.�rscn?c �� — �) PE�BLIS�E� ;.�A�� � ', 1���