237733 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23'7"�33 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. isc�t�sE c�z�E�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE � DATF March 26, 1968 ti�AS; The Ladies �uxiliary of Past Pwo. 162, Jewish War Veterans has macle a�plication for permission to conduct ia� Days on I•Ionday and Tuesday� June 1Qf and 11� 19�� between the hours of �:00 a.m. and 1�:00 p.m. on the streets of the �ity of Saint Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED: That perm��ssion be and the same is hereby grazted to the L�dies Auxiliary of Post No. 162, Jewish Ldar ve�serans to conduct such sol�.citations on the days� da-�es� and between the hours �equested. F�t�WAL (Under new ordinance) Iniormally approved by Council 3-19-68 p�qR � 61968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � � 6 1968 +�ar�san--� Dalglish Approvec� 19— Holland � Tn Favor Meredith Mayor p��. � ��$d li� A gainst Tedesco ��Iil�#�e8i'�@h������ P�°BLISHE� S�Id�9S �� n 196� Mr. Vice Presid�ant (Yetsrson) �� . �` � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota / ��� �� . . � � �e a�ti�e�t o k�`cc �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CAftLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIftE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commlasioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inapeetor March 19, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Council Sa3.nt Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Ladies �uxi.liary of Post 1`�0. 1b2, Jewish War Veterans makes application for permi�sion to conduct tag days on i�tonday and Tuesd�y� June 10 and 11, 1968, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. anc? 1�:00 p,m, They have complied with Ordinance No. 1333�, amendin� CY�apter No. 1�50.Q0 of t he St. �aul Legislative Code and Ordinances which deals with solicitation of funds. The app].ication is r�de by Sarah E. i�eitzman� President; and �.ose Kuretsky� Treasurer. Attached is their appLication for such permit. Very t �,y yours, 1'; . � ---, � ._1- � �,�.��- yg � �; ��,( ;���r,�� r . /� rlil'i�l".'.,..C.C-''� � � f �^�,4� License Inspector ��1� � � !✓ _ � � � M,arch 19, 1968 ( .j ,� a � '�. Hon. William E. C�rlson, '{ � Comsr. o�' Public SafetY, ____.___._.__I +, Tenth and Minnesota Sts.� "-�----------- St. Paul, Minn. ���� ��� ��k� Mz'. Daniel'��?:.rNicLaughl3n Dear Sir: ,%����`�\ � � ' � roved the a lication The City Council today,�i�aformallyfa�,ip PP of the Ladies Auxiliary of Post ��0162, �yr9.sh War Veterans for permission to conduct tag days on I�S�i�da�fid Tuesday, June 10 and 11., 1968, between the hours of 8.,;90.,a. m.�.,a�'"�d �+s00 ga. m. ,°'",,.,-`..._...�.,�'`'`,,� '���``� Will you pleas�" prepare`,t e culstbmary resolution? � �� � t' � � � r `'.,,� A' `' Very txuly yours, T , `� ^��; ',, .� - �'� City Clerk ; � hp � �� ; � ; '; � ,, ' G ITY (�F' '�T. PIUL Offiaa of�I,ic��se Inspeator 202 Publ.ic SaPety Bldg, St, Paul, Minneaota 55101 dpplicatia��. for permiseion �o solioit funds, or �o ooxiduot tag days, upon the atreets of �he C3ty oP 3t. Paul, Minnesota. Date of A�plication �� 19�-� �___-_►_.�._._._._._..__.__ 1. Nam�s of organization 1���y�a�� .1�Q���: `�'`��S� w�R v ' ' �IVS Address of' organization-�.,.����.F��.\�I ��t�..��_� �._.�I]�� �_�. 2. Chief offiaer of organization �S � . 1.1�. _.�I._4����__--_ ___. 3, Secretary of organizatian ����,� �� �� ^����M , ��� 4, Na� of person or ,persons respansible for the distribution ox" oolleated funds. �-� ' �°.� �.R,�" ���?��S.l.����� ` =.�_l._���►....-_- � ���- �� 5. Purpose or object for v�icsh aoliaitation ia to be mad����;�v d_j��p���D►.5.�n,.�.�,�, "`�7' - '�oCZ �'�1�R�l�s. __ �1, � _ �S `� �__..�.__..__..�..�..,�_.__.�.. 6. Use to be �cte of funds oolleoted � k � ' S 7. Solioitati on will be made on j D -- �^ /( (Dates j, be�ween the hours of �� ¢� and �" /.�„� � -----..,_ _.. 8. Locatian where aoliaitation w�.11 take p7.aae �o�N�t,�r,v L ..o�o �R��_ 9• List the amounta of any ��es, fees, oomanissions, oosts or expenses paid or� �rhich are expeated to be paid in oonnaetion with solicitatiun. Also list namas of persons to vahom payments have been �de or v�i11 be made and the amounts of suoh paymenta. (A fina,noial. statern�nt including this infoxznat ion may be attaohed.) y�1,�,k��....��'�;�.�������r.�,�r s ___... -- - --�_._____._____.____.___.._ � ��.— �1�° 6�At��1 �t�I� 1��Q ir����;��_.w_� � � � P �b� I0. Attach a aopy of budget showing soliaitati ons for this fiscal or calendar year„ I1. Have you read Chapter 450 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, vahiah provide s for the securing of permisaion to�a onduct the solicitation of funda, or �tag days, upon the atreeta of the City of St. Paul and do you fully underatand the regulations also pro- vided in aaid ordinanoe? � .._.r.�_._ 12. Applioation mQde �.n behalf of the abrnre organization by: r ` Name , Title or �t'fiae . .. Nams '` � Title or Office � STATE OF 14iI�d�TESOTA) )ss CQUNTY 0 RAF�SEY ) , . r__.__._.. ,. / � . - ��C.s�' _ and �. ; C ..�..5�� �_.�..��... g uIy swurn, say that they are petitzariera the above ap a ion.; that they� read ths f�ragoing petition a�rd Irnow oontc�nta and purnoses ther�of; th�t aamg i» vr�:e - f their �m l�crvrledge. $ubacribed a sarorn to before me thia ,•% � ,�� �' ' �' '� �j:� ��` / , . a__ _of ��� ri � ,� � . ^f �r?'�"i'1' , , ,�/' ��� � �. , , . , . � �G�-� llBy at?mmi88 expl 9SpHILIP A. ROSEN . Notary Public, Ram i e p� 1���2 My Commission Exp