237728 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �3��/Q CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '�"� I,ICIIVSE cot�2c•a��1�EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNC�E$D��'ION— NERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE ATF 1�arch 26, 1.9W WHEREAS, Raymond �. Stevens dba Radio Cab has made Apnlication J-199l�2 for licenses to operate six (6} �ntor vehicles as taxicabs up�n the streets of the City of Saint Paul� described as follows: Taxicab No. Make Serial Insuxance 71 Pl,ymouth RT�.1R8A7.537.l�2 Arro� Snsurance Co.� �'olicy ido. CA02705, expiring 12:01, 1�.�. St. 72 P]ymouth RTl�1B71163328 Ju1y 2l�, 1968 73 Pl�mouth 3851201078 �� M " `� " �� 83 Plymoatha 315�165gio " �� u n �� n 8!� Plymouth 3851186250 " �� E� �� « " 12�. Plymouth RTl�lI�71163329 � n �� �� �� M ��dHEI�EASs Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policr with the City of 5aint Paul and said policy has been approved as t o f orM and executi on by the Corporation `'ounsel; therefore, be it RES(?L�l�'..�' : That licenses to operate said motor vehicles as taxicabs upor_ the streets of the Cit;� of Saint Paul, be and the same are hereb�ranted to Raymond. D. Stevens� dba x�a.dio Cab. �enewr�� Address: 530 Stinson �ve. �� 2 � 196$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �R �, 6 I�Sg �rr Dalglish ApprovecL 19— � Holland .��n Favor Meredith � ;��AR� Mayor Pe�e�son Tedesco A gainst ' ������.�,°!�,�,.,'.::�:.;� Pd•BLISHEB MAR � � �96$ ..�:._ _ . ........ �Mr. Vic� i'_:�.s„ui (Yeterson)� °��