237704 � 23`7�0� ORIGIHAL TO CITY GLERK ` � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF � WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, has initiated appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Open Space Land Program to acquire certain lands for the ' Frost Lake Recreation area site; and WHEREAS, The Council finds that in order to comply with the requirements of the said Federal Open Space Land Program, it is necessary to obtain two separate and independent appraisals of the lands to be acquired under the said Federal Open Space Land Program; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Ray W. Faricy and Gordon Elmquist, real estate appraisers, are hereby retained for the purpose of appraising real property to be acquired for the proposed Frost Lake Recre- ation Area as described and on file in the Bureau of Valuations and incorporated herein by reference, the appraisal fees in the total amount of $800.00 being $400.00 for each of the two appraisers, and the terms and conditions of the appraisal assign- ments being more fully set forth on documents designated Appraisal Assignments Nos. 117-A and 117-B on file in the office of the Valuation Engineer of the City of Saint Paul, said Appraisal Assignment being incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim; and the Valuation Engineer is hereby authorized to execute such docu- ments on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. �O�tA4-.�PPROV-D � �, / =��� ,�.. -. ps Corporatio�n Couns l � COUNCILMEN �� 2 � �968 Adopted by the Counci 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson �� ��fi��� �' ' �9�a$ Approved 19.— Holland f,,.� Meredith In Favor Peterson V ' Mayor Tec�es�o�' Against Mr. President, Byrne �d'���SHF°� �lAR 3 0 �96� �za . �: � • � �'......,.�f_!" i � � � , � l f CIa� CF SAIN'� PAUL APPRAISAL ASSI��N� NJ. _,,,1_,7��__ VALs.;ATI021 BL:�AU 28 6 CIZ"t HALL DATE:�, Marn� 1 ti� l A�st � ST. PAUL, MT_PdI�T. 55102 . Fin. Dept. File No. ___ ¢ � �`03EC'tt F�r,,,,rtci- T.t3k� R�;,�+rr�at-?nn �rpa � bg , -- Mr. Ray W. Far3cy ; `:���: ,. .�o , 1560 Ranclolph Avenue `� ' ,� - C.F. 237704 St. Paul, Minnesota ���;\,; � Authority: gen,�,.o ed Mar_ 22*„ t�68„_,_ .,;;... Dear Sir: ;�`�` Fund: q7G7_SO� _[1tt2 _- � You are hereby requested to make appraisals of certain parcels of real estate � in th� above ref�renced groject located ` a a said parcels being designated as follows: Parceis 2Jos, l, Z, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. i . Cn or before Mav ?,, , 1968 , you will furnish the Valuation Lureau of � t?�e C�.ty o� S�Aint Yaul, 2 copa.es of your appraisal report for eac:� of the � aaove �.is+e� garcels. These appraisals are to be made in accor3ance with �he ' � City of Suint Pav1 Valuation Bureau appraisal specifications, a copy of which � is attac�ie3 hereto. �ai].ure to pravide documen�ation in accerdance wi�h thes� specificwt�.ans will re�uire resubmifital to the appraiser for furtl:er � supgort at no a�ldit3.ona1 cost to the City of Saint Pa�.l. � On receipt of you..r ite�riz�d invoices in duplica�e and satisfactory completion � of this aasignm�nt you will be paid the sum of � Fnur Hundred Dollaxs ($ 4(iQ.(�t] � ) . c � ; or on t�,P following basis: ; � t •- — --— � . --- � L'pon your writ�en request after personal investigation of properties to be � appraised the City will consider adjus�tment of fees to be paid. � � . � In thn event that before completion of this assignment, the City @etermines � that such agpraisals are not required, payment will be mad� on a proportion- ; ate ratio of the foregoing basie. in the event th�t a co�art proce�ding may develop involving any parcel of the assigr:r.;ent, it will be required that you support your appraisal in such proceeding. ' Enclosures: X Legal descriptions Yours very truly, x Right-of-Way or condemnat�on pl.an �� . X Parcel sketches '�"""' ' X Land d2ta Comm' io r Finance Euilding sketchss � � ������'�' �uilding data B : X Miscellaneous data (Ass't aJ,u�'on E/ n2�r x Ownership tx�ansfer information � ( ` . � � APPROVED: Accepted: x � - i �� '� ` �i� r Apprais r D t i....,,r,i�� .�. ��,�?YC�1��� Comptroller ' "`,Z � 19vQ j?�,:: � �jt+i" 4 y'�-t.�. �'-�1.L_ . . 1:. ,i. E-��r;is�erUer � By: , w w CIiY QF SAINT PAUL � APPRAISAL ASSI�;�I�' r10. 117-B VALUA�ION BiTt£AU 286 CITY HALL DATE: March 15, 1968 ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 Fin. Dept. File No. "- �'Oj@CtS F�pyGt T.a�� RP(�rPai'i(�n A_ra� Mr. Gordon Elmquist 1133 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota C.F. 237704 Authorifiy:�,AADrnvPrl ar- �_968,�„� Dear Sir: Fund: 9.767-501-002 � You are hereby requested to make appraisals of certain parcels of real estafie in the above referenced pra�ect located - in the area bounded by Hoyt Avenue, Idaho Avenue, Etna Street, said parcels being designated as fo].lows; Parcels Nos, l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. On or before Ma 1 , 1968 , you will furnish the Val.uation Buresu of the City of Saint Pau , 2 copies of your appraisal report for each of the a b o v e l i s t e d p�r c e l s. T h e s e a p p r a i s a l s a r e t o b e m a d e in accordance with the' City of Saint Paul Val,uation Bureau appraisal specifieations, a copy of which is attach?3 hereto. �ail�:re to provide documentation in accordance with these specifications will require resubmittal to the appraiser far furth�r support at no additional cost fio the City of Saint Pau�.. On receipt of your itemized invoices in duplicate and satisfactory completion of this assignment you wi1� be paid the sum of Four Hundred Dollars------------------- ($ 400.00 ) . or on the following basis: . ... - ..r._...�. _ — Upon your written request after personal 3nvestigation of properties to be appraised the City will cons3der adjus�tment of fees to be paid. In the event that before completion of this assignment, the Cifiy determines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportion- ate ratio of the foregoing basis. In the event that a court proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the. assigr.ment, it will be required that you support your appraisal in such proceeding. Enclosures: x Legal descriptions Yours very truly, x Right-of-Way or condemnation plan x parcel sketehes � , /� �' x Land da�ta Cmnni io r o,�F rrance Building sketehes ` " Building dafia B : , �� �`� i/�n.� x - Miscellaneous data (Ass't aluation Engineer _ x Ownership firansfer information � � � , APPRO�VED: Accepted: . ���–� � -- --�>•�' �,���1'' i� g "'.^`�'; :A_ "������h��! APPraiser � Date � Comptroller ���r��� i�6f3 . %-�- Z.���� B �:. %�. �-Ic�� er�er � Y' � �.- ,