D001287• - Ciry Clerk - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accouniing (Civic CenteYj _ - Eng"sneer (HGA) - Contractor - Project Manager (CPMn CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-26 C J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saini Paul Civic Center Ez�ansion CP4 Buildinq Construction known as Contract L=City Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: I. Provide multiple colors for EIFS per MA Mortenson letter dated 9 April 1997 (PCO #132) in three wlors per submittzl. Reason: Design interpretation. 2. Provide EIFS ceiling in lieu of plaster at loading dock per MA Mortenson letter dated 26 February 1997 (PCO WL9). Reason: Contractor suggestion - Va(ue Eagineering. 3. Structural mbe design and installation per Request for Information (RFn f{C565 at no cost to Qwner (PCO #77). Reason: Contractor issue. No. �l� ��� Date $1,000.00 (24,313.00) [ 11 Total ($23,313.00) ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with She specifications in the sum of $(23 313.001 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L-, 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. and which amount is to be financed from: ..l�_ �'��f f ' �. �� � _. � �� �►� � . I"/ pansion oor ai Committee pans on or ' aYiug Committee Director of Ci ic Center �e7r�i.✓ . Ar�hice�t M.A. M enso ac � , 19_ nt of Finance !��/=7.�j%� 7- �/ 19� � Administrative Assistant to the Mayor ����9.� �_ �/ 1���- ..�`�.�� 7 1`18�97 �ti�-�"a� � � j'j �w������ f c�4�'�° ' i � � � �� � �I� /�7 FOF1 FZ��EI�lEQ TOTAL # OF SIGNASURE PAfaES (CLIP ALL LOCAS{ONS POR SfGNATURE) Ci�-�-�� �r� �`�,2G -� �C�� s�--� _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION /n C�IVIL S� COMMISSION _ CIB COMMfTTEE 1� Sr,� 4 '✓� • C�w� , _ STAFP _ _DISTflICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE7 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this personttirm ever woAced untler a contract for t�is department? YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NQ 3. Does this persoNfirm posseos e skil{ not normally posses5ed by anq current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � �T`��� su� 2 s �ss� CiTY CLERK � � ����� 3$5�1 l� � �� �� �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $! o`� 3I �, �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) FUNDIfBG SOUHCE �1-h �6AY S � ( P�� t"(��TNfTY NUMBER �� ' f-3U ' FINANCIAL INFORFfAT10N' (EXP IN) �E��6��A �9��. � � �9�7 DEPT �F H�F�A� �3GHT� GREEN STHEET �NRIAVDATE DEPAqSMENT DIRECSOA O CITY CAUNCIL CffYATTORNEY � CfiYCIERK / BUp� Ef DIqECTOF � FIN. & MCaT. SERVIC DIF. MAYOR (OR ASSISTM1i) S � 'PM YES NO Q�Ati/IL C • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Pauf, Minnesota CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. Deduct Add C4.01-01 34,475.�0 C4.01-02 151,969.00 C4.01-03 29,684.00 C4.01-04 10,193.00 C4.01-05 24,598.00 C4.01-06 86,610.00 C4.01-07 (4, 535.50) C4.01-OS 29,410.00 C4.01-09 8, 927.00 C4.01-10 4,482.00 . C4.01-11 22,000.00 C4.01-12 15,460.00 C4.01-13 50,000.00 C4.01-14 3,253.00 C4.01-15 24,705.00 C4.01-16 29,188.00 C4.01-17 40,889.00 C4.01-18 5,883.00 C4.01-19 (4,422.00) C4.01-20 19,081.00 C4.01-21 5,531.0� C4.01-22 8,734A0 C4.01-23 (9,016.00) C4.01-24 4,718.00 CA.01-25 21,389.00 C4.01-26 (23,313.00) ��- . . DATE ISSUED: 3 July 1997 CONTRACT NO.: CP-4.01 COi3TRACT T{TLE: Building Construction Muttiscope CON7RACT DATE: 18 January 1996 Subtotal 00 $592 892.50 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $34 ,951,592.50 � �' - . Contractor Proposal No.: . PCO#132 Date: April 9, '1997 =- Project: ST. PAUL CI�FIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.07 - A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: f ,�j� / 1���/1 i. It �s r d the completion date be S) exte�ded, O decreased, ( 1 unchanged bK,-. �r�F�l��r da s. The adjusted completion date wifl be t�,rv-- 2. e tion �f the change: (Refer to dravyings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). APR 1���� R P No.: ; FO No.: ; PCO No.: 132 � � 3. �_��(s of pa ent: (Check one� _. -- --"-"{ irm price for pecforming this change is Adequate supporting details and informatibn must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed () Actual cost at completion of work S $ — Subm�tted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: � Co recto� +�� �`� � CoMractor Signature FOR CPMI USE CPM{ Job No.: 3225 Action Recommended: {Check onel (} Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. �Basis of payment shall be S_��� �The following modification is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. �- L� �tl �l�O�d g �»����� 1) Change is acceptable with no change in price. �,,�,p„ ')'7��t,,.� i� �i Change Is acceptable wrth no change in completion da'te P— t wT`h ( ) Other 2. Reason for Change: ( 1 Design Change ( 1 CIieM Request ( � Field Co ditio� S 1 Suggested by Conxractor (! Design Om+ssion o Other explain) �,� 1 � P �� , .�� N 3. Is this a part ot the origmal contract scope? ES �O 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ��ES O NO 5. A/E consulted. YES O NO Prepared by:� =T ICPMp Date: ��1�� ! / `� I C� Approved by lH(�AI Approved by t ��f � ��/}� �y�Y'f°.f�.1 } (Ownerl —��� D ate: Date: ����`�7 Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint PaW Gvic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 5 51 02-7 299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehnng 3225- • , �o�a�� 4�9�97 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposai _ :=�� _ = ,�,.F — _ '° :===�; -- ���_ � ST. PAUL ClV1C CENTER EXPANSfON. " -�: Description. PCO#132 Title: Muiti-seledion Mortenson Labor. (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortettson Equipment (See attached) 5 Amount S � _ S Associated Cosis -_- . g _ _ (Change Proposap —. - General Conditions. � � _ (MOrtenson Work) = � SUBTQTAL M. A. Mortenson g _ SUBCONTR4CTORSNENDORS _ i MWCahy "� ti 5 4,i44 � Z � _ _ 3. � 4 S _ 5. � - � � _ 6. � _ 7. g 8 = $ _ 9 c� _ 10 �. c� _ SUBTOTALSubNend � q,�qq SUBTOTALFee � SUBTOTAL Tax SA/N7'PAUL, MN SS/02 PH�GIZQ93-9l54 FAX 6/?/?93-955T M. A. Mortenson Company Fee� SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%. M. A Modenson Work 75%� Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Matenal & Equipment Tax: S 207 S - $ 207 7% 5 SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson + SubNentl + Fee + Taz S 4 351 Builders Risk 0�0007 (3.72lThousand) S 3 GGL Insurance Costs Q.0038 ($3.77lThousand) g 1g Payment & Pertortnance Bond 0 0050 ($4.9593ffhousand) $ 22 Sl16TOTALinsurance 8 Bonds g q� TO7AL CHAIJGE PROPOSAL � $ q 3y2 Page 9 f ` _� _"_ _- • ' n U Hours x $23.14 Hours x $21.99 Hours x $21.55 Hours x $20.55 Plaster - 48 Hows x $21.80 Tender 20 Hours x $21.90 Laborer ; Hours x $16.50 *Extra: Supervision 3 Hours x $25.00 Sub Total I.abor � 75%Burden on Labor 4% Escalation on Labor After May '97 TotaF Labor . To: llate: Project: Pricing: ������___ _ �—. _ _- - . _— _'_ � '�['.iTS'F. �._ ' '�f�- -- . _ �� � - N. GLENBROOK AVE. • OAKDALE, MN 55128 P4iONE: 770-5250 _ � �p M_A. Mditenson � � � � 1' � (� Attn: Ror� Schreiner f1 300 Eag(e-Street AP R - 1 1997 St. Paul, Ii+IN 55102 �'1•A. ft�tQRTEt�Sd lviarch 28;19�7 , N C0. St. Paul.�"-ivic Center Expansion CP-4, Job #951042 EIFS Co]£,r Selections and Layout __ iiw _ Description: Add for Multi-Selection of EIFS Colors; Requires Additional Material, Material Handling and Sorting, Production Loss and Coverings > F Cost Summarv• • Labor: Carpenter �oreman Carpenter � Taper Foreman Taper *Due to 5chedule Requirements _ $I,046.40 = 438.00 = 75.00 = 1,559.40 = 1,169.55 = 109.16 _ �2,838.11 � ��::. -� � X -_-�--_ M.A; Moi28nson = - Page Two • Materials: Studs: Track: Insulation: � � -- � � � _� - � � Gypsum Board: Taping: 10 Pails EIFS finish_�55.00 Fasteners: Tools & EquipmeiFt: � Miscellaneous: 2 iv1i1 Coveri�oly = 2,OQ0 SF @.035 Manlift/Scaffoiding: � � ' Materials Sub Tot�, • • � � � .� 7% State & City "� _ 10°10 Escalation oi�faterials�After January'97 = 10°lo Escalation oi�9iaterials After January '98 = Totat Materials � _ � 1 . � `�% � � Labor & Material .�"est � _ � O.H. & P @ 15%�—�''` _ Bond Cost @ 1%-� _ � Total Quotation�- _ _ � , • Schedule Impact: — �� � � � Please note that we cannot proceed witfi�ie above work unless notified in writing. � Ismn t� ��8� �:=�_��-:� - �-- $550.00 70.00 620.00 43.40 6634 $724.74 $3,567.85 $535.17 $41.00 $4,144.00 Mark A. Peterson Project Manager : = _-- - 4.=.�tain and t�ain mo�k-ups duri�g_eonstruction�tu°judgiiig com�ieted w�. �: •.,� 9 E. ICBO Evaluation Service acceptance criceria for exterior insulation and fuush system. 1.5 PRODUCT HANDLING __� A. Delivei materials in unopened, undamaged containers, clearly marked and identifi�d with __ manufacturer s name and descripdon of contents. B. Store products in cool, dry place out of duect sunlight, protected from weather arjc� other damage. Stack insulation board flat and off ground. 1.6 PROJECT CONDiTIONS A. Weather Conditions: Installation shall be at ambient temperature above 40 degree� F arrd rising, and maintained at 40 degrees F for 24 hours after application. B. Protection: Protect system and adjacent surfaces during installauon and when unaltended and when curing, from weather and other damage. 1.7 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULIIVG • A. Sequence installation of system with zelated work specified in other sections to ensure that wall assemblies, including flashing, trun, and joint sealers, are protected against damage from weather, aging, corrosion, or other causes. t�: .::::.r�� �kE ���. .� � A. Completed exterior insulation and finish system installation shall be warranted by manufacturer, in accordance with manufacturer's standard warranry, for period of 5 yeazs from date of Substantiai Completion. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.2 MATERIALS �EN°9N4CA� PP2�j�pD .4` 6 A. Insulation: � polystyrene insulation boazd ASTM C578, Type��' � 769.003 - SAINT PALTI. CNIC CENTER EXPANSION - CP-4 Page �7240 - 3 _` BUII.DING CONSTRUCTION � � s Hammet Green and Abrahamson. Vnc. Architecture • Engineering • interior Design 7201 Hartnon Place Minneapolis. Minnesota 55403-7985 � � � Z � ZS �,32�j t/l..td l� ! Telephone 672 • 337 • 4100 Telefax 672 � 332 • 9073 � ��1 � ���ia / 1��� � �?�CciilF_�� � L� 1 S April 1997 Ms. Susan 7ones CPMI, Inc. c!o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O' Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-1299 Re: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion FiGA Corrunission Number 769.003.00 Dear Susan: APR 2 2 1997 t:,??�I! 612/337-4305 In response to Mortenson's attached corresgondence dated April 9, 1997 regarding EIFS colors, please note the following. Please review the shop drawings. There are no "patterns" to speak of other than the one change of color at the natural break line shown in detail7l7-2B. Tlus break line mimics the adjacent azeas of the precast band above brick. The color change is to match one color to precast and the other to bzick. This occurs at two locations only (south elevation of north penthouse and north elevation of south penthouse, see 2/A351 and 3/A305). The contract documents do not indicate that "only" one color wili be used. If we were to have any significant color patterns in the design it might justify further ciarification in the documents. The one simple color transitian at a natural break, however, does not justify additionai compensation. Sincerely, FIAMMEL GREEN AND AB SON, INC. Michael D. Pederson MDP93U_WP6;db Enclosure cc: Chris Hanseq SPCC Bake Baker, HGA Greg Haley, HGA � • The Construction Osganiz4tion 9 Apri{ 1997 , - �FCEIVED aP n Susan Jones CPMI c/o St. Paul Civic Center f. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 443 West Fourth Street St.Paul,MN SSIO2-1299 Re: Samt Paul Civic Center Expansion CP; 4 � MortensonProjeci#95iO42 Y 3 2� 5 --�{-�-, � . .. BUILDING DIViSION '� : i� �� � � � Mianeapotis Offica --""-- 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Boz 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Mfranesete-55422A899�---- ! .--.__.__ __. _._"___-_ Telephone: (672�,522�2700 facsimiie: (672� 520-3430 �� �; . . k Subject: PCO #132 - Multi-selection of E[FS colors " ---- -- — - --+ � ----- ` Dear Susan: � � � �-�-` - - -- " In accordance with HGA's comments on returned submittals regarding their selection of threc £�`reitt" � colors for EIFS, to ba arran�ed in pattems transmitted with the returned submittals, we quote th� --- -- Four Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Two Dollars (+$4,392.00) for the added work Enclosed ai'�`�sies � of sUbcontractor quotations�and our price breakdown. Piease let me know if you need additional information or clarification on the enclosed. Please issue a contract change order if this work is to piroceed. The amount quoted includes only the costs of the changes identified herein. Changes to the connact not specifically identified as revisions are not inciuded in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the rioht ro su6mit a proposal for addi[ional costs and time related to the impact of this c:iange on u��changed work or for the effect of th�s change in combination with other changes. Very tn�ty yours, C � Q.�� ���-=�- Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Projec[ Mana�er file: CPMI �' PCO #132 � N 0 MmneapolisSeattie •DenverCobrado Springs•Milwaukee•6rand Rapids•San Dlego•San Franasco•Honolulu•los Angeles I�O I�,B� R�r-,' c,`_ � • . CO11i-TRACTOR'S -PA Contractor Proposal No.: PCO# 29 Pro}ecL' ST. PAUL ClV(C CENTER CP.4 POSAL Contract No.: A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated 6elow: 1. It is requested the completion date be 1) extended, {) decreased, ( I unchanged by calendar daYs. The adjusted completion date wilf be 2. Description of the change: {Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicablel. Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: ; PCO No.: 29 Title: Loadinq Dock Ceilinq Value Enqineerinq 3. Basis of payment: (Check one� �X) Firm price for performing this change is S 123,339.00) Adequate supporting details and information flncreased) lDeduci) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate, ( � Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ( � Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: Februarv 26 1997 Con ractor r � 1 �� �a -- - �-- Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE () Change is acceptable with no change in price. �,Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( � Otfier 2. Reason for Change: ( 1 Design Change i) Client Request O Fie1d Condition � Suggested by Contractor 1) Design Omission or Other (expfain) Action Recommended; (Check one) CPMi Job No.: 3225 () Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: ( � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. I�Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. �Basis of payment shall be S��(� �'O�ISGf.(5�1'p1 �. M��� �The fo!lowing modification is recommended: ���. ��j 4 1 Change in completion date is accepted. / Date:���� Date: _ _ _ Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI Inc., clo Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. O'Sfiaughnessy Ptaza, 143 West Pourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES ,�NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? YES I) NO 5. A!E consulted. ES O NO Prepared by:������ _ --ICPMU Approved by w' HGA) Approved by Owner) � AD�I:TCONAL INFO Contractor Proposal No.: PCO #29 Project: ST. PAUL CIV1C CENTER CP.4 MATION Contract No.: 4.01 Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicablel. Reference RFP No.: ; FO NO.: ; PCO No.: 29 Title: Loadinq Dock Ceillna Value Enqineerina C J The following information is being presented to assist you in your evaluation of the pricing ofi the afore mentioned Contractor Proposal. Please Contact us if you have any further questions. 1. Credit is comprised of c4st savings from Mulcahy and Wasche, realized by the change to EIFS wi[h an integral color. Wasche has provided a credit for the base bid ceiling paint. 2. Also for consideretion, we oEfer Mulcahy's credit of (529,550.00) to change to HeatShield. This option may, or may not, be combined wiYh Wasche's credit, depending upon the Owner's liking. L� 2(26/97 • S $ - $ $ Description: PCO#29 Title: Loading Dock Ceiling Value Engineering $ Amount Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Ghange Proposap General Conditionr $ (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.MoRenson $ - SUBCONTRACTOf25NENDORS $ 1. Mulcafiy $ • 2 Wasche 3. $ 4. $ s. $ 6 $ 7. $ 8. $ 9. $.< 10. _ — $ SUBTOTALFee St. Pauf Civic Center Expansion Change Proposaf M. A. Mortenson Company Fee. SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5°l : M. A Mortenson Work 15%: �o ca� Summary `-�'�j(y�� P� (3.713) ��� D�cw�sroa - By M. vetr,rs.��•, - �C _ �d. �� �'�ay�,3,�) $ - S - $ - 7ota1 Material & Eqwpment $ � M. A. MoRenson Material 8 Equipment Tax. 7% $ - SUBTOTALTax SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson + SubNend + Fee +Tax $ � Builder's Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Pertormance Bond SUSTOTAIInsurance & Bonds 0 �007 ($.72(Chousa�dj $ �.��38 ($3.77lfhousand) $ 0.0050 ($4 9593lihousand) $ $ • TOTALCHANGEPROPOSAL $ � (24 3! 3) ��9 ST. PAUL CIV/C CENTER EXPANSION 300 EAGLESTREET JOB [D: SAIM'PAUL, MN i5102 PH: 6(1/293-9l54 FitX� 6!2/?93-955i Page 1 ������� � L�E'tt��• 5232 N. GLENSROOK AVE. • OAKDALE, MN 55128 PHONE:770-5250 � � ^ � � � � � � � � �V February 14,1997 � FEB 19 199� M.A. I�ORTENSOW CO3 Ron Schreiner/Allen Troshinsky M.A. Mortenson 300 Eagle Stteet St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Civic Center Expansion -- Value Engineering of I.oading Dock Ceiling System Dear RonfAllen: Regarding the ceiling system option previousiy submitted with a cost savings of $19,626.00, we offer the following information: • 1) Painting wouid be eliminated because of the EIFS finish provided with color as selected by Architect. 2) Insulation value would be R-11 (saxne as originat system). 3) Finish/texture options would be typical EIFS selec6ons (sand fine, sand course, or swirl) original plaster system would look exactly fike a sand fine texture. 4) This system change would free up some manpower and reduce our schedule in this area by approx. 2 weeks -- this is turn would help adjacent areas. S) See attached for details. 6) See attached for details. Our other option for the loading dock areas would be 3" of heatshield spray which would be a cost savings of $29,SS0.00. 1) Heatshield finishes out with an off-white color which could be painted, but is not required. , 2) We again would free up manpower and cut 4 weeks out of the toading dock area schedule. `� �a�� . 3) Insulation value would be R-i 1.55 4) See attached for specifications. Please feel free to contact myself if you require any fiirther information or questions. Respectfully, Mark Peterson Project Manager lsmn Attachment C� . ti+�—�-0-1'3=�^ ��4�4��FPt FRlC1 I,J�sqhe Ititertr�r3 TiJ 27�'��._`.i F.Nl WASCHE INTERIORS, INC. ' �'� 14735 Ff1GiiWRY 65 N.E. • HAM LAKE, MN 55304 •(612) 4348812• FAX (6i2) 434-8858 intin� & Charrqe Request/Pronosat To. moflenson Date: 2l24f97 Project_ Civic CEnter Pro)ect Manager: Randy Sergsten pescription of ptoposed change: PCO#29 ��fefe toading dock cei�ing painf+ng � o �c����d�� � t� F � B 2 4 199 M A: r�oR��NSON �°� � Amount: $ 3,743.00 How Requested: PCO#29 Ghange ftequest # C/O UaVUe; 3.713.00 Faxed(Mailed: Requested By'MORT C/O Status- Penc4ing Entered: Change StatusTo EA,N) : GC C10 #:� Estimated CQSf: Scheduied Vafue/Estimat2d Cost by Phase: Cost SCh2duled Estimaied Phase Type Value Units Attn Allen Troshinsky Job Nurnbec-1450 Estimafed � Costs ' Update AtA?- A�A ltem # DescriptEOn: Value- Enrereci_ ' AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTISNITY EW{PLOYEWWBE Minneapolis • Des Moines TOTHL F'.i�l ��c�iv�a � The Cons(ructiors Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 3225-�c�. � �- Ia$7 BUILDfNG DIVISION Minneapotis Office 7�0 Meadow Lane North P.O_ Box 7t0 (55440-0710) Mmneapohs, Minnesota 55422d899 26 February 1997 Susan Jones CPMI cjo Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street SE. Pau1 MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: � Dear Susan: 'Jr ?V! F PCO#29 - Loading Dock Ceiling Value Engineering Telephone: (672) 522-2t00 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 In accordance with recent discussions between CPMI and Mulcahy regarding value engineering alternaHves at the loading dock ceilings, we submit a credit of Twenty-Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirry-Nine Dollars (-$23,339.00) for the reduced costs. Enciosed are copies of subcontractor quotarions and our price breakdown. Please IeY me know if you need addirional information or clarification on the enclosed. If this change is to occur, please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted inclndes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reseroes the right to submit a proposal for additional cosYs and kime related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in comUinarion with other changes. Very truly youis, � � ��,�---�- AtIen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMT �1J PCO#24 !=EB 2 7 ?997 Minneapo6s•SeaKle •DenverCobredo Springs•Milwaukee•Grand RapidsSan Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu•Los Angeles � 1�,g7 � COMMUNICAT(ON � �arE: s"�9�c/ � l PROJECT: SJ .�x/°fiNS/tJN PERSON{S) TAKLED TO: ,5�7�'U.C/�W/�� FIRM�iY� /�y/FIR.C���/ //I/ DISCUSSIONlDECISIONS: VERIF(CATION CALL: %O mUU9JfY MEETiNG: PROJ. NO.: �a, r oLS -- SUBJECT: ClT/�N� /UL�3't'�TZL'���'�,5• i%� f.�Co /.c./ i��G- /c��G 0 U�D-z,1S I.U�2� ca��� 7n� oui2 �°/�o��Gotirr�nS�l�a-J e �- ° - a -� /p F� # 9 I/I - s f9i°���� T'o �'/�oc�x� -- //sS cc- @ �{� /�7iNrvr�ol� c�uQ ,�.C�rt. � v�e° 12tx�� . -- �c a �'2y -- /s �i°i-r��`�1 �e�/'�oc�'- .G �� e� �-° �` /�90/N�r.OocK C�i1/NG-i'inis� %�s�� r�' �'iFS, --- �PF1-� �"56S`— 6 i9 G1/O/9AA�77�r✓9'L �vST �v ��E' o r.v �2 , - srr�v��rt--��C T�Q� s�ss�-n1 � � y'�r✓��s� vV/�'�,�, a `9 ��A , - .��,�p�Cy �.v,o �ivs�,f,�, �7i,3�sr�E',� i 9.�.a ����N�.- �s y �.Q-�/s�a�o��a. -- Coo2.0iNf�� 02 F-� SG S w/�� /��Gfi�i9�✓i�� ��ur� �,c�Gj/Z/G/-�'t� GGN��i�/?/�'�.5. /��� ���C`�' /�G�T�.�T��, /�<SU�s .�./�� i� /°f��i �s =1 � w�/�.G� � , / 4� � � COPIES:�/K�/���-' ���� ��� �U��"/Y/ 3'U/t/�.� . /nf326G !'O��D�2$(�� 3•Z25-�CJ¢Z