237696 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. LI�Ei;SE C(�S�1ITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY giarch 21� �.7v8 COMMISSIONE `� DATF RESOLVID� That Application K-1993 �or �rive-�n-Restaurant License applied for by Gx.lbert and Beryl Rosenthal at l�50 Tdorth Lexington Avernze,be and the same is hereby gra�ted� subject to the fo1lo��i:1g conditions� that the gra�nds be prepared and main��ned so as to b e dustless, t hat the debris be picked up and removed dai.ly from the premises and that the sidewalks araund the proz�erty be cleared of snow and ice during the winter. RENE'�dAL Drive-In Restrlctions �� � 5 �196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson `����'': � ' i��� Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor � � Meredith .�— �eter�san � :�"?��� Mayor Tedeaco ASainst �;���je�t�-���e- ... P��us�E� MA� 2� 1968 Mr. Vice Presic3ent (Yeterson) ��