237676 23'��`��' Counoil Ftle No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN'I' and PRELIMIIVARY ORDER. ' Theundereigaedhereby propoee�ethemal�ingof thefolYowingpublioimpmvement by the City of 8aint Psul,vls.: ' Construct �ablic__sewer in SYMDICATE ST�EET froM Ashlapd Avend� ta 0ayton Avenwe; als� in ,SCHEUNEMAN AYENtlE frc� Lar�rel Ave�u� to Hac�ue Avenue; alsa in !lA6t�E � AYEMkJE fro� ScMeuAepwn Av���� to amout 2G0 feet east of Sct�ew�e�an Avenue all � .................._____................................................................................................._...................................t......---..._.... of wk�ich is tm be kn� as tMe LAUREL-SYNDICATE ST�RM SYSTEM Datsdthis. .............day of.........---............................_..... . ...� .............. •---. ��...:��� ..._ ��'� ; coanoilman. � � PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� via.: Con��r�4�..p�l��_jc sewer i.�_ S�M��fA;�E,SjREET..fr4a_Ashlamd Ave�r�s to_.Da�rton Av_enue�__ also in SCHEUNEMAN IAYENUE fran Laurel Avenue to Hague Avenue; alsa in HA6fiE ....................•-•------..................................................__.........................---........................................................._...................._...... `���( AVENUE. f r� Schec�ne�an _Avenue 'tm_about 20�_feet .eas t of .Scheun�an.Avenue,�a 11 �� ....af..l�t�i ch..��...t4.b4..kn�±.a�._t�'la_!��[i��.�����.1��.T.�..5T..4RIl..�X�T..�.M.................................................._ having been preaented to the Counoil of the City of�aint Paul---------------_...........---....--------............._.............. ...... t6erefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direated: l. To inveatigate the neceasity for, or deairability of,.the making of esid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated ooat of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of eaid improvement. • 4. To state whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for oa Q,he petition of three �r more ownere. 6. To report upon all of P,he foregoing mattere to the �mmissioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the CounciL.._..................... ..R.. ..�� ....-----....... "('�1�i� _ �.. Y�se Councilman Carlson t��� � �; ���� Da 1 g 1 i s h Apptovecfl..........................'...:........-----........---.............. Holland Meredith � MM .Y -��.. �fi � Tedesco -�--�------- :Y"•vm L�.=.'-:� xx� . . . � ��$�d�ttt`�'�$.�ik�;: �6y01'. �000 �•6Y"-< Vice !`xw�auv�ut {t�c ez�onj ��'!� �L` ` Cl PUBLISHED MAR �;� �56$