237675 23`76�5 CounaU Ftle No..............�. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby propoeeethemai�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprnvement by the City of 8aint Paul,vts.: ; ; Construct pubiic se�r In F�REST STREET fraa H�dson Rmad to Fo�rth Street, also in WAKEFI ELD AVENfIE f roaa Forest Street to Cypress Str.eet; a 1 sa i n CYPRESS STREET f roaa Wakefield Av�nue to Third Street; also ir� EUCLID ST[EET froa� Forest Street to Mendota Street; also in MENDOTA STREET from Euclid Street to Fowrth Stres�t; �iso in FOURTH STREET frc� Mendota Street to Hope Street; also in MOPE STREET fran Fourth fitreet to Fifth Street; also in FIFTH STREET froaa Nope Street to about 200 feet east of Hope Street; also in an EASEMENT in lot 13, block 96, Stinson's Sub. ; also in the alley of block 88 R. D. MlcCarricks Sub. from For�st Street to about 150 fe�t east of Forest Street, also in the alley of block 73 Lya�an Dayt�n Addition, all to be known as the FOREST-EtlCLID RELIEF SYSTEFI. � PRELIMINARY O1tDEIt. WHE8EA8, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� via.: Construct p�blic sewer in FOREST STREET from Hudson Raad to Fou�th Street, also in WAKEFIELD AVENUE from Forest Street to Cypress Street; also in CYPRESS STREET fro�a Wakefield Avenue to Third Street; also in EUCLIO STREET fro�n Forest Street to Mendota Street; aiso In MENDOTA STFtEET froa� Euclid Street to Fowrth Street; also in F�URTH STREET frc�na Mendota Street to Hope Street; also in HflP� STREET from Fourth Street to Fifth Street; �l�o in FIFTW STREET fr�a Hope Street to about 200 feet n �, aast of Nope Street; also in an EASEMENT in lot 13, block 96, Sttnson's Sub. ; also in the alley of block 88 R. D. NcCarricks Sub, frr�a Forest Street to about 150 feet ���;� east of Farest Street, also in the alley of block 73 Lyman Dayto� Addition, all to be kn�wr� as the F�REST-EUCLID RELIEF SYSTEM. 1. Ta inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of,,the making of esid improvement. • 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent aad eatimated cost of eaid improvement, and the total ooet thereof. ,: 8. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of eaid improvement. • � 4. To state whether or ao�eaid improvement ie seked gor on 4,he petitio� of three�r more ownere. b. To report upon all of t,he foregoing mattere to the Commiesioner of Finanoe. � , Adopted by the Couacil.._..................._..�f1�;�:....... .:: ......-----..... .#, Ysse � . ���� Councilman .Carlson � r �r � Da 1 1 i s h �PProve�...................�-�...... g .............._...--•--............ Holland " Meredith p,��-.�s 1 ..... .... ».....��� r_ � Tedesco 13+�9 ��gt��d��t����`�''e� � � Mayor. :e... � 5 �000 7-6�r, Vice Presiuc.ut {a'eksxaun) �'�°���f a � j�� � � P��:�:�d�.�iri�LP ��P.�t";. �r. �aI�1� , .� -:,R:. F s�