04-533- --- -- Coun cil_File� �-- - J-��- - - -- RESOLUTION �'een Sheet # 102844 Presented By CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date �9 1 Whereas, The City of Saint Paul has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the 2 M'imiesota State Transportarion Fund (Fund 29} for construction of the EarT Street Bridge No. 62545; and 3 4 Whereas, 3`he Commissioner of Transportation has given notice that funding for this bridge is available; and 5 6 Whereras, The amount of the grant has been detemilned to be $681,128.73 by reason of the lowest 7 responsible bid; now therefore be it 8 9 Resolved, That the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to the ternis and conditions of the grant consistent 10 with Minnesota Statutes, section I74.50, subdivision 5, clause (3), and will pay any additionat amount by 11 which the cost exceeds the estimate, and will return to the Minnesota Transportation Fund any amount 12 appropriated for the bridge but not required. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 � ,. � t=C ` . Requested by Department of: lic W s � 0 Uhl, By: Robert�C Sandquist, D'uector Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary I� Approved by�Ia�or: Date G ��� > � � : ►" by Mayor for Sub to / 1 � I� Adopted by Council: Date � j�---/—�-,._�2d� Dy— S33 � Wo��, � 1 LCL1PaLLLOCn71�lISF�RSIGHniuRt7 nre iNmum.are DEPAR7MEMDIREGfOR ❑�rtyCWryCIL CffYATfORNEY �Cfl'YCl92K BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. 5 MGf. SERYICES DIR MAYORIORAS�STANi) � ❑ �e State ofi Minnesota requires a Resoluution by the City to accept a Minnesota State Transportafion Fund (Fund 29) grani for construction fhe Earl Street Bridge No. 62545. The amourrt of the grent �$681,128.73. CML SfAFF CAUNCILO&IECfiVE? PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE fOLLW/IN6 CUESTIONS t. Hasth'sPa�sonlfrmemswoMfltlWQaracofN'aQforN'xdepaMiant? YES NO 2 HaslhisV�R�meVarbeenacityempbyee? YE9 NO 3. DoasN'sPe���mpowessasluUrotnortnallYP���+l�Ya��Y�^WM�? YES NO 4. Is th's pe�soMrm e Taigefed ventloR Btplain alf Y�answers on 9ape+ate sheetaffa anach ie graen sUeet The C'sty has demolished the old Earl Street Bridge and is constructing a new bridge. The City has obtained matching federa! funds and state grarrt money. This resolution is necessary in order for the City to coilectthe state grarrt. 9DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: We may proceed with the contract as pfanned. The City, State and Federaf money is already budgeted to cover costs in the contract. � '; None. APR � � �uu� ���� � ����� � r�,�a� �, ry, �>�r �_,�_•, u���,. o, NSADVANTAGES tF NOT APPIiOVED: We wi11 toose the grant and will have to fund wi� $681,128J3 of Ciry funds. FUNDIN6 SOURCE MSA, Federal, State (Fund 29) AGNITY NUMBER 7NANCIA� INFORMATION: (EXPWM This project has been funded and approved through the CIB process. � �M� � � ���� NO