237660 23'7�6� connoil F�e xo..�. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theundersignedhereby propoeeethemalatngofthefollowingpubl�aimprovemeat by the City of Bsint Psul�vis.: `"""�Zind�ng and t�Yng�'�i "����ent in �th��1S'riQ h�Cee���r f�5r"�h� �la�;. �tzt� , and_,fi].ls,,. includi�g.,��ght_of removal of late�al support,f�a�t, sub�ect_ land ... ._.. or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or conatruction oP slo�es in the cso�struction o€ slopea in �he cor�struetio� of eidewa].k on both sfdes of IVY AVE. from Clarence St. to Birminghaa► St. " .......»....................................•---..................»�...........................................�».... .....................__._......... Dstedt,hie........................day of............:..................................... ..... .........., 19 ............... ... ......._---��. .............. Conaailmsn. i PRELIMINAR7� ORDER. WHEREAB� A written propoe�l for the making of the following improvement�v�.: ......Cca�daa+n��g-.�ad.,�!lic�asg..s�a_ease�en� irr t�e.3a� �neaesea��.,gsr..�b� �lopes; c�tta�. . , ._., . and fills, inclu�ir�g right of removal of lstaral suppo�t fxFc� sub�ect land . t���retii�Y�itie�� '�'lie�t��', 'o���ibYleSd by-'ezc�iq`s���n�.�7iereof•.or"constri.ic�foii.cP".. .... . slopes in the construction of slopes in the construction of sideyralk on both sides of IVY AVE. from Clsrence St. to Birmingham St. � ' having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul...............�.....-..--•---••--------•---._........._...._........ _.... � � t6erefore, be it � REBOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed: / 1. To investigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of,.the making of esid improvement. 2. To inveetig�te the nature, extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furniel� s plan, pmSle or sketuh of said improvemen� • ' 4. To stete whether or no�ssid improvement ie asked for on�,he petition oi three or more ownere. b. To report apoa all of t�he foregoing mattera to the e:ommieeioner of�nanoe. Adopted by the CounaiL.....................................�q,,�,kK..:..:�:..:�55:�......... Ysss Councilman .Carlson 1$�;�,�' r �' l�$ Da1 g 1 i s h Approved..........»........................................._........... �� Meredith Peterson T-e�es� ...... ............ .... .. ...,... Mr. President BXzrre Msyor. �000 �-� =5 ^ � PUBLISFiEG il�lr'�� �� i���