237657 Conaoil P�le No,�.t.�.�..��� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' 7'heundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovemeat by the Citq of 8aint Psul�vis.: � reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Oxford St. from Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich �. ! Ave. and by doin�_all other work which is necessa�..and�incidental to com�lete said ................ .... .........._............................ ............. .......................».........._........_.... : im�rovement. f « ...».»..���.........«...............«...........""'.................. , ..........................»............................................"'»............. Dsted this... 19th:.....dsy of........................March...._.. ..., l� 68 ............. .. .... ...........__��....�..... .............. � �Counoilman. PRELIMINARY OItDER. n �� WHER.EAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, via.: ' (�� �_reconstruct_.the..sidewalk on_.both..sides�of.Oxford_St...from.Lincoln.Ave. _to._Goodrich !i � .. ... .. _ ��__Ave.._and _b�_doing.all.other.work�which is necessar�►.aad incidental_to_com�lete _said .......im�rovement:........................................___..................---.......................---..................................--•-----.........................._ .............•-----------•--•-------•-------._.._...---...................--------...................-•------.........._............-----.._............._......................................... having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of 9aint Paul..............._.....-----•---..._.........---•--.......----..--..................... therefore, be it R.ESOLVED, That the Commuseioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neoeesity for, or desirability of�.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated ooet of said improvement, and the total ooat theseof. 3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvement. � 4. To state whether or no�eaid improveaaent ie aeked for on Y,he petition of three�r more ownere. b. To report apon all of 4�he goregoing mattere to the �mmiesioaer of Finsnoe. Adopted by the CounciL.._...................».......�.;...:k.--=::.:,.�,-----......... Y�se Councilman .Carlson MAR 1 9 ��� Da 1 g 1 i s h �PProved....._............................................................. Hs�arrcF Meredith Peterson T�e�d�e�s�ee,-� .......... . _. . ..... . ..... Mr. President BX�rre Mayor. �000 9-6Y � ^ � ���r��� NU� 2 3 196�