237613 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK 23'��13 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. r�c�dsE Ccr��i�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C�./ � Pgarch 19, 1968 COM M I551 ONE DATF �iHERF'�.Ss Proper notice has been recei�aed as to change of off3.cers in the St. Paul �.thletic Club,, a club� holders of Qn Sale Liquor Zicense No. 7295� expiring Januaty 31, 1969, at 31�� Cedar "'treet� therefore, b e it RESOLVEU; That the new officers are B. �. Countryman, President; Walter N. Norris� �Tice-president; Richard E. K1ein� Secretary; and J.2'homas Simonet� Treasurer; replacing the previous officers, be and the same is hereby approved. On Sale Liquor (C1ub} Change Officers Tnformally approved by �ouncil March 11t, 1968 � �, 4 �.��$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � �; �} ����! Dalglish pproved 19— �� �� Tn Favor Meredith Peterson v Mayor �� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne p�'B�'t���� ��R �� i�� �� I y _ ' '� CiTY OF SAINT PAUL � � � Capital oP Minnesota /. �" �� �e a�ti�e�t o a�`ic c�a et ����� p � � POLICB Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy CommLdoner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor March 1lt, 1q68 Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil Saint Paul, �iinnesota Gentleaen: Currentlf the St. Pa.ul Athletic Club hold On Sale Liquor License No. 7295� expiring January 31� 1969, at 3l�0 Cedar Street. Notification has been received as to the current officers who replace the prev3.ous officers and they are: President= B. B. Countryman Vice-Fresident: Walter N. Norris Secretary: Richard E. Klein Treasurer: J. T homas Simonet Attached is a c opy of their letter of notification. Very t ruly yours! .� Q�� . License Inspector �� � �C ! �/ � I \ • � � r � � ������.!_�I.G!/L � , �/Ylt.�'!!/,�t`Y.1l.Ji2Y/� . `�y. S�AINT PAUL ;�:.�',ATHLETIC(CLUBr.-' 1918 • 1968 March 12, 1968 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector Department of Public Safety Tenth & Minnesota Sts. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. McLaughlin: In response to your inquiry regarding our current Club officers. They are as follows.: a President: B. B. Countryman w54 Woodlawn Ave. Sto Paul, Minnesota 55105 Vice-President: Walter N. Norris 1052 Fairmount Ave. Sto Paul, Minn. 55105 Secretary: Richard E. Klein 806 Osceola Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 Treasurer: J. Thomas Simonet 1641 Beechwood St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 ,.�-- Sincere , , . ' _ ���' h mas . ce, General Manager TJR:fo CEDAR AT FOURTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, MtNNESOTA 55101 . 222•3661 MarCh 14, 1968 ; ', , , ; i ; � Hon. William E. Ce►rlson, ,_--�-._..___._.__i �.. s.�_- . '�. Comar. of Public 3at'ety, -_____.__ , , Tenth and Minn�aa�ota Sts., ' St. P8tt1., Mit1n. ''�~� ,,..'` � ,- '`' . ,, At�t'ri': Mr. D �iiel P. McLaughlin r ,; ���� Dear Sir: <�� �,°' �,: The City Council today inRp��:�,y �pproved the application of the St. Paul Athletic C]�ub°°,-~-t�lder�,�� On Sale Liquor License No. 7295� expiring Jan. 31, ,���, at�� Ceda`�s�S�reet, for a change in officers as follows: ,1 '� '� \ n`w { � President: � ati B. B. o tryman Vice-Pres3dez�t� Walter . Norris Secretarx. .�Rir�a� E. Klein • �`'.°°�J-�--�ic�ne4s Sitnonet Tr�e�sCiire�: ,, � W;�11 yQU plee��e prepare the cuetomary resolution? � � � r �1 � ! � ���, '�, a' � ,� •. Very truly yours, City Clerk hp