237609 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �� • ��� , ._ - CITY OF ST. PAUL fIOE NCIL NQ,. FFICE F THE CITY CLERK ; O N II,�RE LU N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ' COMMISSIONE DA7F RES , That the substitution of �100,000 U. S. Treastiry Bonds, due December 15, 1968, �, June 15, 1968 SCA, No. 513C for �100,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, 52�, dated August 15, 1967, due November 15, 1968, No. 180�, May 15, 1968 SCA, as collateral security for deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Guaranty State Bank of Saint Paul, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, sueh having been done in conformanee with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota; that sueh substituted securities, at the time of such substitution, had a market value sufficient, together with the market value of the original collateral securities for said purposes, for which no substitution was made, equal to �110 for every �100 of deposits of public funds of said City with said Bank. FORA� APPROVED � �_ :�C=,., Asst. Corporation unsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � � � ig6�9— Yeas Nays Carlson ,�` �.' ���� Dalglish �� Approvec� �'' ' 19___ s R ��""" — Tn Favor Meredith G Peterson Mayor �e�-�. A gainst Mr. President, Byrne p�1BLISNED MAR 2 3 1968 �O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Nn• FI1E � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONE Ii�1SOLV,�D, �rha't t':xe sUt�stitUtiOn Ot' ;;��0�,0^0 U. v. Trea�ttary r3onds, due Dece�n�er 15, 1969, G"i;'�y 3urie 1 7' 19��' :�C�., No. 513C � . for ;:1:3�,��jo U. S. 2'-rea,ury T3otes, 51;�', dated 1'�u���st 15, 1��`7� due �3oue.,��er 1 j, 1y6t�� No. 180�+, iYlay 15, 1g68 SCA, as ec�llate�al security ior d�po:its o� �ui�lic funds of tt:� Cit,;- o:f` �ain� �aul w�.th Gu��.�^�nty :�t�.te ��.n�� 4f' Saint Paul' hereby is autllorized, x�atified anr� approved, suc_i nav�.zac; be�n dor.e in conAor�ance wi-�'.z t'rie ap�J.i��.bl.e statutes of the �.�-L-ute of i�riinnesota; trat sueh substi��uted s�curit�.ps, a�: the t:.me o� sucii substitution, ha.d a marke-t value sufficient, to;e-�h�r e�ith �h� ma.-r��.e:t val.ue af the ori�inal colla-terr�l sccurities for� ��::-d p�urposes, for a�hich no substit�i�ior_ ��a,s rnac3e, ec.ual -40 :�110 for every �v100 of depo�it� o�" pu��lic lunds of said City wit�. aaid gank. i Rl�:�:k!. t�j � �.. -.,::�i'i.�:M u � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �,�,�,,,_:. N��,; Carlson Approved 19--- Dalglish T n.._a__ � •-���r�---- _____�n Favor Meredith /� Mayor Peterson �'°� _Against .��o--- Mr. President, Byrne O