237607 1 �
�OUNCIL FILE NU. � ��►�ys��y
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Ia the msttsr ot d c r for the slopes,
cuts and fills, ir�cluding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or
re�►iainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in, the
grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Lorena Park, St.
Paul , Minnesota, from Johnson Parkway to Clarence Street.
under Preliminary Order 236209 , approved December 19, 1967
Intermediary Order 237010 , approved February 6, 1968
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, snd the Council having
heard ell peraone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fuUy coneidered the eame;
therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, By the Couacil of the City of 8aint Paul that , an o
• provement to be msde by the eaid City ie
ndemning and taking an easement i� the land cessary for the slopes, c ts and fills,
in luding right of removal of lateral support fr 'eet tand or remain r thereof,
occa ned by excavations thereof or construction of slope the grading surfacing
with bitu terial the alley in Block 4, Lorena Park, St. 1 , Minnesota, om
Johnson Parkway to rence Street.
il�i �f�er� in th� �bo�� ��tter �� �r:d the s�±��e are t�ere4?}r cance{fed, annu(t�d �
a�a�! re�cir���i�,� :: ,� �,'; praee��lr��s in said matter be �iscarti�u�d.
and the Co cil hereby ordere eaid improvemente to made.
RE90LVED URTHER, that the following land, 1 de or eaeemente therein be d the eame are
� 6erebq ordered to be en, sppropriated and condemned i the purpoee of making eaid im rovamente, vis.:
�i � Condemning and tak an easement in the land ecessary for the slopes, cuts and fills,
including right of r val of lateral support rom subject land or rema der thereof,
occasioned by excavati s thereof or constructi n of slopes in the gradt and::surfacing
with bituminous materia the alley in Block 4, rena Park, St. Paul , Min esota, from
Joh�son Parkway to Claren Street. .
R.ESOLVED FUR,THER.� That t Commiseioner of Pub Works be and ie hereby instruc d and
directed to prepare plane and epecificati e far eaid improvemen and the proper city offtciale sre reby ,
wthoriaed sad directed to prooeed with th malcing of eaid impr ement in accordsnae therewith.
Adopted by the Councii .�� � 9 �'9�� 1 ,
" � �°� ���� �
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City Clerk.
APProved—_ , 19
Councilmen: `�
Ca r l son .- tr�,•�
Da 1 g 1 i sh z7 Pk��BLIS#tE0 M(�R � � ���� .
N�t t�.,�
Meredith � �
Peterson . �
Mr. President, Byrne
.- i ��ao -.�
. � -
December 21, 19 67
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 236209
approved_ necember 14. 19_�_relative to_ _condemnfdA and taking an easement
;n thp land necesagrv for the slones. cuts and fills, includinst ri�ht of removal of lateral
suvport from subiect land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or
construction of sloves in the �rading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in
.Blk. 4. Lorena Park trom Johnson Parkwav to Clarence Street.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby
1. The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is here,�,,,�
a :,_ . n,
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and made a part hereof, !• '•' �'
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3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works �'`
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4, Improvement i s asked for upon peti ti on X R ; ,'�, i��l
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om ssioner of ublic Works
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