237568 � ������ OR161NAL TO CITY GLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION- NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F• P6'�+CI'80Yi �, COM M I SSI ON E pqTE _ AESOIATION OF Q�i�IJI� In the ms►tter oP opea, �riden and extend Leone Av�e. to a �ridth of 60 Pt. frcm the �est line of Saaolytz Add. to �5�"more or less westerly oP the west line oP Registered La�d 3urvey No. 17, by taking aad condemniag for street purpcses a strip of land 60 ft. in width through Lot 6, Auditor's St�bd.i�ision No. 55 3t. Paul, Minn. Tracts A 8s B Registered Land $urv�y l�o. 97 ruad Tracts A, B 8a C Registered La�d Surv�ey No. 17. The cester liae oP said strip being the center line of Leoae `-Ave.`as dedicat�. in Samolytz Add. produced Westerly to a point on the south line o� R�gistered I�►d Survey ATo. 17; thence north�esterly on the said aouth liae to the westerly line of Registered 7�aad 8urvey� �io. 17. Also those parts Tract C I.flt 6 Auditor's Subclivision No. 55, cresting a Ct�l.-de-sac, lying Nithin a eircle having a 45 ft. radius, the ce�t�r ot said circle being a poist on the southvest corner said Registered I.an� Survey No. 17, under Preli�inary Order l�o. 23�935,. approv�d Septea'l�r 12, 1967, under Resolutica of Annulmeat C.F. No. 237�75, approvsa March 7, 1968• Reaolved, That aLl. orders in the abov�e matter be and. the sus sre hereby ceneelled, a�nnulled asd resciadecl, �1 sll proceedings in auch matter dise6ntisued. COUNCILMEN �,X � �.96� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � k � 1968 - Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson ' Mayor J Tedesco ,_�A gainst Mr. President, Byrne , P���� � �� ��68 f -� �za