04-522Council File # " ``5aa - - — -- reen # 384649� _ RESOLUTION , CIT,Y OF SAIN� PAUL, MINNESOTA „„„� , Presented by i RESOLUTION HONORING 3lT61TH BARR FORIp�6RE��HAN 30 YEARS OF SERVICE AS AN Z OUTSTANDING AND DEDICATED CITY EMPLOYEE s WHEREAS, Judith, "Jud}�' Bazr s�ved the citizens of the City of Samt Paul as an outstanding and dedicated City a �ployee for more tUsn 30 years; and s WHEREAS, Judy started her carea� with the City in 1974 as a t�nporary �ployee m the farmer Community e Developmeat Division worldng on the City's Communiry Developm�t Block Grant Program; and � WHEREAS, Judy's sudden death an May 3, 2004, greaUy shocked and saddened the City Council, City Staff, and many s citiz�s of the City of Saint Paul, but especially Judy's family and many close friends; and 9 WHEREAS, Judy had a special wit and energy about her w}uch she bronght to ev�y job she held, and she had many io diff�ent positions: includ'uig Public Information Teclmician, Project Assistant, Management Assistant and acting i i director of the farmer Division of Public Health; and 12 WHEREAS, Judy se,rved so long m various "acting" positions at the Division of Public Health that she once quipped i3 that she thought tUat she nceded to get a membership m Acfor's Equity; and ia WHEEREAS, Judy had a special passion for the Division of Parks and Recreation and was involved in implementing is (behind the scaies) almost every major initiarive and program for Parks and Rec in the past 15 years, and i6 WHEREAS, Judy's passion for Pazks and Recreation was so strong that those who lmew her said that Judy lived and i� breathed the Ilivision of Pazks and Recreation, and the people that it serves; and i s WHEREAS, Judy's imtimely death in no way diminishes her many contribukians to the City, the Division of Pazks and i9 Recrestion, Saint Paul Ramsey Public Health, and the City of Saint Paul; now therefore, be it 2o RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council Paul dces he�eby publically commend and recognize Judy Barr for her zi many years of dedicated and dynamic service to the City and the citizens of Saint Paul; and be it z2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council wishes to canvey its deepest sympathies to Judy's fauuly, friends, and z3 co-worlcas, lmowing that her memory and accomplishments will be a lasting tribute and an mspiration for other 2a �ployees, and be it t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council asks everyone here present to join in a moment of silence, in honor of Judy Barr's many accomplishments and contriburions to the City she loved 30 Adopted by Council: 11 Adoption Ceriified by 12 By. 13 Approved 1/y r; / /7is , 14 Bv / >" UF Date G � �� Seccetary: Date Form Approved by City Attorney �C Sheet Green Sheet: �epaM�entloflice/eouncl4• DaOe Initiated: co -�� „-�Y� Green Sheet NO: 3016497 cw,a� r�n a an��: o�� s� ro P�, i�reaimaze eob Kessler � o u ea �� A8Sign 1 m t' r MuSt Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ' G7erlc �2-MAY-04 For Routi�B 3 Order 4 5 Totaf # of Signaturg pages _(Clip Atl Loeatlons for Signature) Aetion Requested: Honoring Judith Batr for more than 30 years of service as an outstanding and dedicated City Employee Recommendafions: Approve (A) or Reject (Rj: Personal Service CoMracts Must Anaxrer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoMfirm possess a skiN �rot rmrmalVy possessed by a�ry curteM city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach M green sheet IniHating Problem, lssues, OPportunity (Who What, When, Where, Why): Advantages ff Approved: Disadvantages H Approved: Disadvarrtages If Not Approved: Total AmouM of CosURevenue Budgeted: Tnnsaclion: Funding Source: Aetivlty Number: Fieat�cial lnformation: (Explain)