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Connoit Fils Na
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C _ _._. Tbenadsids�ed�e�+sby prol�oeeef�hemsldagof thefollowingpnbllaimpro�ement b1r ths GY�►ct 8sint Ps�vts.:
���, widc� and cxtcnd Leonn Avc. from the wcst linc of Samolytz Addition� woscerly by takir+g �nd
condcmning a �rtp of 18�d 60 fcet in width for street purposes over and Across the following
described lends: � �
Lots 6 and 7� Auditor's Subdivision • �
No. 55. St. Baul , Ninncsota
Tracts A�B.C� Registered Land •
Survcy No. i7
Traccs A and B Register�d Land � '
Survay No. 97 . ,
The ccntcr linc of said 60 fcet strip d�scribcd as follows: CoT�encing at � point of tha west
line of Samolytz Addition and the intcrsection of the cent-cr linc of Econc Ave. , thence westet'ly
to a point on thc wost lino of Registered Land Survoy No. 17 produced sautherly and 41�t.30 feet
south of the �orth line of said itegistered Land Survey No. 17, thcnce wcsteriy to a point 391 .33
feet south of the north line of Lot 7 Auditor's Sub No.55 and 94.8 fcot wast of t�ae cast 11ne of
said lot 7; . thcnc� �vnsieriy and parallal to the north line of said Lot 7, 100 feet and thare
tcrmindting. � �
Al�o opan Sigu�d St. fram Leone St. as to bc opcned to Upper Afton Road by taking and conderrs�tng a
str(p of land 60 feet in width for streat purposes described as; except thc north 421 .33 feQt; the
west 60 feet of the east 154�.8 feet of Lot 7 Auditor's Subdivision No.55.St. Paul . �3inn, the east
and wesL lines of sald tract extended southeriy to the north line of UpperSAfton� Ro�d es opened and
A1so condernni�g and taking an easement in the land necessary for, thea slopas, cuts and fiils includ-
ing right of lateral support from subject land or re.�uainder thereof occasioned by excavation thereo�
or co�struction of slopes in the grading of the said� leone Ave. and Sigurd Street.
�t a�,�s n anu v. ney�s�eroa Lefla '
Survey No. 97 ��
` The center line of said 60 feet strip described as f�llows: Commercing at a point of the west
line of Samolytz Addition and the intersection of the center lina of Leone Ave. � thence wes.terly
to a point on the west line of Regtstered Land Survey No. 17 produced southerly and 414.30 feet
. south of the north line of said Registered Land Survey No. 17, thcnce westeriy to a point 391 .33
' feet south of the north line of Lot 7 Auditor's Sub No.S$ and 94.8 feet west of tfie east line of
said lot 7; ,thence westerly and paralle) to the north line of said Lot 7, i00 feet and there
terminating. ,
Also open Sigurd St. fron� Leone St. as to be opened to Upper Afton Road by taking and condemning a
strip of land 60 feet in width for street purposes described as; except the north 421 .33 feet; the
west 60 feet of tihe east 154.8 feet of Lot 7 Auditor's SubdivJs�cn No.55,St. Paul . Mfnn, the east
and west 11nes of said traci extended southerly to the north line of ll�per."-Afton Road as opened and
Also coademning and taking an �asement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills includ-
ing right of lateral support from subject land or r�mainder thereof occasioned by excavation thereof
o� construction of slopes i� the grading of th� said Leone Ave. an� Sigurd Street.
, Pe terson -
Tedesce �
Mr. President �.�r�tre M�yotr.
�000 �.a
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- P�1�BLISJ#E, MAR 16 �968
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