237515 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . 23��1� �; • - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL Na. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I.IC�ISE CCt�TTE� OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � Maz'C�'1 I.2� 1968 COMMISSIONE DATF RESQLV�s 2hat Application K-2018 for the transfer of Q1 Sale Liquor License No. 71�1.0� expiring JarYUe►ry 31, 1969, issued to Joey�s, Inc. at 7 - 9 West Seventh Street� be and t,Y�e same is hereby transferred to Prime, Inc. at the same address. 0�1 S�AL� LI�'JOR ESTABLISZ�MEN T , TRANS�'ER �Chmership) In�ox�al,ly �proved by �ouncil February 21� 1968 Qld Location : �,.. p�p,� � � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councir' 19___. Yeas Nays ��� � ,� ���� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Holland �n Favor Meredith ' Peterson Mayor �gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ����s� MA� �.6 196� o • • � � � � CITY OF SAIlQT PAUL Capital of Minnesota / � �V �e a�ti�er�t o k��ic �� � �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PBOTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depaty CommLsioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieense Inspeetor Marcn 5, 1968 Honorable Pi�or and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Prime, Inc. recently acquired the on Sale Liquor Zicense 2Jo. 71�10� expixin� January 31� 1969, for�n.erly held by Joey�s� Inc. at 7-9 West Seventh �treet. At the time of transfer of said license Frank J. Delmont� Sr.was listed as the sole officer� holding the off'3.ce of the President and also was the sole stockholder. Notice has been received and ap7lic�.tion made for the addition of the following officer� Frank J, Delmont, Jr. who will hold the offi.ce of Vice-pr.esident and Secretary. � �`ran�: J. Delmont� Sr. will also becorne Treasurer in addition to holding the office af President� and he will remain as the sole stockholder. Attached are copies of their requests. Very truly �Tours� f'U'L�y.,c.GC�/,�a� � .... License Inspector � �� � �� y � � , i eo 6AW OFFICES � G O F F & G O F F SYDNEV W. GOFF 636 OSBORN BUILDING� RICHARD D.GOFF FIFTH AND WABASHA � SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 86102 . TELEPHONE 224-1371 AREA CODE Al2 February 27, 1968 City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: Daniel P. McLaughlin Re: Prime, Inc. On-Sale Licensee 7 West Seventh Street Gentlemen: We represent the above and wish to advise you with respect to the present officers and shareholders. Frank J. Delmont whose address is 925 Bidwell Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55II8 is President and Treasurer and the sole stockholder. Frank J. Delmont, Jr. whose address is 925 Bidwell Street, S�int Paul, Minnesota 551I8 is Vice President and Secretary. The Board of Directors consists of the above two and Kathleen R,. Coakley, 985 Winslow Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551.18. Yours very truly, � GOFF & GOFF ,� , `, � , , ti� `i.� �/ l�-' �- ���'� � Syd�y W.c Goff � F SWG:kc ' , � . � . ` � l r � CITY OF SA]NT PdU�. DBPARTM�T OF P[JBLIC SAFSTY I,ICENS�E DTP�SIC�` Date �6 2 � � 19�� l�, �Application Por Q/,/ -- �'p�,�' �/�Tyru� - --- - -- License 2. Name of appl iaan� /z N k c� ,����,G�v 7`"' , ' 3, Buainege �ddress rf-`�' L.J 7�'� ST Re$idenca�� � /�lc,�E�� . 4. Trade nam�s� if any �n j CI?E /�G . 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Staxnp�i uill be ueed, 6. Oa �t flaar l�ated_ �/n S � N�ber of roamis uaed � �f� 7. Bs�ineen �rhett croea streets f,(�pbg,�y�j-s11'fl'E 1Phiah aide of $treet �/v���, .,. 8� Are premi�e a n�r oco upied�llPhat bus ine s s G�(�y L� Harr 1 ong ,y��/�',¢2 S 9. Are premiaee naw unoacupied�Hour long vacant Previous uae ,�U, Are you a ae�r aRner l�� Eave you been in a similar businees before /Y � .. . li�ere iRhen 11. Are you going to operate this businesa loeraonally_� �/� If not,� uho wi11 operate it �L k �.o T S2. 12, Are yon in any other business at the present time_��",� �a _ .... 1S• . �v� tl�era bsen sny a�aplaints �again�t your operatiots of this type of plaos��� 1R�en Where • 14. Bave qou ever he�d any liQenee revol�ed��lRsat reason and date 15. 1re you a oitisen of t1� United States y�f Native��NaturAlized T'� , 16. �here �rere you born�P�Q��� M/�v6/,, _ . Date of birth �� /J� /�, ,�19'S��_ � 17. I amlVo7'married� My (�rife's) (husband�e) nama and address ie 18, (If marx�Yed fermale) m�rr maiden na�a ia - 19. Hrnr long ha,ve you lived in 5� Paul������ � . .,.._ __•,...._ , 20. Have you ever been arrested�j� Fiolation of �rY�t oriminal la�r or ardinance • I 21. Are you s regiatered voter in the City of St� Psul Ys� i/ Ao� (�a�wer Pu11Y and co�.'pletel�„ These a lications are thorou hl ch�ac]�d and any faleifioatian 1ri11 be aause for denial.. � � � � � � - , 22. N�ber of 3.2 plaees �rithin two blooks 28, Cloaest intoa�icsti.ng Iiquor plaos. On Sale OfP Salo 24. 1Qeare st Churah Reare st Scshool 25. ATumber o� bonth$ Tables Chairs Stuola �....-..r-...,,:. 26. What oQOUpation have you follo�red for the past five �roara. (Give names of emplayers and dates so employed.) S 7 M 12 E" ��v7 �t V E —�S� •t �. 27, Give namas an.d addresses of t�ro peraons, residents of St. Paul, �ixm., whu caa give irif ormatioa o onoerning you. Rameis Y�.�C/ e�-� Addre s a /�J� /�/N. c�� c��,,,9, Name n � cS'� ,Q�"�,� Addre 7 tu're og .�pplican Sta te oP �dixuse s ota� sa co�ty a� x��y� ) - ��'2��'�-L�- . being first duly aavorn, aopoae8 �.a aays upcn oath t?a,a he has read the regoing statement bearing his aigz�ture and l�vora the aantente thereu�, as�d that �h+s eama is �rue of his rnm knawrlecige e�Qept ss to thoae mattere there3.n atated upon information and belief and as to th�Qe mattere he believes them to be true. ture of Appliaan Subsaribed and sworn to before mia thia � day of � 19 � � o�—` IQo ry Public,_ 8amsey Co y, Minnesota r�aR�s M. E�v���vu, .. M�' ri07AAt18$1� @XplY'@8 •- public, Ramsey Counry, Mlnr. My Commission Expires u : 18, i974- ° (Ido�as 2heae s�atement forma are in duplioate. Both�copies muat be fully f'�.11ed out, notarizad, a�nd returned to the License Division.) � ' ARFIDA��IT BY APPLICANT - . . FOR RETAIL BEPR OR LIQUUR LICENSE Re: �_Seile / v r _ Liaense Name of applicant /2,� ]'' . � .�-�.., B u�ine s a add re e s - % Gu. 7y� S'T. cSy pip v L,� J�/� ��t/,�/, �,re you the sole o�.er of thia buainesa3�. If not, is it a partnership4 �(/'o 0 orporat ionY y�S , o�her? Others interested in buaines�s, in.clude thoae by loan of money, propsrty or otheratise� j' 'S.�-'T/c��c�J Name�A�/Ik .1 �,�'L�a.v7' 1�.dddre s s �/.Z,� �C3/c/wf L L H� — If a corporation, give its name ��//yI � /�t/C . � Are you intereated in any way in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor buaineasY ,� a Aa s�le awner3 Partner? Stockholder? Otherwise? (Through lo�n of mon.ay, eto. �plain) Addresa oP suoh buainess and nature of i.ntereat in sama � SY ture of appZiaan State of Minnesota) )sa Co f ey ) . l.tT Q N � bei.ng first-duly aworn., depoaes and says upon ue�th � t he has read the foregoing affidavit beariag his signatura and knowe the cont nta thereof; that the sam9 ia true of his oro� l�owledge, eacept ae to thoee matters therein stated �upon inforr�tion and belief and as to those matters he be- 1 ieve a them t o be true. Si ture oP applicant Subscribed and slro to befo me thie � day ofr�"f_A_�c�19 C� � . ` „ � �� Y j'1 . _ Notary b1ic, Ramsey County innesa MSr C omm.l.s e l�ri Axpi.Y'88 DORIS M.��GLAND, sep�eantY. Minn. My Commiss�on Eupires Aug. 18, 19>a . • . � � , . STATE �F MINI�I�SQTA � SS CO�UIQTY OF RA�dS�Y � �, ELr•z oN7� y�L being f irat duly s�rorn, dqth depose an�d say that he makes this affidavit in aonnecstion �rith applioation f or "_ O�/ Sale" liquor lieense (" D�/Sale" malt beverage lioanse j in �he City ofl � � State oP Minnesota 3aint Paul, Minnesota; that �rour affiant is a resident oP the a nci ha s re aided therein f or � years, /��months, and is � StBt e now and has been for the time abave �ntioned a bona fide residerst oP eaid � and that ha now reaides at N0. ��,5� j3 /�J�,,��L` �T: � ��X� M�.nne s ota. ��ri� Subaoribed and aworn to before me this day oP �� 19 � � , n�. . N�tary PubliQ, �meey County 'nnes�ta (3ommiS8iO3i @X iY'e8 D���S ��' ENGLAND, � p .Wctery—Pu51ic,_.6dmSEYS "^��t�9inn. My Commission Exp�res A�g. 13, 1974 G-� �� `7' `� , �� ?���.. � e � �a�'�CITY OF ST. PAUL � APPLICATIVN FOR "C)N SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No...._. ..._.._...__._ Name of Applican�....Frank_.I,►--•.�e].�non��n.�..Prime.,._Snc.-�---_.---_...._.......-.-•.............................. Age....._.�,�..__.....�_.___...._._ Residence Address.....92..>r....Bidwell .St• ..... Telephone No............................................. _. __ Areyou a citizen of the United States?_...___.....Y��...___.........---�-----�.............................�-�-------.....--��---------•-----...._...------_..._.__.........----........_...------ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? No Whenand where?........--�-�---�---•-�--------...-----�-�--------_...._...._................_.------._............................................---�---�-------•--..._....__._.-------------_-____._._ __.._...___ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.................__.__..____._.._....__..._.._._...__._._.......__...._....._........._..........__..._ When incorporated?......._.._Eah�.u�xx.�.4i....l.Q�$._.................__..............---...._. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?........................................_. _. _. _. _. _. Ho�;� many members?--�.........................._...._.........._........-------...-•----•--_........... , Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . . . . .. ...............................Frank...J�...�Lnont,�._President.--------------------�.._..._._.._...._..._925.BidWell...St!!.--------�------••---------•---....._..._...._...--•------- ---�---�---�---�.................................................�---.........._...._.........._..._.....-------.....__------------............._....----.........................................................._......---..........-•-----------�-----�----......------...._ ..........................�----...................._................................--�-----.......---�---••-�----....__....---__...._.-----....---�--_...._--�----•---...........__..._.-•---........_..--�-••---�--��------��------�----•---------.._............_..._._.._.._ Names and addresses of Stockl�olders: , Frank J. Delmont 925 Bidwell �t. - -------��...........................�----�--�-�--------....._._._._----._ ....................-�----�--...----......_..----------....-�---------��----------------�------.._........................................._.._._ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known....................... .........._..... . � ................ ...� .........�.�._....__ ��'La�^�a._. . .... (L Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 7 & 9 . W� 7th St. : North . St.Peter . �labasha Sts. _ . -. How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?.................none..._.._._.__.........._..__....___............ How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?.............................Assumption How many feet from closest public or paxochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?...._............................._.._.. Nameof closest school.-�--•............................._..........-------�--�-----•-�--��------....__...---�--..........---.........-----���-���r�.Qn........._.........._..........-�-�---•---._...__.------._...____ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?............................................Commercial ...........................................•-�---�---------��----...._....._..------•------- Onwhat Roor located?.-�....................................i�a�rr--------�---�--.......---•----�--��-----------•--��-•----�--.............----.._..........-------......---��-�--�--...._....----•-•----............_..-----�-�--�---�----.... Are premises owned by you or leased?...._...Y�sLeJa.s,e$f leased give name of owner........S�,dX��y..�G�f__�c.._C,�,Rein If a restaurant give seating capacity?................................_8�......................---...............---.....-----�--�--......................_...._............--��---...............---.............-�-----------• � If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?.....__......._1�0............................. ..............�--•--��-----�-•--..._..---•----..................---........-�---........----------........._._ , , Give trade name----------------�---- -----P�Cimei._.InC.. .----------�--------------------••-------------.._..----------•----------------------�------------------- ----------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: .. ... ............F�nbassy_..ftoom�_.Cocktail Loun�e Rc F�npire_Room ..................................................--��---....--��----•-•�--------___..--••----------......................----•---_._.......--�--............._.__................_...----�---��--�---............._.._.._....................._.............................._....._........ .......... ............... .................--�--....._............_...........-�--�---�--.........................--�-�-��------..�.....................................-•----.._......._._...--�------�--------..._._........._...--------��-�--�----.............._--•---------- (The informstion above ranat be given for hotels and restauranta which use more than one room for liquor sales). ---- How many guest rooms in hotel?.----...---•--...__.._...----------_................_..--------�-------�---_..---••----........-----.._................._.........._........................._.._._..__.._.._-•-----...._.._.. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)..._.__........._...._........._........................_.._...._.._....._._..__........_.___.__..._..._...._._. Give names and addresses of three business references:____..._..__._..__......._..._..._......................_.._._........._......_..__..........._.._..........._.....__ 1.-•---_...._.............�--....._................__..__...._---._...._...._...._...._........----�--_.._...._.___......--••--------------�-------�-��-�---•---..._..._......._..............._............-•--�----_....------._.-------...____.._..._ 2.....-----•--•-------�-----._...._..........__..._........_........._.__.._....._..._...._...._.......__._....--�--•-------�-----._-_.............__.............._..........._._......_...._.-•--------.__....._........--•--------�--�----�----•-� ' i 3.._......__-----�---------._...._..._...._...._..._.......____...___._ � .._.........._.----•----------�--�----._.__......-•------._...._...._...._.....___-�-----.._..----....__.................... � THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPOftATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOftATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE , . STATE OF MINNESOTA, • COUNTY OF R,AMSEY, �• ................_.__-___........ , beinB Srst duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing appIicatioi��nd knowa the contente t�er�.wf,and t the same is true to the be$t of his knowledge,information and belief. •-�----------�--��----. .� ------- � Subacribed and aworn to before me this...__.._---._.__..._......day of_...__...__.._..._...._..._.__..._.....19 ............_......._.._._.�y....___._......'.._...__.......y...._ Y. • _...—._ No Public Ramse Count Minn. � My commission expirea...._...._....._._._-_---.__.......--_- STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ss' , _ � . _.__.....-•----...._.---__._----------..._______._........_.._..._..__.__._.._._..—....._._.-•----•..............._....____.. .._being Srat duly sworn, d�poses and saYS that......--.--_.__._ ._.....the.. ..._......._ �..... of ..---.----._...._.._.._.__._.._ ......._.........._..__.___._._ _ , a corporation; that................._.....................................__.....__...._.....has read the foregoing application and knows the contenta thereof�and that the same is true to the best of....._....._....__..._...........__...._...._...._....lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal af8xed to the � foregoing inetrument is th�.corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application wsa aigned,sealed and e�c� cuted on behalf of sa.id corporation by authority of its Board of Directora, and said application and•the execution ther�of is the voluntary act and deed of aaid corporation. ................_ ._ _.�G"�" Subscribed and sworn to before me � �- °� �� this._...._°�.....•--.._....._:_.day of..�.--•---_...._..........-•--- .._._..19 ....._�.. .�� . .. ° .____. . . . .._---._...._.. . . .-.-- .-.... . Not ,'c, R,amsey Coun1:�, . My commission expires._.._�o � ���� y�o DOROTHY J. MUNKELWlTZ N�►tary PuDifc.Ramsey Counry, Minn. My Commission Expires Oct 25. 1970 , � , � � . �. . ' ' . LETTFR GRANTIT�;G INF0.2?:AL APPiiOVAL • - Com.missioner of Public Sa.fety, • Tenth znd P�iinnesota Sts, , � St. �aul, Minn. . �� � to o\�r,���� pri,me, Inc., holdera ot' On Sa.le /� iquor Licer�e No. 7�+10, espiring Jan. 31, 1969, which licenae wsa ora�rly held by Joey's, Ine. , a�t 7•9 w• or Seventh Str t, e4e follaro: Frank J. Delmont, Jr., wi11 � old the o � ce of Vi�e•president and 3ecretary, snd Frsnk DeLow � " 3r.� will w].so becose Treaaurer in addition to � h � e ofPice of President, and he will remsin �►s the aole atockholder, Will you plesae prept►re the custczeosxy resolutionsY Very truly yowrs, City Clerk hp I