237501 7. � `y " �COUN E NU._____�._.� -� BY 23'��p� . FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Ia the matter Qt : 0 �t1�,en d FA I RV I EW AV EN U� f � .� ��.�„ ,�, �,n - """� �AS��iq��►�,� ,,� � " � A ~�"��z .��.��4 ;{y` � f., _ �:.."`'. ` . ,�a ��y t t; ' �'��'.,. �F��71'1�'�'' ti..iJ1` J. _ ! .sy�.�._*. ' "� �� ��sy` � +! #��� ���be���� ��� ,. �"+��� ��'�'°� ������'�'�. ����}_�'°`� .�"��d'�`�i��.`��:�<�r° �, Un o�t'�t'� _ .�; ��*!�.���;_.�!..�l�i�'t�e�rly of the tt ���'� said Lot 1„ �� � � ' ' � . =�'�'� point 7 feet westerly of tfi� � r� said Lofi westerly of the northerly line of sa'td Lo� 1� g; thence southerly a straight line 7 feet westerly of and parallel to the easterly line of said !ot 169; Hinkel �s 3rd Amendment fio Union Park, Ramsey Co., Min�,', and Lot 76, UAion Park, to its intersection with the southeasterly line of said Lot 76, and all those parts of Lots 52A, 53 end 54, Howar'd Park, iying westerly of Che fo1l�owing d�sc�*ib�ed � 1 i ne:' Beg'i nn i ng at a {�o i nt on and measu�red on fihe northerl�y l i ne of toL S2A, Howt�rd ' �` Park,� '7 f�eet easterly of the northwesterly corner of said Lot 52A, thence southerly on a straight line to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 54, and that part of Lot 52 � lying weste'rly -oi' the fol lowing descr`ibed 1 ine: Beginning at a point �on and��measured on the nortfie'r1y l �ne of Lot 52, �Woward Park, 20 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly corner of said Lot 52, thence in a southwesterly direction on a strai�ht line to a point 10 feet sou�herly of- the nor�therly l i�ne of said �ot 52 and 7 feet easterly of the� westerly line of said Lot 52; thence south�rly on -a straight line 7 feet easteriy of'and paral�l.�l to the wes�terly 1 ine of s.aid Lot S�� tn fi�he pvint of itrters�ctibn 'with the soutfierly. l ine of , sa.id Lot 52. Y Pe s _ A1 so conde�n and .take e�asements i n the 1 and �necessa r for s 1 o s cUts and f.�1�1�,, � including right of r�noval of lateral suppbrt from subject land or remainder tl�reof.. occas i oned by e�ccavat i or�s tiureof or cons truct i'on of s 1'opes i n the grad i ng a�►d,,pav.i�g of Fairv:iew: Ave�ue, the extent of aaid easements to be as sh�wn on opening and Slope. . easemdrtt p 1 ara No, 1778° on fi l e i n t�he D"epa rtmen t of Pub 1 i c Works. � ' : Also, condemn a�.d-take terr�por�ry` ease�nts' for construction purposes on that part of Lot l; Bloc�C #0, l�vering Park as �laown on Pla�'�No, 1778A on file in the Depa�tment of Pubi�c Works; �aid tempot^ary easee�t�ts`°to comMei�cc May t , 1968, and termina�te upon , a completion of the wnstructic�r� work or December 31 , 196�, whichever occurs first. ` 1yin�a�estierly o��th�Cfollow�ing�Ed�scrlbed�line: wBeginni�g at a p��nt�fa��and-measur�d on tfie' t►��'therly line of Lot 52y Ho�rard: Rarl�, 20 feet so�rtheastecly he not'�hw��terly corner of said- ko� 52, tfi�nce� in a s�u�hwesterly dtrection on a straight line to a:.-point 10 feet� 5outher�y of� tfie�ndr�t#►�r'ly 1 ine of said .Lot 52 and 7 feet essterl,y of the westerly 1 ine o�, 5aid�Lot 5'�;� t�ience �souther"ly as� a straig�rt 1 ine 7 feet easter.ly of .�nd. paral lel to the westerly line of said Lot 52 to the point of intersection with, tlae southerly l �ne c�f � said Lot 52. ' ; . ' Al so condemn and take easen��ts i'n the� land necessary for slopes;, cuts and i t l l s, including right of removal of leteral support from subject land or remainder .thereof � accasioned by exc�vations thereof or construetion of slopes Tn the g,radi.ng. and paving of ` Fairvtew Avenue`, the extent of said easements to be as� shown o� open3ng and slope � easement pYan No. �177� on file irti the Departmertt af- Public WprkS. � Also condemn and take temporary easements for construction purposes on that part of - � Lot 1 , 61ock 10, Lovering� Park as shar� on Plan No. 1778A on file in the Department of � Public Works, said temporary easements to commenca May 1 , 1968, and termi►�ate upon � completion of the construction work or December 31 , 19�, whichever occurs first. � �� .. .. . .. . _ . _ __'_ r_"'� ... .,...v. ovv��v�� �i a.n ��1G JVUI.IICf� ly i ine �f said Lot 52. � ,4:lso condemn and take easements in the land necessary fol- slopes, cuts and fills, r ���°``'bls�� -=aht of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof '"f!c ,' °`� o ���ations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of � v� f ' ��G��`"�� �N� c '`�nt of sa i d easements to be as shown on o en i n and s 1 o e cc_ ���l�o�� f��s,9 ��a�,��� •, �n the Department of Publ ic Works.P g p _m�.---o �I � �u� �i o o�t i �'�g�� � "fQik -. .. .r, " ,.��� � � ,� �.. ... Ra. � � 9�'6�' ,� '1 4 � ,,, �: ��C6 s� Y y_ r. �.' �` '� � �� �u � ` �,+, �' v. g� E •,�:• �.aR . .� tE � ' ; �� t�'� ,r ��D�� J, �y �r _��: ��; ;'9 {,, ���a �qd�� ..arF; .. .•.�:� ��►y�l� . � ._.:Y,:L�, V ,..�°ks4'i� `�,s„ Y.. .�r,.i ^ �en6:,e '4a�..�s9�. % /l' ! ��J 2�����1 � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE February 18, 1 q 66 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul; ,�, ., � ;, ,t /�t/ T- j:� �; f� : .,..�,,.,.,.,r , � ;` x .� .V. . ,�: - , �9 ,� �,_f �. The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- limi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 227284 approved Februarv 15. 19 66 relative to � ��� � �Open,��iiid�n. ae�d eat�nd��1�AIRVIEW AV$N. tt�o� ��iversity Av�ew� to �eroni� �►v�nu� by taK�n� ard a�ldainta��� �oliovia;�°d�ii�: �t'6r0 p�rc�l• o! landc T1ws�. . t�._ol�i' 76 Unioe p�rk. vacat�d �il�y �d1e��i�, and Lo! 169 �irksi'a 9rd AM P�rk. R�s���County`lyin� �MStfrt��r' ot tbr loilov 4 •sar d lieNt° -�D� � �• point on and �asar�d on ti� Noreh�rly li�» o! Lot 169, Nink�l's 3�rd Aeardmtnt,� �.4 ' f��t northwat�rl� o! ttN ltortbeast�siy eos�ner oi said Loe 169� tb�e+e� •outtwast�riy to a point 7 f�et �wse�rl�► o! th� Eastrrly lin� of �aid Lot lb9 �nd 8 f��t �outhaest- ' �rly of eh� liorthorly lin� o! said Lot 169; tlunc� aoutb�rly along a straig!►t Iine 7 f�t wsterly o� aad parall�l to ttu &ise�rly li»� oi said Lot 169 �tnd t.ot 76 to, itnt' � int�ra�ction witb th� Scutb�astotcly lin� o! said Lot 76, �nd ail thos• parts o! l.ot S2A, S3� aad S4, �owrd Park, lying wat�rly ot th� � following d�acribed lin�: B�ginning at • point on a�d ��sur�d o� th� Nortb�rly lint o� Lot SZA� Aowsd park� 7 le�t �ast.rly o! th� Rortbwast�riy aorner o� aaid Lot S2A� tbenc� soutlurly oa � atraighe Iin� to tb� Boutliwst�riy ac►rnar ot asid Lot Sy, and lhat part,oi Lot S2 lyina �»st�rly oi th� tollo�+i�ng d�saribtd lin�e H�gia• aing at • poiut oa and �easustd on tbs 1lortb�rly lin� o� Lot S2. flovard �aYk. 20 l��t _ aoutbaaat�rly, o� the Dlarthae�t�riy corn�r o� said Lvi S2� theac� ia a southw�at�rly �ir�ction on s str�igbt 11n� to a point l0 f��t southerly oi the Nortturly lino o! aaid Lot S7 and 7 f��t �ast�Yly of.'�the► West�rly lino ot s�id Lot SZ� th�nc� sou�l�trly or a straight lin� 7 loet esat�riy ot and parallel to tb� tiio�t:rly li»e 'af s�id Lot SZ to �th� point 'of inter�ection vith tb� �outh�rly line of said Lot Sx. � , ' ' ' Al�o condemn �ad t�k� s�se�oents `ia' tht land n�c�a��ry for slop�s, cuts, and illa including right o! ramoval o� �lat�ral rupport froa �ub�eat land or roo�ind�ttjO�fi���'�$�e by •xc�►vationa theraof or consCruction o! alop�� 'in tin� �radin� �nd pavin� of Fsirvirw A tbe ext�nt of ��id �ase�aerts ta be as showc� �on ap��in� sud slope taiu�n�t p"'�ia� No�B on lile i� tb�.DeparCment, of �'ubl ic�ifoska.� ' " �� �� " ' � � .. . z, iu��� vvCinenL is asxea �DrR�tii`�d�f..�. ti'o�l �, �, �r x'�'��'. CaF ,� �; �INANCE ��� ,,. y � °�;.�_ ' �!� , _. �' Oti Commissioner of ublic Works r_ N l ` I � �� � �+ /� � I � y �� o v W � � � � :;�&�., �/$���/� � � � m ,�„� � � W � � W N L. � � o p .n . � n° � h . ' 'OZ••. Q '� � � �9 � i°- (J • �� jr ' � ,� d i �O 3Q � � � �_ + �nW � ,�� W >. a � a ' '_J a� � , ' � m �- � �. � a � 0 0 °� , Y Q p� � °° � . � � � � .� �-�`' d Z ,, �q ! s o'z g �-L• � c� C] o; . -- �'°� N T+o + � = M u y � � � � ; � ; , . '' + N 0�66'�b'/I __� p � N � � - � • ,� gz °'z � Y ; .�•�+ b•t � � � � 3 � � � � w a � W `i�. Q . • o � w LY � M�ti ` � ` � �_- O�� . ` � ,� � ' (�—y b.+ �v �� �•�.. � Y o I LL?'E � � F- 9•� 3 � � _ � �}�� � � � ,� � � � � LI � � , N � �...� - '3/\b' b'1IJO�3� z�a : �n `.4 � Y � . � ' a�e , � . � s �� � m � , �` �; ln , . r � � ` � � �, � O � � � � lf� , � . _ � �'� ..� . � � � � S � h �.. � N . � Qi ' C 3 h 00 � �� 'c� N 0i(n � � - *l �J _ � ��N � V ii u 4 . N � t �i,C� 0 — • , m v � --� '1 v �. � i � a + °7 �` 3rvZ � 'o ° —° � � x o � � � C z Q am + �o ,. � � �,� �n v ip m v � U � � v � � cV � n- a'n o.'o_++ C > � � ; � �� � ' V �W N � � � �m(�� � � NL_ � Q +Za u ;at ' ,` ; o � : . •� a � �p 4 � � . - � .