237496 ORIGINALiO CITY CLERK ���'�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION E L F M PRESENTED BY e�t F. Peterson "� 6$ COMMISSIONE AT ___ � - WHEREAS, Capital Improvement Bond program provides Eaonies for an increased sewer program, and WHEREAS, part of the costs of these progra�ns are to be assessed, and WHEREAS, the Charter requires that public notices be sent to each property owner in the area to be assessed in each drainage area, and WNEREAS, fund5were not provided in the Finance Department's Budget for this work, and, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the estimated cost of preparing and mailing these notices in the amount of $4,000 be charged to the Permanent Improve�ent Revolving Fund Code 6000 and this same fund to be reimbursed frc�a Capital Improvement Bond Funds. FORM A ROVED Asst. rporation Co sel COUNCILMEN ���� '� �g�� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson "�,��,� `k h��� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson V , Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne Pt�LIS�tE, MAR 16 1968 �22 _ .. , ���� DU►LICl1�}L TO MINT6R �� �� � E CITY OF ST. PAUL FC.IO`ENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�NERAL K3RM co�s IONEp Robert F. Pet:rson p�,� Ma'rch 8. 1968 --- WHEREAS, Capital i�aprava�s�t Bond program providms awni�s for an i ncrsased srwer progra�a, and � 1rHEREAS, part of the cflsts of thes� prvgraais are to bs �sssssN, and . MNEREAS, t� Cha�ter requi r�s tlut publ ic r�titas be s�t to �a�ch prop�rty �+n�r in the ass� to b� ass�ss�d in �sch drai� arsa. and WHEREAS, fund anr• not prov 1 dsd i n th� Fi�ance D�a�tMnt's Budy�t for this work, and� th�rsfor�, b� it RESOLVED, that the ostimatad cost of propari�g arid aiaiitny thsss rwticas i� the a�awnt of $4,p00 b� clur�gad to tho Per+nan�at I�prav�a�nt Revolving Fund Cod� 6000 and this sau�s` fut�d to bs r�ia�u�s�d fraa Capttal iwprov�atnt Bo�d Funds. COUNCILMEN �` � �t Adopted by the Council 19, Yeas Nays Carlaon _ �� �, �968 Dalgli$h . Approved 19— Holland Meredith Favor Peteraon � �y� Tedeaco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne •�•s: