237494 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � �� • �-��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RES TI N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE -_ MHEREAS, The Department of P�blic ilorks has a vacancy for a Traffic Engineer; and i�MEREAS, The Department of Publ ic Wbrks and the Civi l Service Bureau has not been able to fiil the vacancy fran the available qualified personnel in the local area; and WHEREAS, A Mr. Robert Gerald Chaboyer has indicated a strong interest n, � - in the Traffic Engineer position and has represented sufficiently that he �( has qualifications necessary or above the requirements required to satisfy the specifications for the vacant position, a�d MHEREAS, Mr. Robert Gerald Chaboyer is now a resident of Yest Virginia while he is completing his Masters Degree at Yest Virginia in Transportation Engineering; now, then, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council of St. Paul hereby authorizes the reimbursement of all pocket expenses incurred by Mr. Robert Gerald Chaboyer to ailow for an inte�view that will serve the best interest of the City; and, be i t further RESOLVED, That the totai sum of a�oney to be reimbursed to Mr. Robert Gerald Chaboyer in no event shall exceed the sum of $200.00 to be paid fo� by the Depart�ent of Public Works, Engineer's Fund 0201-204. L� �968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � � �S 1��$ Dalglish pproved 19____ Holland Favor Meredith � � Peterson Mayor Tedesco �►gain3t Mr. President, Byrne PH'�LiSHE, MAR 16 1968 �22 DUPLIGATE TO PRIN7ER � ���r�(�',�,"``,,i . , — GTY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �' = - � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER � _�______ DATF ____. �;�►�G^-.S, The G�;:�rti:,�nt of P��1 ic k'3rG;s h�s a vac�ncy for a Traffic En�ines�; ��d k�t£;'.Cf1S, Th� �����tr:z�nt of Pu51 ic Fa�rks and tha Civf 1 S�rvica - E►ut�a� t�as not b�:n a�l�. to f i 11 ty� vac�r�cy f rc:� tt�s av�i l�a l e qua l i f ied personnal in td,a tg�al �re�; �nd �::►�6t��, A E��. �c��rt Cb rald C�t����,�er h�� ir�dlcat�d a sern�ar� int�r�:st ln the Tr��ffi� En�i����r pa;iti�n �nJ has r��Pe��nted suffici�:ntly �h�t h� � � �1 . has qu�l lf tc�tiQ,-�s n�ce�sary or �';a�e the rec;uir`��t3nts required to sa�i�fy :;-;,� the �p�cifrfc�tior�s fc�s- thv v�c�;�� p�si�ion; ��d �,��Cf'�E,AS� �rr. t'�.��rt C��rald Cl��'�oy�r is no� � rasid`nt of l,�st Virglni� r�hfle hQ is co::��leti�g his �33atvf'�i C:;�ree at �:`:st Virginia in Tr���portation Enginc�rin3; nas��, t��n� bo it . �iCSO1.t�E�� Yf��t tfyW City Co�i�c11 ot St. Paui h�re�y auti�ortaes the raf�:�ur�en�a�t ofi �i l packc�t e;s,��;��es in��se�red by d;r. E:�v�rt C��al�Chaboyar to �11ozr for �s� intervie�� tt�at 4�ai1 � setv� tl�� be�t triterest of t►�� City; and, bo tt furth�r PES4Ltfc�, Th�t tha tvt�l �Lm of nen�y to bV r�draur��� to �4�. Ftobert G3�ald Cha�oy�r i� no e�Pen� ���11 c:�c�.:J th� s�:� o� ���;�.C30 to b� paid fvr by tr� C��arfB�:iVi{� Y� �a.i§t� �l+ !.'ar�ts, Gn�l�r�r's fu�J ���1-20�►. � :��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council� 19— Yeas Nays • Cartson � �!�I� :�'. ��6g Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland In Favor Meredith ,, � Peterson �! Mayor Tedesco Against . Mr. President, Byrne �22