237488 ORIGINAL TO CITY GL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL O,OENCIL NO.�E���:� - �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU OLUTIO ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rob,ert F. Peterson March 8 1968 COM M I SSI ON E AT� � __ WHEREAS, the City Council of St. Paul passed C. F. No. 2344�+1 , an ordinance to provide for adoption and aa�endment of a capital budget by resolution for the City of St. Paul pursuant to Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular Session, Chapter 460, and WHEREAS, the City Council did adopt a capital budget, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department was charged with the responsi- bility for certain sewer, paving and traffic projects, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Departaaent will enter into agreeraents froaa time to time with various engineering consultant firms upon autkarization of the Council by resolution, and WHEREAS, thesa agreements provide for pay�ne�t to these consultants for a Preliminary Report, for Design E�gineering, and for IA-Contract Engineering, be it RESOLVED, that the cost be charged to the Per�anent Imp�trement Revolving Fund Code 6000 and this saa+e fund to be rei�bursed fro� Capital l�provement Bond Funds. FORM A ROVED Asst. C poration n el COUNCILMEN � � 196g Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � � 196$ Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson , Mayor Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne p�Q��� �pR 10 1968 � �2a . � . DU/LICAR TO lRINT[R � � . � . � .� . �����;� , CITY OF ST. PAU�. �uHCr� NO. - � O�FICE OF THE EITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-CENERAL FORM ►RESENTED�Y Robart F. Peterson NarCh 8 1968 COMMISSIONE� DA� • ._ wHER�►s, th. c�ty councll of st. Paul passsd c. F. No. a34441, an ordinanc� to prcvtde for adoption and a�aendmant of a capttsi bud9at by r�solution for the City of St. tsul pursuant to I.aws of Mit�nesota for 1967, Rsgular Sesston, Chaptmr 4b0, and MIHEREAS, the Gity Councii dld adopt a capital budgst, a�d ' MlHEREAS, tha Pubitc Works Departmant aas charged with the res�st- btlity for cartain smwer, paving and trafflc projvcts� and WltEREAS, t�t Pub,tic Works Dspartwa�t will �t�r into agrs�wsnts frow ti�a to tia� wlth various �ngineering ca�suita�t flnns e�pon aut�wrizatlon of the Coue�cll by resotution. and ' ' MIlEREAS, th�se agrme�aents prav t ds for pay�isnt to tt�se consn l tants for a Preliminery Report, �or Design Engtne�ring, and for In-Contra�ct Engineering. be it REtOLVED, that the cost ba charqed to th� Pe�nsc�t IaapNar�sAt Revolving Fu�d Code 6000 and this sa�s fund to bs reta�bursad frvai Cspital Imprrn►ement eond Funds. COUNCILMEN � 8196g Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish �1�{� �' 196g Approved 19— Holland ' Meredith jn Favor Peterson �y�. Tedesco `� A gainst Mr. President, 8yrne �--------� q�29