237469 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2����9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - OUN SO ION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY � COMMISSIONE DATF ___ RESOLVID, That the Council hereby approves the award �f the C�ntract Comtnittee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishin� and delivering, also adjusting and checking after being installed, to the Board of Water Commissi�ners - T0: ALISS-CHAIr�RS MArNFACT[TRING COP�ANY - 1 Outdoor 15 kv Metal-Cl:a,d S�aitchgear Atsembly 2 13.8�2.�+ kv power transl'ormers 1 Indoor 5 kv Metal Clad Switchgear Assembly for the contract price of . . . . . . . . �222,072.00 in accordancE with Contract Document� :for Contract No. 6 Furnishing of McCarron Station Electrical Equipment, 1967 Extension, DHU�D Project No. WS-1+-2�+-0007 prepared by Bl.a.ck & Veatch, Consulting Engineers, and Formal Bid �2725 of said bidder, such bid bein� the lowest and said bidder being reasonable and reliable, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the pr�per form of contract therefor, and the proper City of- ficials hereby are authorized t� execute said contract on beha,lf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid 7r2725• � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � � 19�j�_ Yeas Nays � � �968 Dalglish pprover�lfl� 19.� Holland Favor Meredith n t Peterson �� Mayor Tedesco AS'��st Mr. President, Byrne P(�BLISHE� M�R � T9�i� �22