237456 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK -J����C CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL Nd� • �:: LICFt�I5E CC�NIITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � --- Mgj�Ch 8� ],96u COMMISSIONE DATF � 4: � i�REASt Albert �. Smith D/B/A U-Haul Co.� Inc. has macie Application K-?79 or license to operate one motor vehicle as a Motor Vehicle ��ental upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as follows: M.�f.P.entaJ, kSake Serial Insuranee - 222 Foxd. F601�i31.t9�39 Hartford Acc. & Tsid. Co. Poiic�r 52ea8o�c�o, ex�a.ring 12so1 A.M. ST May 1, 19b9 W�R"GASa Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of 3aint Pau1� and gaid policy has been a�proved as to form and execution by the Corpora�ian Co�unnsel; therefore, be it BESCL�t That li cense to operate said motor vehicle as a ��otor Vehicle Hsntal upon the street o,f the �ity of Saint 1'aul, be an� t,he same is hereby granted to �1.bert G. Smith D/B/�/ U-Haul Co., Tnc. RF,�tL�AL Addresss 1236 Arcade St. � 1�68 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19___ Yeas Nays � � 1968 cieiri�err Dalgliah Approved 19— Holland n Favor Meredith O • Peterson Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne PI��LISNE� ��� � ���� O