237452 OR161AAL TO CITY CLBRK ��-' ! ��� , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COU�ILC�LUT N-GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE DATF WHER�AS, Reginald J . Smith, an employee of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protee�ion, was in�ured in a third party accident on �anuary 1�+, 1957, while engaged in the perfor�manee of his duties for said Bureau; and 4�IiEREAS, the Ci�y has incurred medieal e�aense in the amount of $920.33 therefor, and said employee was disabled for work for a period of time, bein� paid salary in the amount of $1,6�+5.02; and WHEREA3, a se�tlem�nt has been negotiated between said employee and the other party involved in said accident, in �he total a�ount of $3,000.00, and out of said sum, the City will receive the amount of' $1,000.00; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper C3.ty Officers are hereby autho- rized to accep� in full final and complete settlement of its claim herein the surn of$1,000.00, to endorse the draft of the E�pire Fire and Marine Insurance Company in the amount of �3,000,00 in exchan�e there£or�, and to execute the necessa�y releases the�efo��; �hat of said sum, $�+00.00 is thereby credited to the Workmen'� Compensat�:on F'und; and �600.00 to the Firemen�s Salary Fund. F0 V D Asst Corpor i n Counsel �,�. , �,�� '� �g�l� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� Carlson ;�:nl�`� �, � Dalglish n Approved 19—�_ Holland Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PH�L1S�iE9 �A� � 1��� �O DUPi,.CATE TO PRINTER /�, /�.��.;� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "� ' �" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 O N ER DATF WHEREAS, Reginald J. Sm3.�h, an �mployee of the Departrnent of Pub11c Safety, Burea� of Fir� Pratec�ion, was in�ured in a third party accident on January l�, 1957, whi].e engaged in the performanee of his duti�� for eaid Bureau; and WHEREAS, the City has incurr+�d medieal expenee in the amount af $g24.33 �herefor, and said empinyee wss dieabled for work for a period of t3me, being paid salar� in the amount of $1,6�5.02; and WHEREAS, a ��ttlement has been negotiated between said employee and ��e other party involved in said a�cident, in the to�al amcaun� of" �$3,00t3.00, and out of aaid sum, the City will r€�ceive '�he amount of $1,000.00,� now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th�t th� prop�r City Officere are hereby autho- rized to accep� 3.n full final and complete aett�ement o� its claim herein the sun� of $1,000.00, to endorse the draft oP the Empire Fire and Marine Inauran�e Compang in �he amount of $3,00�.00 in exehange �herefore, and to execute th� neees8ary releases therefore; that of said sum, $�4�.OQ is '�hereby cred3�ed to the Workmen'e Compensation Fund; arid $�40.00 to the Firemen's Salary Fund. �y�,� � I :el r4`�.'� ' �f A COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson „ "`�� Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland �n Favor Meredith Peterson C.� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O