04-509Council Ftile # �r �
Presented by
Referred To
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°Z �' "���� Green Sheet # 3013015
Coamuttee Date S /�
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
Pilot Project pursuant to Civil Service Rule 8A.6 to jointly administer and process examinations with
Ramsey County for the title, Library Clerk, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a progress report be given to the Library Board
in one year to determine whether the pilot project should be renewed by the Board.
Yeas Na s Absent
Benanav 7 /
Bostrom �
Harris �
Helgen �
Lantry ,i
Montgomery �
Thune ,/
d �
Adopted by Council: Date ��///! �/mi c�0��
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by
Requested by Department of:
Office of n Resources
Form Appr ed by C' ey
ygh for Submission i
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet-Green Sheet Green Sheet Green
DepartmenU�ce/council: Date Initiated:
HU — HumanResources o�-�� Green Sheet NO: 3013015
CoMact Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person Initial/Date
Mgela Nalezny � 0 uman ur
2666515 q55ign I aman R urces D artment Director �
Must Be on Councit Agenda by (Date): Mumber J
2 i tto
Routing 3 avor Omce MavorlAs istant
Ord¢� 4 unci�
5 i Clerk Ci Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached Pilot Project pursuant to Civil Service Rule 8A.6 to jointly administer and process exanuvarions with Ramsey
Counry for the title, Library Clerk.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): � Persomal Service Contrects Must Mswer the Pollowing Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
� Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee?
Yes No
3. Dces ihis personJfirm possess a skill not nortnairy passessed by any �
current qty employee?
Yes No
Exp4ain a11 yes answers on separete Sheet and attacfi to green sheet
In�tiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Fo; some }oh openings, the City and County are dnplicating effoits, especially when it is found there is an overlap in the appiicants that
apply for City and Counry jobs and the tests given aze very much alike.
� AdvantaaeslfApproved: ,
There would be an increase of applicants, incxeased diversity of applicants, increased diveisiry of new hires. There would also be a
decrease in the overall workload due to collaborarion in comparison to two separate processes.
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
' More time spent on development and adnvnistrarion of tests means less time allowed for tazgeted recruiting.
Total Amoont of CosURevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financiat Information:
Randy C. Kelly, Moyor
25 We.sr Founh Stme!
Mrnnesota 55l0?-163!
400 Ctry Haf(Anxes
Council President Bostrom and City Council Members
Mayor Randy Kelly
Dennis Flaherty, Deputy Mayor
From: Angela Nalezny, Human Resources Director
Date: April 29, 2004
l.� 1�� f
511a lC
TeleQho�ee: 6i1-?66-6500
651-266-6i01 SaintPaul,
Re: City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Exam Collaboration Pilot Project
This pilot project is presented pursuant to Civil Service Ru]e 8A6:
The Human Resources Director may conduct pi(ot and/or reseazch projects designed to enhance
recruitment, selection, experimental ]earning p]acements, pre-entry training pro�rams, employee career
development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-theyob training programs, referral and/or
appointment processes for the filling of City positions. (Full text is attached.)
The City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County will jointly administer and process exams for Library Clerk, an
entry-ievel library position (Ramsey County's equivalentjob title is Library Page.) The parties will joinUy
recruit and administer the qualifications exam at their respective libraries and produce a common applicant list.
Once the applicant list is established, the process will separate so both parties can hire according to their own
Personnel or Civil Service Rules. (County seniority points and the City's promotion rights �� ill be app]ied by
each respective party sepazately thus creating separate eligible lists.) Both the City and County Library
Directors are in favor of this pilot project and have actively participated in the planning process.
The process of conducting employment exams is labor intensive, both for the City and the County. The many
phases are high]y detail oriented (including exam creation, administration, scoring and certification) and require
An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer
a greaT deal of daTa entry. For some job openings, the City and County aze truly duplicating efforts, especialIy
when we find there is overlap in the applicants that apply for City and County jobs and the tests given aze yery
much alike.
`One drawback in spending so much time on the exam side of employment hiring is less time for recruiting,
especiaily targeted recnriting. One goal ofthis pi[ot project is to increase the diversity of the pool of applicants,
and ultimately the workforce, for both the City and the CounTy. Staffers will be abie to spend more time at job
fairs, in the public high schools, and developing recruitmenY contacis in the community.
Additional goals of this collaboration include economies of scale in recruitment, advertising, job fairs, and exam
creation and administration.
BoYh Yhe City AdminisffaYion and the County Boazd have a strong commitment to this type of collaborarion and
to diversifying their respective workforces.
The exam collaboration committee, made up of representatives from the CiTy and County Human Resources
Departments, developed a collaboration matrix of 42 possible job classifications that could be applicable for
City-County Exam Coflaboration. The classifications were analyzed using the following categories: job title,
typical duties performed, minimum qualificarions, salary range, exam types and supervisory IeveI. The
committee has identified a group of job titles that are comparable in neazly all cate�ories, were administered
faidy frequently by bothjurisdictions and would be the best candidates for use in this collaboration. However at
this time, the committee would like to focus on one job title and use it as a pilot, that being Library
Clerk/Library Page. This title is part-time and requires working evenings and weekends. The City often posts
this job as "open continuous," meaning we accept appIications over a long period of time and test and post
eligible lists often to ensure the Library has enough employees to cover vacancies. This job classification is an
ideal test case for this proposed collaboration. If this project is saccessful, both parties will �ikely propose a
more formal relationship in the form of a joint powers agreement.
The parties witl split the labor time/cost of recruitment, job fairs, advertising and exam administration.
This pilot project is praposed for three yeazs.
Civil Service Rules
Civil Service Rule 8A6 allows for the following.
Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the
purposes of these projecis. Their suspension is iimited for the time period as specified for the project. A
project will not exceed a 3-yeaz time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and
Council within 3-months of the end of the project.
Since the proposed City-County Exam Collaboration process is different than what is currently done, we are
asking to suspend, or more accurately, amend, Civil Service Rule 6.C. In some ways, �ve ara amending all the
Civil Service Rules as they pertain to recruitment and exam administration to allow for Ramsey County's role in
the process.
An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer
6.0 - Examination Administrarion
All examinations shall be prepazed and held under the direction of the Director, who may designate City
employees or employ persons from outside the City as special examiners to assist with the prepazation,
conduct, or grading of any examination.
Comment: All exams will be prepazed and held under the direction of both the City and Ramsey County Human
Resources Directors with input from both the City's and County's Libraries. The test will be a qualifications
rating, which is a passlfail test.
Data Practices
Personnel data shall be shazed between City and County employees in accordance with the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act. Applicants will be applying for a job in both jurisdictions at the same time and
the data submitted, both public and private, will be given to bothjurisdictions. This information will be ]isted
on thejob announcement.
Union Discussions
I met with AFSMCE Business Representative Kurt Errickson and Local 2508 President Marcy Schillinger on
December 1, 2003. Both were in favor of collaboration but were concerned about this process replacing city
jobs. The rea]ity is that both Human Resources departments have e�perienced budget cuts and reductions in
staff and would have with or without this project. One goal of this project is to try to reduce the workload of
existing staff.
In early April, 2004, Mr. Errickson and Ms. Schillinger informed me that AFSCME was not in favor of this
pilot project. AFSCME Local 2508 Executive Board felt that this position was too important for the Library to
give up hiring decisions. We met again on April 29, 2Q04 with Library staff to discuss the de[ails and to assure
AFSCME that the City was not giving up decisions on any point in the process and certainly not the hiring
decisions; the application and testing process will be done jointly, but is completely separate once an eligible list
is created and any candidates are interviewed and hired. They would iike to present this pilot project to the
membership for a vote in June. However, they still aze not in favor of The pilot project and feel we aze
advertising for our competitors and may ]ose the best applicants. Neither the Library nor Human Resources
believe that to be the case. Since St. Paul has twice the number of libraries, we hire twice the number of Library
Clerks so we will use the lists more than Ramsey County. Also, someone can work at bothjurisdictions and it
wi!! be unlikely that at any given time, a candidate would be choosing between the jurisdictions with two job
offers in hand. Finally, all parties involved in the collaboration feel there are tremendous benefits in
collaboration, in building relationships with colleagues and in learning and finding and developing best
Measures of Success
The CommiYtee will measure success by the following:
• Increaseofapplicants
• tncrease in the diversity of applicants
• Increase in the diversity of new hires
• Decrease in the overall workload of co]laboration in comparison to two separate processes
• Realize economies of scale (i.e. cost savings)
• Satisfaction of both Library agencies
An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer
As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. My phone number is 266-6515.
Attachmerzt: Civil Service Rule 8A6 (Pilot Projects)
An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer
Library Cferk/Library Page
Joint Testing Pilot Project
.x _ .
Both�juri`sdicfi�ons post exact saine job announcemenf '
Bofh jurisdictions accept job application:
and conduct skills test at their respective�libi
Upon application deadline, the candidate ool is combined,
then separated based on ity/county�$�erence {s�keE�r}
and separate eli ible lists are established
-1 1�
Each Library conducts hiring interviews separately