237431 � s (� O�ItI61NAi�3p CITY CLHRK /_����� � , � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOE NCIL N�,. �'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I55I ON E DATF WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States is now con- sidering a proposal by President Johnson to provide law enforcement assistance to cities ; and , WHEREAS� the Council of the City of Saint Paul feels that such a pro gram would be important and vital to the citizens of this City; and , WHEREAS, it has been suggested that fun.ds for law en�orce- ment assistance be channeled through the states rather than handled directly between the Federal Government and local govern- ing bodies; and WHEREAS, the Council feels that law enforcement assistance by the Federal Government would be more effective if it proceeded by a direct Federal-to-city relationship such as most other Federal gran t programs ; Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul� that it respectfully requests the Federal Congress to give favorable consideration to providing law enforcement assistanae to local governments ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that sueh assistance should be provided on a direct Federal-to-city basis, without intervention of state governors or other state agencies ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to forward copies of this Resolution to all United States Senators and Members of the House of Representatives from the State of Minnesota. F M RPPROVE Corp ation C unsel �� ��' ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson s�J1f�r ! �� Dalglish Approved 19_._ Holland ,�n Favor Meredith ' Peterson � Mayor Against Tedesco �]A�' � �.�6� Mr. President, Byrne P�g���E� y Y� �O . -- . . � 3 � � 3 � bDIN LANGEN ao9 C�wr+oN O�iee Buu.wrw 7'n�Dle'nnCr,Mmw6s07� T�O►ie:CAp�TO�.4-9121 l Exrr�+s�a+2185 COMMITTBBi APpROPR1AT10N5 �or�gre�� o� �je ��iteb �ta�te� HOME:Km�ui�Y,MINN. suacot.tFU77ees: 6ALE R.MITCHELL AGRICULTURE �ou�e of �tepregerttatibe� ADMINI$TRATIVE ASSI8TANT LEGtSLATIVE ���cri��o�:,�.�. 20515 March 8, 1968 Mr. Harry E. Marshall St. Paul City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I am i.n receipt of your letter of March 6th enclosing a copy of the resolution adopted by the Saint Paul City Council regarding law enforcement assistance on a direct Federal-to-city basis. It was thoughtful of you to provide me with this resolution. Kindest personal regards. erel , < L ODIN GEN Membe of Cong ess OL:kb .. � �' .. RUSSELL B.LONG.LA.,CHAIRMAN OEORGE A.SMATXERS,FLA. JOHN J.WILLIAMS,DEL. �CLINTDN P.ANDER40N,N.MEX. FRAMC CARLSON,KANS. ALBERT GORE�TENN. WALLACE F.BENNETT,UTAH HERMAN E.TALMAD(iE�GA. CARL T.CURTIS,NEBR. EUGENE J.MCCARTXY,MINN. THRUSTON B.MORTON�KY. VANCE HARTKE,IND. EVERETT MC KINLEY DIRKSEN�IL4 'ZI Cr��f¢� ,�f af¢� ,$e�caf¢ J.W.FULBRI6FIT,ARK. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF,CONN. LEE METCALF�ntorar. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE FRED R.HARRIS,OKLA. . TOM VAFL�CHIEF COUNSEL March 8, 1968 Mr. Harry E . Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr . Marshall: I have received your letter and a copy of the Resolution adopted by the City Council of St. Paul . I appreciate having the recommendations of the Council that legislation be adopted to provide for law enforcement assistance on a Federal-to-city basis . The Comanittee on the Judiciary has not, as yet, re- ported a bill but you may be assured of my close at- tention to any measure they bring to the Senate for action and that I will have your comments in mind . With best wishes . Sincerely yours, � Eu ne J. arthy EJM:hv V CIJNTON R ANDERSON�N.ME�..CXAIRMAN � � / � J � ( RICHARD B.RASSELL:R11: MAROARET CNASE BMITM.MAINE �j WARREN O.MA6NU80N,WASM. Bd1RKE B.NIpCENLOOPER�IOWA � STUART S1fMIN6TON,MO. CARL T.CURTIB,NEBR. JONN BTENNIB,MISS. LEN B.JORDAN,IDAXO STEPXEN M.YOUN6,OHIO EDWARD W.oROOKE,MA88. �C�c�f eb ,�f a�es ,�e�af¢ TXOMAS J.OODO.CONN. CXARLE3 X.rERGY,ILL. HOWARD W.CANNON,NEV. BPESSARD L.HOLLAND,FLA. WALTER P.MONDALE,MINN. COMMITTEE ON � AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES JAMEB J.GEHRIO�8TAFF DIREGTOR WnSHINGTON,D.C. 20510 March 29, 1968 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: 2 want to thank you for sending me a copy of the Resolution recently adopted by the St . Paul City Council requesting the Congress to provide future law enf'orcement assistance on a direct federal-city basis . I am, of course, most grateful for receiving a copy of the Resolution. Although I am not a member of the Committee where this legislation is being actively considered at the present time, I will certainly remain mindful of the Council' s position when the legislation is before the Senate for final action. I do believe that the Council' s Resolution should be brought to the attention of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I am therefore forwarding a copy of the Resolution to Senator Eastland asking that every consideration be given to the position held by the Council. Thank you again for your courtesy in writing. With warmest regards . ' c ly r alter F. M da e March 6, 19��8 � ,�, ,' 'j � � Hon. Harold LeVander, ���-- ' i Governor of Minnesota, ``� ---�..._�_..�,,.,\\ State Capitol, � St. Pa.ul, Minn. 55101. �'�,,--„�`'�, `'��'� p/�� �� Aear Sir: ,,i .� f, ,, � � �,' �,` Enclosed for. your info�tion/�i�s'''a resolution of the ��`� Saint Pa.ul City Council ,,�s��ng t �ederal Congress to give ���'�---� favorable considerati to pravid� la�.enforcement assi.stance �� � � on a direct Federal-t �city basis�' ,; 9' �� d f __ � 'E �.. ��� � ��,.� ,.._...-�^° �; �'"` Very truly yours, ' ; �� i{ " City Clerk ���' I-1M�Yqp �_ t' ,..-�__�.. �....1 Sent le�r,s tc�: Hon, Harold LeVander Hon. Eugene J. McCarthy Hon, Walter Mondale fion, Joseph F. Karth Hon. Donald M. I'raser Hon. John M. }3latnik Hon. Odin Langen Hon. Ancher Nelsen Hon, John M. Zwach Hon. Clark MacGregor Hon. Albert H. �uie 4 JOS6PH�E.KARTH ' + �w�*�a+ 4TH DISTRIC7,Mtxxeaor� SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS � SUBODYYITiFB ON 2132 RAY806N HWSE OFFICE NASA OVERSIGHT B°°�°°� �origregg of t�e �ttiteD �tate;� ���,� CtlA1QY11N,SOBCOYMYREE ON $PACE SGENCES AND ROBERT E.HESS �ou�c of �e�re�enta�tfbe� ��«TIONS MNIMISTR�TIVE ASSISi�pT �asfjingtolT,�.C. 20515 °�"'"7ee 01� MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES /OBCONNRTEB ON FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION March 7, 1968 soeeoxrm�ax OCEANOGRAPHY suawxrmee ox PANAMA CANAL Mr. Haxry E. Me.rshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul Room 386 City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota. 55102 Dear Ha.rry: , Thank you very much for sending along to me a copy of the Resolution passed by the Sai.nt Paul City Council recently requested favor- able consideration to providing law enforcement assistance on a direct Fed.eral-to-city basis. I certainly do appreciate your thought- fulness in giving me the benefit of the Council's views. With best wishes, I am Sincerel,y yours, �� eph E. Karth JEK:pw