237427 . ((''�� _ ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 'J��� . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE N�� N OU CI��FSOLU N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, Upon the pertinent appeal , under the Zoning Code, by Capital City State Bank, own.er of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul, located at the northeast corner of Rice and Lawson. Streets, more particularly described as Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 3, J. F. Eisen.mengers Addition to St. Paul, partially zoned in "B" Residence Dis— trict and partially zoned in Commercial District, under said Zoning Code, that the provisions of said Zoning Gode hereby are determined and varied in their application to said real estate, as and to the extent necessary therefor, and that a special permit hereby is gran.ted for the extension of the Commercial District use presently permitted on a portion of said herein.above described real estate to all of the same; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Capital City State Bank, own.er of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as: Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 3, J. F. Eisenmengers Addition to St. Paul; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and the requirement for an eight foot buffer between a parking facility and a residential lot at the northeast corner of Rice Street and Lawson Street is hereby relaxed; subject to the condition that said appellant—applicant, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. � zoxn�a wr�ewz. F A P P h Notice is hereb, �iven that a Rublic �� �ea will be Iteld before the Ci t y �s�, Corporation Counsei C�o n n o�i l a t l fl A.M. o n F e b r u a r y �i, 1988, in the City Council G7iamber oi. the LYty Hali and Coui}�t House, in the matter oi Lhe eal of Capital City $tate. Bank i�d Atlam), under � Legislatfve Code,Zoning�C'odesfo rex lylf'� -� ���"� tens�on of Coaimercial use to entire COUNCILMEN �o�n�{hed��ve�r�l�r�ui�o��e'`�i Adopted by the Council 19— ia� le Blobeck 3 d F�yE e�i�men8er s Yeas Nayf A�dition and proposed alley to be va- � �.(�'r�j� cated between Lots 13, 14, 18 and 16, Carlson ;o�ar�a at r,n� northeaei corner of Rice 3t. and I.awaoa Ave. Dalglish Datea Feb�a., iees. pprove� 19— H,�RRY E. `��*3.�m�►�:+. Holland CitY Clerk. ; cr+e�rwry io, i9ee� � or Meredith -- - ,l Peterson V Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne Pd�L��E� MAR 9 1968 �� ,Harry l�. Marshbll ��TY ,�, Albert B. Olson � City/Clerk and Raw �� Council Recorder Commissioner of Reeiatration a � x o � i _�'� �b ��, �o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,���,�� BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Feb, 21, 1g68 Mr. Joseph P. Su�ners, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The City Council requests that you prepare a resolution granting the appeal of Capital City State Ba.nk for (1) an extension of Commercial use and (2) a relagation of the required 8' buffer between a parkin� facility a,nd a residential lot at the northeast corner of Rice and Lawson Streets. Very truly yours L� ��� �.ti 1 Cit - Clerk hP (���. R � � E � vE � �Eg � 1196a �r,.;*!;F_�, �(�3l�'�,, ,�t•., , � n,7 � � � • � l • , t , � v BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUtLDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 February 19, 1968 I�r. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Courthause i�ar Sir: This is in reference to th� appeal of Ca�ital City State Bank for 1) an extension of Commercial us� and 2) a relaxation of the r�quired 8' buffer between a parking facility and a residential lot at the northeast corner of Rice Street and Lawson Street. This property is further described as Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 3, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition and the uacated •alley w�st of lot 16. The applicant proposes to va.cate that portion of the alley west of Lot 16 and to use the vacated alley and Lot 16 for additional customer narking for commercial uses in the area. This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning on October 19, 1967. At that time, the staff reported that the area zoning consisted of Commercial on the Rice Street frontage and "B" Residence for the remainin� area. North and east of Lot 16, which is proposed for the parking lot expansion, are single-family residences. South are one and two family residences and a bank. tdest is a clinic and an off-street parking facility. At the time of the Board of Zoning meeting, Lot 16 was occupied by a relatively old duplex which was approximately 4' higher than the existing parking lot. This structure has since been removed. Mr. Gerald Swanson, of the Corporation Counsel's office, states that if a lot is divided by a public alley it is not a lot to which a use can be extended under Section 64.03 (a) of the Zoning Code. Therefore, before such an extension of use can be granted, the alley would have to be vacated and be in conti�na�s ownershi� with the adjacent property. It was the findings of the board�that the extension of use as proposed and the waiver of the 8' buffer along the East property line of Lot 16 would not be detrimental to the neighborhood. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends approval of the extension of commercial use to include Lot 16 and the waiver of the 8' buffer, provided that the alley adjacent to the west line of Lot 16 be vacated. Very truly yours, ^ � ( ,„ � °,�T� � r . I{,�'r�� . i p� ,�.`�`.. .. � Noland R. Heiden ' �y r, � Secretar � �_w-.��Y ' . a.�¢�."�,:.� Y r � NRH:cv ;;,"� GMK Bo � �� Z.F. #6380 " . _� , , < ' - ,: r � vU�(tD Ol�' IUPdINU RI;I'OR'i' ANU AC1'lON _ -���#;�-�3-, _ _ Plat 141ap 2�1 _ _ Actit��; uncici• Le�;islative Code Cha�>t�.i� GU tbru G�1 Filc No. ^ passcd Aui;usi; 22, 1922 as amended to Au�;u�t 2�1 , 19G4 �'3`;r --- Also �'»2 1. APPLiC�1Ni''S NE1hIL • Ca��ital Cit•i Stat� I3��nk 2. CL.4SSIFICA'1'ION � Amendment � tlppcal ❑Permit u Othcr � ;. 3. IyUItPOS� • 1) ��t. of Co�r�'l. Use ?.) ;:al�ix 3' i.�urf-�r 4. LOCATION • :I.I:. Cor:��r of R?c� & I.�a•;�son Stra-�ts 5. I�G�'1L DESCRIPTION � Lots 13, 1�F, 15, 1.6, i3lcck 3, J.F. Fis�nm�n-�r's Addn. � vacat:;d a.11�v. 6. PRESE�IT ZONING . ���;�� � Co-arn=�rcial 7. PURSUANT TO 2onin� Code Chaptcr: ��E.03 Section: Paragraph: a 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION 8:, FiEPORT: Date: 10/15/67 BY� G;�I'cC A. HISTORY: Infor:�al a�?roval 9/25/57 B. Z0:1Ii�;G r".D::I:dISTRATIO`J: 'do Action C. PROPOSED USE: Exoansion of off=str��t narkin; facilities D. i1EtD FOR APPEAL: 1) parkin� lots accassory to comm�rcial us� r�quire comm�rcial zonin� or an aop�al of the �};tznsion of said us� to th� adjoinin� property. 2) parking facilitzes r��uira an 8' buff�r T•�t7en they are adjac�nt to residzntially used or zoned aroperty. �;. AREA ZO'1I;dG: The fro�ta�;� alon? Rice Str�et is zoned commercial. Tha r�st of the ar�a is zon�d "B" Resid�nc�. F. SITE COi;DITIO:�tS: Tnat portion of tha pron�rty in "B" R�sidenca zonin� is occupied by a relatively old dunl�x and is approximat�].y 4' nigher than th_ existin� parkinff lot w�iicn occupies th� portion conriercially zon�d. Th� allay b2tw_en is un�raded. G. ARcA C0:IDITIO:dS: .Iorth and East ar� one & t,ro family residenc�s. South are one and t:•ro fanily r�sidencns and a bank. �•Test is a clinic and an off-�tr�et parkin� facil.ity�. � — 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval ❑ Denial Council Lt. Dated Moved by: 1•icPartlia Yeas Nays Ames Seconded by: Conen x Cohen Date of Hearing X Janes,Chmn. x b4cPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks; x Haarstick - Alt, � _� -r , ;� x Gadler � Date �>�il` ,t�, �t '�:J�t� �� �� ��' � �'�' 1� . ; � s . , . ��r j�,, 1�Taietta � ---- �.�i i j ������ti'�` �� G•1� �t�J� ��.:t� o'{� { LEGAL P;OTICFS ON TH.r. I3aCK OF'' THIS SHEET ; �.`.l j ; ;" . �! ..,Y� v; �„���/ � ,�, � s � i•� ";., � , i , ; �`� �' :�~-�--'`�---� � - ";� �M - �;'�'' �.r L.`= � �. �, ",�1'''�� j j , � � � ; ! � I ... � , -i�,. � - ... . 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' r � {�'� � ilttir�-�.l .�f � � ��'"� ��ofV �«--.--�-� ------��'_�.�.,�o^�'r^..T°_�7------'-__-._._.--'-•—°. . _----}�f--� ` OA/ •�ti�• � . �-1 `-� �, � /� , f �•-• r "_7"'1 •C�""""'� �: .���� .�•�.I O i�!� � . � � !v I � NI Yl � Il./'�C !-1�������ai� � ' C'�PZTA�, �ITY STATE :3A^?K L_��7�:.j�;� �1����cj�:kppe�]_ extension of �o.n�n�l iJse � L��VD USE� PhESC"n►T ZOPi�IC�G � ���" Resicience CJ -ONE� F=l-�C��II_Y . 'O. �r tiv o F�n rv�i�_�r . �. Ti-tF-�r_r_ r-n M i�Y p�:�r���o�v s���vCf�s� , � - `�-- FC1UR f=nf�,�i�Y FILE �la. 6 �o � � �i��tlLTI-- FAMILY 3 � � n co r��n���c tr��� ' � n I I�1 i�U S'�(�f;I A!_ . NOS�Tl; ---- � �fi, f'e�ur f-��c�ns��:�;� �oryc•c� , bc�,��,�;to}���- ?-1� l�s? f'b��J��:�'f Y !N C��1�:�'�10��� . . . � a CAPITA:.L C IT Y PROPEftTIES ��.� � 1020 RICE STREET � �� SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 117 �� , 55 September 26, 1967 Zoning Board City of Saint Paul Commerce Building Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Lots 13, 11�. and 15 B�ock 3 J. F. Eisenmen�er's addition face Rice at the Cor�ner o� La.wson. Lot 16 Block 3 J. F. Eisenmenger�s addition is separated by an UNGR.ADED ALLEY which is to be vacated. Lot 16 faces Lawson Avenue and is Zoned "B" classification. We s�sk favorable action on "Extension of Use" to this Zoned B property for customer parking. There u3.11 be 2!{. cars parked on this lot. We further ask elimination of the 8 foot set back requirement. In liew thereof we will 3.nstall a 4 foot wide� 8 inch h3.gh curb a.nd. install a t�ire fence meeting the requests of the adjacent property owner. The adjacent property owner does not want a wood fence. His reason for wanting a wi.re fenae is th�t he can enjoy the view and. traffic of Rice 9treet �►ith a wixe fence but he is den3.ed this view with a vood fence. Favor�ble �ction on this application will result in elearing the narro� residential streets of employ�ee park3.rig although the use of the lot is N(7r intended to be employ+�e parking only. We are also the City Cauncil to v�cate the �lley separating th3� 1ot from the Rice Street property. After v�cating this �.11.ey - the property owners in the entire block will still ha.ve the use of a gr�ded and b�].ack topped �L" alley. Yours truly, , � :� / ✓ ` �'�' ; Dr. Gilbert P. Wenzel, Par er f �,� ;_ � ����� � � .Alfred Ada,m, i ner The above request mseta w;ith � approval. I own the ad�acent property lrnown As 119 W. I�awson Street. ���-Y✓�,�x��'"'e'r'"� ` 1�1'i tneSs: � � ' i G /:�.--'" � ������ � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 February 9, 1958 City Clerk File R426, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be heid i.a the Council Chambers of the Citp Hall and Court House in the City of St. Pau1 at 10:80 a.m. on Februazy 21, 1968, on the appeal of Capital City State Bank (A1£red Adam) to extend the com�Qarci�tl usa to entire site and waiver of required 8 foot buffer on the east boundary �ine of the fol2owing property: I.ots 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 3, J. F. Lisern�enger's Addition and �.t�ey groposed to be vacated between Lots 13, I4, 15 and 16. The property is located on the aortbeast corner of Rice Street and Lawsoa Av�enue. Fox furCher i,aformaticn contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Co4mnerce Building or phone 223-4151. JAt�II�S J. DALGLISH Coffiniesioner of Finance 55